Category Archives: Research Papers

Physics error/uncertainty lab

Determine the density. Include:

1. Volume calculations and the propagated error for volume

2. Density calculations and the propagated error for density.

Make sure everything is in a well-constructed data table. Your lab will not be graded otherwise.

1. Should these densities agree?

2. How well do these densities agree?

3. What is the true density of copper?

4. What is one observation you can make about your results?


Exp. 1 Raw Data

Copper Cylinder

Thin Wire

Thick Wire



55.6 +/- 0.1 g

0.4 +/- 0.1 g

4.7 +/- 0.1 g

2.4 +/- 0.1 g


1.26 +/- 0.03 cm

0.013 +/- 0.001 cm

0.15 +/- 0.01 cm

1.94 +/- 0.01 cm


5.00 +/- 0.01 cm

15.3 +/- 0.1 cm

16.6 +/- 0.1 cm

0.12 +/- 0.02 cm


Write an essay about climate change

Write an essay about climate change

The essay should be composed of title, body, and references

• Length should be between 3-5 pages without counting the reference page

  • Font: Times New Roman. Font Size: 12 point. 1.5 Line Spacing

  • Title should be bold (14 points)

  • No hierarchy is needed (i.e. no heading aside from the essay title).

However, use paragraphs to breakdown the essay based on context

  • Use different font styles (bold or italic) to emphasize certain words

or phrases

  • Make sure you cite references properly


Market Analysis Report

Market Analysis Report

Positioning and Differentiation

Definition of Positioning (100 words)

Brief (one paragraph) description of the market (100-150 words)

Analysis of Current Positioning in the Market

  • Current annual sales volume in dollars and/or units sold in the market

  • Current competitors and their offerings, including points of differentiation for each offering indicating how they are positioned to each other in the market

  • Current price points of competitors

Projections for the Market

  • Projected overall market growth rate for the next five years

  • Projected changes to overall pricing in the market for the next five years

Recommended Position for JGJ Inc.

  • Recommended position and points of differentiation for the JGJ Inc. offering

  • Complete buyer profile of the target customer

Product Development and Market Demand

Product Development

  • Key differentiating characteristics of the offering

  • Analysis of demand in the market

Market Segment Demand

  • Quantitative data used to determine projected demand

  • Methodology used to determine demand

Internal and External Marketing Environments

Analysis of Key External Factors in the Market

  • Porter’s five forces model

  • Other macroenvironmental external factors

Required Internal Resources and Competencies to Compete in the Market

Required Licenses, Patents, and Rulings or Legal Requirements to Compete in the Market



CMPSCP 3313 – Advanced Computer Language – Python and Perl

CMPSCP 3313 – Advanced Computer Language – Python and Perl

Write a single python program to perform the following tasks in order specified using the commands
provided and discussed during class: KEEP IT SIMPLE AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!
1. Create a list named listA containing integer values 1 2 3 4 5 in that order
2. Create a list named listB containing 3 individual character values a b c in that order
3. Use the extend method to concatenate the two strings with listA appended by listB
4. Use single print command to print the new listA
5. Use a single print command with proper index value to print the ‘a’ from the new listA
6. Use the insert method to insert the string “XYZ” between the 5 and the ‘a’ in listA
7. Use the append method to put a 5 at the end of listA
8. Use a single print command with appropriate slice to display the slice of listA that begins with 4
and ends with ‘b’ (inclusive)
9. Use the count method in an if statement to display the index value for the first occurrence of 5
in listA if at least one occurrence exists, otherwise display an error message indicating “Not
10. Use a for loop to print each item in listA individually


Science question

Please be sure to find a ballet professional performance on youtube. I don’t think you need a formal reference, just include a link at the end of the review.

Review a Professional Production of a Ballet, Contemporary Ballet, or Modern Dance and include when it was performed

  • Identify the Work/Title, the Company, Theatre or Performance Venue, and the Choreographer(s)

  • Note if the performance was a story ballet or abstract piece of choreography and the date it was originally choreographed

  • With your overview, describe what you saw onstage. Theatrical effects, lighting, sets, scenery or costumes

  • What was the setting/location? What was the period? For instance Current, Victorian or Medieval

  • Was there a plot or choreographic theme repeated throughout the work?

  • Could you follow the story through the choreography or did you need to reference the summary or synopsis

  • Was there a particular dancer(s) that interested you? Was the choreography well suited to his or her technique or acting skill?

