Category Archives: Research Papers


While we typically go to the library and look at textbooks there, this is not an obvious option at this point. So find an online TEXTBOOK of any sort and do your review! You can find some online in the library. It has to be a textbook, not a novel, etc. Please answer the questions below in the attached document. You are welcome to just number each question and I can refer back to the questions that way! I am expecting thorough answers for these questions – a sentence or two will NOT do!


1. List the name of the textbook being reviewed, subject of the book, date of publication.

2. List the authors and state the author’s sex, if possible.

3. What grade level is this textbook written for?

4. Review the textbook type (written word) for cultural or gender stereotyping. Please indicate what item(s) you found and why the item(s) is specific to cultural or gender bias.

5. Review the textbook photos. Are there any photos which portray men or women or cultural groups in stereotyped roles or behavior?

6. Were the experts or authorities on the subject matter males, females, or both? Could you identify the ethnicity of the experts or authorities cited in the book? If so, what were they?

7. Is the textbook representative of all groups, (females and various cultures) and their contribution to the subject matter? Please explain.

8. Overall, on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), what score would you give the textbook you reviewed in representing women and cultural groups in the subject matter? Please give justification for your score.


Writing Question


First Section: (Complete the following essays)

1.According to Philippa Foot, why is nonvoluntary active euthanasia always impermissible? Make sure you state and explain Foot’s definition of euthanasia, explain the role of justice and rights, and explain key distinctions like active vs. passive, and voluntary vs. nonvoluntary.

Second Section: (Complete ONE of the following essays)

2. Present and explain Don Marquis’s argument that abortion is prima facie seriously immoral. In doing so, make sure you explain his account of why it is seriously immoral to kill a normal human adult. What phenomena does Marquis’s account of the wrongness of killing explain well? Give an objection to Marquis’s account and explain why it threatens the theory.

3. According to James Rachels, what is Cultural Relativism, and what does it claim about the nature of ethical truths? What is the Cultural Differences argument supporting Cultural Relativism, and why does Rachels think it is a bad argument? Rachels notes some strange and unacceptable consequences of accepting Cultural Relativism. What are these, and why are they bad for the view?


Case Study Analysis

Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

An understanding of cells and cell behavior is a critically important component of disease diagnosis and treatment. But some diseases can be complex in nature, with a variety of factors and circumstances impacting their emergence and severity.

Effective disease analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond isolated cell behavior. Genes, the environments in which cell processes operate, the impact of patient characteristics, and racial and ethnic variables all can have an important impact.

An understanding of the signals and symptoms of alterations in cellular processes is a critical step in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For APRNs, this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans.

In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify cell, gene, and/or process elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health.

To prepare:

By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study for this Case Study Assignment. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor.


Develop a 1- to 2-page case study analysis in which you:

  • Explain why you think the patient presented the symptoms described.

  • Identify the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.

  • Explain the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems.


Cultural humility

Please review the video, (“The Importance of Cultural Humility,” and additional resources for Module 9 (they are attached as files below), then respond to the following questions:

1.Describe how personal narrative and self-reflection are beneficial in developing cultural humility.

2.One theme in the module is a contrast between cultural competence and cultural humility. In your own words, describe these concepts and how you see them relating to one another.

3.Describe the importance of continuously learning about your clients’ backgrounds (ex: culture, preferences, education level, profession, lifestyle, etc)?

a. Review the LEARN model. Describe how you can use this framework to build a cooperative and collaborative relationship with the client.

4.What are some systemic factors that oppress populations? (Hint: You will have to research this with an article) How can these factors be reduced or eliminated to improve client healthcare access and outcomes? (ex: institutional accountability, advocacy, grow diversity in leadership and frontline workforce, etc).

5.Conclusion: There are different voices and experiences represented in the video. Which phrases or thoughts stood out to you? Is there anything you would say reflects your own ideas? What would you disagree with? How will you approach new experiences or interactions with clients?



As ETC says, instructions “provide specific, detailed steps” (254) and “should enable those who need them to perform the tasks covered” (255). Purpose-driven instructions inform readers about what to do and explain the benefits of following the instruction steps. This Document Three assignment requires you to demonstrate your understanding of instruction writing, of document design, and of strategies for successful communication.

The intended purpose of the Instructions for Preventing Cybersecurity Risks document (shown on the next page of these directions and adapted from M. E. Guffey’s 9th edition of Business Communication 2018) is to provide clear, concise, precise and well-organized instructions that help a specific Central Texas company’s fifty-five employees recognize and prevent hacking and other cybersecurity risks. However, this document fails to meet its purpose, because it is poorly organized, wordy/repetitious, insufficiently detailed and randomly designed.

So, your task is to revise this document and clarify what its readers must do and how they should respond to the instructions-writer. Your revision’s content should concisely and precisely include some of the information that appears in the flawed instructions memo, but you must also research-and-add or invent-and- add any missing details that the audience needs to know. As the re-writer of the Instructions for Preventing Cybersecurity Risks document, you must determine (and add) which details the employees need to know, and you must organize these details as instructions with clear, logical, easy-to-follow steps and explanations.



Analysis Alternative

You will write an analysis paper:
1. Antigone by Sophocles
Each paper needs to be a minimum of 1200 words. Your paper needs to typed, double-spaced and in MLA format. This is a formal analysis paper of these plays. You will need to use textual references from the play (cited) to reinforce your reasoning.

The required content for your papers are the following:

• What is the main conflict of the play?
• What is the form of dramatic conflict?
• Identify: Stasis, Intrusion, Climax, New Stasis
• What is the major theme of the play? How does the play support this?
• What are 3 minor themes of the play? How does the play support this?
• Who are all of the named characters in the play and what makes up their personality? You need to identify their objective through the play.
• What is some of the visual imagery created in the text of the play?
• How would you envision all of the design elements of the play? You need to address the scenic design, costume design, lighting design and sound design.


Humanities Question

Describe a Gothic Cathedral and discuss the themes, similarities, and symbolism of the Gothic style.


Management Question

please provide a 200-300 word reflection on the course. Had you studied this material before? What were some examples from the course that stood out to you as being particularly useful? (screenshots are OK here to demonstrate – please include an explanation with each screenshot) Do you see yourself using this material in the future? How?


Geometry Question

GeometryA Unit 2 L9 Sample work. ______________________________Name
These problems were taken off of the chapter review. You can work them on paper and attach a pdf or
jpeg to the drop box of the sample work assignment. Each problem is worth 2 points.



Java question

• two files
o a text or word processed document containing all of your code
 to be a separate file, not part of a zip file
 submit only one file, not multiple files
 uploaded to Assignment 2 – Text File
o a zipped copy of your Java with Ant NetBeans project
 use File > Export Project > To Zip
 uploaded to Assignment 2 – Code Zip File
 the name of this file should be
• failure to follow the above instructions will result in a grade of 0
• this is to be an individual effort
• do not work with anybody to complete the assignment
• use proper indentation and spacing



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