Category Archives: Research Papers

Abstract and Literature Review

In this first chapter of your Capstone Project, you are focusing on the nature of the problem, the individuals affected by the problem, and the need of a solution. A literature review will close Chapter 1 summarizing the overall evidence-based practice (or lack of) used to improve nursing practice or deliver patient-centered care.

The Problem Statement is a concise paragraph that outlines the gap in nursing practice or care. Subsequent paragraph(s) in this section demonstrates the student using information from the literature review to support the student’s argument that a gap exists with nursing care delivery for the population and care delivery setting (validation of the problem).

The Need Statement outlines what needs to change within the nursing practice or patient delivery method to improve the status quo to meet current evidence-based practice.

The Population and Setting section should include any epidemiological data that supports the student’s argument that this population requires a nursing intervention and the need for change is appropriate in the clinical setting described.

The Literature Review is a systematic review of current literature on your subject area. The literature review should provide an overview of the problem as related to your identified population and setting (examples: acute care, community care, hospice, home health). In the literature review, the student should use the literature to provide an overview of the nursing problem, the current evidence-based practice expectations for the identified population and care setting, and what gaps exist in current nursing practice that lead to problems in care delivery.


What is read and used to correctly line up amino acids?

What is read and used to correctly line up amino acids?

What is read and used to correctly line up amino acids?


Write a paper on Resource/Profit model.

Write a paper on Resource/Profit model.

Consider and identify a good or service to which you are familiar. This could be a good or service that the company, which you are employed, offers or a good or service another organization offers.

Conduct research to locate information on the Resource Profit Model (RPM), created by Byron J. Finch. The RPM is a framework that illustrates important elements of Operations Management. Within this model, there are three primary components, to consider: Foundational Success, Components of Value, and Managing Resources to Create Value.

You are tasked with the responsibility of using these three components as a guide to complete this paper. Listing these three above components as subtitles will help aide you in this effort.

In the Foundational Success section, be sure to address

· profitability,

· strategy,

· and value.

Write a paper on Resource/Profit model.

In the Components of Value section, you will need to address the determination of

· cost,

· quality,

· and timeliness.

In the Managing Resources to Create Value section, you will discuss how the resources add value to the products or services.

You will essentially write a seven-page paper about how this good or service fits within the model. Be sure to address each element associated with the model. Using subtitles will help you achieve this.


EN106 First Year Writing II: Academic

EN106 First Year Writing II: Academic


For Essay #1, please write a summary and analysis of any of the articles from Ch. 14 assigned by your instructor. Your audience is educated peers who have read the article, and are wondering what you think about it.

Your rhetorical analysis must include a summary of what the article argues, and also an analysis and evaluation of how well the article makes its points.

Your essay should include those elements of summary that Greene and Lidinsky recommend:

  • the context of the article

  • a clear statement of what you feel to be “the gist” of the article

  • a description of the key claims of the article

  • 1-2 relevant examples (direct quotations or paraphrases) from the article

As no summary is neutral, you must weave an analytical thread throughout your summary that suggests to the reader your judgment of the value of the article. You might consider including:

  • examine how well the article appeals to its intended audience

  • evaluate the author’s use of evidence

  • identify the author’s purpose or motivation for writing

  • point out the gaps and flaws in the article’s argument

Do not attempt to summarize every last detail of the article. Instead, focus on the gist of the article and your analysis of the how well the article supports its points.

Because an analysis is your perspective, it is appropriate to use “I” in this essay. However, do use “I” sparingly — your focus should be on analyzing the article, not on simply stating your own beliefs.


Wk 4: Request for Proposal

This week you take on the role of the Senior IT Project Manager for the organization you chose in Week 1 (Washington Hospital Healthcare System). As a Senior IT Project Manager, your responsibilities may include proficiently working with a variety of technologies, conduct meetings with stakeholders, create and forecast budgets, and design project plans.

The CFO of your chosen organization wants the organization to purchase and integrate six new web servers. The CIO envisions more business travelers using the Web to purchase airline tickets and reserve rental cars and hotel rooms for business trips. Expansion of your company’s web capacity is needed.

Research information about your chosen organization to complete this week’s assignment.

Create a 3- to 5-page Request for Proposal (RFP) in Microsoft® Word for the CIO, which will minimize procurement related risks for this project. The RFP should contain the following components:

  • Purpose of the RFP

  • Organization’s background as it applies to the use of the request for new web servers

  • Analysis of procurement risks

  • Methods for managing procurement risks

  • Basic requirements for the current and new hardware and software

  • Software and hardware environment

  • Statement of work/Requirements and schedule information

  • Process for evaluating the RFP

Include APA-formatted citations when necessary.

Note: The page assignment length requirement applies to the content of the assignment. Start the assignment with an APA formatted title page and add a reference section with at least two professional references. Use the references in the text of the assignment. Omit the assignment instructions from the document. This will improve the originality score from Safe Assign. Make sure to check the SafeAssign originality score. Individual assignments can be submitted more than once to correct any content, quality, or originality issues.


Integration 3 Evidence Based Practice

Integration 3 Evidence Based Practice

Which section of a research paper is described in each point below?

  1. Why the research was done and with emphasis on why the results are significant.

  1. What the data shows you – nothing more

  1. When was past work done, by whom, why was their work important, what the author plans to do in their paper, and why what they did is important

  1. Why the data shows what it does, and how the author’s analysis relates back to their objectives from the Introduction.

