Category Archives: Research Papers

Political Science Podcast Analysis

Listen to this podcast-…

Karens: White women, race, trump by Dr. McKeever. Write a 10 page original paper analysis. There are no specific outlines or prompts just thoughts, opions, etc.


CIS 28-061 Homework #3: FBN Seat Event / State Diagram

CIS 28-061 Homework #3: FBN Seat Event / State Diagram

Consider carefully all the possible states of a specific seat on a Flight Instance, from the time the Flight Instance is created to (hopefully!) successful arrival of the Flight Instance at its Destination Gate.
This should include the type of Events that can occur to transition the object between states.
Additional factors for real airlines should be considered. For FBN:
The FBN “Seat” E/S diagram is like the Enrollment System “Section” E/S diagram. It is broken into phases.

CIS 28-061 Homework #3: FBN Seat Event / State Diagram

Ticketing Phase:
• The creation of a Flight Instance 90 days before departure creates all the Seats in the Seat Chart in the “Available” state.
• During this phase, a specific Seat on the Flight Instance (ex: 22B) may be ticketed (for a passenger with a reservation), in which case the Seat becomes “Taken”.
• Reservations can get cancelled, invalidating the Ticket and freeing the Seat.
• If the Flight Instance itself is cancelled, every Taken Seat must notify its Ticket.
Plane Assignment Phase
• A Seat starts out as either Available or Taken.
• The plane assigned to the Flight Instance could have a broken seat, in which case the
corresponding Seat in the Seat Chart for this Flight Instance receives a  YouAreBroken” event.
If the Seat state had been “Taken”, the ticketed Passenger is put at the front of the Flight Instance’s “Wait List”. Regardless of its previous state, the new state of the Seat is then set to “Broken”

CIS 28-061 Homework #3: FBN Seat Event / State Diagram

• If the Flight Instance is cancelled, a Taken Seat must notify its Ticket.
• If the Flight Instance is delayed, a Taken Seat must notify its Ticket.
• Once a Ticket is scanned at the Gate and the Passenger enters the Plane, the corresponding “Taken” Seat is notified that the “Passenger Onboard” event has occurred, and the Seat state is set to “Occupied”.
• The phase ends once the “InitialBoardingComplete” event is received, at which point things get interesting if there is a wait list of Passengers hoping to get on this Plane (including any Passengers holding a Ticket for a broken Seat).




You are required to complete both parts A and B.


Part A:

Complete Lab 6-1 Evaluate the Master Data for Interesting Addresses (pp. 248 – 250) in your textbook.

Part B:

Your analysis should be written as an essay and include the following:

  • Introduction

  • Analysis

    • Headings – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (i.e., Part 1: Identify the Questions) – headings are shown in the Lab.

  • Communicate your findings to the audit committee and then write a brief paragraph of your analysis in layman’s terms. (For example, what were the key findings from your analysis?)

  • Conclusion.

Submit your analysis as a Word document and submit any additional requirements noted in the Lab (i.e., Excel files, tables, etc.).


Part A: Complete Lab 9-1 State Sales Taxes and Create a Data Visualization (pp. 375 – 379) in your textbook.

Part B:

Your analysis should include the following:

  • Introduction

  • Analysis

    • Headings – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (i.e., Part 1: Identify the Questions) – headings are shown in the Lab.

  • Communicate your findings to the tax manager – write a brief paragraph of your analysis in layman’s terms. (For example, what were the key findings from your analysis?)

  • Conclusion.


