Category Archives: Research Papers

CSUN Planet Formation and Exoplanets Properties Lab Report

CSUN Planet Formation and Exoplanets Properties Lab Report

Lab Report #11 – Planet Formation and Exoplanets Properties


Purpose: In this lab, we will first study the temperature and composition of the disk of material surrounding the Sun, just after the Sun formed. The planets formed from this disk of material. By studying the temperature and composition of this disk, we will be able to predict the composition we expect for each planet in the Solar System. In the second part of the lab, we will study the NASA Exoplanets website to learn about the different types of exoplanets, the main strategies to detect exoplanets, and some of the big and exciting discoveries in this young and active field.

Part 1: Temperature in Solar Disk and Planet Formation

Astronomers believe that the planets in our Solar System formed at the same time that the Sun formed. There is good evidence for this theory from observations of other young stars. In this theory, the Sun formed in a cold and dense molecular cloud. As the cloud collapsed and the Sun formed at the center of the cloud, the cloud began to spin faster and faster. As the cloud spun faster and faster, it flattened into a disk. The planets formed from this disk of material that surrounded the Sun. A table with the four main materials in the disk are shown below. The percentage of each material in the disk and the melting point for each material is also shown in the Table below. If the temperature is higher than the melting point of a material, the material will melt and it will change from a solid to a liquid.


Percentage of Composition of Disk

Melting Point in Kelvin (K)












Always exist as gas

Let’s first analyze the table above to determine some of the important properties of the disk and the materials.

  1. Which material is the material that is least available in the disk?

  1. Which material is the material that is most available in the disk?

  1. Which material in the disk has the highest melting point?

In order for a material to become part of a planet, it needs to be in the solid phase. If the temperature is below be melting point of a material, then the material will be in the solid phase and it can be part of a planet.

  1. Which material(s) in the disk are solid at a temperature of 200K?

  1. Which material(s) in the disk are solid at a temperature of 1000K?

  1. Which material(s) in the disk are solid at a temperature of 1600K?

  1. Which material(s) in the disk are solid at a temperature of 2000K?



Math 482 computational method for data analysis

Math 482 computational method for data analysis

Rock & Roll and the Gabor Transform

1. Through the use of the Gabor filtering we used in class, reproduce the music score for the guitar in the
GNR clip, and the bass in the Floyd clip. Both are clearly identifiable. See Figure 1 which has the music
scale in Hertz. (NOTE: to get a good clean score, you may want to filter out overtones… see below. NOTE
2: It is also helpful to plot the log of the spectrogram… so plot log(|s| + 1) where s is the spectrogram.)
2. Use a filter in frequency space to try to isolate the bass in Comfortably Numb.
3. See how much of the guitar solo you can put together in Comfortably Numb. It may help to look at smaller
portions of the clip to guide your reconstruction of the music score.



Create a complex 3D object using at least two primitive shapes.


  • Create a complex 3D object using at least two primitive shapes. The object you create should be reflective of one object from your 2D scene. At this stage of your object’s creation, you should add different colors to each vertex of the object. This will help you better visualize the variance between the different parts of the shapes you are creating. Note that the code you already have uses rainbow colors on the shapes that are provided; if you use this code you may keep that rainbow format. Remember, the shapes you may wish to use are as follows:

    • Cube

    • Cylinder

    • Plane

    • Pyramid

    • Sphere

    • Torus

  • Apply transformations so shapes are scaled, rotated, and translated (placed) correctly. This work should be relevant for the 2D reference image. For example, if you are working with a cylinder, should it be standing up or lying on its side, based on the image you are referencing? If you are also creating a cube, where should it be placed relative to the cylinder? What sizes are the two objects when compared to each other? It will be easier if you complete these transformations in the right order for your specific object. In general, you will wish to first scale, then rotate, and then translate. While this is not always the case, that is the most likely order for your process to follow.

  • Create code that follows a logical flow without syntax errors. The code you create needs to be executable and all the code that is included will have to be reached by the execution. Note that not everything should be written in a single function and your work should be well-modularized.

  • Apply coding best practices in your creations. Pay particular attention to the way you format and comment your code. Program code should be easy to read and follow industry standard code formatting practices, such as indentation and spacing. Commenting best practices should be in place to ensure the source code is briefly and clearly explained using descriptive comments


Number Theory Question

Question One: Security people

Solution 1A: Link: shows how two Chinese hackers stole the IP, including those for Covid-19 research. The tweet focuses on how the ministry can use hackers to acquire information.

