Category Archives: Research Papers

COSC 2336: Data Structures and Algorithms

COSC 2336: Data Structures and Algorithms

You should set up your project/code as described in the previous section. In this section we give some more details on implementing the member functions for this assignment. You should perform the following tasks for this assignment:
1. Write the member function to search() the linked list for a particular piece of information. The search function takes a const T& as its parameter and it returns a boolean result. This member function should also be declared
as a const member function, as it does not change the list if it is called. An example implementaiton for this function is actually given in our textbook, though you may need to change it slightly to work with our assignment code.
2. Also add/write the deleteNode() member function, which is also given in our textbook implementation. This function takes a const T& as its parameter, which is the value of an item to search for and delete. Thus the first part of this function is similar to the search() function, in that you first have to perform a search to find
the item. But once found, the node containing the item should be removed from the list (and you should free the memory of the node). This function is only guaranteed to find the first instance of the item and delete it, if the item appears multiple times in the list, the ones after the first one will still be there after the first item is removed by this function. This function should return a LinkedListItemNotFoundException if the item asked for is not found. The LinkedListItemNotFoundException class has already been defined for you in the starting template header file.

COSC 2336: Data Structures and Algorithms

3. Write a member function named findItemAtIndex() for the LinkedList class. This function will be given a single integer parameter called index. It will search through the linked list and return a reference to the info of index’th node in the list. It is important that you return a T& (a reference to a type T) from this function.
This function works using 0 based indexing (like arrays), thus if we ask for index 0, the first or head node info should be returned. If we ask for index 1, the info in the node after the head node is returned. If the list only has 5 nodes (indexes 0 to 4) and we ask for index 5 or greater, you should throw a LinkedListItemNotFound exception. (This exception class has already been defined in the LinkedList header given to you, you simply need to throw it). For a little extra credit, you can add the overloaded operator[] to define indexing operations on your LinkedList which just uses your working findItemAtIndex() member function.
4. Write a member function named deleteItemAtIndex(). This function will perform similar to the previous one, but instead of returning the info in the index’thed node, it will simply delete the node. Thus your logic will be similar to task 3, you will need to search till you get to the index’thed node in the list. But at that point you should remove the node (and don’t forget to delete it, to free up its memory). If the asked for index does not exist, as usual you should throw a LinkedListItemNotFound exception.
5. Extra credit: you can write this recursive member function for a little bit of additional extra credit. Write a member function named toReverseString(). There is already a string function, that creates a string representation of the items in the list and returns the string. Your method will create a string of the items in the linked list, but in reverse order. You should use the recursiveReversePrint() discussed in our textbook as an example. E.g. this method should be implemented using a recursive function definition to accomplish reversing the list. But for credit, your function needs to use recursion, and it needs to build and return a string recursively (not print the results on the cout stream). There are tests for this extra credit in the testing file, but you can simply leave them commented out if you don’t work on this function. Hint: You will need to write two functions named toReverseString(). One of them will take no parameters, and is what is usually called by a user of the LinkedList class. But the second version should be the recursive function, and it will take a Node* as its parameters.


PPUA 6201: Racial Equity Solutions

 PPUA 6201: The 21st Century City

  • Identify key movements and actors in the early history of urban planning

  • Assess various actors structuring urbanization, e.g. state, private sector, non-profit sector, civil society;

  • Analyze major socioeconomic forces shaping the twenty-first city, including the environment, housing, transportation, poverty, migration, race and ethnicity and economic development.

  • identify major urban policy shifts that have occurred since the

rise of urban America;

  • write a scholarly paper that explores strategies for advancing racial equity in cities;

  • present a policy briefing through the presentation of a scholarly

policy paper.



A population of bacteria is shrinking continuously at a rate of 7% per hour. How many of a colony of 5000 will be left after a day? After 10 years, Norma has $20,485 in her annuity. She’s been depositing $125 per month, at 6% interest compounded monthly. How much of the money did Norma contribute?

1. Type the first 5 terms of the linear sequence that starts at 8 and has common difference -3. Separate terms with commas, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

2.The fuel price in Sumtown this time last year was $3.48 per gallon. Right now, 12 months later, it is $2.64 per gallon. What is the average rate of change over the past 12 months? Do not include a unit in your answer; the next question will ask about the units. Do include a negative if applicable. Round to the nearest hundredth if necessary.