  1. How the author did what they did and where they did it–nothing more

Answer the following as true or false:

  1. A critique of a scientific article is essentially a criticism of an article- nothing more T  F

  1. The reader should always trust that the author of a scientific article has analyzed and presented the data accurately and in a relevant and useful way. T  F

  1. For the sake of efficiency, it is sufficient to read the abstract of an article as that provides a good idea of what the paper is about T F

Part 2. Answer the following based on what you saw in the video about coconut water. You will need to think about it. Choose some of the statistics provided in the video and speculate about what type of study they might have done to determine those statistics.


  1. What type of study do you think they were performing in the video watched in class? What are the weaknesses of the “study”?

  1. Find and provide the reference for 1 scientific article investigating the benefits of coconut water. How did you find this reference? How difficult was it to find? When you did your search were the first hits/results scientific?



PJM Case Study

PJM Case Study

Business Case Assignment Instructions & Considerations
You have been tasked by Ms. Jackson with drafting a business case for this potential initiative, and she
has provided you with a template to use (see template attached to assignment instructions). She provides
you with the following comments related to each section of the template, but she tells you that you will
need to sharpen and expand on the ideas that she has provided. She expects your final draft to be ready to
take to the company’s Board of Directors for review and approval by week’s end.
• Background and Business Problem
o She believes this has been covered in the contents of your initial conversation, where she
provided you with background information (see above case study material)
• Strategic Case
o She states that this is strategically tied to the company’s goal of becoming more project
oriented, as they believe this will allow for more efficient and effective work, leading to
the company being able to grow in a more scalable manner.
• Project Overview
o In addition to what she has stated above, if the business case is approved, then she
believes the basic project would be an 8 – 10 week training program for all project
managers and team members that would train them in the adoption of a more mature
project management model, and it would include some mentorships by the trainer. She
believes this would cost a total of $175,000.
• Expected Benefits
o The expected benefits would be increased efficiencies and effectiveness, as noted above.
• Financial Considerations
o She has provided you with the investment amount to provide financial support for the
• Risks
o She has asked you to look at primarily risks associated with the overall initiative, not
necessarily those focused on the training aspect of the project. The CEO is concerned
about potential disruptions to current projects that are already in flight.



Literature Question

This week, you will start working on your policy brief. This week, Part I of your policy brief is due. This assignment focuses on problem identification-current policy related social problem. The paper will be no more than two pages (12-point font) and formatting should be done in such a way that it makes it easy for stakeholders (e.g. policy makers) to read and absorb the information. You will not follow APA for this assignment, but should use footnotes to cite your sources instead. The document should also be single-spaced. Feedback will be provided on this submission to use in the final version (Part III). To help you with this project, follow the following specific instructions.

1. Working with your professor, choose a public policy that affects the social and/or economic well-being of clients, groups, and/or larger communities. The social welfare policy that you select may be local, state, national or international.

2. Conduct secondary research on this topic, using peer-reviewed journal articles, as well as related publications from think-tanks, government entities, advocacy groups and social work organizations.

3. Using this research, write a concise (no more than 2 pages) policy brief that articulates the social problem, condition, or current policy provision that results in diminished social or economic well-being.

4. Your Part I policy brief should include: a. A clear and concise statement of the current policy-related social problem, why it is a problem, and who is primarily affected by the problem. Pay careful attention to those directly affected as well as those who are indirectly touched by the problem’s existence. If some people or groups benefit from the problem’s perpetuation, you may include this information. In writing the policy brief, pay particular attention to the intent and impact of your chosen policy on vulnerable groups including women, children, older adults, people of color, gays and lesbians, and poor people, as applicable to your analysis. b. Recent statistics from valid sources, as relevant, to describe the extent and nature of the problem, with special attention to vulnerable populations with which social work is particularly concerned. c. Brief historical background on the problem, including recent changes that warrant action today.


Music Analyzation Concert Report

Music Analyzation Concert Report

Write the equivalent of a three-page (approximately 750-word) report giving a review of the concert you attended. Your paper should include the following:

  • What kind of listener were you at the concert? Why? (Casual, Referential, Critical, and Perceptive)
  • What pieces were performed?
  • What was the style of each of the pieces performed?
  • What was the instrumentation of the orchestra?
  • Draw out the seating arrangement of the instruments in the orchestra.

Analyze 3-4 pieces or movements of pieces played during the concert using the following criteria from the course:

  • Unity & Variety
  • Structure of the Music
  • Purpose of the Music
  • Tempo
  • Volume
  • Rhythm
  • Melody
  • Harmony
  • Form
  • Historical Period

Did you enjoy the concert? Why or why not?

Below are the links to ALL THREE concerts needed to review. Each grouping may be a full orchestra concert.

  • W. A. Mozart – The Magic Flute Overture
  • Maurice Ravel – Piano Concerto in G major
  • Johannes Brahms – Symphony No. 1 in C Minor, Op. 68 (1876)

Play Review

WHAT WAS THE THEME OF THE PLAY? (What was the playwright want you
to walk away with upon the play’s conclusion?) :
EXPLAIN YOUR CHOICE (Aspects of the production include direction, set
design, lighting design, costumes, sound design, make up, acting, dance,
music, stage combat, etc.)
YOUR LIFE? (TIP: All stories are relatable to the human condition in one way
or another – go deep to explore this through your critical analysis to help find
the answer)



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