Solution 1B: Link shows how security measures are well-spoken but hard to implement. For instance, people are encouraged to encrypt everything.

Solution 1C: Link: shows that security researchers are supposed to take their work seriously. They are supposed to understand that hackers from North Korea are not their friends.

Solution 1D: Link: shows how Amazon was hijacked and the cryptocurrency stolen. The tweet is interesting as the event was suspicious, and the company could have taken caution.

Solution 1E: Link: show how to come up with master keys that open doors for different hotel rooms. The tweet demonstrates how the doors can be opened.



HSN/476: Healthcare Policy And Financial Management (wk 3 – Cost Control Policy)

HSN/476: Healthcare Policy And Financial Management (wk 3 – Cost Control Policy)

Assignment Content

  1. IMPORTANT: Please review faculty announcements for guidance with this assignment.

    All health care organizations THAT PROVIDE DIRECT PATIENT CARE must be aware of cost controls, regardless of nonprofit or for-profit status. Managing costs at all levels of the organization affects the bottom line, which has a direct effect on all aspects of the organization. This assignment is designed to help you analyze why organizational policies are put in place.

    Find a facility-specific policy at a health care organization THAT PROVIDES DIRECT PATIENT CARE related to cost controls.

HSN/476: Healthcare Policy And Financial Management (wk 3 – Cost Control Policy)

  1. Summarize the details of the organizational policy:

    • When was the policy put in place?

    • Was it adopted system-wide, in one department, or multiple departments?

    • What does the policy address?

    • What are potential ramifications of not following the policy at the organizational level? Unit level? Individual level?

    Explain how the policy impacts fiscal aspects of the organization:

    • How does the policy act as a cost control?

    Describe how the policy impacts the quality of patient care:

    • Does the policy improve efficiency?

    • Are the goals to improve care and reduce cost?

    Explore the unintended consequences:

    • What secondary affects does the policy have on the organization? Unit? Staff? Patient?

    • Does the policy need revision?

    Suggest alternatives to the policy:

    • In your opinion, is the policy the best way to address the issue? Support your position by explaining why or why not.



Advocacy Though legislation

For this assignment, identify a problem or concern in your state, community, or organization that has the capacity for advocacy through legislation. Research the issue and use the “Advocacy Through Legislation” template to complete this assignment.


Examine complex security problems and propose innovative solutions, incorporating scientific approaches, theoretical knowledge and relevant practical experiences taken from a variety of sources.

Critical Inquiry 2.1 Engage in effective critical inquiry through a process of problem definition, evidence gathering, and evaluation.

2.1.1. Definition – identify the problem and associated constraints; set the parameters of the inquiry.

2.1.2. Evidence – identify and gather sufficient relevant information of appropriate quality.

2.1.3. Evaluation – assess defined problem in the light of available evidence.

2.1.4. Discernment – distinguish fact from opinion

*this is for email forensics*

2.2 Examine complex security problems and propose innovative solutions, incorporating scientific approaches, theoretical knowledge and relevant practical experiences taken from a variety of sources.

2.2.1. Definition – identifying the overall problem and associated constraints; set the parameters of the inquiry.

2.2.2. Evidence – identify and gather sufficient relevant information of appropriate quality.

2.2.3. Innovation – recommend bespoke solutions.

2.2.4. Justification – explain pedigree, suitability and shortcomings of proposed solution.


The Social, Economic and Sanitary Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

The Social, Economic and Sanitary Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

Part 1: Journal Analysis (600-700 words)

Your essay will focus on 5 recent articles within the journal (published in the last five years). In your analysis, be sure to answer the following questions. Use headings to organize your responses:

Scope, Aim, and Content

  • What topics, issues, or debates are included in this journal? What types of studies are published?

Context of Disciplinary Conversation

  • Do these articles shed light on a historical event, problem, or period?

  • How do they fit into the “big picture”?

  • What incidental information can you glean from them by reading carefully?

  • Such information is important for constructing a narra­tive of the past; our medieval authors almost always tell us more than they intended to.

  • Taken together, do the documents reveal anything significant about the period in question (research in the last 5 years in your discipline)?


  • What kinds of topics are discussed in the articles?

  • What patterns/exceptions do you notice?

  • Do your documents support or contradict what other sources (vid­eo, readings) have told you?