3. Type the first 5 terms of the geometric sequence that starts with -9 and has common ratio -3. Separate values with commas, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

4.Use the summation formula to find the sum:

2 + 5 + 12.5 + … + 2(5/2)^9

Round to the nearest 100th if necessary.

5.A population of bacteria is shrinking continuously at a rate of 7% per hour. How many of a colony of 5000 will be left after a day? Round to the nearest whole creature if necessary.

6. Eldon invested some money at 1.9% simple interest. If he had a total of $3876.72 after 6 years, how much did he initially invest? Round to the nearest cent if necessary.

7.Jami invested $2600 at 4.2% annual interest, compounded quarterly. How much will she have after 12 years? Round to the nearest cent if necessary.

8.Brendan opens a retirement account that pays 5.7% interest, compounded monthly. If he deposits $100 a month for 20 years, how much will be in the account? Round to the nearest dollar.

9.After 10 years, Norma has $20,485 in her annuity. She’s been depositing $125 per month, at 6% interest compounded monthly. How much of the money did Norma contribute?

10.Skrubby stock is currently worth $695 per share, has earnings of $7 million, and has released 700,000 shares of stock for purchase. Shareholders currently receive a dividend of $99 per share. What is Skrubby’s Price per Earning (P/E)? Round to the nearest cent if necessary. $ 

Skrubby stock is currently worth $695 per share, has earnings of $7 million, and has released 700,000 shares of stock for purchase. Shareholders currently receive a dividend of $99 per share.

Find the value of Skrubby’s dividend yield. Round to the nearest 10th of a percent if necessary.

12.Skrubby stock is currently worth $695 per share, has earnings of $7 million, and has released 700,000 shares of stock for purchase. Shareholders currently receive a dividend of $99 per share.

Leandro owns 931 shares of Skrubby stock. What is his percent ownership of Skrubby? Round to the nearest hundredth of a percent if necessary.


Money and banking; How are the rules different for Community Banks? What is the rationale for having different rules for Community Banks?

(1)Read the Federal Reserve Board July 2, 1013 Press Release on Basel III:

Answer the following questions:

(i)What is the main goal of Basel III? Summarize the changes in capital requirements.

(ii)How are the rules different for Community Banks? What is the rationale for having different rules for Community Banks?

(2)Watch a portion of the following video (starting at 3:30 to 36:00) where Michael Lewis discusses “The Big Short and the future of finance”:

Answer the following questions:

(i)Michael Lewis’ first book was Liar’s Poker. What was his motivation and intention in writing the book? What perverse conclusion did many readers take from the book?

(ii)Describe “the shift” that Lewis observed while he was working in finance on Wall Street.

(iii)Summarize the Darwinian story that takes place between the “Vinnies” on Wall Street and the younger workers with graduate degrees in physics, math, economics, and business. How does the story about crash insurance provide a metaphor for this evolution?

(iv)What are the two most shocking things that Lewis found in reaction to the publication of The Big Short?

(v)Describe Lewis’ cynical view on the Department of Economics at his Alma Mater.


Identify two major figures in the history of photography

  1. Create a timeline with the history of photography.

  2. Identify two major figures in the history of photography


How do organizations decide the compensation of the employees?

This is a question for my Human Resources Management class. This question needs to some how relate back to HR and take HR of companies into consideration when answering. He wants us to use specific HR management concepts and ideas when answering this question.

Written Question: How do organizations decide the compensation of the employees?


Research Paper on the surveillance state

Your Research paper on the surveillance state:

750 word research paper with at least 3 sources. There should be no lists. Write in essay format not outline format. Include a meaningful title.

You must include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosing the copied words in quotation marks and cited in-line.

There should be no lists – bulleted, numbered or otherwise.

Write in essay format with coherent paragraphs not in outline format. Distribute your quotes among the paragraphs.

do not cite your source or you use word replacement software.

Find a topic that we covered in the course and dig deeper or find something that will help you in your work or in a subject area of interest related to the course topic. Use academically appropriate resources which you can find in the Danforth Library Research Databases.


