Category Archives: Research Papers

Java Question

Language : Java

Compiler : Netbeans (Recommended 8.2)

Library to be used : – commons-collections4-4.1.jar

– avatuples-1.2.jar

– poi-3.17.jar

– poi-ooxml-3.17.jar

– poi-ooxml-schemas-3.17.jar

– xmlbeans-2.6.0.jar


Develop the computer program using multi-paradigm approach (Object oriented, functional and logic programming methods). In your implementation, the functional concepts such as purity, side effects, null able, first-class function / higher order functions, generics, recursion, currying and partial application, functional composition and etc are considered


Marketing exercise

How can I earn money, do I just ask questions and I am not very informed so can u help me?


Finance question

(a)Estimate the value of a share of Cisco common stock (common shares outstanding is 5,029 million) using the discounted cash flow (DCF model). (Please use the parsimonious forecast method in our class excel example)

(b)Estimate the value of a share of the company using the ROPI model.

(c)Cisco stock closed at $31.47 on September 8 2016, which is the 10K-filing date. How does your valuation estimate compare with this closing price? What do you believe are some reasons for the difference? What investment decision is suggested from your results?


GEA2000 World Regional Geography Assignment 4 Changing Identities in the Middle East

GEA2000 World Regional Geography Assignment 4 Changing Identities in the Middle East

The Middle East is an incredibly complex region that is often associated with conflict. Much of that conflict stems from the multiple identities that both exist within a single person and exist as groups in a relatively small geographic area. Identities could be shaped by gender, ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, sexuality, among others, and are constantly changing. In this assignment, you are going to analyze the recent changes being experienced in Saudi Arabia with regard to some of the most restrictive gender laws of any country on Earth. Of particular interest is going to be the idea that the new changes are purely ceremonial and do not actually mean anything for the women of Saudi Arabia. Please answer all questions in a new word document or pdf (any other file type will receive 0) and submit them to Canvas. The file name should be Lastname_Assignment4.docx

The following articles will be helpful resources when answering the questions:

Human Rights Watch (HRW) article (start here and read Summary through Time is Now, then skip to The Religious Establishment)

HRW article

Amnesty International article

BBC article

  1. Gender is often defined as the roles assigned to the sexes by society, but what does that actually mean? Using the articles, describe what society says women should do in Saudi Arabia by discussing some of the restrictions being imposed. How does society enforce gender roles?

  2. It is easy to make the assumption that everyone accepts Saudi culture as it is, but there have been many protests in the last 5 years. How are protesters treated? What changes have been made? Explain how the new changes may not help.

  3. Some people argue that the changes in gender-specific laws are actually meant to distract from other things being done by Crown Prince Salman. Using a Google search, describe at least one controversy the Crown Prince has been involved with recently. It is fun to speculate, so do you think the changes in the laws are meant to be a distraction, or is he genuinely concerned about gender equality.

  4. History was made in 2012 when Saudi Arabia sent two women athletes to the Olympics for the first time. Based on everything you’ve read, do you think this is more symbolic and lacking substance, or is it a remarkable step forward for gender equality? Explain.


Management Question

Write a 250-500 word (and I do count the words – Main body only) APA style essay to answer the following:

Consider the forgiveness process as spoken of on page 120 of the text and following, in which Robert Enright and colleagues describe forgiveness as “a willingness to abandon one’s right to resentment, negative judgment, and indifferent behavior toward one who unjustly injured us, while fostering the undeserved qualities of compassion, generosity and even love toward him or her.”

Do you have experience with either forgiving someone else, or being forgiven for wrongs you might have committed? If so, what was that experience like? (You DO NOT have to relate the specifics of the episode.)

If you have never had first-hand experience with either forgiving or being forgiven, why do you think that might be the case?


National-security related technology

Pick a national-security related technology from the list below then answer the following questions. Although you are only answering questions for one technology, you will be responsible for understanding this information about all of the technologies work for the quizzes and exams. You must post before reading other responses. Students who submit blank or nonsense posts to see other students’ posts first will receive an automatic 0.

(1) Which technology did you pick?

(2) What country developed this technology?

(3) What conflict was it first used in?

(4) Describe what the technology does/how it is used.

(5) Who developed or what the head of development of the technology? What is their background?

(6) Was this technology developed as part of a greater initiative/project? If so, describe the initiative/project.

(7) What was the impact of this technology on the conflict it was used in?

