Category Archives: Research Papers

Nursing Care Strategies in Genetic and Genomics


You are a new graduate nurse caring for a patient that received a positive result from a genetic or genomic testing technology. Part of your role as a general nurse in genetic and genomic care is to provide accurate information, ensure appropriate patient referral, and serve as a patient advocate.


Develop a plan of care that identifies nursing strategies that incorporate genetic and genomic risk factors, three interprofessional resources, and three referral resources for a client that has a positive result from a genetic or genomic testing technology that you explain.

Your plan of care will be presented in a Word document that includes the following sections:

  • Explanation a specific genetic or genomic testing technology

  • Describe what positive results of the testing technology indicates

  • Design a plan of nursing care strategies based on positive results

  • Describe three interprofessional resources in planning care for clients with genetic and genomic needs

  • Determine three resources for facilitation of genetic and genomic referrals


Organic chemistry, formal Lab report: Pathways determination

  • Title: A few words describing the experiment or theme.

  • Abstract: As succinctly as possible describe:

  • Purpose

  • Method

  • Results

In other words, what you were attempting to do, how you were attempting to do it, and what were the results.  Limit the abstract to factual statements and do not include theory or analysis since these topics are covered in detail else ware.  The entire abstract should be about 3 to 6 sentences.

  • Purpose and Theory

  • Restate the purpose and if necessary provide more detail than in the abstract. For this particular experiment it would be very helpful to draw the chemical reactions in order to help explain the purpose.

  • Draw all chemical reactions and label reactants and products with actual chemical names if known and/or in general terms (Reactant A,B…and Product C, D etc.)  Drawing and labeling the reactions make it easy to refer to and discuss later.  Products can be labeled as pyrazoles and pyrazolones etc.

  • Provide a mechanism showing both possible pathways.

  • Will a catalyst be used? Explain the purpose of the catalyst.  It may be helpful to refer to your mechanism.

  • Where in the mechanism is the path or course of the reaction determined.

  • Is there any reason one path should be preferred over the other?

  • How will the outcome of the experiment be determined? What specifically should you see in the data (MS, MP, IR, H-NMR, C-NMR etc.) that will allow you to conclude which pathway was selected?

  • Procedure / Experimental: In a concise manner and in your own words describe chronologically the procedure performed. Simply state what you did and do not explain why things were done.

  • Data and Calculations: This section should include all recorded measurements such as weights, physical constants (melting points, TLC, etc.) as well as any spectroscopic data such as IR. Calculations of percent yields should be shown and limiting reagents and balanced equations should be clearly indicated when relevant.

  • Discussion and Conclusions

  • Give a conclusion that relates to the original purpose of the experiment.

  • Interpret your data and explain how the data supports your conclusions and results. Be specific in analyzing the data by assigning the data as described by the professor making definite correlations between the chemical structure and the data.

  • Was the yield high or low? Do you believe the product was pure or not and why?  Make a clear argument for your conclusion based on the data.  What is it about the data that leads you to conclude a certain product was formed versus another?  What differences would you anticipate in the IR, C-NMR, H-NMR, MS, MP etc. if the pyrazole was formed instead of the pyrazolone or vice versa.

  • Discuss any problems that you may have encountered and any differences from the expected outcome. Was the outcome reasonable and expected?

  • In addition, you may comment on the experiment’s effectiveness in terms of achieving the goal such as answering the question the experiment was intended to answer. Did it produce the product in good yield and high purity?  How do you know it was pure?  If possible suggest alternative methods or procedures or ways in which the experiment could have been done better or improved etc.

  • References: This section is used to cite any sources you may have used for information. Include enough detail so that the reader can find and check the source.



Psychology question

This week you will complete an Annotated Bibliography, which is due Sun. 3/14 at 11:59 PM. The purpose of the annotated bibliography assignment is to create a citation and summary of written works that have a theme or topic in common. Please review the Annotated Bibliography Guidelines located in the Research Paper Info folder on the left side of Blackboard for directions on what to include in your bibliography. This assignment requires that you: 1) Develop/revise a research question; 2) Find at least 10 research articles related to your research question; and 3) Write a 1 paragraph summary of each of your selected articles. Your assignment will be submitted to be checked for issues. While I understand that there will be some similarity/overlap with the articles, please make sure that your summaries are written in . Quotes are not allowed in any of your written assignments and everything should be written in with proper credit given to authors in APA format.

