Category Archives: Research Papers

MUSIC26AC Homework

MUSIC26AC Homework

  1. Listen to “Livery Stable Blues.” How should a group like the Original Dixieland Jazz Band be remembered as part of jazz history? In what ways would you frame the band and their first recording in relation to the racial dynamics of the tradition?

  2. Listen to Louis Armstrong’s “Potato Head Blues” and create a “map” of its major moments or changes, so that someone could use it as a guide while listening. Use the guide made for “Jazz Me Blues” found in the Media Notes. Chart at least five elements, such as when solos come in, when the ensemble plays together, what instruments are featured at different times, etc.

MUSIC26AC Homework

3. Listen to “King Porter Stomp” and “In the Mood.” Describe the major contours of each piece in a couple of sentences each. Think about Ogren’s argument about the changes between Dixieland and Swing jazz. Do you agree with this? Why or why not? Use examples from one or both pieces to back up your claim4. Watch I’ll Be Glad When You’re Dead You Rascal You and consider the discourses around blackness jazz enabled. In what ways do you see the multiple ways jazz featured into the U.S. American imaginary portrayed?5. Given all of the reading and media this week, discuss what about jazz might have symbolized the coming of modernity to the U.S. to listeners of the 1920s. What does the sound of the music capture? How might it have depicted the major changes moving through U.S. society?6. List and describe three technological advances that impacted what was recorded as “jazz.”7. How does the black-white binary appear in the stories told in Forbidden City USA? Who spoke to this phenomenon and how did they navigate it? How does this relate to the distinction between genre and practice?8. In what ways do the model minority or exotic stereotypes of Asian Americans appear in the film? In what ways did the performers in the film stereotype other races or ethnicities? What might this say about racial projects?9. Drawing on Fracis Wong’s question, is Japanese swing U.S. American music? Argue for or against this point using evidence from the materials from this or past weeks.10. Are Asian Americans still silenced in the popular music industry? What about popular culture on a whole? What is similar or different today versus a century ago?


Review Exercise: Dispute Resolution

Step two:


Review the textbook’s chapter 12 (consideration) and chapter 13 (discharge) for information on the topic of accord and satisfaction.  The concepts and issues discussed are central to this assignment.

Step three:

Review the textbook’s chapter 4 on Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution. According to the American Bar Association “relatively few lawsuits ever go through the full range of procedures and all the way to trial. Most civil cases are settled by mutual agreement between the parties. A dispute can be settled even before a suit is filed. Once a suit is filed, it can be settled before the trial begins, during the trial, while the jury is deliberating, or even after a verdict is rendered.” See ABA: How Courts Work.

Why not settle the dispute even before the lawsuit starts? What are the benefits of settling before the lawsuit begins? Explain.

A demand letter is the first step in settling a civil case. What is a demand letter and how might a demand letter be effective in reaching a settlement of this dispute before the case goes to court? Explain.


Step four:

Draft an effective demand letter to Home Improvements, Inc. on behalf of your client, Molly. Refer to the Nolo website, which has good instructions on how to write a demand letter. The instructions are free.

Step five:


Answer the following question: If Home Improvements ignores the demand letter and proceeds with the lawsuit against Molly what will be the result? Judgment for whom?  Explain using the IRAC method. (Hint: Don’t forget to include a discussion of the concept of unliquidated debt.)



Historical hero(Ancient Greek)

Choose an historical hero(Ancient Greek) from the past and compare him/her to one from the present

(they could be a current world figure, celebrity, or someone you know). You must use illustrations of each hero.Please refer to any source or quote you use. Be Creative!

The format for your paper should be as follows:


1. Title Page – Your name and subject


2. Body of Paper

a. Make references to your sources – Example (Wood, p.33) or (website)


3. Bibliography

Three sources or more. Do not use your text or Wikipedia!


