Category Archives: Research Papers

Analysis of Dracula

Critical Analysis Guidelines

Your analysis of Dracula may be on any topic of your choosing relating to themes found within the text and at least one other outside source. Examples of these topics may include, but are not limited to any of the essays we have reviewed in class. Some such examples may be comparing the concepts of Good vs. Evil among characters in Bram Stoker’s Dracula, female representation in Dracula vs. other vampire lore, and comparing the characteristics between the ways vampires are represented in Dracula vs. more modern iterations such as Twilight.


How can our course topic and content be enriched by exploring connections between the two disciplines (philosophy and literature/film studies)? More specifically, how can Prof. Hower’s talk expand and enrich our class discussion of humanity, technology, and the cyborg, among others?   

  1. What are some of the overlapping ideas, concepts, and theoretical frameworks that you found between Prof. Hower’s philosophical approach and our own inquiry in ENGL 364-70? What’s your main takeaway from the lecture? How did it change and expand your thinking?

2-1. How can our course topic and content be enriched by exploring connections between the two disciplines (philosophy and literature/film studies)? More specifically, how can Prof. Hower’s talk expand and enrich our class discussion of humanity, technology, and the cyborg, among others?

2-2. Did our course materials, themes, and topics help you better understand some parts of Prof. Hower’s main ideas and points? Can you take some specific examples?

  1. “Engage to (Re)build Community” is the TLC theme for Fall 2020, according to which our course examines the possibility and importance of reconsidering and/or embracing technology in general and the cyborg/android/robot in particular as part of our new community in the future. How did the Faculty Exchange relate to and enrich the TLC theme AND our inquiry in class that focus on restructuring our hitherto human-centered community to build a new one?



Project Part 6: System Restoration


One of the security improvements at Always Fresh is setting up a system recovery procedure for each type of computer. These procedures will guide administrators in recovering a failed computer to a condition as near to the point of failure as possible. The goal is to minimize both downtime and data loss.

You have already implemented the following backup strategies for workstation computers:

  • All desktop workstations were originally installed from a single image for Always Fresh standard workstations. The base image is updated with all patches and new software installed on live workstations.

  • Desktop workstation computers execute a cloud backup every night at 1:00 m.

Consider the following for a computer that encounters a disk drive failure or some other error that requires restoration:

  1. How much data has been modified between the last backup and the time of failure?

  2. What images are necessary to recover the workstation?

  3. What are the steps necessary to fix the problem that cause the data loss?

  4. What steps should Always Fresh take to avoid a reoccurrence of this issue in the future?


Create a procedure guide that describes the necessary steps for recovering a desktop workstation computer. Fill in details for each of the following steps:

  1. Describe the processes of:

    1. Fixing the problem that caused the failure in the first place. Keep the description of this process general. Just address the problem and ensure the recovery process starts with a functional

    2. Restoring the newly repaired computer to a base

    3. Restoring local data for the specific workstation that

  2. Provide the steps to follow for each of the restore operations. Assume you will be using the Windows Backup and Restore


ECO 360 International Economic Relations

ECO 360 International Economic Relations

Question 1 (11 points)
(1) Suppose Home has 2,000 units of labor available. It can produce two goods, clothing (C) and wheat (W). The unit labor requirement in clothing production is 5, while in wheat production it is 2.
(1 point) a. Let QC and QF be the quantities of clothing and wheat produced, derive Home’s production possibility frontier (PPF) and graph it.
(1 point) b. What is the opportunity cost of clothing in terms of wheat?
(1 point) c. What and how much does Home produce when the relative price of clothing is 3, i.e., pC/pF = 3?
(1 point) d. Which workers (clothing workers or wheat workers) earn higher wages when the relative price of clothing is 2.5, i.e., pC/pF = 2.5?
(2) Home is as described above. Now suppose there is another country, Foreign, with a labor force of 3,000. Foreign’s unit labor requirement in clothing production is 2, while in wheat production it is 4.
(1 point) a. Which country has an absolute advantage over the other in clothing production? Which has a comparative advantage over the other in wheat production?
(2 points) b. What and how much do Home and Foreign produce, respectively, when the world relative price of clothing is 0.5, i.e., pC/pF = 0.5.
(1 point) c. What is the range for the relative price of clothing under free trade?
(1 point) d. Suppose the world relative price of clothing under free trade is 2, i.e., pC/pF = 2. Describe the pattern of trade between Home and Foreign.
(2 points) e. Show that both Home and Foreign gain from trade at pC/pF = 2.

