Category Archives: Research Papers

Credit Assignment

The City of Chicago has compiled data on residents who have tested positive for the Covid19 virus. A case is a Chicago resident who has a positive PCR or antigen test.
The bars in this graph show the number of cases who have tested positive per day based on the day that they were tested, called the specimen collection date.
The line is the average number of cases per day based on the past 7 days. Using an average smooths out the dips that occur when testing numbers decrease on the weekends.
COVID-19 has impacted age, gender and race-ethnicity groups in Chicago differently. By monitoring the demographics of cases, Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) can provide resources where they are needed most.
1. A description and comparative evaluation of the Covid-19 positive residents of
Chicago with regards to age, gender and ethnicity.
2. An assessment of the apparent trends with respect to age, gender and ethnicity.
3. An assessment of which categories of persons require more city/municipal resources
to treat with the Covid-19 infection rate.
4. Recommendations for the health authorities of the City of Chicago.



Annotated Bibliography of Video

  1. A counselor’s interviewing skills are critical to being able to competently assess clients.

  2. locate, view, select, and review online videos reflecting good and bad interviewing techniques, including but not limited to Motivational Interviewing.

    1. Locate and view videos that demonstrate clinical counseling assessment interviews (with real clients or role-play simulations). The videos should be counseling-related but do not specifically need to involve clients with substance use disorders.

    2. Select videos that demonstrate either good or bad (or effective or ineffective) interviewing and assessment skills.

    3. Write an annotated bibliography that describes and critically assesses each selected video in terms of its value as a teaching tool. Each video description should include:

    4. Complete reference in APA style;

    5. Three- to five-sentence description of the video;

    6. Substantial paragraph (minimum 150 words) describing how successfully the video taught effective or ineffective interview styles and the teaching purpose for which you think it might be appropriate.


Business in the Caribbean. The Case of Puerto Rico

a. What were the main point(s) of the article? In other words, what was(were) the main argument(s) that the author(s) made? (30 pts)

b. Did the author(s) adequately support his/her(their) points of view? If you conclude that there was in fact adequate support, support your response by citing examples from the article. If there was not sufficient support, what do you say is missing? When answering this question, be sure to keep in mind the date that the article was written since there may likely have been changes since the publication date(30 pts)

c. How does the article compare to what you have learned in class? In other words, what are the similarities? The differences? Was there anything new in the article? (40 pts)


MBA 4401 – Tech Innovation & Product Management

Assignment Description:  In this assignment, as in those you will do every 2 weeks going forward, you must report on your efforts to acquire new knowledge and skills needed to be a Product Manager.


  1. Choose one or more Recommended Topics, Blogs, or Newsletters for study.

  1. After you studied the topics selected, write a 3 to 4-page summary of what you learned.

  1. Remember that each of your Study Reports is a graded assignment and will be judged on the following criteria:

  1. Overall quality of your writing.

  1. The extent to which you cover a significant range of topics identified as important topics in Product Management.

  1. Your inclusion of recent topics into your personal studies (i.e., no more than one month old from the time of your reporting).

  1. Recommended Topics for Study:

  1. Market Research for Product Development

  2. Developing the Market Research Document (MRD)

  3. Personas Development

  4. Product Vision

  5. Product Strategy

  6. Types of Business Models

  7. Developing a Business Case

  8. Writing Use Cases

  9. Developing the Product Requirements Document (PRD)

  10. Product Roadmaps

  11. Product Pricing and Forecasting

  12. Product Testing

  13. Product Launch Planning

  14. Product Marketing Planning

  15. Agile Software Development



Calculus question

Group Project – Health and Biology A Cicadas have infested the local park, and their population is growing out of control. Estimates indicate that the Cicada population is set to double every 7 years, and that there are currently 915 Cicadas in the park.


Nelson Mandela

Before you do this writing assignment, you need to read and annotate p. 3-29 of “A Country Childhood,” which was taken from Nelson Mandela’s autobiography Long Walk to Freedom. As you read, you need to pay attention to the writing techniques Mandela uses to bring us into the place of his childhood with his storytelling techniques. Then you need to write the following three paragraphs.

In the first paragraph, discuss how Mandela uses visual descriptions to make the reader see what the place of his childhood looked like. When you close your eyes and imagine his place, what do you see, based on what he wrote? Think about the geographical features of the landscape, but also the places where people live, the way people look, and what surrounds them. DO NOT QUOTE, but explain the visuals Mandela creates with his writing USING YOUR OWN WORDS. USE FULL SENTENCES.

