Category Archives: Research Papers

The Buried History of the US Map Project Paper

The Buried History of the US Map Project Paper

Objective: Students will construct a cultural and political-geographic map of the United States, in order to better understand the physical landscape and archaeological sites discussed during the course.

Directions: Use poster board or heavy cardstock (Covid-19 modification: white paper). Trace or draw the United States, with attention to state boundaries, prominent rivers and mountain ranges. Using print, identify the items below. Each map should have a key.



Music multi-part question

Choose your favorite version of the melody you composed, but revise so that it ends on a downbeat (beat one of the measure) with agogic (length) accent. Use one of the following two strategies (but not necessarily these exact solutions: depending on your particular melody’s contour and rhythm, these solutions below might not sound good; use your ear!):

Note that it is typical for Classical-style melodies (i.e. Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven) to have a degree of rhythmic repetition at the beginning, and then intensify (speed up) the rhythm at the end of the phrase. That’s why I’m having you change the end of the phrase, but not the beginning.



Trademark Distinctiveness

Trademark Distinctiveness

I would like my research to be about Trademark Distinctiveness. I will focus in my research about how the trademark be distinctive and acquired right to sue others by bring an action for infringement of unregistered trade. – a product’s design is distinctive, and therefore protectable, only upon a showing of secondary meaning-

IN the analysis you did not mention Suggestive trademark and you did not you use any cases and my list source.



Computer Science question

This discussion topic is to be reflective and will be using your own words and not a compilation of direct citations from other papers or sources. You can use citations in your posts, but this discussion exercise should be about what you have learned through your viewpoint and not a re-hash of any particular article, topic, or the book.

Items to include in the initial thread:

  • “Interesting Assignments” – What were some of the more interesting assignments to you?

  • “Interesting Readings” – What reading or readings did you find the most interesting and why? “Interesting Readings”

  • “Perspective” – How has this course changed your perspective?

  • “Course Feedback” – What topics or activities would you add to the course, or should we focus on some areas more than others


Homework 1 – Permutation Cipher in C++

Homework 1 – Permutation Cipher in C++

How does it work?
1. Select the block size (n) and a permutation.
2. Divide a given plaintext into blocks of n letters and use ‘x’ as padding, if necessary.
3. Apply a permutation to each block and generate the encrypted ciphertext.
For example, for n = 4 and permutation of (2, 1, 4, 3)
Unencrypted plaintext is gentlemen do not read each other’s mail [1]
1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234
gent leme n do not rea d ea ch o ther ’s m ailx
2143 2143 2143 2143 2143 2143 2143 2143 2143 2143
egtn elem nod n to r ae dae hco htre s’m iaxl
Encrypted ciphertext is egtnelem nodn tor ae daehco htres’m iaxl
The program needs to get the following information from the user:
• To encrypt: a text file that includes the plaintext, and a block size and the permutation information via standard input (keyboard).
• To decrypt: a binary file that includes an encrypted ciphertext, and a block size and the permutation information via standard input (keyboard).
Here’s what a sample run should look like:



Chem 51LB Experiment 5 Report Scaffold Bromination of trans-cinnamic acid

Chem 51LB Experiment 5 Report Scaffold

Bromination of trans-cinnamic acid

General Questions:
What were we trying to accomplish with this experiment? How did we plan to
accomplish this? The purpose of an experiment is not simply to introduce a student to a technique or reaction!

General Questions:
Assume you are writing for another student who has taken organic chemistry before but might have forgotten some of the details of reactions and lab techniques. What information about the reaction and techniques being used in this experiment would you need to remind them of to make sure they understand what you did, why you did it, and what the results mean? Attach any mechanisms to the appendix of your report scaffold.

General Questions:
What important data were obtained in this experiment? The data provided in this section should relate to the purpose(s) of the experiment, but you do not need to point out the connections here. Do not explain your results yet. Just provide them in an organized format. Don’t forget to include any assigned unknown number! You should include a table to organize your data.

General Questions:
How do the data obtained relate to the purpose(s) of the experiment? How do you know the identity of the product and/or unknown? Do the results make sense? What
conclusions can you draw from the data? What conclusions can you NOT draw from the data? (Note that although you are provided with distinct, individual questions here, sometimes the answers to these questions might overlap with each other. That’s ok! In a lab report you would need to decide how to tie these answers together.)

Chem 51LB Experiment 5 Report Scaffold

Bromination of trans-cinnamic acid

Experiment Specific Questions:
1. What product(s) did you obtain, and how did you decide that was the product(s)?
Use your data to build an argument for your conclusion! If your data is inconclusive,
why? Do the data allow you to eliminate possible mechanisms? If so, which and why?
2. Do the product(s) you identified allow you to eliminate possible mechanisms? If so,
which and why?
3. Does the recovery of your product make sense? If the recovery is high (>100%), why could it be? If the recovery is lower than 100%, why might this be? Was there a large amount of product lost in the recrystallization process? Was the lost mass attributed to separation of an impurity? If so, how do you know this? Avoid discussing mechanical errors unless they were significant. Remember that matter is neither created nor destroyed. You might not be able to say with certainty but you can hypothesize. How would you test your hypothesis with an analytical technique? What results from your test would support your hypothesis? Why is it important to resolve this error?
Suggest a fix to the error and provide potential evidence to support the claim that
the error occurred and affected your results.
4. Do your melting point data make sense? Was the melting point of the product you
obtained higher or lower than expected? If so, what might explain this? As mentioned
above, you might not be able to say for sure, but you can certainly hypothesize and
provide ways to test your hypotheses.
Suggest a fix to the error and provide potential evidence to support the claim that
the error occurred and affected your results.



