Category Archives: Research Papers

The Situational Leadership or (SITLEAD) Model

You will conduct a 30-minute interview with a business professional who has experience with Leadership and Teamwork. During the interview, ask permission to submit their first name, last name, and email address as elements of your interview summary, in case your professor wants to check in with them on their thoughts of the interview. As the person conducting the interview, you should dress professionally for the interview, and be prepared with some initial research of the person you are interviewing (review their LinkedIn profile) as well as, their organization (online research, corporate website, etc.). The point is to show up as a business professional, and to be properly prepared and engaged for the interview. You will be asking the questions, and you should be prepared to be an active listener and to ask pertinent follow-on questions. The three main question sets you are to ask, allowing about 10 minutes of discussion each, are: Question Set 1: (Leadership Style) What is your leadership style, and why do you choose this particular style of leadership? What is the leadership style of someone above you in the organization? What advice do you have for a business student, as they look to develop their own leadership style? Question Set 2: (SITLEAD Model) The Situational Leadership or (SITLEAD) Model is a well-established leadership model that illustrates leaders need to change their leadership style based on the situation, as well as who they are leading. Do you agree with this philosophy? Do you use the SITLEAD model? How do you overcome adversity as a leader towards organizational and operational success? Question Set 3: (Compliance) Compliance occurs on many levels. Do you implement ISO? If, so can you explain how? Do you implement another similar quality program? If you work in the food industry, there is compliance oversight by the FDA. Does your industry have a similar oversight related to compliance? What connections do you see related to the role of leadership and the implementation of compliance? To successfully complete this interview, review the rubric prior to the interview and ensure you complete all required elements. However, in general, you will be composing 2-pages of meeting minute format summary of the interview, highlighting who you selected to interview, their contact information, the three responses, any other follow-on questions or key points, and then close with a summary and your reflection on what you learned in relation to the course topics


Customer Service project 3

  1. Select 2 restaurants from the list in this article: “Restaurants Chains With the Happiest Customers”

What are the rankings (score) of the restaurants you chose? Briefly describe how they plan to improve their rankings.

  1. Explain in your own words whether you believe your two chosen restaurants’ plans to increase their score will work or not.

  1. Which of your two selected restaurants do you feel currently does a better job of meeting the needs of their customers? Explain.

  1. For larger restaurant organizations with thousands of employees, explain why it is important for a customer service strategy to be shared, understood and implemented quickly among regional managers, restaurant managers and all employees.




Top: Title

Purpose: A few sentences about what you will be doing in the lab/what the experiment is going to be about.

Draw out the reaction (with mechanisms): Necessary for organic labs. Do not just write CxHyNz. As you will discover soon, these formulas do not tell which atoms are connected to each other. That is why it is important to draw out the structure so that you can see what is in the vicinity.

Physical Properties: Write the physical constants of each substance (including the reagents, reactants, products, and solvents) so that if you were to heat something, you know the boiling point or which layer will be on top or bottom when you separate two liquids. In your physical constants, include structure of the molecule, name, MW, BP, MP, Density.

Protocol/Observations: Make a “T” and on the left write “Protocol” and on the right “Observations”. Protocols will be what the lab manual says and include any changes that Dr. Perks mentions. In the observations section, you will write what you actually did. I.e., if the protol says “weigh out 10 grams of NaCl” you will write Weight of NaCl: x(actual weight) grams or if the protocol says “add 10 mL of water”, you will write Volume of water: 10 mL. You should also include qualitative descriptions “when I added X, the solution turned cloudy”


IHP 430 Final Project

IHP 430 Final Project

Begin by identifying an organizational problem within your own workplace healthcare setting or a hypothetical healthcare organization. Propose an initiative
that addresses this chosen problem, utilizing evidence-based literature and quality standards. If you choose a problem in your workplace, be sure to utilize data
from that healthcare organization; if you have created a hypothetical healthcare organization, you may use a public domain database with instructor permission.
As this is a scholarly initiative, this assignment must adhere to all APA requirements and formatting, and include peer-reviewed and evidence-based sources to
support any and all claims.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. What Is the Organizational Problem?
A. Provide a contextual basis for the organizational problem that you have chosen. How does this problem fail to meet quality or other regulatory
B. Articulate organizational challenges posed by the problem (e.g., interdepartmental conflicts, communication failure, budgetingissues).

