Category Archives: Research Papers

C Programming question

  1. Use SHA-256, HMAC and AES-CTR in libtomcrypt. The methods to be used for these purposes will be provided. Use ZeroMQ for communication between Alice (Logging machine) and Bob (auditor). Two demos have already been given about how to use library specifics for ZeroMQ and libtomcrypt,


Electrical Engineering Question

1. choose diode model available in LTSPICE and DigiKey which will satisfy all project requirements.Explain why this diode model will meet the design requirements.State the diode manufacturer, forward voltage specification, packaging optionand price per unitfrom the Digikey( you are ambitious, you may try to import additional diode model besides sticking to the default diode library.However, the new diode model has to be available for purchase in Digikey.Include a snapshot of the datasheet front page (which shows diode key specifications such as forward voltage drop, etc.).

2. Run DC sweep analysis(Hint: You may use the circuit shown, using arbitrarily small R<1Ωand sweep the DC voltage source values using SPICE parametric sweep function)to obtainthe diodecurrent-diodevoltage curve (with respect to a range of -10V to 10V). Compare the diode forward voltage simulated and the datasheet dataobtained earlier.

3) Perform analyticalhand analysis to estimate the peak current and peak output voltagebased on the diode forward voltage value extracted in task2 according to circuit shown below. The voltage source is a 10V amplitude-50Hz AC sinusoidal voltage source whereas R is set to 10kΩ. Run SPICE transient simulation and comparethe analytical solution with the simulation results obtained. Include your SPICE simulation schematic and waveforms which show the output voltage, diode current and load current.

4) Perform analytical hand analysis to estimate the peak current and peak output voltage based on the diode forward voltage value extracted in step 2 according to circuit shown below. The voltage source is a 10V amplitude-50Hz AC sinusoidal voltage source whereas R is set to 10kΩ. Run SPICE transientsimulation and compare the analytical solution with the simulation results obtained. Include your SPICE simulation schematic and waveforms which show the output voltage, individual diode current and load current.

5) Implementtwo rectifier circuits based ontopology from task3 andtask4 to convert 12Vamplitude-50Hz AC sinusoidal voltage source into DC voltage, respectivelywiththe associated filterto achieve output ripple voltage ofat most 100mV under10 kΩ resistor load.Show your hand calculation stepsand SPICE simulations that show output voltage(label peak and valleyvoltage), output ripple voltage, resistor load currentand diode current.Discuss the difference (if any) between your hand analysis prediction and SPICE simulation.Note the change in peak diode current in task5 vs task3 and 4.Peak diode current simulated must be smaller than 50% of the rated maximum diode current as shown in datasheet. Include datasheet screenshot as proof.

6) Choose one of the rectifiers built in task5,present your total bill of material andperformance summary of final design completed in task5, in Table I format as shown below. Explain your design strategy, component choice rationaleand attachrelated Digikeypricingsnapshotsto supportyour costclaim. When calculating your total cost, you may assume that youare building 2000 units of rectifier circuits in task5 so that you may get bulk discount price.Finally, estimate the printed circuit board (PCB)space required by all the components needed to construct the proposedcircuit.You may get the component PCB footprintinformation from the datasheet.

Foreach task, you have topresent your findings and answers. Attach the computer screenshots of SPICE simulation, component datasheet, Digikey websitein your report to prove that you have done the required simulationsand component survey.


Discussion question

Find both ethical and unethical data visualizations from businesses and organizations and showcase them in a presentation format. You must have one of each. For each example visualization, identify the following:

  • Identify whether or not the data visualization is ethical or inappropriate.

  • Identify the element(s) that indicates its ethicality and appropriateness, or lack of ethicality and inappropriateness.

  • If it is a distorted or inappropriate visualization, explain how to “fix” it or avoid the distortion.

  • If it is not a distorted or inappropriate visualization, explain the aspects that makes it a good, quality visualization.

  • Explain how the data visualization impacts the viewer/audience and the business.


ECON2200(2021): Assn3 Production Functions, Factors and Cost Minimization

Problem 1: Isoquant, Isocost Cost Minimizing Approach to Factor Selection:
Suppose Mr Once-ler has a thneeds company called “Thneed Inc.”. Thneeds are soft fluffy things of
questionable utility that people think they need. They are made from the soft tufts of the truffula trees.
Suppose he has received an order to make 10,000 thneeds. Let Q represent the quantity of these thneeds
produced per month.
Suppose there are two factor inputs, L (labour) and truffula trees (K) where in this case, K is referred to
as “natural capital”. Mr Once-ler needs to decide how human hours of labour (L) [in hours/month] and
truffala trees (K) [in trees/month] to hire or cut down respectively to make 10,000 thneeds over a 1 month
Let the production function be:.
� = �(�, �) = 100 ∗ �!/# ∗ �$/#. [1]
A is the Technical Factor Productivity term (TFP) and is equal to 100.
The marginal product of labour and capital are respectively:
��%(�, �) = 25 ∗ 0
��&(�, �) = 75 ∗ 0
a) Find the equation of the isoquant for the production of Q = 10,000 thneeds. Rearrange to get K as a function of L.
b) Plot and label this isoquant on graph paper labeled as Fig. 1.
c) Find the marginal rate of technical substitution (MRTSL,K) as a function of L and K. This can be thought of as the marginal benefit of hiring an additional labour hour in terms of saved truffala trees while keeping output constant.
d) Suppose that the hourly rate of labour is w = $20/hour and the opportunity cost of cutting down a truffala tree is r = $40/tree. Write down a general equation of an isocost where TC represents total costs per hour due to these factor inputs. Fill in values of the K and L intercepts for a variety of total costs shown in Table 2 and then plot and label them on Fig. 1 along with your isoquant.