4. Typed and double spaced with 4-5 pages of text


PHIL103 Introduction to Ethics

PHIL103 Introduction to Ethics

Question 1: Hume thinks that sentiment is extremely important in considering our motivation for moral action – please give a short explanation of the role that it plays for him, giving a specific example as to how we might be motivated in the way he says. How does this tie into the virtues that he identifies? Does this offer us a compelling account of morality and, especially, moral motivation? Are they any possible criticisms one might make of his account, or of the way he explains the specific virtues? Why or why not?


Create Project Report from individual modules

Use the content modules 1-6 (attached) and turn those individual modules into a single report. No extra content needed. Below are the requirements.

  • 25 page limit including references, but appendices are excluded in this.
  • Please include name and “Capstone Project” at the top of each page, preferably in the header.
  • Use one-inch margins on all four sides.
  • Single space and indent paragraphs.
  • Use a 12-point font for body text.
  • Use a distinguished font for headings and subheadings.
  • Use page numbers, preferably in the footer, if the submission file exceeds a single page.
  • Follow APA (American Psychological Association) style guidelines for documentation, and cite and reference everything

Please use the sample report attached as a guide for the headings and sections.

A generalized outline (not a template) study is as follows:

The Executive Summary

The External Environment

  • General Industry Environment Industry

  • Competition

  • Competitor Analysis

Internal Environment

  • Vision, Mission, and Values Resources

  • Capabilities and Core Competencies

  • Value Chain Analysis

  • Financials

SWOT and Sustainable Competitive Advantage

  • Corporate Strategy

  • International Value Chain and Diversification

Strategy Formulation and Balanced Scorecard

Strategic Intent

Firm-Level Key Result Areas (KRAs) Financial perspective

  • Customer (Responsiveness) perspective

  • Quality perspective

  • Learning and Growth (Innovation) perspective

  • Internal Business Process (Efficiency) perspective

  • Quality perspective

Strategy Recommendation and Forecast

Major Implementation Activities

  • Financial Goals, costs and measures

  • Impact on resources, organizational structure, leadership, policy, etc.

  • Governance, Organizational Structure, and Leadership Considerations

  • Feasibility


Of the religions we’ve studied thus far, through the Eastern Relgions, all are concerned with balance in the universe, but which of them are more focused on peace (ahimsa) and which are ultimately more focused on notions of duty?…explain.Which are more concerned with allegiance to gods? How might these two questions be connected?

Answer the following questions as completely as you can in a single essayOf the religions we’ve studied thus far, through the Eastern Relgions, all are concerned with balance in the universe, but which of them are more focused on peace (ahimsa) and which are ultimately more focused on notions of duty?…explain.Which are more concerned with allegiance to gods? How might these two questions be connected? (You might want to look at the Bhagavad Gita and Confucianism as a starting point.)

  • Your paper should be at least three pages (that means to the bottom of the third page).It should not be more than four pages. It must be double spaced and typed in 12 point Times New Roman font.

  • Provide a cover page.Start your essay at the top of the next page.The cover page is not included in the three page minimum.

  • Begin with a strong thesis statement followed by relevant evidence from the readings and lecture.Cite Nadeau, Holloway, or Wright as (author pg.#); and cite the presentations/lectures as Colling + lecture/slide #, e.g. (Colling 5/42). Cite often.Document each claim that you make, but use only the assigned sources, i.e. readings and lectures.


Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)

Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)

  1. Which of the compounds listed in the video would best be described as non-polar? (1 pt)

  1. Which of the compounds listed in the video would best be described as polar? (1 pt)

  1. Explain how TLC separates compounds? (2 points)

  1. List the compounds that were found in spinach juice and their Rf values? (2 points)

  1. Which compound has a higher Rf value beta-carotene or chlorophyll A? Explain your answer by discussing the molecules functional groups and polarity. (1 point)

  1. How would the Rf values for the spinach extract change if the solvent in the developing chamber was more polar? (1 point)

Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)


Question 1. Why are the spots the same for both the right and left lanes of the TLC plate at Time = 0?  (1 point)