II. Evidence-Based Support
A. Provide data that supports the existence of the problem. You may utilize public sources to find data related to your selectedproblem.
B. How has this problem been addressed in the past? What information management systems or patient care technologies have been utilized
when addressing this problem? Be sure to use peer-reviewed literature to support your answer.
C. Discuss relevant accreditation standards, safety standards, compliance standards, and quality initiatives. How do these standards promote a
culture of safety within the department? Be sure to cite the appropriate standards within your answer.
III. Performance Improvement Initiative
A. Propose an initiative that will address this problem within the department of your chosen healthcare organization. What specific relevant quality
standard will this quality initiative address?
B. Discuss the data determinants of success, as related to this initiative. In other words, what type of data will be indicative of a quality outcome?
IV. Implementation of the Plan in the Organization
A. What interdepartmental communication channels will be used for plan implementation?
B. What manner of data interpretation will be used to communicate the findings within the organization?
C. If this initiative was implemented, what do you believe would be the hypothetical effect(s) on patient care outcomes? How will health
information systems support those improvements in patient care?
D. What do you think the hypothetical effect of the quality or performance initiative will be on the culture of safety within the organization?
V. Success of the Performance Improvement Plan
A. If this initiative is successful, what would be the financial implications for the healthcare organization?
B. How would the existing information management systems contribute to the success of your proposal?
C. What organizational processes will permit continued viability of the performance improvement initiative, if it issuccessful?
D. Analyze interdepartmental communication that would be necessary for continued engagement in the proposed initiative.



Stage Manager’s Kit

You have just been hired as a new stage manager and discovered that your parents sold the stage manager kit you created in college at a garage sale when they wanted to turn your bedroom in to an Airbnb. Fortunately, you have ten things from you kit left in the trunk of your car (you choose) to start rebuilding from…

Create a new (virtual) stage manager kit. You have a budget of $500 in the form of an Amazon gift card.

  1. Identify the 10 items that were in the trunk of your car.

  2. Go shopping, fill your kit, spend the gift card.

    • Spend up to $500.

    • You must buy a new container for your kit.

    • Don’t buy a new computer.



Multi outlet dry barrel hydrants

  1. Pick a Flow hydrant and a static/residual hydrant.  The residual should be the next one line and downstream to the flow hydrant.

  2. Remove one 2 ½ cap from the static/residual hydrant.  Remove two 2 ½ caps from the flow hydrant.  Flush both hydrants until clear.  Shut both hydrants.

  3. Attach one cap pressure gauge on the static/residual hydrant, and then open the petcock.  Open the hydrant and bleed air thru pet cock, close pet cock and take static reading.  Leave open.

  4. Place on cap gauge on one of the open 2 ½ orifices.  Completely open the flow hydrant, insert and record a pitot reading from the flowing, open 2 ½ orifice.  Remember to bleed air from pitot by pushing button on handle for several seconds.  Also, open and bleed any air on the cap gauge, then take a reading while hydrant is open and water is flowing.

  5. Take and record the residual pressure on the hydrant cap gauge on the flow hydrant.

  6. Take and record the residual pressure at the (residual) secondary location.

  7. Close the hydrant slowly being careful not to cause a “water hammer” and spike the pressure above the normal static pressure on the gauge at the secondary location. Check hydrant for proper drain.

  8. Check and record coefficient of flow orifice.


  1. Verify that all valves closed properly, are not seeping or leaking, and that the hydrant is ready for service.




Class C

Less than 500 GPM


Class B

500-999 GPM


Class A

1000-1499 GPM


Class AA

1500 GPM & above

Light Blue

  1. Perform math by following formula on hydrant flow report.  Use wire brush to clear any old loose paint on bonnet, and paint bonnet according to chart below:

  1. Next remove and clean all threads of the other caps on the flow hydrant.  Grease the fitting at the top if it has one.

  2. Remove cap gauge from flow hydrant leave cap on residual hydrant.

  3. Flush next hydrant down from previous residual hydrant (former residual hydrant becomes flow).  Once the water is clear, place cap gauge on residual and flow test hydrant.

  4. Place flyers in mailboxes as you go thru neighborhood!



Mission Statement for microcomputer business – logistics strategy

You are about to start a new company that will be entering the microcomputer business. You may choose to be either a supplier or a reseller in this industry. As a supplier, you will choose a production location, build a production facility and produce microcomputers for one or more resellers. As a reseller, you will buy microcomputers from suppliers and market them throughout the world. You will have limited financial resources and complete accounting responsibility. As a supplier, your focus is on achieving the economical and reliable production of microcomputers. You will outsource the marketing and distribution activities to other firms that specialize in market demand creation.

