Category Archives: Research Papers

Science Question

Use SPSS to answer the research question. Post your response to the following:

  1. If you are using the Afrobarometer Dataset, report the mean of Q1 (Age). If you are using the HS Long Survey Dataset, report the mean of X1SES.

  2. What is your research question?

  3. What is the null hypothesis for your question?

  4. What research design would align with this question?

  5. What dependent variable was used and how is it measured?

  6. What independent variables are used and how are they measured? What is the justification for including these predictor variables?

  7. If you found significance, what is the strength of the effect?

  8. Explain your results for a lay audience, explain what the answer to your research question.


Writing a script in Linux

Looking to create an automated monitoring process that will send an email to us to identify small files. The process should have some configurable thresholds and report directories with number of small files above that threshold.

So I think it would be something like that:

Identify directories on hdfs with abnormal number of small files (using configurable threshold)

Check exception list (directories that we can mark as “approved) and either ignore it if it is on the exception list or add to report


ITCC Week 8 Final Project

The Scenario:

Tony Spacken, Sales Manager, has an Excel workbook listing properties for sale. If a property is sold, Select National Properties Group will finance the property loan for 30 years at 7.5% interest. If the monthly payment of a property is greater than $300,000, the company will give the buyer a 1% discount of the selling price. Lavern Gallen is interested in purchasing the Pleasant Properties Warehouse, one of the company’s properties. She lives at 4231 Center Drive, Tempe, TX 76501.

For this project, you will need the following files:

New blank Access database

New blank PowerPoint presentation



You will save your files as:





  1. Open the file Sale_Properties, and then save the workbook as LawWhite_Frederique_Sale_Properties

  2. Copy the Properties worksheet to a new worksheet,

  3. Rename the worksheet as Payments

  4. In the Payments worksheet, convert the data to a table.

  5. In column G, insert a calculated column using the PMT function to calculate the monthly payment for each of the properties.

  6. In column H, insert a calculated column using the IF function to determine the amount of the if discount

    property qualifies for it.

  7. Determine the totals for columns F:H.

  8. Apply conditional formatting to cells with a selling price between $40,000,000 and $70,000,000.

  9. Copy the Payments worksheet to a new worksheet,

  10. Rename the new worksheet as Pleasant Properties

  11. Filter the table to display only the data for the Pleasant. Insert your name in the footer so that it displays on all worksheets.

  12. Create a blank Access database, and then save it as Lastname_Firstname_SNPG_Properties

  13. Import the data from the Properties worksheet.

  14. Create a query that displays all fields, except the ID field, for properties located in Florida and Georgia.

  15. Save the query as LawWhite_Frederique_FL_GA Query

  16. Export the query result as an RTF file

  17. Create another query that displays all fields, except the ID field, for all properties with selling prices less than $1,000,000.

  18. Save the query as Lastname Firstname Price Query

  19. For each query, create and format a report.

  20. Save each report with the name as the query, substituting the word Report for Query.

  21. Create a PowerPoint presentation using a template of your choice; the presentation will be shown to prospective buyers attending a sales conference.

  22. Save the presentation as LawWhite_Frederique_Sales_Presentation

  23. Insert the file name in the footer to display on all pages of the notes and handouts.

  24. Modify the slides to help persuade buyers to purchase property from Select National Properties Group:

  25. On one slide, inform the audience that the company sells many properties.

  26. On the same slide, link the cell from the Excel Payments worksheet that displays the total selling price.

  27. On a new slide, insert a SmartArt graphic that lists some of the different types of properties that the company develops and manages.

  28. At the end of the presentation, insert a slide that contains the contact information for Mr. Spacken.

  29. Insert additional text, pictures, and clip art to enhance the presentation.

  30. Format any text or other objects to create a professional appearance.

  31. Open the file Gallen_Letter, and then save as LawWhite_Frederique_Gallen_Letter

  32. Insert the file name in the footer.

  33. Format the letterhead for Mr. Tony Spacken.

  34. Insert the current date, and then insert Lavern Gallen’s name and address and a proper salutation.

  35. Following the first paragraph, copy the SmartArt graphic from your presentation to the letter, changing text wrapping and resizing as necessary.

  36. Following the second paragraph, from Excel, on the Pleasant Properties worksheet, link cells F1:G38 (first and second row) to the Word document.

  37. Under the third paragraph, insert the RTF file listing the Florida and Georgia properties.

  38. Format the document to create a professional appearance.




Design and implement a RandomQueue. This is an implementation of the Queue interface in which the remove() operation removes an element that is chosen uniformly at random among all the elements currently in the queue. (Think of a RandomQueue as a bag in which we can add elements or reach in and blindly remove some random element.) The add(x) and remove() operations in a RandomQueue should run in constant time per operation.



NUTR 11; “Fad Diet” article

NUTR 11; “Fad Diet” article


In this project, you demonstrate several learning objectives for our NUTR 11 course:

  • Evaluate the reliability of nutritional information from a variety of sources.

  • Research reliable resources in nutrition.

  • Critique popular literature in the field of food and nutrition and determine its accuracy.

  • Research and describe diet trends and describe their side effects.

Just a reminder that for this project you will:

  1. Decide what fad diet you want to research.

  2. Find 3 articles from the PCC Nutrition LibGuideLinks to an external site. about your topic. One of these must be from a scholarly journal. (Tip: You may have already found one for your assignment the first week of class!)

  3. (a) Summarize the “Fad Diet” article using the rubric prompts below; then, (b) compare & contrast the Fad Diet promises with the scientific research articles you found (please look at the rubric prompts below), and (c) provide a science-based conclusion statement.