ECO 360 International Economic Relations

Question 3 (13 points)
(1) Consider Home produces computers(C) and food(F) using capital(C) and labor(L). The unit factor requirements are fixed and given by: aLC = 2, aKC = 6, aLF = 3, aKF = 4. The total labor supply is 900 and the total capital stock is 1,500.
(1 point) a. Which good is relatively labor intensive? Which good is relatively capital intensive?

(2 points) b. Derive and draw the PPF of this country. At which point on the PPF are both factors fully employed?
(2 points) c. Suppose Home produces at the point you find in b. According to Rybczynski theorem, what happens to the output mix if the total labor supply increases.
(1 point) d. Suppose autarky prices are given by PC = 10, PF = 10. At which point on the PPF does Home produce?
(2) Now suppose there is another country, Foreign, with a labor supply of 1,200 and a capital stock of 1,800. Foreign shares the same technology with Home (i.e., a
∗LC = 2, a ∗KC = 6,

a∗LF = 3, a∗
KF = 4). Home and Foreign engage in free trade. Suppose the world relative price of computers is given by PC/PF = 1.2.
(1 point) a. Which country is relatively capital abundant and which labor abundant?
(1 point) b. Describe the pattern of trade between Home and Foreign.
(2 points) c. Show graphically the production and consumption of Home under free trade.
(2 points) d. Who will gain and who will lose from free trade?
(1 point) e. In which country are wages higher?


Poetry Paper – Com 1102

Poetry Paper – Com 1102

     In order to complete this paper you must have either a hard copy or an electronic copy of our book, The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature Twelfth Edition ( ISBN: 978-1-319-10505-1). You may order your electronic copy at for $42.99 for one hundred and eighty days.

Poetry Paper – Com 1102

     In a carefully structured five hundred word essay fully discuss the following three poems, “Because I could not stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson (p.736),  “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas (p. 681) and “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost (p. 768).  Prepare by first reading the poems then consider the questions that follow each poem in the book. After you have read the poems and considered the questions for each, begin your essay with a focus on what specific imagery each poet employs to treat the subject of death. Feel free to use both class notes and the questions that follow each poem. Conclude your exam with a discussion of how each poet’s treatment of death is quite different.


Econ 201 Questions; Why is GDP considered a limited measure of societal well-being and progress? We have discussed the differences between the mainstream and heterodox perspectives of money and banking. We have also been introduced to the idea that the modern economy is a set of interconnected balance sheets. What are the implications of misunderstanding how money and credit work in a modern capitalist economy?

Econ 201 Questions

1.Outline the key features of a modern capitalist system.Can capitalism be said to be evolving?

2.Explain the difference between financial resources and real resources.

3.Define what is meant by black-market activity and provide some examples.

Why do you think that the Italian statistical agency announced in late 2014 that black market activities would be included in its estimate of GDP?

4.Why is GDP considered a limited measure of societal well-being and progress? Use three examples to illustrate.

a.Describe two measures that have been developed to address some of the limitations of GDP. You will probably need to use Google to find the information.

b. List some of the components of these measures that represent an improvement in measuring societal well-being and progress compared with just relying on GDP per capita.

5.By considering the definitions of employment and unemployment, explain why it could be argued that the level of employment would tend to be overstated, whereas the level of unemployment would tend to be understated.

6.What options does the private sector have when faced with a persistent financial deficit? a.Is this situation sustainable? Why or why not?

7.We have discussed the differences between the mainstream and heterodox perspectives of money and banking. We have also been introduced to the idea that the modern economy is a set of interconnected balance sheets. What are the implications of misunderstanding how money and credit work in a modern capitalist economy?

A. Third party candidate M. Bobinson has surprised everyone by being elected President of the United States in November 2020. He is charismatic but knows very little about economic policy. Luckily, you’ve been placed in charge of his economic policy team. What are your economic policy recommendations to him? These should address short-term needs during the COVID crisis. Explain WHY you’re recommending these policies.


Philosophy Questions; Global poverty cannot be eliminated by sharing the wealth.” Do you agree? Why or why not?

1st assignment: you need to read Article 1 (in the attachment) then answer the question bellow following these steps:

1. What does Taylor state to be the metaphysical thesis of determinism?

The answer must be at least 5-6 sentences.