*I was already preselected by the professor to have the “supplier” role.

company mission is a statement of its overall purpose with respect to its major stakeholders (stockholders, customers, suppliers, and employees), and is concerned with the definition of the boundaries of your firm’s acceptable activities.

The mission statement is one of the highest level strategic decisions a firm must make. It helps to define everything else about the firm.

The mission statement should convey a clear, enthusiastic and motivating message to all of the firm’s stakeholders.

For example, McDonald’s mission was to “Serve a limited menu of hot, tasty food quickly in a clean, friendly restaurant for a good value to a broad base of fast-food customers worldwide.”

In contrast, Ford Motor says in its mission statement, “We are a global family with a proud heritage passionately committed to providing personal mobility for people around the world. We anticipate consumer need and deliver outstanding products and services that improve people’s lives.”

Define the mission of your firm. Keep in mind that this mission statement will be read by your customers, employees, investors, and potentially, your competition.


Organizational Injustice and Deviant Behavior

Organizational Injustice and Deviant Behavior

Deviant workplace behaviors are employee behaviors that violate organizational norms. These behaviors can manifest as corruption on a large scale, but more often they are subtler erosions of time and productivity, for example through chronic lateness. These behaviors can impact the following areas: production (e.g., cyber-loafing), property (e.g., theft), politics (e.g., supervisor asking an employee to work outside his or her job description), or personal (e.g., bullying). There are myriad reasons why employees exhibit deviant behaviors: feeling slighted, underutilized, or treated unfairly. Feelings of injustice have been associated with deviant behaviors. Think about how perceptions of injustice and the resulting organizational deviant behavior can be addressed by organizational leadership.

In this Discussion, you will explore the effects of deviant behavior on an organization and consider strategies for addressing them.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Consider the various types of organizational deviant behavior, including possible reasons and consequences.

  • Read the article “An Empirical Study Analyzing Job Productivity in Toxic Workplace Environments.” Reflect on what would happen if a toxic environment, resulting from a climate of deviant behavior, is left unchecked.

  • Read the article “Disentangling the Relationship Between Implicit Aggressiveness and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Role of Job Attitudes.” Consider the role of individual characteristics (or traits) such as aggressiveness or feelings of injustice and how it relates to other counterproductive work behavior.

  • Read the article “The Dark Triad and Workplace Behavior.” Consider the “dark triad” of workplace behaviors and the type of organizational climate that can exacerbate them.

  • Read the article “The Dark Side of Personality Predicts Positive and Negative Work Attitudes.” Identify personal traits and the effect, both positive and negative, they can have in an organization.

  • Read the article “Surveying the Forest: A Meta‐Analysis, Moderator Investigation, and Future‐Oriented Discussion of the Antecedents of Voluntary Employee Turnover.” Consider how justice can mediate commitment and withdrawal cognitions. Read the article “Understanding and Mitigating Cynicism the Workplace.” Consider leadership and supervisory behaviors that can help mitigate deviant behaviors in the workplace.

  • Read the article “Where the Bullies Are.” Reflect on the conditions that might increase the likelihood of bullying behavior and what can be done to address it before it negatively impacts the organization.


Proposal and Extended outline

Prepare a poster dedicated to explaining one specific aspect of industrial/corporate sustainability. Suggested topics could include:

1. Case study of a particular company that has demonstrated a commitment to sustainability, where you present the strategies employed and the impacts/results of such innovations.

2. Alternatively, you can look at a government policy or societal trend and discuss how it impacts business/industry and how they will respond; examples could be the ban of single-use plastics in Europe, ocean plastics, Nova Scotia’s policy on renewable energy, etc…

3. Finally, you can investigate a strategy, policy, or concept that is related to it; e.g. how to design for the environment, eco-efficiency, circular economy, eco-labeling, or other tools can be used to improve sustainability.


Psychology exercise

Seek out an elementary school teacher in your local area to interview who is actively teaching children. Please do not use counselors or Sunday School teachers. Research bullying prior to the interview and prepare 15 questions concerning bullying in the school and cyber bullying (texting, Facebook, etc.). Develop your questions based on your research and readings. Interview the teacher about his/her observations of bullying. The interview needs to be well-planned and contain questions related to bullying, the effects of bullying, the teacher’s responses to bullying, and the school policy on bullying. Be respectful to how the teacher answers the questions; do not place judgment on the answers, but just go in with a listening heart. The objective is for you to gain an understanding of what is occurring in schools today and how aware teachers are of bullying in both the school and in the cyber world.

After the interview, you will summarize your interview findings and compare and contrast the answers with research studies you have found.

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