This week’s assignment is the beginning of writing your research paper, so please don’t delay in getting started. Developing a research question and finding 10 articles on PsycINFO can take a significant amount of and effort. You will then need to read and summarize each of the articles you select. As you are thinking about your research question and selecting your articles, please spend some thinking about how you will be putting this information together and writing a Lit Review followed by a Research Paper. I strongly recommend that you look over all the info and guidelines provided in the Research Paper Info folder. As you are summarizing your 10 articles for the Annotated Bibliography this week, keep in mind that you will be using these summaries for your Lit Review in a few weeks. Therefore, I recommend that you write your summaries in a way that you can easily use them in your Lit Review. One of the biggest problems students have when asked to summarize an article is that they tend to provide too much of the irrelevant details (such as where the study was conducted or the breakdown of participants) and not enough information related to what the results were and why they are important.


Computer Science

Chapter Readings Reflections Journal

As you develop and move through this course it is important that you are able to reflect on, report and assess your learning throughout your educational journey, using weekly reflection papers. Your reflection journal is due at the end of weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8 during this course. All weekly reflection papers should be a minimum of two full pages of prose (for each chapter), double-spaced, in proper APA formatting using citations when appropriate. Please use Microsoft Word for all writing assignments.

Each Chapter Reading Reflection should address the following prompts:

  • Summarize the content of the chapter addressed.

  • What were some of the highlights in this chapter and learning opportunities?

  • Share some new ideas and/or thoughts that you developed from the reading of the chapter.

  • How do you think you can apply this chapter’s concepts into your home, school, personal-life or work environment?


CENG 4315 Steel and concrete design. The homework is about “Composite Design”

1. Given: A fully composite slab is connected to a W24x68 made with the
manufacturer preferred material. Concrete is specified to be 3.5 ksi concrete and
the slab is 4 inches thick. The effective width of this portion of the slab is 84
inches. Find: The nominal and design strength of the section for the fully plastic

2. Determine if the composite beam pictured below is adequate for this application
(this includes bending, shear, deflection and shear stud limit states). The dead
load for this beam is 10 psf plus the weight of the deck, which is made from
normal weight concrete.



Cyber Security Question

I’m looking for someone with a Computer Forensics background who can complete all the assignments/quizzes/labs and etc in the CengageMindTap Learning portal with a 100% pass rate. This class scheduled around Investigation Procedures and Response, Investigating Data and Image Files, Investigating File and Operating Systems, Wireless Networks and Storage, and Investigating Network Intrusions and Cybercrime


Management Question

You work as an operations consultant for a textile company. Your client has a well-established distribution system in the US. The company has hundreds of stores and several distribution centers. You will work with your client to determine the best way to distribute goods from distribution centers to retail stores.

The following information will guide you in analyzing the facility location decisions.

  • The company has 328 stores in 14 different states. See the locations in the Excel file.

  • The company has 3 distribution centers: Salisbury NC, Ft. Worth TX and Salt Lake City UT.

  • For each distribution center, information on

    • estimated monthly capacity (in terms of number of truckloads of goods that can be shipped), and

    • the distance between the distribution center locations and store locations

are provided in the Excel file.

  • Your client tells you that the transportation cost will be $1.45 per mile per truckload.

  • Following Zara’s strategy of “fast fashion” or fast-response supply chain, your client makes three deliveries to each store every week. Each delivery involves only one truckload. That is, a total of three truckloads of goods are shipped from the distribution centers to each retail store each week. In your analysis, assume that a month is only four weeks; this brings monthly store demand to 3×4=12 truckloads per month.


You will analyze the information provided, build spreadsheet models, and use optimization to make a recommendation to your client on which distribution centers should supply which retail stores.


You first analyze the cost of logistics network. For this problem, you will formulate a transportation problem and determine the monthly shipment plan that minimizes the total transportation costs. Your client is not familiar with optimization models. You must clearly explain your approach to computing the minimum transportation. To do so,

  1. (3 points) Clearly define your decision variables in English. How many decision variables do you have?

NOTE: In your Solver model, the unit of shipment should be number of truckloads.


  1. (2 points) What is the objective function in this problem? Explain how you would compute the objective function (in English). The mathematical expression for the objective function is very long, so do NOT explicitly state the mathematical formula.


  1. (4 points) Clearly explain the constraints (in English). What type of constraints do you have? Do NOT provide the mathematical formula for the constraints.