  • Did the company or group work well together? Musically, were the dancers well rehearsed?

  • Did the choreography fit the musical phrases or did the steps seem unsuited to the music?

  • Did the choreography allow you to understand the musical composition more clearly?

  • Was the choreography new, unusual and interesting, or was it predictable, dry and unmoving?

  • Did the choreography address topics such as the human spirit and temperament, or was the choreography used to make a broad social commentary?

  • Observe the different choreographic patterns and the way dancers are moved on and offstage. Could you recognize lines, diagonals, groups in a swirling manner or curl?

  • Emotionally, did the choreography and story ‘speak’ to you.

  • Explain how you felt watching the piece and how you felt when it was finished. Were you joyful or sad? Were you uneasy, disturbed, uplifted, or optimistic?

  • Did you have a favorite scene or Act? Why?

  • If you watched a repertoire evening, (several pieces in the same performance), mention your favorite(s). Were the pieces well chosen to compliment each other choreographically and musically?

  • If a choreographic concept was not well understood, what would have made it more accessible to an audience?

  • Remember – A music video is not a Professional Theatrical Production


Creating and implementing Remote/At home work for Software Solutions LLC company

Creating and implementing Remote/At home work for Software Solutions LLC company

Discuss (suggested length of 15–20 pages) your project in a narrative proposal by doing the following:

A. Proposal Overview (suggested length of 2–4 pages) : Create an IT proposal and project overview by doing the following:

1. Identify the problem.

2. Propose an IT solution.

3. Explain the plan to implement this proposed project.

B. Review of Other Work (suggested length of 3–4 pages) : Provide a review of four other works that have been completed on your topic and that you will use as background for this proposed project.

Note: These other works may include interviews, white papers, research studies, or other types of work by industry professionals.

1. Describe how each work reviewed relates to the proposed development of this project.

C. Rationale (suggested length of 1–2 pages) : Provide a rationale showing the need for your proposed project.

D. Current Project Environment (suggested length of 2–3 pages) : Provide a description of the current state of the project environment or the current state of affairs that makes your proposed project necessary.

E. Methodology (suggested length of 1–2 pages) : Explain how you will apply a standard methodology (such as ADDIE or SDLC) for the implementation of your project.

F. Project Goals, Objectives, and Deliverables (suggested length of 3–5 pages) : Explain the goals, objectives, and deliverables for the project, including the following information:

1. Provide a table showing the relationship between goals and their supporting objectives, including outcomes or deliverables.

2. Provide a description of project goals, objectives, and deliverables.

G. Project Timeline with Milestones (suggested length of 1–2 pages) : Provide a projected timeline with milestones for your project, including the duration and start and end dates of each milestone.

H. Outcome (suggested length of 1–2 pages) : Reflect on how you will measure the success and effectiveness of this project.

I. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


MBA 630 9043 Project 2: Making Decisions That are Legal and Ethical

MBA 630 9043 Project 2: Making Decisions That are Legal and Ethical

Start Here

In this project, you will aid Vice President Dodger of Colossal Corporation by analyzing complicated issues that have arisen in different subsidiaries of the company. These situations require the company to make legal and ethical decisions. You will be presented with a number of readings to familiarize yourself with relevant laws and with resources that guide you in making ethical decisions. You will produce a report for the VP that includes specific recommendations based on what you have found in the readings and will engage in a discussion on international legal challenges.

MBA 630 9043 Project 2: Making Decisions That are Legal and Ethical

Begin in Step 1, where you will review the first case.

Step 1: Review Turnip Plaza Hotel Case

Invigorated by your early success at Colossal Corporation, you open The Turnip Plaza Hotel case file Kenneth Dodger has provided to you. In the next step, you will gather the information you need to write the report.

Step 2: Gather and Analyze Information


From: Kenneth Dodger, Vice President, Colossal Corporation

To: You

Good morning,

Hope you’ve had time to review the case file on The Turnip Plaza Hotel. In order to formulate a sound response to my questions, you’ll need to review a number of specific foundational issues involving legal contracts.

First, find the necessary information about contract formation and execution. Then, look into possible contract remedies for when a breach of contract occurs. As you read over this information, be sure to record your thoughts pertaining to the case, while noting the places in the readings that prompted your thoughts.