Data Analytics

Office SAM Project (OSP) Excel Module 2


Read each step completely before attempting it. Some steps include multiple instructions.

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Maximum number of submissions allowed: 2

Number of submissions you have remaining: 2

Click Start to begin this assignment.


Writing Question

You will select the culminating assignment for the course from one of two options (including a paper of 2,000-3,000 words, a written abstract (200-300 words).

A. A case study of cultural facilities (Studio e gallery in Seattle) evaluating its journey from concept to completion. The study should draw heavily upon primary source material such as interviews with decision-makers, related studies, and reports, newspaper articles, etc. You will be encouraged to visit the site, talk with those involved, and to consider the project’s place in its community both at the time of planning and in the present day. The paper should critically evaluate the effect of leadership in project outcomes, as well as address the impact of both decision-makers and stakeholders on the project’s trajectory.


Customer Journey Map and Analysis

Before continuing, you will need to complete the first part of the Forum exercise where you describe a company or industry that needs innovation. Then for this assignment, you will provide a more in-depth analysis based on the chapter readings (Six Myths and the Classic Traps readings), and you will create two Customer Journey Maps to help identify problems and innovative solutions for this company or industry.

In case you missed it, here’s the reading on Customer Journey Maps.



To do:

  1. Describe the company or industry that needs innovation and why you think so.

  2. Describe the ideal or average customer.

  3. Describe what they value with regard to the product or service offered by the organization.

  4. What primary needs are addressed by the product or service?

  5. Create two Customer Journey Maps. You can use any software to create your journey maps, or if you want to sketch out your idea, take a picture of it and submit it with the rest of your assignment.

  6. What did you learn from the Customer Journey Maps?

Use these two frameworks to help you think through the journey maps. Remember, the focus is on the customer experience. Here’s an example of a completed map. (Links to an external site.) Note how it has been customized.

Before using product or service

During using product or service

After using product or service

Other notes

Key Moments that matter (what specific points in the process are critical to success and customer satisfaction)

Customer emotions (what emotions may they have or feel at each stage?)

Here’s another example of a Journey Map framework from Board of Innovation, (Links to an external site.)and a video (Links to an external site.) that may also prove helpful.


Before using product or service

During using product or service

After using product or service

Other notes

Phases: What phases are a part of the customer’s journey

Actions: What actions do your customer’s take during each phase?

Feelings: What emotions do customers have at each stage?

Channels: What channels do customers use (eg. web, social media, mobile, in-person, etc.)


The Williamson Ether Synthesis: Conversion of Acetaminophen into Phenacetin

The Williamson Ether Synthesis:

Conversion of Acetaminophen into Phenacetin

Unit 15 (read pages 323-325 of Experimental Organic Chemistry)

Introduction: Make sure you address each of the questions below when writing your

Introduction. Although for the pre-lab you may answer the questions separately, in your

final report, all of these points must be addressed in paragraphs, in a clear, cohesive,

and logical fashion.

1. Concisely summarize both the objective and purpose for Experiment #3A.

2. Draw the electron-pushing arrow mechanism for the reaction performed in

Experimental: You are not required to add an Experimental Section to your final

laboratory report. However, you must still answer these questions regarding your

experimental procedure in your pre-lab.

3. Draw a flow chart that clearly outlines how the primary product of your reaction will

be separated from the reaction mixture and isolated. The flow chart should include

all organic and aqueous extractions, and when applicable, denote which layer is the

top layer and which is the bottom layer. Intermediary boxes should include the

specific chemical(s) that are in that layer.

4. The Williamson ether synthesis is a simple two-step (1) acid/base reaction followed

by a (2) nucleophile/electrophile reaction. Why are they very useful for benzyl halide

and primary alkyl halide electrophiles, but often fail for secondary, tertiary, and aryl

halide electrophiles? What products might you expect if your electrophile in this

reaction was i-PrBr?.


Philosophy question

1. What does H say about human nature and the nature of the universe?

2. What is a telos and what is the telos of history?

3. What does Hegel mean by Spirit and the Concept of Spirit? (Spirit is the collective consciousness of thinking people)

4. Freedom and reason are the same thing? How is it that reason and freedom are the same thing?

5. What is the purpose of history? (Process by which ideas evolve until the idea of spirit corresponds to the concept of spirit, i.e., the Absolute Spirit)

6. What is dialectic?

7. Progress moves through a people (or collective spirits); What does that mean?

8. What is the Cunning of Reason?

9. When does History “end”?

10. Is this an enlightenment view of history?


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