Category Archives: Research Papers

Geography question


1.Your task is to examine and research an environmental issue of your choice related to one region of the Earth. This can be at the local level or on a global scale – just make sure it is a defined issue. Then complete the project template to document your research (included)

a.Topics must connect the environmental issue to one or more of the 6 elements of Geography in a particular region of your choice (as studied in this class)

b.Your choice must be approved by Rebecca , Teaching Assistant, no later than January 31, 2021 – I may assign extra credit given for completion if applicable

i.If you are unsure, you may email her ahead of time for help with suggestions.

ii.Complete the online topic approval form in the Major Term Project Module. Gabriel will indicate in the comments if the topic is approved or provide suggestions for improvement or if a new topic is needed.

iii.For those needing new topics, those will be due no later than February 7, 2021

2.A draft of the project (using the project templated) is due February 28, 2021

a.This may be presented in point form

b.Upload to the Dropbox.

c.Extra credit may be given for completion if applicable

3.The final project must be typed – using APA format

a.Double spaced

b.Times New Roman font

c.12 point

d.1” margins all around

e.Please using section headings as provided in the outline and put spaces between each section for readability

4.An outline template has been included to help you address the questions/sections required of this type of term project

5.The project must use full paragraphs, point form is not permitted in the final product.

a.Each section in the template outline should be one paragraph minimum

6.Proper grammar and English conventions are required.

7.Students referencing and in-text citation using APA

8.At least 5 reputable sources must be included

a.Be aware sites like Wikipedia are not considered reputable sources, try using government and other reputable professional organizational sites

9.See the grading rubric for details on the project evaluation

Due Date Summary:

1.Topic Due: January 31, 2021

2.Only those needing a new Topic Due: February 14, 2021

3.Project Outline Due: February 28, 2021

4.Final Project Due: March 14, 2021

Research Project Template (delete unnecessary information, other than the cover page, each section must be at least one paragraph):

1.Cover Page

a.Course Title

b.Project Title (should describe your topic)

c.Your name and ID number

d.Submission Date

e.Instructor and TA names

2.Describe the problem or issue

a.What is the issue or the problem?

b.Who does it impact?

c.How does it impact them?

d.What are the root causes of the problem?

e.Secondary or Tertiary problems it creates?

3.Demonstrate how this problem or issue is connected to the concepts learned in this class.

a.What chapters or concepts that we learned are present in the problem or issue? Discuss how they are connected.

4.Conduct an organizational needs assessment of the problem or issue

a.Identify two organizations working on the problem or issue.

b.What does each organization do well in response to this problem or issue?

c.Compare and contrast how each organization’s approach to tackling the issue and asses the effectiveness of each.

d.Identify criticisms of what each organization is lacking in their approach to the problem or issue.

e.What could these organizations do better?

5.Provide at least 3 solutions to the problem (if you identify solutions in section 4 you may restate them here)

a.One proposed solution should be your own

b.Outline the pros each solution

c.Outline the cons each solution (remember solutions can often have unintended consequences)


a.Write a summary of your research stating the problem, its impact and how it could be solved and what are the likely outcomes to this problem

i.Address questions like will it be resolved, will it get worse?


a.Reflect on this experience and what you learned engaging in it.


a.Include at least 5 reputable sources, listed alphabetically.


Political Science question


An example of a debate on the limits of free speech occurred around the issue of the Stolen Valor Act. You can find more information regarding this case at the link below:

Stolen Valor Act case (Links to an external site.)

(note: you may listen to the oral arguments before the Supreme Court as well as read the full opinion announcement on this site)

Read the Stolen Valor Act decision (United States v. Alvarez) and discuss whether this was decided correctly with your classmates. The full decision, written by Justice Kennedy, is available at the above link (search for it on page).

One post is DUE by THURSDAY NIGHT at 11:59 pm (can be initial or reply to classmates). At least two additional post(s) that include interactions with at least two other students are due by SUNDAY NIGHT at 11:55pm. Minimum of 3 substantive posts for the week and please check and reply to classmates throughout the week.

You must use classmates first names in all replies when you address them at the beginning of your reply.

NOTE: We will need to have an interactive discussion, so please continue to check this discussion throughout the week. Discussions are best when you plan your responses and interact with classmates. I will need to withdraw students who do not participate.


Pasadena City College Monopolistic Competition Worksheet Discussion

Soft Soap operates in a monopolistically competitive industry producing beauty products. It is currently producing the profit-maximizing quantity of beauty products, but unfortunately, it is operating at a loss.
a. Draw a correctly labeled graph for Soft Soap and show each of the following:
i. The profit-maximizing price and output, labeled as Ps and Qs, respectively.
ii. The area of economic loss shaded accurately and completely.
b. What must be true in the short run for the company to continue to produce at a loss?
c. Assume that the demand for beauty products increases and now Soft Soap is earning short-run economic profits. Relative to this short-run situation, how does each of the following change in the long run?
i. The number of firms
ii. Soft Soap’s profits
d. In the long run, if Soft Soap continues to produce, will it produce the allocatively efficient level of beauty products? Explain.
e. In the long run, will Soft Soap be operating in a region where economies of scale exist? Explain.