Research & Summaries Question

  • Focus your research this week on 2-3 specific courses that will establish some interest and sophistication; (Ethical Decision Making in Business) and (Marketing) give your audience examples of the kind of work one does at this university in this department, as well as give your audience a taste of the current issues and debates in your field.

  • In addition, focus your research this week on 2-3 professors, their backgrounds, their current studies, etc.,(W. Patic) and (G. Ceresino Belch). in order to provide more insight into the work one can do in this field, as well as build the faculty’s and department’s credibility.

  1. Organize these notes (described above) with relevant and specific details of your curriculum that reflect the focus of this letter; same with your notes on the faculty. 3 pages of notes TOTAL. I just want to see your work, your effort to identify some good examples that evidence the coursework and the leadership/faculty of your major (Business Administrations).

  2. Include a list of sources you are using (this is early in the research process, but just a good way to keep track of the places you’re looking. You can call this is a Works Cited or Works Consulted page in progress. These are just notes for this Journal at this point. You’re sharing with me your notes on this early but important research (can be just a shortlist of sources).


LAB: The Impacts of Road Deicers on the Environment: Protozoans, part II: Data/Analysis

LAB: The Impacts of Road Deicers on the Environment: Protozoans, part II: Data/Analysis


Introduction: Two weeks ago, you set up your experiments to determine if different commercial deicers have any effect on the protozoan community. For this week, it was intended for us to you look at samples through a microscope and identify any protozoans present; unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate, and only a few of us were able to check our experiments.

Recall the different treatments that were set up last week (in addition to the control):

De-Icer to add to your flask

Claims of product/environment

Melts ice at what temperature

None (control)



NaCl-based de-icer solution

No claims

10-15 F

MgCl-based de-icer solution


-20 F

CaCl-based de-icer solution


0 F

HCOONa/urea-based de-icer solution (sodium formate/urea)

Pet-friendly (doesn’t burn paws/non-toxic if paws licked)

-2 F



Does not melt ice, rather serves as an abrasive

Beet juice mixture

Environmentally friendly

20 F

Directions for this activity: Review the Results section, the data collected by the students who were present, recorded in Tables 1-7 pages 2-3, and answer the questions in the Conclusions section on page 3.



Sample data statistics question

  1. The table below lists a sample of 22 Math SAT scores. Use this data to answer questions(a)(l).

380 390 400 400 410 430 450 470 500 500 500

520 560 600 610 620 620 650 660 690 710 780

Find the following measures.  Round to the nearest tenth and include the appropriate units (test scores are in points) with your answers.

  • Mean 538.6

  1. b) Median. 510

C.Mode.     500

  1. d)    400

  2. e) Standard deviation 7.24655774

     (f)  Variance 12.931.7486

     (g)  Find P70

     (h)  Find the percentile rank of the Math SAT score of 430.

     (i)  Write the 5-number summary for the data and construct a box plot. Identify each measure and its value.

(j)  Use the IQR to determine if any outliers exist.  Show your calculations.

  1. k) Using the mean and the standard deviation, determine whether a Math SAT score of 780 is unusual. Show your calculations.

  1. Listed below are a sample of jersey numbers for the New England Patriots.

17 33 64 65 66 67 72 77 80 84 86 88 21.        Does it make sense to calculate the mean or median of these numbers?  Why or why not?  Explain.

3.Find the mean of the sample data summarized in the given frequency distribution.  Round your answer to the nearest tenth.  Show your calculations.(4 pts)

Repair Time (min).        Frequency       15+29=44.    44/2=22.  3*22=.   66

15 – 29.                            3                       30+44=74   74/2=37   7*37 =    259

30 – 44                             7                       45+59=104 104/2= 52 11*52 =  572

45 – 59                             11                     60+74=134 134/2= 67 4*67=. 16.75

60 – 74                              4

 Total.                254.                                                                                       913.75



Computer Science

Produce three parts of a proposal report:

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (one page clearly describing what this project is about, including what is out there and what is your project’s advantage/difference)

INTRODUCTION (Project description, objective of this project, what similar solutions exist, and what you plan to do differently)

CONCLUSION (Why this is a good project, what is the usability? Is there any?)

Project Background:

Our Live Site is an event hosting platform for virtual events! It currently allows events to display custom pages and content including live streams and speakers. We want to make our events more engaging with networking features including a chat system and way to interact with attendees.

Project Objectives:

Skill Sets

Required Skills

  • React + Redux Experience

  • Node.js Experience

  • Passion to make a difference

Skills to be Developed

  • Full Stack Development

  • Agile / Scrum Process

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