The Process of Innovation

Innovation is not just a buzzword it should be thought of as a core competency for all organizations especially in this changing climate.Innovation is more than inventing, but in many ways it is continuing to reinvent yourself over time. In the literature it has been referred to as a mindset. Many companies spend millions and billions of dollars each year on innovation. If organizations do not exhibit the ability to innovate then they will not be able to compete in this economy. People who set themselves apart are those who can assist organizations gain leverage through being innovative.

  1. Name the company and identify the industry.

  2. Provide some background about the company.

  3. What are the major issues?

  4. What innovative strategy do you recommend to keep the company viable? Why should leaders believe your innovative strategy will work?

  5. Discuss the relationship between the innovative process and assisting the organization to gain a competitive advantage.

Conduct a google search for companies that have either closed or are in distress. Write a 3-4 page assessment of the company to the CEO and Board of Directors. The goal of the paper is to write an argumentative essayargumentative essay (Links to an external site.) convincing the leaders to keep the company open.


Topical Paper #1 – 624

Focus on the Risk Matrix in Table 15.1 on page 176 and Figure 15.1 on page 177. Based on your experience or on a risk issue you find in an external source (literature article, news event, website for example) give one example of a risk for each “T” in Table 15.1 and justify why you would select that “T” to manage a specific risk taking into consideration the impact and likelihood of each risk. So, you will identify one risk that you will transfer, another that you will terminate, etc. Each risk can focus on different situations, or you may be able to use one or more risk situation for all 4 Ts. For example: A flood in a grocery store may have certain risks, while a fire in a day care center may be associated with other types of risk.


RWS 305W Module 3

RWS 305W Module 3 Prompt



Demonstrate your knowledge of professional rhetoric and personal representation by creating a résumé, cover letter or personal statement, and a discussion of your individual job/grad context.

YOU WILL COMPLETE FOUR documents worth 15% of your course grade


Details on the Documents and How They Will Be Evaluated:

  1. Job/Grad Program POST: Find a current, relevant, and interesting job posting for a job you would apply for within the next year. You may instead choose to find a posting for an internship, or a graduate program you would like to apply to. You must provide the actual TEXT of the posting, so once you find one you want to work with, copy/paste the text into a document with URL and list date and save it (just in case the posting is removed before our due date).


  1. résumé/CV: Depending on your goals, create a résumé or curriculum vitae that provides the relevant information for your application. Make sure this is thoroughly edited and professionally formatted. Using the readings and information provided, you may choose to create a traditional or non-traditional formatted résumé but you should utilize the advice and critical thinking elements from the supplemental articles and samples.  Make sure you consider your audience and context in making your design decisions. You must construct or revise your résumé to demonstrate a critical reading of the job posting and an effective response.

  1. cover letter OR PERSONAL STATEMENT: For the specific job posting or internship or graduate program you have chosen in step one above, write a letter/statement that expresses your interest in this position. This should state your goals, your strengths in the field, your knowledge of the company/program and your appropriateness for the position; you must include an anecdote in your writing – a short, personal narrative passage that highlights some aspect of your candidacy with vivid, descriptive detail. Make sure this is thoroughly edited and professionally formatted. You must demonstrate that you have carefully read and analyzed the job/program description, responding and mimicking when relevant their tone, wording, values, and jargon in your own writing.

  1. CONTEXT PARAGRAPH: This is a writing exercise that is intended to articulate your individual professional pursuits based on a specific field, your research and goals. This is not a document that you would submit to an employer.  The GOAL of the document is to portray the basic rhetorical situation, including an awareness of how your materials will eventually be received and judged.  This is a single stand-alone paragraph that should address the following:

  • Identify the name of the institution and the specific position/program you are pursuing

  • Name 2+ required qualifications that you must meet in order to be considered

  • Portray a few relevant facts & info about location, mission statement, outreach, reputation, essay prompt, company/school culture

  • Identify specific focuses within your career path or academic field: research that interests you, individuals of importance with whom you might want to work, newsworthy achievements that relate to your goals, etc.

  • Cite the specific submission requirements and the exact materials they require



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