In the second paragraph, discuss how Mandela describes typical daily activities to make the reader experience what life was like in the place of his childhood. When you close your eyes and imagine the people of this place going about their lives, what do you see? Think of mothers, fathers, young boys and young girls. What do you see them do in this landscape he describes? DO NOT QUOTE, but explain the visuals Mandela creates with his writing USING YOUR OWN WORDS. USE FULL SENTENCES.

In the third paragraph, discuss how Mandela describes the cultural tradition to make the reader understand what was expected of young boys like himself who were growing up in the place of his childhood. What were young boys supposed to do with their time? How were they supposed to relate to their parents, uncles, and aunts? How were they expected to learn? DO NO

QUOTE, but explain what Mandela shares about the cultural background of this place USING YOUR OWN WORDS. USE FULL SENTENCES.

In your response you need to show me that you have done the reading. Vague responses that don’t refer to specific details Mandela uses in this text will not receive a passing grade. You also need to show me that you spent some time thinking about HOW Mandela manages to bring us into the place of his birth through his writing.


Writing Question

  1. To demonstrate what we now know about producing 21st-century journalism with examples of article-writing that represent our best-quality work.

  2. To reflect on our accomplishment of course objectives and the ways this course material may be valuable in our future activities and careers.

** As a reminder, those course objectives are:

  • Identify the major principles that guide 21st-century journalists, including newsworthiness, style, modality, and some ethical and legal frameworks.

  • Identify the parts of a news story, describe the relationship among those parts, and explain the way they work together to produce meaning.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of a journalistic story’s context and audience.

  • Articulate, evaluate, and justify journalistic writing choices at various stages of the revision process, including sentence-level grammatical errors and stylistic effects, AP style, structure, coherence, and multimedia integration.

  • Consume media content with a more informed and critical eye.



(A) ONE original multimedia article, from pitch to publication-ready


(1) ONE original multimedia article, from pitch to publication-ready.

You will make a pitch for a story idea that you would like to cover for the Albion College Pleiad. The pitch should include (a) as many of the 5Ws + H questions as you can answer; (b) which aspects of newsworthiness (FOCII) readers would care most about with this story; (c) the section of the publication in which the story should appear (e.g. “Sports” or “Features”); and (d) opportunities or challenges the reporter should keep in mind.

Then you’ll get down to the reporting — schedule “interviews” (use the name Aanika Batra a sophomore at Albion College and Athena Levigne a junior at Albion College for your interviewee names!) , perhaps do some internet research, — in short, gather all the materials you need to make the story the best it can be.

Components you MUST have in your story:

  • Headline

  • Byline (author’s name)

  • Date

  • Lead — standard (Inverted Pyramid) or narrative/anecdotal

  • Clear organization — Inverted Pyramid, ice-cream cone, kebab, other

  • Quotes from multiple sources — indirect AND direct, all properly attributed

  • Emphasis on one or two distinct FOCII elements

  • At least ONE non-text media — photo slideshow with captions (3 or more photos), short audio or video clip, short form (good content that is effective as a visual element)


English Question

The article below is about feminisms. You will practice quoting and paraphrasing in your initial post. Then, you will consider when to use each strategy:

  • Pick one sentence that seems important enough to quote. Use a signal phrase to introduce the quotation. Incorporate the quotation into your own writing. You may paraphrase part of the sentence and quote only the most important phrases from the source.

  • Pick two sentences that contain important material, but that you may not need to quote in order to use them effectively, and paraphrase them. Be sure to combine the two sentences into one sentence. Remember that you must completely rewrite the source material into your own language. No words, phrases, or structure should remain from the original source.

  • Create a correctly formatted in-text citation, using MLA Style, for your quote and your paraphrase.

  • Create a correctly formatted Works Cited entry for your article.

  • Discuss how you decide when to quote and when to paraphrase. What is the benefit of each type of source.

The article below is about feminism. You must no use any other source other than the one I gave you. PLEASE no palalgrism.


Feminism: An Overview

eminism is defined as the belief in social, political and economic equality between the sexes. In practice and in history, feminist social movements and academic theories have defined the relationship between the sexes in general and the liberation of women in particular.

Feminist movements have attempted to influence politics and social policies through research, education, activism and legislation. The modern feminist movement addresses issues such as women’s rights in the workplace, reproductive rights (including abortion and birth control), sexual harassment and discrimination, and gender stereotypes.

In the United States, there are differing opinions regarding the state of the feminist movement. Some critics believe that modern feminists have become increasingly radical, and that societal changes have reduced the need for an active feminist movement. Feminists and their supporters argue that there are still significant inequalities between the sexes; however, it is also acknowledged that feminist ideals have become more commonly accepted in American culture.