Geology 1: Crustal Deformation & Mountain Building, Earthquakes

Chap 9- Crustal Deformation & Mountain Building
1. Know the types of faults that form in brittle regime (or rocks)
2. Know the types of folds (3 types) that form in ductile regime (or rocks)
3. Be able to sketch and/or normal faults, reverse faults, strike slip faults, anticlines
and synclines; also be able to visually identify those structures
4. Know the type of stress that creates normal faults, reverse faults, strike slip faults,
anticlines and synclines
5. How do rocks respond to differential stress at different depths inside the Earth?
Be specific about each type of stress (shear, tensional, and compression) naming
the structures that occur. Remember that rocks become ductile at depth due to
increase temperature and depth. So, make sure to name both the brittle structures
and ductile structures that form under different stresses.
Chap 9- Earthquakes
6. Explain the mechanisms of how earthquakes occur
7. What are the four types of seismic waves? Explain each one in terms of its
characteristics (arrival time to a seismogram, type of movement, velocity, material
it travels through)

8. Describe the steps you would go through to determine the source of an
earthquake, provided you had access to three seismographs that recorded the
9. Explain what the Modified Mercalli scale measures and how it is used to assess
what occurred to a region after a great earthquake. You just need to understand
how it works, so don’t memorize the details of the scale itself.
10. Describe the phenomenon of liquefaction in earthquakes and why it occurs. What
happens? How can it affect buildings? What can be done to prevent damage to
buildings in areas prone to liquefaction?
11. Be able to read the graph used in class that shows p-and s- wave travel time
curves. You should be able to tell how far a wave travels in a given time or how
much time it takes for a wave to travel a given distance.



ECON 180 Independent Study

ECON 180 Independent Study

Instructions: You must complete a 2,000 to 4,000 word original term paper for this independent study. In preparation for this, you must develop the proposal outlining your planned research question and supporting materials. Complete this template with information for your own planned research project. Use complete sentences throughout and check for spelling and grammar.

ECON 180 Independent Study



Human trafficking

A little background: One of the most important aspects of finding out more about crime and “why people do what they do” is to understand what Criminologists have already determined. Research raises our awareness of the things that we should pay close attention to. It creates a photo of what has happened, what may happen and what we can do to prevent things from happening (from a policy perspective).

Criminologists, and other scholars, tell us these things by publishing their research findings in academic peer reviewed journals. The idea is to know what research exists and to find gaps in the content areas that are in need of further research in an effort to conduct research to help create yet an even more comprehensive picture of a crime, criminal behavior, policy, and to suggest a policy!

For this assignment, you will start the process of research and identifying a gap in the literature (i.e. an area in need of further research)! Your goal is to synthesize information that exists about a topic and then identify a research question that would help a Criminologist to explore the topic further. You will carry this topic throughout this course- so be sure to pick a topic that interests you!

You are to do the following for this assignment:

  1. Pick a broad topic area about crime that interests you (for example, homicide)

  2. Pick a demographic variable that you think may affect that topic (for example, where one lives)

  3. Identify 2 variables (one independent (IV) and one dependent variable (DV)). For example, in the example above, Homicide would be my dependent variable and where one lives would be my independent variable. You can think of a “cause and effect” relationship to determine which is your independent and which is your dependent variable.

  4. Now create a research question. Research questions are frequently used in Criminology. This is because we often cannot “prove” anything, but we can suggest relationships. Research questions assess the possible relationship between variables. They are often in the format of: “To what extent, if any, is X related to Y.” Of course, the wording may be a little different, but hopefully you get the idea!

  5. Use a data base (such as Sage) to start researching what research exists about your topic and the other variable you have chosen. You are to use academic peer reviewed articles only.

  6. Choose 3 peer reviewed academic articles for each of each variables (you will have six articles total- 3 for your IV and 3 for your DV). Write an annotated bibliography for each of your articles. Pay special attention to the similarities and differences in regards to what they are saying about your topic. Provide a brief summary of the article, and spend at least a paragraph discussing the similarities and differences between the topical articles.


BA573 (Project Planning and Management Seminar) Research Paper

BA573 (Project Planning and Management Seminar) Research Paper


The paper should be a minimum of 5-6 typed pages, using one and a half spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font.

This research assignment will provide you an opportunity to examine the impact of effective project management on the overall success of an organization. Use resources available through the library and other sources (including the internet) to obtain information. In your paper, you should discuss and identify as many principles of Project Management concepts as possible.

Select a publicly-traded company, I would pick S&P 500 or big global company as they tend to have project management information available.

Items that should be discussed with your selected company includes (1-2 paragraphs):

  • Mission and Vision

  • Values and Ethics

  • Organization structure and culture

  • Overall measurements of success for this company

The following questions should be addressed when possible (remaining part of your paper):

o Discuss briefly about the project you have selected.

o What issues did they face in the projects you have selected?

o What are the major strengths of the company in terms of project management?

o In what ways did Conceptualizing, Planning, Executing and Closing contribute to success (or failure) of the project?

o What was the most important thing leading to that success (or failure)?

o What are your conclusions about the management based on your research?


Analytical words or essay

Consider the conditions black Americans were facing from the 1890s through 1920. Then, analyze Booker T. Washington’s approach to racial uplift among black Americans. Viewing his approach in the context of the circumstances black Americans were facing during the Nadir, what were the merits and drawbacks of Booker T. Washington’s approach?

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