2. What concern(s) does Taylor raise in terms of accepting determinism as an explanation for human behavior?

The answer must be at least 5-6 sentences.

3. According to Taylor where does ultimate responsibility lie for anything that exists?

The answer must be at least 5-6 sentences.

4. Is everything determined? Is free will really just an illusion? What do you think? Explain.

The answer must be at least 5-6 sentences.


2nd Assignment: You need to read the philosophical note below then answer the question on Bold

The River (Heraclitus)

Heraclitus (535-475 BCE) – This Pre-Socratic Greek philosopher is noted for having said . . . “You cannot step in the same river twice.”

Heraclitus of Ephesus, also known as the Weeping Philosopher and Heraclitus the Obscure, has left us only a few philosophical sentences. His belief seems to have been that the universe is in a constant state of flux, as this famous quote indicates.

By the time that you attempt to step into the river a second time, the waters of the river will have moved on and so, the river will not be the same one you stepped into the first time.

The sentence also has a second meaning; you cannot step into the same river again because you are no longer the same as the person who took the first step. The question of how identity is preserved over time is one which still animates philosophers today.

Answer 1 of the following two questions:

1) Do you agree with Heraclitus that everything in the universe is in a state of flux (always changing)?

2) If everything is in a state of constant change why then do we tend to believe that certain things do not change (remain constant), including:

– our identities?

– the laws that govern the universe?

– God (or gods)? (if you are a believer)


3rd assignment: you need to read Article 2 (in the attachment) then answer the question bellow following these steps:

1. “Global poverty cannot be eliminated by sharing the wealth.” Do you agree? Why or why not?

The answer should be at least one paragraph in length and double-spaced

2. McMillan argues that inequality is an obstacle to growth. if so, should we try to reduce or eliminate inequality? why is this your view?

The answer should be at least one paragraph in length and double-spaced


4th Assignment: You need to read the scenario below then answer the question on Bold:

War or Family?

The philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre provided an example of a thorny dilemma faced by a student who came to him for advice during WW II. The man’s brother had been killed by the Germans, and it was his fervent wish to join the war effort, avenge his brother’s death, and help to free France, but he lived at home with his ailing mother and knew that she needed him.

Which should take precedence: the big issue of the war, in which his contribution may be very small, or a family responsibility that only he can fulfill? Explain in a few sentences.


Java Project – Develop a non-trivial program

Develop a non-trivial program of your choice in Java Swing and present it by the end of this course.1 The goal of this project is to demonstrate that you understand how to build a non-trivial OOP program with Java Swing GUI as a front end. A contract agreement between you and your instructor is required. The program needs to be of sufficient complexity to be approved. Ideally it will utilize many of the concepts and Java syntax that you have explored in this course


Social welfare policies

1. Identity of the individual or organization that you’ve selected.

2. Describe the period of history and the historical context in which this individual/organization functioned. That is, what were the societal conditions – social, economic, political–that made it necessary for this individual to take action? OR, for this organization to be developed?

3. What were the accomplishments of the individual/organization? How did these accomplishments contribute to the welfare of the African American community? Did African Americans experience a greater degree of social, economic, and political justice as a result of the activities of this individual/organization?

4. How did the accomplishments referenced in #3 contribute to American society at large? And to the profession of social work?

5. What obstacles or opposition did the individual or organization encounter? From whom and why? What were the strategies utilized in overcoming obstacles/ opposition?

6. Did the individual or organization develop its programs from a “strengths perspective?

7. Is the organization still active? If not, what conditions led to its demise?

Your presentations should be a summary of your work, and not a verbatim recitation of the paper.

The following areas should be covered in brief:

1. Name of the individual or organization that you researched.

2. Brief description of the period of history in which the individual/organization functioned. What were the political, social, economic conditions that made it necessary to take action?

3. Accomplishments of the individual/organization.

4. How did the accomplishments of the individual/organization contribute to the betterment of African Americans, to American society as a whole, and to social work/social welfare?

5. Opposition faced by the individual/organization, and how was the opposition overcome or confronted?

6. Is the organization still active? If not, what conditions led to its demise?


Draw a Conceptual Ecological Model

Draw a Conceptual Ecological Model about an injured area, possibly about the site you detailed in your “drivers and purposes homework” along the Upper Clark Fork Superfund Complex, by presenting the indirect and direct drivers, the stressors, their ecological effects, and the affected ecological attributes on it. Also, indicate the possible effects and interactions by using a color code.

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