  1. (2 point) What are the sign and type restrictions in optimization problems? Are there any sign or type restrictions in this problem? Clearly explain why or why not.


  1. Prepare a spreadsheet to determine the optimal production plan using Excel Solver.

  1. (2 points) Provide a screenshot of your spreadsheet model. The screenshot should show all the cells involved in formulating the optimization problem. NOTE: Do not copy and paste your spreadsheet to your answer report as an Excel object. Instead, capture a screenshot in Excel and paste this as an image.


  1. (2 points) Provide a screenshot of your spreadsheet with the formula view. You can switch from normal view to formula view in Excel by clicking the CTRL and ~ keys on your keyboard simultaneously.


  1. (2 points) Prepare the Solver model by logging all the information to the Solver Parameters window in Excel. Provide a screenshot of the Solver Parameters window in Excel.


NOTE: Ignore all type restrictions in this problem. Do not enforce your decision variables to be integer while using Excel Solver. If you formulate the problem correctly, the optimal solution provided by the Solver will be in whole numbers even without the type restrictions.


  1. (2 points) Finally, solve the optimization problem using the Simplex LP method in Excel Solver. What is the optimal solution, i.e. the optimal objective function value and the optimal values of decision variables?


Global Studies Question

disclaimer: thorughly need to read 10 chapters. here’s a dropbox link of the assigned readings needed:…

The paper should be based primarily on the readings, but you may use additional sources. In particular, you must discuss AT LEAST one contemporary article from a news outlet. You must also engage with the substantive arguments of a minimum of SIX of the course readings.

The goal of this project is to engage one of the debates, tensions, or controversial topics that we have encountered in this course (see list of possible topics below). Your task is to analyze one of these complex or controversial issues, showing that you understand different perspectives or positions in the debate. You will need to use specific authors’ arguments and central points to demonstrate the contours or sides of the debate. The central goal is to demonstrate an understanding of the different positions in the debate, but YOU should also take a position on the debate.

In taking a position, you do not necessarily have to agree with “one side.” In fact, your paper might work to re-orient how we understand the problem or the different perspectives on your chosen debate. For example, if the paper were on “development,” you might suggest that the debate is not simply about being in favor of (pro) or against (anti) development, but that we must recognize that the dominant ideas of development have made finding solutions to human “wellbeing” outside of narrowly defined economic prescriptions almost impossible. Alternatively, you might end up suggesting that a supposed debate really doesn’t include radically different positions. Or you might argue that while several authors or theoretical approaches appear to differ on some points, they all miss an essential critique of globalization that needs to be taken seriously.

A good paper will not simply be a report on a situation or argue for a position but will:

  • a) identify an important topic and question, perhaps exemplified by a case

  • b) articulate the problem and debate, identifying diverse positions

  • c) be able to explain why/how people are positioned so differently

  • d) take a position and anticipate possible critiques to your argument.


  • Free Trade v. Fair Trade

Important Notes:

  • Take care not to just express your feelings alone. Instead, demonstrate the debate/controversy based on your informed use of course concepts and theories.

  • State your topic and how you will address it in the opening paragraph of your essay answer. Indicate clearly what YOUR position is (i.e., say something like “In this essay, I will demonstrate/argue….”). Use evidence from the course material to support your position.

  • Compare and contrast the major theoretical approaches to the understanding of your chosen topic and critique the arguments.

  • Use the works of AT LEAST SIX assigned course readings, draw on their specific arguments and examples, and cite them appropriately.

  • Use AT LEAST one contemporary news source on your topic and cite it appropriately.

  • You can use any citation style. Be clear and consistent.


Chemistry Question

Hi, please watch the videos. This is LAB REPORT FOLDER.…


Biology Question

This lab exam covers materials in Lab 1 (Scientific Inquiry), Lab 2 (Population Genetics), Lab 3 (Phylogeny), Lab 4 (Bacteria), Lab 5 (Protists), Lab 6 (Fungi), and Lab 7 (Plant Diversity).

  • The exam will have 50 questions, which will be administered one at a time. You will be given 70 minutes to complete the exam.

  • I will take this exam using the HonorLock exam proctoring program.

  • You will be given questions one at a time. Once you submit your exam, you will be unable to go back and re-take it, so please chose your answers carefully.

  • You will have to complete the exam in one sitting (i.e. you cannot save it and come back to it later).

  • No headphones are allowed while taking the exam.

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