After you have refreshed your understanding of contract law generally, you should supplement that understanding by doing legal research on specific laws related to contracts in Michigan. Again, make sure to take notes as you read. Good notes will help you write your report.

MBA 630 9043 Project 2: Making Decisions That are Legal and Ethical

Thinking over this case, put some of your focus on Edward Griffin’s role in this situation with Mark Piper. More specifically, consider whether Edward had the authority to make the promise he made (or any promises) to Mark.

Review the legal responsibilities of agents and employees to help formulate your answer. You should also review ethical business decision making, as it pertains to keeping promises in business situations and the ethical questions I have asked you to consider.

I trust you to perform with the same tenacity as you did with the first cases.



email signature with Colossal Corporation logo and Kenneth L. Dodger, Vice President

In the next step, you will use what you have learned to create an outline that will prepare you to write the report.

Step 3: Focus on Your Rationale and Conclusions: Create Your Outline

You’ve finished your research and reflected on how the facts and the law come together in this situation. You’ve also analyzed the possible arguments and determined which seem most reasonable (all things considered). Now it is time to formulate them, making sure to address all the concerns that VP Dodger expressed to you when you met. Outline the report that you will draft for your VP and review your document to make certain it covers all relevant points and progresses in a logical order.

MBA 630 9043 Project 2: Making Decisions That are Legal and Ethical

After you finish the outline, if you have time, give yourself one night of sleep before you begin the next step, in which you will write the report. Fresh eyes might help you see points that need revision.

Step 4: Communicate Your Findings and Conclusions to the VP: Create Your Report

Use your outline and research notes to prepare your report for the VP. Be sure to meet the following requirements he has requested:

  • Format your report by including APA-formatted in-text citations and an APA-formatted reference list (do not format the body of the report using APA style, just the reference list). See references and citations for details.

  • Include a specific recommendation of what action, if any, the VP should take based on your analysis and conclusions.

  • Support your conclusion with references to legal principles and laws.

  • The report should be no more than 10 pages (double spaced, 12-point font; the reference list does not count towards page limit).

  • Title your file using this protocol: yourlastname_TurnipPlazaReport_date.

Submit your Turnip Plaza report to the submission dropbox located in the final step of this project.

In the next step, you will begin work on navigating some of the international legal challenges Colossal is facing.

Step 5: Review Colossal’s International Legal Challenges

Successfully completing the Turnip Plaza report, you’re ready to review your next assignment: the International Legal Challenges case file.

You open the file and read over the specifics of this situation. You soon see that VP Dodger is concerned about some of the risks involved with a number of Colossal’s international projects.

In the next step, you will gather the information you need to identify important issues for the VP.

Step 6: Gather and Analyze the Information

While you have some general awareness that there are many ramifications of international transactions from a legal perspective, including dispute resolution provisions, you realize that you need to know a lot more about this subject before you can attempt to respond to the VP’s questions.

You begin by researching international lawinternational contracts, an introduction to alternative dispute resolution, and international dispute resolution.

MBA 630 9043 Project 2: Making Decisions That are Legal and Ethical

Step 7: Engage in the International Legal Challenges Discussion


Now that you’ve gathered and analyzed information on the International Legal Challenges case file, Vice President Dodger would like you to discuss your thoughts with the other members of his special investigations team. He sends you two requirements for this discussion:

First, each participant is to post an initial response to at least two of the five questions noted in the International Legal Challenges file. and should meet the following requirements:

  • Include a specific recommendation of what action, if any, the VP should take based on your analysis and conclusions.

  • Support your conclusion with references to legal principles and laws.

  • These posts can be as long or as short as you need in order to effectively make your points.

Second, each participant must provide a substantive response to at least one posting from a colleague in the discussion, critiquing the initial post by appealing to legal and business considerations.


Intermediate Statistical Theory

Intermediate Statistical Theory

4. Let Xn denote a random variable with mean µ and variance b/np, where p >
0, µ and b are constants (not functions of n). prove that Xn converges in
probability to µ. (use Chebyshev’s inequality).
5. An estimator θ
n is said to be squared-error consistent for θ if limn→∞E[(θ
2] = 0.
(a) Show that any squared-error consistent θ
n is asymptotically unbiased.
(b) Show that any squared-error consistent θ
n is consistent.






  • Do an Internet search for “Pictures of Ancient Greek Theaters,” and you will find several sites that will help you visualize these old structures.

