Category Archives: Research Papers

Physics Question

  1. Show that when light passes from air to water, its wavelength decreases to 0.750 times its original value.

  1. Find the range of visible wavelengths of light in crown glass.

  1. What is the index of refraction of a material for which the wavelength of light is 0.671 times its value in a vacuum? Identify the likely substance.

  1. At what angle is the first-order maximum for 450-nm wavelength blue light falling on double slits separated by 0.0500 mm?

  1. Calculate the angle for the third-order maximum of 580-nm wavelength yellow light falling on double slits separated by 0.100 mm.

  1. What is the separation between two slits for which 610-nm orange light has its first maximum at an angle of 300?

  1. Find the angle for the third-order maximum for 580-nm-wavelength yellow light falling on a diffraction grating having 1500 lines per centimeter.

  1. The headlights of a car are 1.3 m apart. What is the maximum distance at which the eye can resolve these two headlights? Take the pupil diameter to be 0.40 cm.

  1. The yellow light from a sodium vapor lamp seems to be of pure wavelength, but it produces two first-order maxima at and  when projected on a 10,000 line per centimeter diffraction grating. What are the two wavelengths to an accuracy of 0.1 nm?


Software Development Question


This assignment is a prerequisite for Milestone One. In this assignment, you will utilize your new skills in JavaScript to refactor the website code based on the client wireframe. You will organize the default code and folder layout into a structure that reflects a Model View Controller (MVC) approach to the software design.

Templating is a development technique used to build views dynamically. Handlebars (HBS) is a templating system offering extensibility and minimal logic that you will use in this assignment. You will learn about the application of HBS and MVC to produce efficient code that renders a website quickly.


Follow the instructions in the MVC Routing section of the CS 465 Full Stack Guide. You will need to refactor the structure of the HTML travlr website using the MVC pattern (adding a route and controller). The website must align with the customer requirements found in the wireframe description (provided in the Project Guidelines and Rubric). You will continue this process for additional pages. Then you will begin implementing HBS templates. You will convert the static page to an HBS template page, then insert HBS directives to enable rendering of the views.

Once completed, submit a zipped file folder of your assignment work. Be sure your submission addresses the following:

  • Build the appropriate MVC architecture for templating and rendering data for the website.

  • Develop and run routes and controllers for a public website aligning to your client’s wireframe and software requirements.

  • Utilize the HBS templating engine to place directives into templates, and an MVC approach to display features in the web application.

  • Utilize the HBS templating engine to render HTML within the website.


Transfer of Learning Presentation

Select specific detailed examples of learning theories (behaviorism, social cognitive, information processing, and constructivism) that demonstrate ways to apply the transfer of learning concepts in a specific workplace of your choosing.

Prepare a 10-12 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes for your classmates on your ideas.

Address the following in your presentation:

Relate the example to one or more of the explanations of transfer of learning included in one of the learning theories.

Provide a description of how this example can be generalized to the workplace.


Computer Science Question

1. Based upon the current state of the art of robotics applications, which industries are most likely to embrace robotics? Why?

2. Watch the following two videos: and  for a different view on impact of AI on future jobs. What are your takeaways from these videos? What is the more likely scenario in your view? How can you prepare for the day when humans indeed may not need to apply for many jobs?

3. Identify applications other than those discussed in this chapter where Pepper is being used for commercial and personal purposes.


4. Conduct research to identify the most recent developments in self-driving cars.


Information technology question

data visualization and interactivity.

While interactivity is important to digital audiences, it comes with technical challenges for the visualization team.

Please share an online (with public access) and interactive visualization. Discuss technical challenges with creating this type of visualization.

Note: Please provide your own analysis and refrain from merely sharing sites whose authors have already performed this type of analysis.


DDHA 8900: Evaluating Quality Improvement Initiatives

There are an infinite number of possible quality improvement initiatives in any health services organization. However, time and resources are finite and may limit the extent to which quality improvement initiatives may be implemented. How does a health care administration leader evaluate which quality improvement initiatives should be implemented?

For this Discussion, review the resources for this week and reflect on the approaches health care administration leaders may use to determine which quality improvement initiatives should receive resources for implementation. Then, evaluate how your health services organization or one with which you are familiar determines which initiatives to execute.

Post, a description of an approach for evaluating, prioritizing, and resourcing quality improvement initiatives. Then, explain how your health services organization, or one with which you are familiar, decides which quality improvement initiatives are resourced and implemented. Be specific and provide examples.



Problem 1
We consider in this problem a mixed binomial setting for modeling the losses
of a loan portfolio. We are interested in comparing two different mixed
binomial models. In model 1, the random default probability of each loan
is given as a random variable ˜p1 which can take values 0, 0.01, 0.02, . . . , 0.10
with probabilities given as
P(˜p1 = 0.01i) =
· 0.4
for i = 0, 1, . . . , 10.
Another way of expressing ˜p1’s distribution is to say that it is equal to that
of 1
1 where B˜
1 is a binomial distribution with N = 10 and p = 0.6.
Similarly, in model 2 we assume that the random default probability ˜p2 is
given as another scaled binomial distribution:
P(˜p2 = 0.01i) =
· 0.7
for i = 0, 1, . . . , 20,
which we recognize as being equal to that of 1
2 where B˜
2 is a binomial
distribution with N = 20 and p = 0.3.
1. Compute the mean and variance of ˜p1 and ˜p2.
2. In a portfolio of 50 loans, compute the expected number of defaults and
the variance of the number of defaults under both models.

Now assume that the loan portfolio considered is very large, i.e., consists of
a very large number of small loans of equal size, such that both in model
1 and in model 2 the loss fraction ( DN
in the notation of the notes) is well
approximated with the distribution of ˜p1 and ˜p2, respectively.
3. Under the two models, what is the probability that the fraction of loans
that default is smaller than 1.5%?

4. Under the two models, what is the probability that a fraction larger than
9.5% defaults?
5. Assume that we construct a CDO with the portfolio of loans as collateral,
and we design a senior tranche which repays in full as long as the loss
fraction is below or equal to 7%. but which takes losses thereafter. Which
model would you expect to assign the highest expected pay-off to the
senior tranche? Explain your answer.



CSC104 Countdown word game

For each of the 8 functions, complete the docstring (including at least 2 docstring examples) and function body.Your docstring examples must run and pass all tests when you run doctest.testmod() for full docstring example marks.


Computer Science question

Paper Requirements: Review the section on Establishing a Security Culture. Review the methods to reduce the chances of a cyber threat noted in the textbook. Research other peer-reviewed source and note additional methods to reduce cyber-attacks within an organization.


Political Science question

Research Proposal: Is Religion A Social Power?

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