BIBL 104 Discussion board f2 – 4 – 120 word essays

BIBL 104 Discussion board f2 – 4 – 120 word essays

  • 15. Observe: How to Make Accurate Observations

  • 16. How to Use Multiple Translations of the Bible

  • 17. How to Ask Key Questions

  • 28. Interpret: How to Find the Meaning of the Bible

  • 29. Correlate: How to Connect Scripture to Other Scriptures

  • 30. Correlate: How to See Jesus in the Bible

  • 31. Apply: How to Live Out What You Learn

  • 32. How to Study the Old Testament Genres, Part 1: Law

  • 33. How to Study the Old Testament Genres, Part 2: Narrative

  • 34. How to Study the Old Testament Genres, Part 3: Wisdom and Poetry

  • 35. How to Study the Old Testament Genres, Part 4: Prophetic Literature


Essay about texting in class


Click on the link FSW database article (Links to an external site.). You will need to sign in with your student ID (user name) and the last 4 digits of your Social Security number (password) to access the article.

Read the article titled “OMG! Texting in Class = U Fail :( Empirical Evidence That Text Messaging During Class Disrupts Comprehension” written by Amanda C. Gingerich and Tara T. Lineweaver, published in 2014.

Write a 500-600 word reaction essay in APA paragraph format that answers the following questions:

  1. What percentage of time do you believe you spend texting in a given class period?

  2. Which part or parts of the listening process do you think texting during lecture affects the most?

  3. What do the authors of the article say about “catching up” with what you lost during texting?

  4. What do the authors recommend that instructors do when the semester begins in terms of talking to the students about texting in class?

  5. Did this article change your perspective about texting and listening?


  1. For examples of APA style papers and Reference pages, click on the Library link inside the Student Resources icon to the left of this page.

  2. When you get to the Library Home Page, click the Citation Guides link on the left side of that page.

  3. Look for APA format.

  4. You will also have to add a citation from one scholarly article to your essay.

  5. Follow the rubric at the bottom of the page for additional guidelines.

  6. Add an APA References list that includes the article above and one outside article.

  7. Submit two files: One for the essay and one for the References list.


ESCI 001 Biomes Activity

ESCI 001 Biomes Activity

Begin by reading through the resource called The World’s Biomes by UC Berkeley. Please note, this webpage may not render properly on mobile, so for best viewing please use a laptop/desktop. (Links to an external site.)

You may also use any other reputable resources as well.

Then answer the following:

  1. What are biomes?

  1. Why are biomes important?

  1. What biomes are found in California?

ESCI 001 Biomes Activity


For each biome below, write a summary of the characteristics of that biome (a minimum of 100 words for each biome). Then find one plant and one animals species from each biome and name and DRAW each species. This is not a cut and paste from a web image. You must actually use pen, pencil, marker, crayon, etc. to physically draw each species. You can upload your work via a scan or by taking pictures of your finished worksheet and uploaded that. Copy & paste images will receive a zero.

  1. Aquatic

  1. Desert

  1. Forests

  1. Grasslands

  1. Tundra


Sociology writing question

Option One:

If you choose this question, you will be preparing a research proposal on how you will be going about conducting a research project. First, please use your readings and lectures to design your sociological research project proposal. Select a topic. Define the problem. What two variables will you be examining? Conceptualize and operationalize your variables.

Select a research method or methods to collect data. How will you go about collecting data? Will you use qualitative or quantitative or both types of methods? Why are these methods best at getting at your research questions? What are the ethical questions you will ask? What is your hypothesis? What types of measures will you use? How will you insure reliability and validity? Discuss the importance of your literature review (provide at least 3 outside sources of related literature review materials). What theoretical perspectives will you use? Will you employ inductive or deductive reasoning? How will you analyze your data? Will you use primary or secondary sources (or both)? Is your study a theoretical study? Is your study an empirically-based study? What is the timeline of your research? Do you anticipate any costs for this research project? What are the sociological implications of your selected study and research proposal?

Option Two:

Please develop a thesis if you choose this option. What is the significance of doing sociological research? What are the ways of knowing? Discuss at least four “ways of knowing.” How does sociology fit into these “ways of knowing?” Incorporate in your analysis how “objective knowledge” and “subjective knowledge” play a role. How would you incorporate the sociological imagination into your sociological research topic? Give some examples. What makes sociology a science? How is a sociological understanding of the world different from opinions? How do sociologists makes sense of dialectics when conducting research. What are the similarities and differences between social scientific and biological scientific studies?