Technologies to Choose From:

American Long Rifle

Little Boy & Fat Man

Haber Mustard Gas

Interchangeable Firearm Parts

Turing’s Bombe Computer

Iron Dome

Wright Military Flyer


Vela Satellite

Missile Defense Alarm System


English question

Do assumptions about gender inform the beliefs or practices relating to medical care (or lack thereof)? Can we think of examples where gender has influenced – positively or negatively – the particular diagnosis and/or treatment provided to an individual or group of individuals in the realm of medicine?

How do assumptions about race, ethnicity, and class/SES intersect with assumptions about gender in the realm of medicine such that particular diagnostic or treatment patterns form?

Are there ideas, practices, or values with respect to medical settings that could/should be different than they are currently? Are there ideas, practices and/or values in the medical field that we might like to see implemented, discarded, reformed, etc.?


Managed Care in Saudi Arabia

Managed care does exist in Saudi Arabia, but is not as prevalent as in other countries.

Review Alomi, Y. A., Alghamdi, S. J., & Alattyh, R. A. (2017). Saudi Managed Care Pharmacy (SMCP): New initiative system of MOH prescriptions dispensed through community pharmacies. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine, 3(3), 145-53. Retrieved from…

Draft a paper analyzing the managed care use of pharmaceuticals in Saudi Arabia. Be sure to include the following items:

  • The goals of the program;

  • Benefits & disadvantages of managed care pharmacy;

  • How this program compares to other managed care programs;

  • Impact of managed healthcare pharmacy on patients, physicians, pharmacists and facilities; and

  • Improvements that are needed for this program to accomplish its goals.

Your paper should meet the following structural requirements:


The Kernel of the Corn

In your first writing assignment, you entered the play in order to discover its story (Hedda Gabler or Importance of Being Earnest), and you imagined (and helped your reader imagine) a performance of that story, though the performance was only in the storyteller’s (your) words, which included the given words of the play. Performance fits (or “forms” to) the significant points. The story you were telling was your story, but it was also—and primarily—Ibsen’s or Wilde’s. In a sense, in telling the story, you were performing the play.

What is story (mythos) in a play? It is plot, “the arrangement of the incidents” (Aristotle) with a beginning, middle, and end (telos), and significant points along the way. A plot traces the whole story, which is all that connects the significant points and completes the form.

If you think of a plot as a line, then the significant points are where the line turns, which is a metaphor for where a character, who has an expectation of reaching a certain goal, encounters the unexpected and now must change direction. One character’s change of destination will (in story, as in life) necessitate other characters to change. The whole configuration of characters in a play adjusts to the unexpected (the turn) with the forming of a new expectation (the line). The plot can be discerned or mapped by discovering those  significant moments of change, where the expected meets the unexpected. In a plot, “people do such things.”


The telling of any part of a story (and part of a story is what a plot (mythos) is) will have an end (telos), which will get to the point, goal, target (telos), which is what the story “knows,” i.e. its thought (Aristotle’s third element), better understood as its thinking through, which in the case of a narrated story might be explained to you by the narrator but in the case of a drama is conveyed to you by the characters thinking through their place and time—their situation—in the plot. The play could be said to conduct a thinking through from beginning to middle to end, and by the end the telos is known. As audience, we listen to what the characters know about their situation (both through what is explicit in their words and what is implicit in their actions) in order to understand how they fit into the plot, because their thinking through brings us to the story’s telos, which is its point. Could be an idea (that word I don’t particularly like—theme). Could be an effect (katharsis). Could be something that reflects on your own conscious and conscious systems of knowing yourself and knowing the world—your moral sense, your learned and intuited understanding, your taste, etc. Could be an argument. In many cases, it is all these things.



EE2501 Lab 4: Implementation of Adders

1. Construct the Half Adder shown in the lab procedure Step 1 in a simulator (i.e.
CircuitVerse or similar). Verify truth table operation by running the simulator
through all possible input combinations – use snipping tool or similar to capture
screenshots of output for each row of truth table input combinations.
2. Construct the Full Adder as described in the lab procedure Step 2 in a simulator (i.e.CircuitVerse or similar). Verify truth table operation by running the simulator
through all possible input combinations – use snipping tool or similar to capture
screenshots of output for each row of truth table input combinations.
3. Sketch block diagram of n-bit Full Adder as described in Step 3



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