In other cultures, women are not permitted to take part in the political process and receive little protection under the law. Some believe that the greatest challenge for feminists is to address institutionalized sexism, discrimination, misogyny and stereotypes regarding gender roles in other parts of the world.


Discrimination: Behavior either for or against a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs.

Feminism: Belief in the political, social and economic equality of the sexes.

Misogyny: Hatred or distrust of women.

New Social Movement: A social movement that arose from the conflicts in the post-industrial revolution society and economy.

Sexism: Behavior based on traditional stereotypes regarding sexual roles, or discrimination based on a person’s gender.

Social Movement: A deliberate voluntary effort to organize individuals to act in concert to achieve group influence to make or block changes.

Suffrage: The right to vote in political elections and on social issues.


Throughout history, women have joined together in male-dominated societies to gain political and social influence. One of the earliest documented women’s movements originated in the Roman Republic (500-20 BCE). In medieval Europe and Asia, women were considered subordinate to men; however, because those governments were based on royalty, women were able to ascend to leadership by becoming an empress or queen. In addition, because of rigid social structures, women from elite families were dominant over men of lower social classes.

Colonial Americans rejected the idea of royalty and therefore abolished the possibility of women attaining leadership through familial ascendancy. Women in the American colonies were considered subordinate to men and were expected to concentrate on childrearing and domestic duties.

During the 1700s, women’s movements originated in France and England. In 1792, Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, one of the first examples of feminist literature. Though early women’s movements inspired future generations of feminists, significant political changes did not occur until the nineteenth century.

During the drafting of the United States Constitution, feminists like Abigail Adams lobbied to have women’s rights included in the document. The movement ultimately failed, but the unifying purpose helped the growth of feminism.

In 1848, a convention of women was held at Seneca Falls, New York, headed by Elizabeth Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. The meeting resulted in a Declaration of Women’s Rights, a document that called for equal rights between the sexes, including voting privileges, legal protection, and equal employment and wages.

During the early twentieth century, the feminist movement began to focus on women’s suffrage. Several territories and states, including Wyoming and New Jersey, granted voting rights to women before a constitutional amendment was in place. The amendment for women’s suffrage was proposed in every session of Congress beginning in 1878, before the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1919.

Following the success of the suffrage movement, feminism declined in the United States but remained a powerful lobby. Feminists made some gains during the 1940s and ’50s, including the establishment of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in 1946.

The American feminist movement grew during the 1960s and ’70s, as a reaction to inequalities in employment and educational opportunities, pay rates, reproductive rights, and government representation. The feminist movement of the 1960s is often referred to as the “women’s liberation” movement, during which theorists and political activists urged women to take an active role in politics and economics. The 1960s feminist movement is an example of a new social movement. New social movements, in contrast to traditional social movements, refer to social movements that arise from the conflicts in post-industrial revolution society and economy. New social movements, such as the feminist movement, the civil rights movements and the environmental movement, engage in social and political protest as a means of creating large-scale global change.

During the 1960s, several states passed laws regarding workplace and educational discrimination and reproductive rights. In 1972, the Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Roe v. Wade officially gave women the right to undergo abortion, seen as a major victory for the feminist movement. That year, schools were prohibited from denying educational opportunities on the basis of gender.

Also in 1972, the Equal Rights Amendment was proposed in Congress. The ERA called for absolute legal equality, and would have made any discriminatory laws unconstitutional. Opponents of the ERA argued that the amendment would remove some laws that are in place to protect women, and would require women to register with the Selective Service in case of a military draft.

The ERA was passed by Congress but was not ratified by a sufficient portion of state governments. Despite the failure of the ERA, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 achieved some of the same goals regarding antidiscrimination laws. For instance, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, or national origin. In addition, the Equal Pay Act of 1963 prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in wage compensation for similar work under similar conditions.

During the 1980s and 1990s, feminist activism became less common, while academic feminism, also referred to as women’s studies or gender studies, grew into a significant discipline involving political science, philosophy, psychology, and ethics. The number of women involved in United States politics grew significantly during the 1990s. The presidential administrations of George W. Bush and Bill Clinton set records in terms of the number of women appointed to federal office.


The modern feminist movement seeks to increase representation of women in politics and to remove obstacles preventing women from achieving higher office and leading corporations. Modern American feminists are concerned with combating existing misogyny and prejudices regarding the suitability of women for leadership.