Civil Engineering

Part I (5 marks)
As we progress through the Mobius questions we will conduct a single iteration of the (M/χ) analyses technique using more complex (and realistic) material properties as follows:
1) Linear elastic properties for both the reinforcement and the concrete (assuming that the concrete has no tensile strength and is therefore always cracked).
2) Linear elastic properties for both the reinforcement and the concrete (now assuming that the concrete has a finite tensile strength and so may either be cracked or uncracked), in this question we consider small curvatures such that the section is uncracked.
3) As for 2), but demonstrating the impact of higher curvatures which leads to the formation of an uncracked and cracked portion of the section.
4) Now assuming the reinforcement to be elastic plastic and that the concrete takes no tension – the elastic plastic assumption is commonly applied to reinforcement for ultimate limit state analysis
5) As for 4), but now assuming that the concrete is elastic plastic. Although not a very realistic approximation of the non-linear stress strain relationship of concrete, this assumption is often applied for simplicity.
Part II (10 marks)
Having established the procedure for conducting a single iteration, let us now apply the M/χ analysis technique to produce full M/χ relationships for a range of different material properties.
In doing this we will establish an understanding of the influence of material properties on section properties (stiffness, strength and ductility).
6) For the cross sections in Figure 1(a) draw a full moment curvature relationship based on the concrete material properties in Figure 1(b) and the reinforcement material properties shown in Figure 1(c). Modify the concrete stress strain relationship as a function of compressive strength using the factors in Table 1.


Phase Shifting and The Wien Bridge Oscillator Circuit, Op-Amp Noise Theory

Question A

Discuss the concept of phase shift in oscillators and how it is controlled in oscillator circuits.

Question B

Discuss the Wien Bridge Oscillator circuit and why it is suited for audio applications.

Op-Amp Noise Theory

Question A

Discuss methods that analog signal designers can utilize to manage noise imposed on signals.

Question B

Discuss various ways in which to measure noise in MultiSIM and in physical circuits. Include a discussion of the various instruments that are useful in noise analysis


English Question

It is an argumentative essay about why we should take care of our mental health. I just need a rough draft and I can complete it by myself. It should be three reasons and each reason in one paragraph. I would like the draft to be at least 3 pages. it is ok to have some problem in grammar I can fix it.


Introduction to Systems Analysis

Section A – Linear Programing – Graphical Solution Method
Solve problems 1-4 using the graphical solution method. Include hand-drawn graphical plots and
all supporting work in your submission. Identify any redundant constraints if present.
1. Maximize Z = x1 + 2×2
Subject to
x1 + x2 <= 6
x1 – x2 <= 2
x1 + 3×2 >= 6
x1; x2 >= 0


Writing Question

Based on your analysis of the video and the results you obtained from completing the Entrepreneurial Potential Self-Assessment (Links to an external site.), evaluate and assess your motives and mindsets for being an entrepreneur.

Consider your responses to the following questions in your assessment:

  • Evaluate your level of experience in a business similar to what you are planning to

  • Define your suitability to be an entrepreneur from the perspective of people who know

  • Describe how your family and friends demonstrate support for your business

  • Identify the education you have on starting and managing a small

  • Identify a trusted person who is or has been an entrepreneur who could be a

The My Entrepreneurial Motives and Mindsets paper


COMM 4352 Individual Case Assignment

Component & Comments Score
Executive Summary
Issue identification
External analysis – industry position, form of competition
Internal analysis – core competencies, resources/skills, activities
Analysis of the fit between choices of the firm and the external/internal analysis
Strategic choices and core competencies
Discussion of Welch’s decision and options not pursued
Use of related course material
Analysis of organizational design
Analysis of the firm using the Star model (prior to the change, and post-change)
Analysis of the fit among the elements of the organizational design post-change
Use of related course material
Analysis of the strategic leadership
Approach of Welch to leading change
Leadership development within the firm
Use of related course material
Maximum 2,500 words (single spaced) plus appendices
Exhibits referred to in text
Proper citation of references
Clarity and quality of writing


C# Question

This lab relates to the following Skill Outcome:

  • Students will design and develop Windows-based database applications

  • Students will implement multi-tier application design

This lab covers the material in Chapter 12. The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate the creation of a database using Visual Studio to incorporate a DataGridView and Details view controls, and manipulate the data in the table by sorting and searching.

1. Complete the programming problem provided in the attached document entitled, 3343 Lab 03 Problem Statement.

2. Include the appropriate identification information per the course syllabus using comment statements at the top of your project code:

  • Name

  • 9-Digit ID

  • Due Date

  • Date Submitted

  • Brief Description of Program

3. Name your project using the naming convention provided in the course syllabus: CourseNumber_LastNameFirstInitial_LabXX (e.g., 3343_SharpJ_Lab03)

4. You will need to compress/zip the project folder using an appropriate zip/compression utility such as the one found in the Windows or 7-Zip, etc. Please DO NOT submit .rar (archive) files.

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