  • Do the documents reveal a change that occurred over a period of time?

  • Is there a contrast between documents within your set? If so, how do you account for it?

The Social, Economic and Sanitary Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

Scale of Readership

  • How globally dispersed is the journal’s readership? Hint: look at the institutional affiliations of the editor, editorial board, and recent authors.

Thesis Statements

  • What kinds of observations can you make about the use of thesis statements? What patterns/exceptions do you notice?

Article Length

  • How long is each article? What patterns/exceptions do you notice?


  • What features such as topic sentences, headings, and subheadings are used to organize the text? What patterns/exceptions do you notice?

Paragraph Length

  • How long are different paragraphs? What patterns/exceptions do you notice?

Sentence Length

  • How long are typical sentences? What patterns/exceptions do you notice?


  • What kinds of vocabulary words tend to be commonly used? Are there any words that you might not find in other venues/disciplines?

The Social, Economic and Sanitary Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic


  • What kinds of images and/or figures are used? What patterns/exceptions do you notice?

Part 2: Article Analysis (600-700 words)

Choose one article from the journal that you believe best represents the scope, aims, content, and style of the journal. For this second part of the analysis, provide a more detailed description of the article. You will read the article for the purpose of analyzing the rhetorical features in the text and write a short analysis of the paper, explaining the features that categorize it as an exemplar of this disciplinary community. In your paper, be sure to address the following questions. Use headings to organize your paper:


  • Topic: What is the text about? Provide a short summary of the research article.

  • Audience: Who is the text written for? How do you know?

  • What do the documents reveal about the author and his audience?

  • Why were they written?

  • What can you discern about the author’s motivation and tone? Is the tone revealing?

  • Does the genre make a difference in your interpretation?

  • How do the documents fit into both their immediate and their greater historical contexts?


  • Article length: How long is the text?

  • Sections: How many sections does the text have? What does each section focus on? How long is each section?

  • Thesis statement: Is there an explicit thesis statement? If so, where is it? If not, how does the author convey the central idea of the text?

  • Topic sentence: Are topic sentences used? If so, where are they? If not, how does the author present the key message of a paragraph?

  • Paragraph length: How long are different paragraphs? What patterns/exceptions do you notice?

  • Sentence length: How long are typical sentences? What patterns/exceptions do you notice?

  • Do you notice any special features of the text’s organization?

Source Use

  • Are sources used in the text? How much information is provided about each source?

  • Are all sources cited in the text?

  • Is direct quoting or paraphrasing used in the text? How many direct quotes are included in the text? How many paraphrases?

  • What documentation style is used in the text to cite sources?

  • Is there a reference list included at the end? What documentation style is being used?

Language and Style

  • Style: How would you describe the language style of the text? Provide examples to illustrate your description. Here you can quote the text.

  • Vocabulary: What kinds of vocabulary tend to be commonly used? Are there any technical words that you might not find in other disciplines/writing?

  • What is not said, but implied?

  • What is left out? (As a historian, you should always look for what is not said, and ask yourself what the omission signifies.)

The Social, Economic and Sanitary Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

Additional Guidelines:

  • You must select articles (not book review essays, which tend to appear toward the end of the journal and are much shorter in length than articles).

  • Be sure that your answers to each of the questions go beyond making obvious observations.

  • Include a References list that follows the formatting guidelines of your journal such as APA, MLA, CMS, etc. Note that many journals have their own specific style formatting guidelines.

  • Your bibliography should include all the information for the five articles, including a link to the pdf.


“What are areas of Criminal Justice interest me the most, and what specific topics/issues/problems/questions do I have that I want to find the answer to?”

Choose to either create your Mind Map using one of several online tools or with paper and (colored) pens/pencils. When you’re ready to begin, put the words Criminal Justice in the center of your paper or screen. Ask yourself, “What are areas of Criminal Justice interest me the most, and what specific topics/issues/problems/questions do I have that I want to find the answer to?” Think about your experiences growing up, interacting with children, studying/working with youth, etc. What are some of the issues that you noticed within those environments that could fall under Criminal Justice? The goal is to let your mind follow the nature flow of ideas.


Essay on Ben Franklin This is a link to his autobiography. Read part of it. Then in about 600 words tell me why Franklin was so important to our history. Try to impress me with use of different color fonts. You might wish to use a power point. Some might even want to do a short video. Again attach file use short phrase in narrative box.



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