Option Three:

Research two sociological and/or social scientific studies that have already been conducted. Compare and contrast these studies. What are the purposes of these studies? What were the hypotheses of these studies? How did the researchers define the problem. What variables were being examined? How did he/she/they conceptualize and operationalize his/her/their variables? What research method/methods were used to collect data? Did he/she/they use qualitative or quantitative methods? What were they? Were they effective? Were the research projects valid? reliable? What ethical questions were they grappling with, if any? What types of measures did they use? Did they utilize inductive and deductive reasoning? How did they analyze their data? Did they use primary or secondary sources (or both)? Were these studies empirically-based? Did they include human subjects? What were the main findings? How important were these findings? What societal implications did these studies have? How would you do your study differently if you were to select a similar topic? Or how would you build on the studies already conducted?


Technical Peer Review

Peer Review Questions

1. The description uses correct terminology and effectively explain the terminology to a non-technical audience. If it does not, point to places where the writer needs to explain terms.

2. The introduction orients the audience by providing a one-sentence definition of the object. It previews the object’s various parts, discusses the object’s uses and functions. It also previews the content of the description. The conclusion re-states the major use(s) and function(s) of the object to solicit the audience’s support or awareness. If the draft fails in either area, write a response on where it fails and suggestions for how the writer may revise.

3. The body of the document describes each part of the object in detail, including its dimensions, materials, principle(s) of operation, function, and relation to other parts. It uses the present tense. It explains new concepts or terminology for a non-technical audience. If there are any errors, point to those errors and make suggestions on how the writer may revise.

4. Effective use of the design principles (contrast, alignment, proximity, and repetition. Design features, such as fonts, font sizes, and forms of emphasis are applied consistently. The overall design is clear and consistent. If there are any errors, make suggestions on how to fix.

5. There are at least two illustrations. The illustrations are effective, each serving a functional purpose (meaning, it helps the reader better comprehend the task at hand). It is not merely used for decorative purpose. The illustrations are appropriately documented, displayed, and labeled. If there are errors, make suggestions on how to fix.

6. Present tense is used throughout. Headings are in parallel form. Numbered/bulleted items, if used, are in parallel form. Paragraphs are unified— each paragraph has a single focus, begins with a topic sentence, and develops around a single idea. If there are errors, point to those, and make suggestions on how to revise.

7. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct. Minimum word requirement is met. If there are errors, point those out to your peer.

8. Rate how well the paper aligns with the assignment guidelines (minimal = does not meet assignment guidelines; medium = meets about 75% of the assignment guidelines; very high = meets 95% or above of the assignment guidelines)





Very high

9. Provide suggestions for meeting the assignment guidelines.

10. Write a final comment to your peer about two of the overall strengths and one overall weakness of the first draft



Students are required to prepare and submit a probability and statistical research project by:

 obtaining data to investigate rolling multiple dice

 collecting and analysing data to investigate this as a mathematical problem.

 calculating probabilities and most likely outcomes

 calculating measures of central tendency such as mean, median and mode

 calculating measures of spread such as variance, standard deviation and IQR

 reaching conclusions and predicting trends based on the findings of the investigation.

Data for analysis may be downloaded from websites such as or generated using an Excel spreadsheet which

simulates rolling 100 dice rolls.

Students should refer to the Moodle site for additional resources and information.

Each student is required to submit the all following documents:

 A Project Report:

o An electronic copy of the Project Report must be uploaded to Moodle. Students should include graphs and

calculations from a their statistical analysis in the document.

o A MS Word document is preferred.

 A Statistical Analysis Spreadsheet:

o An electronic copy of the Statistical Analysis Spreadsheet must also be uploaded to Moodle.

o A MS Excel document is preferred.



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Compare and Contrast William Finnegan and Duke Kahanamoku

Compare and Contrast William Finnegan and Duke Kahanamoku



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