Some critics believe the feminist movement has limited the choices available to women and damaged family stability by discouraging women from making childcare their primary goal. In addition, some have criticized feminists for supporting what opponents consider morally questionable legislation, especially regarding abortion and reproductive rights.

In addition to political representation, modern feminists are engaged in the global state of feminism. Groups in the United States and Europe have formed a lobby asking for Western governments to exert political influence on nations that do not grant political or social equality to women. Additionally, independent feminist movements have emerged in countries that have historically oppressed female citizens. In 2011, for instance, dozens of women in Saudi Arabia publicly defied bans on driving after a woman named Shema was sentenced to lashing for breaking the driving laws. Her sentencing–which King Abdullah eventually overturned–came just days after it was declared that, beginning in 2015, Saudi women would be allowed to vote for the first time in the nation’s history. In December of that year, Saudi women cast their first ballots for municipal councillors and nearly a thousand even ran for office in that country’s third election. And in India, public outrage mounted throughout the 2010s over the high rate of rape and sexual assault against women and perpetrators’ relative impunity in society and in the legal system.

Yet some American feminists argue that the movement should not focus on influencing the governments and cultures of other nations until women have achieved domestic goals, including the abolition of discrimination and sexism. Feminist interests played an integral role in the political landscape leading up to the 2012 election cycle. Congressional races yielded momentous wins for the women-in-government movement, with a record twenty women elected to US Senate seats, including Wisconsin Democrat Tammy Baldwin, the nation’s first openly lesbian senator. In the presidential race, women voted primarily Democratic, with 55 percent of women voting for Barack Obama, and 44 percent voting for Mitt Romney, according to CNN exit polls.

The 2016 presidential campaign marked a historic milestone in US women’s political leadership, with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton becoming the first woman to be nominated by a major political party. The campaign championed such “women’s issues” as equal pay for equal work, three months’ paid family leave, child-care assistance, and universal preschool. Yet Clinton enjoyed only qualified support even from self-identified feminists, many of whom saw her as representative of so-called corporate feminism, which critics alleges only helps white, middle-class women who are already advantaged by their race and social class. (Many modern feminists subscribe to intersectionality, a view that gender is only one social hierarchy and that it is enmeshed with others such as race, class, and sexual orientation.) Nevertheless, the campaign of Republican nominee Donald Trump appealed far more to white male voters, while Clinton polled better among women of all races. Some observers noted that the 2016 presidential election appeared to be a contest between feminists on one hand and antifeminists on the other, thus debate about the role and relevancy of feminism in America lives on.


English Question

The poets in our collection express emotions, actions, and motivations that can be interpreted in multiple ways.

In your essay about one (only one) poem that you choose from this collection, develop what you think are the poem’s meanings by analyzing word choices, metaphor(s)*, images, and other patterns in the poem.

Incorporate your own ‘voice’ as well as personal experience that is closely related to this poem in some way.

Explain your understandings of the poem’s specific language, metaphor(s), patterns of sound and shape.

Develop focused, specific ideas; explain how these ideas are related and why these ideas matter.

Make your readers—who might neither know nor care about the poem—become absorbed in your essay. In other words, interpret this poem’s related meanings and also convey a clear “so what?”

These goals should guide you as you compose your essay about one of the poems in this collection.


Your essay requires the following parts; structure them to create coherence and development of thinking:

Identification and explanation of at least one metaphor* in your chosen poem

Thoughtful, careful attention to the meaning of the poem’s language; how do you understand vivid images, word choices, recurring sounds, contrasts, repetitions?

Good incorporation of quotations. Avoid paraphrasing in this essay! Quote the poem and explain what its precise words mean. Create four or more quote sandwiches.

Closely related, specific ideas that develop throughout the essay and give your essay coherence.

At least one insightful question and penetrating speculations that further the development of your ideas.

A thorough explanation of the “so what?” Why do your ideas about this poem matter to you?

To others?

Your presence in the essay—why did you choose this poem? How does its language awaken feelings or memories in you? How do you relate personally to this poem? Include your experience and relate it directly to specific content in this poem.

*A metaphor is a comparison or conflation of two unlike things that allows a writer to imply fresh ideas about one or both of them.


Los Angeles Pierce Contemporary Perspective of Arthur M Schlesinger Questions

1) Who do you agree with , Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. or Ronald Tataki ?

why ?

2) The question: To what extent is the United States transforming from the ideal of Unum to Pluribus and is it a critical problem? Do Faction threaten the ideal that binds America?

3) On page 6 in Federalist 9, do you agree or disagree with Hamilton’s concern?

4) Do you agree or disagree with Madison’s solution to the issue of factions and disunity?

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