Category Archives: Research Papers

Group Company Project Part III

The purpose of the third part of the comprehensive project is to use resources available to obtain industry averages for commonly used ratios. Additionally, you will compare company ratio results to industry averages.

  1. Obtain the four-digit primary SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) Code and industry title for your company. Record the primary SIC code and industry title at the top of the Ratio Analysis Worksheet.

  2. Obtain industry averages for commonly used ratios in the current period. Industry average information is reported by industry title or SIC code.

  3. Look up the following industry-average ratios:

    1. Current ratio

    2. Debt ratio

    3. Gross profit margin

    4. Times interest earned

    5. Accounts receivable turnover

    6. Inventory turnover

    7. Return on Sales

    8. Asset Turnover

    9. Return on Assets

    10. Financial Leverage

    11. Return on Equity

Note that some industry averages may not apply to your company.

Alternative to Industry Averages:

If you are not able to find the industry average for part 3 of your project, please consider the following:

Unfortunately, some of the websites where you can find industry averages will require you to pay for them. Instead of using industry average, calculate the same ratios for one of the competitors to the company you used in your project. That will give you the comparative information you need for Part 3 of the project. I believe this will help.

  1. Write a 3-5 page report comparing the above ratios to industry averages. Discuss whether your company’s profitability, efficiency, liquidity, and solvency are better than, or worse than, its peers. The report should be well written with cover page, introduction, body of paper (with appropriate subheadings), conclusion, and reference page. References must be appropriately cited. Format: Double-spaced, one-inch margins, using a 12-point Times New Roman font.


HUM2051: Civ 1: Ancient-Medieval, Spring 2021, Sect. 02

HUM2051: Civ 1: Ancient-Medieval, Spring 2021, Sect. 02

Part IV: The Action Plan

  • Describe the specific steps you could take to engage in this course in order to achieve your goals and succeed in this course. Do you see yourself and your in-class role as that of a “performer,” “nonperformer,” or as an ambivalent student?

  • If you describe yourself as an ambivalent student, which type of ambivalence applies to you? What are some concrete choices/actions you can make now to resolve your ambivalence and increase your willingness to engage more with the course?

  • Discuss how the choices you make about engaging in this course can positively or negatively influence your performance and success in your other courses.

  • Create a written Action Plan (and include it in this section) to help achieve your goals by describing which steps you plan, at this point, to take.



ECON 178 WI 2021: Normal (also called Gaussian) distributions.

ECON 178 WI 2021: Normal (also called Gaussian) distributions.

Question 4
We want to predict which variables are the most correlated with the balance in a bank account. To
do so we use the credit data set (Dua, D. and Graff, C., 2019, UCI Machine Learning Repository)
available on Canvas ⇒ Assignments.
1. Download the dataset from Canvas and open it using the command “read.csv”.
2. Open the data and report how many columns and rows the dataset has;
3. See the names of the variables (see online the command “names”);
4. Run a linear regression with Balance as a function of Income using the command “lm”;
5. Report the summary of your results (see online the command “summary”)
7. Plot a scatter plot of the regression (Hint: use abline() to draw the regression line)
8. Write down the interpretation of the coefficients as a comment in your .R script (Hint: see
template file).



Writing Question

1. watch video and summarize. give author’s main theme or purpose. State some important things that he said.


Use simulation to evaluate the readiness and competency of a local emergency facilities .

Use simulation to evaluate the readiness and competency of a local emergency facilities .

Use simulation to evaluate the readiness and competency of a local emergency facilities .


Using SystemVerilog code. Design a CPU that run three programs and design the instruction set and instruction formats and code three programs to run on your instruction set.

Here is the general flow/preview on how all 4 labs work together:

  1. In Lab 1, you are going generate your assembly instructions and binary conversions for each of your assembly instructions for your ISA.

  2. In Lab 2, you are going to design the processor in SystemVerilog. This consists of ALUs, Control Units, Memory Units, etc. connected to each other.

  3. In Lab 3, you are going to design an assembler that converts the Assembly code you generate in Programs 1, 2, and 3 to binary.

  4. In Lab 4, you are going to use the binary code generated by your assembler in lab 3 to test your processor design.




Download the Graphic Organizer Template (Links to an external site.).

Create a graphic organizer (using the template link above) in preparation for writing a paragraph comparing/contrasting one of the following.

  • Two restaurants

  • Two managers

  • Two friends

  • Two significant others

The Graphic Organizer must be submitted by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. PT.


Using the graphic organizer you just created, write a comparison/contrast paragraph that includes the following.

  • One topic sentence

  • Three or more support sentences

  • One concluding sentence

You may use the topic you chose for your graphic organizer in the Discussions, or you may choose a new topic. If you use a new topic, make sure it fits the Graphic Organizer requirement.


Computer Science question: Using Qualys

Access the Qualys website. the link above

Conduct link and server scans using the website URLs for 4 websites of your choice that yield a score of B or lower.

Paste screenshots of the scans into a Word document.

Chart the vulnerabilities for each URL and associated server. Explain how each vulnerability could be mitigated. Ensure that your document, with your chart and explanation, is about 2 to 3 pages.


GG282 Geomorphology and Soils

GG282 Geomorphology and Soils

a) Complete the table below by: (i) determining the total weight retained; (ii) for each grade (grain type) determine the % of the total weight retained, and (iii) determine the cumulative % values.

b) The original sample weight was 198 grams. Calculate the Percentage of Sample Lost or Gained.  Show your work.

GG282 Geomorphology and Soils

Q2. Determine the phi values at the 5th, 16th, 50th, 84, and 95th percentiles, present those in a table.  Calculate the median, mean and sorting for the sample data set shown in the worksheet Question 2.  Type your results below.

Q3. Determine the phi values at the 5th, 16th, 50th, 84, and 95th percentiles, present those in a table.  Calculate the median, mean and sorting for the data set shown in the worksheet Question 3.  Type your results below.

GG282 Geomorphology and Soils

4.a) For the two sample data sets, determine the % of sample retained on each sieve and the cumulative % values.  Add those values to your table.  Calculate the percentage lost or gained on each sample.

b) Produce a cumulative % curve for each of the two samples.  Use the graph paper on the following page and add a title, legend (key) and your name. Print, or draw the graph.    Add two lines, one line for each sample. Identify, 5, 16, 50, 84, and 95th percentile.
Take a photo of your graph and add it to this Word file.

c) Calculate the median, mean and sorting of these materials using the formula in this handout.  Show your work below.



Create a draft of a resume. Create a résumé and a cover letter.


For this assignment, you will locate a vacancy announcement for an entry-level position in your field of interest, then create a résumé to apply for that job. You will employ skill and creativity to market your experience, education, and skills to the specific qualities and attributes the employer values.


Your resume should target a specific job vacancy and employer related to your major or career interests.


  • Locate and analyze a vacancy announcement from an employer or job search site

  • Identify how your own work and educational experience match the vacancy.

  • Compose a résumé that is tailored to the vacancy announcement.


Resume must meet the following requirements:

  • 1-2 page length for résumé; 1 page length for reference sheet

  • Functional or Chronological format

  • Contains:

    • Objective Statement

    • Summary of Qualifications

    • Education history and diplomas or degrees earned

    • At least one entry in the Work or Volunteer experience section

    • A list of skills that includes at least three marketable skills

    • A List of References that contains at least one professional reference

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