As you already can tell, there were several differences in ancient Greek drama and modern drama.  Following are the main ones:

  1. Greek drama was part of a religious ceremony.

  2. Plays were written in poetic form.

  3. Subjects were taken from familiar stories in mythology.

  4. Since ancient Greeks were familiar with myth, they knew the basic plot of the plays before they saw the play. There was little suspense.

  5. These plays were relatively short compared to modern plays.

  6. There was no violence on the Greek stage.  Violent acts were reported to the audience.  This is called stage decency.

  7. The action in the plays usually took place in one day’s time…this is called unity of action.

  8. There were no intermissions.

  9. An actor could play more than one role in the same play.

  10. Plays were performed once a year during the spring.



INDS 400​ – Module/Week 4 — Literature Reviews​

INDS 400​ – Module/Week 4 — Literature Reviews​

You will create a 1,000-1,500 word literature review that incorporates at least seven scholarly sources and discusses the research around your second topic and research question. The literature review should mention multiple perspectives on the topic and demonstrate a lack of bias on your part. You can refer to the sample research proposal for its literature review.

1. – 1,000 – 1,500 words.

2. – @ least “7/(seven)” scholarly sources.

3. Discusses the research around the topic (from the link above).

For further instructions and an explanation of this assignment, view this helpful video.


Literature Review Instructions

Prompt: In 1,000-1,500 words and using at least seven scholarly sources, create a literature review of the scholarship and research gap around the topic of your research proposal.


1. A literature review accomplishes two main things: it summarizes the context of other scholars’ work related to your topic and identifies the research gap you propose to fill.

2. You must include an introduction paragraph with a literature review purpose statement, body paragraphs that each center around a sub-topic related to your research proposal, and a conclusion the paragraph that summarizes your literature review and emphasizes the presence of the research gap you have identified.

3. You must use the third person

4. Your grammar, spelling, and punctuation should be flawless.

5. APA formatting is required but does not include a title page or abstract.

Additional Suggestions:

1. The research gap is the lack of knowledge surrounding the research question you have chosen. You should definitely mention this in conclusion and mention it in your purpose statement and body paragraphs.

2. A literature review purpose statement is just like a thesis statement in some ways. It belongs at the end of your introduction paragraph, and it gives the focus of the lit review, but in a lit review, you are not arguing to make a point. You are summarizing relevant research and identifying your research gap, so your purpose statement should reflect that. Here is an example of what one may sound like: While much research has been done on (broader topic), a research gap remains surrounding (your specific question).

3. If you cannot find a source that is a perfect fit for your topic, that is actually a good thing! It means your research question is original and has not already been studied. Find sources that are mostly or at least partially related, but if you find a source that is a perfect fit, that is a red flag.

4. To choose topics for your lit review body paragraphs, break your research question down into key sub-topics. For example: if you are studying whether listening to classical music makes kindergarteners run faster, and you might pick the following sub-topics: influence of music on exercise intensity, studies on running training for young children, classical music effects on kindergarteners, etc. In each case, you can look up relevant studies, report those results and why they are relevant, and then identify where the research gap remains.

5. A key aspect of a literature review is synthesis! There may be times where it makes sense to discuss just one source in a paragraph. Still, generally, your paragraphs should be focused on a sub-topic and pull from multiple sources to illustrate where the scholarly literature is studying that sub-topic.

6. When you summarize sources, use lots of citations! Citation density is a powerful way to show that you are not just giving a shallow or basic overview of a topic.

7. Remember that your hypothetical readers are scholars who already know the basics. Get detailed with your sources and avoid explaining basic things that scholars in the field would already know.

8. Do not argue for a point or show bias! It will be VERY tempting to argue for your point, but you should not argue in your literature review, only observe. Remember that the whole point of a research proposal (which your literature review is part of) proposes that a question be asked, not to argue that you know the answer. If you already know the answer, why even bother proposing asking it?

9. Identify the most up-to-date research on your topic. Find the newest sources you can!

10. Do not use your introduction to introduce your topic; instead, introduce the research idea. When you finish your Research Proposal in Week 7, you will have to write an overall introduction paragraph, and that one will introduce the topic itself. So, for now, introduce the literature review specifically. Introduce the idea of reviewing scholarship and the sub-topics you will be studying, include your statement of purpose, and keep it short!

11. Refer to the textbook and journal articles for information on and examples of literature reviews. Reading other professional lit reviews is the best way to get better at writing yours.

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