Question 2. Which spot is 3-methyl-1-butanol and which one is 2-phenylacetic acid? Explain how you know this based on polarity. (2 points)

Question 3. What is the new spot that appears during the reaction? (1 point)

Question 4. What has happened to the size of the starting material spots after ~20 minutes? Why? (1 point)

Question 5. How much time did it take to complete the reaction? Explain how you know this. (1 point)

Question 6. Calculate the Rf values for 2-phenylacetic acid, 3-methyl-1-butanol and the both starting materials and the product? Which starting chemical spot is and which one is? (2 points)

Question 7. What can you say about the relative polarities of the starting materials and the product using the Rf values? Explain this by discussing the functional groups on each structure. (2 points)



Excel formulas, making pivot tables, line charts, and analyzing data

Thumbtack Analysis Project

This sheet will help guide you through the steps that you need to perform in order to complete the analysis of visitor requests and quotes on the Thumbtack dataset. However, be sure to refer to the separate instructions document for additional information.

Cells in light blue indicate task information and other hints, while darker blue cells indicate questions and tasks to answer.

Note: Over the course of the project, there will be fewer direct instructions. In other words, you’ll need to make more decisions for yourself in later questions!

Amber cells indicate where answers should be posted. Pay careful attention to whether you need to type out your answers or create visualization. Creation of additional sheets to perform your analysis is encouraged, but will not be graded.

Data can be found on the Visitors_Extd tab as a table named VisitorsExtd.

Visitors and Conversion Rate

How does the number of visitors change over time?

1 (a)

To help organize things, create a new Sheet, and name it VisitorsByDay.

1 (b)

Create a PivotTable on the VisitorsByDay sheet. Set up the PivotTable to show the number (count) of visitors on each day of the dataset. CHECK: You should see 2718 visitors on August 1st.

1 (c)

Create a line chart of the visitors by day. Copy / paste that chart into the space below.

1 (d)

Create another PivotTable on the VisitorsByDay sheet that shows the number of visitors by the day of the week. Then, create a line chart of visitors by day of the week and copy / paste the chart into the space below. NOTE: This will require creation of an additional column with day of the week information first!

1 (e)

Answer the main question: How does the number of visitors change over time? Briefly describe any patterns in the visitors you observe from the charts you created.

What is the “conversion rate”, i.e. the proportion of visitors that make a request? How does the category and device type affect the conversion rate?

2 (a)

Prepare this question by creating a new Sheet called ConversionRates.

2 (b)

Create a PivotTable on the ConversionRates sheet that computes the overall conversion rate. Type that value in below. NOTE: There are no autograded cells in this project!

2 (c)

Update the PivotTable to show conversion rate across category and device type. HINT: Place one feature on the rows and the other on the columns!

2 (d)

Create a bar chart that demonstrates the conversion rates by both category and device type. Copy / paste the chart into the space below.

2 (e)

Answer the main questions. What is the overall conversion rate? How is this affected by the request category? How is this affected by device type? Be sure to note the size of each feature’s effect in your response.

Quotes and Jobs

What is the distribution of the number of quotes received​ ​per​ ​request?

3 (a)

Create a new sheet, QuoteDist. On that sheet, create a PivotTable that tabulates the frequency counts of the number of quotes received by each request. CHECK: You should see 1924 requests with five quotes, and 1 request with six quotes.

3 (b)

Use the PivotTable to compute the average number of quotes received per request. Type the answer in below.

3 (c)

Update the PivotTable so that we see the percentage of requests that get each number of quotes. What is the proportion of requests that gets…

    … zero quotes?

    … multiple (two or more) quotes?

3 (d)

Create a chart that shows the distribution of the number of quotes received per request. Copy / paste that chart into the space below.

What factors contribute to certain requests getting more quotes than others?

4 (a)

Compute the average number of requests received by the category of request. Which type of request gets more quotes on average: cleaning or moving? What is that difference?

4 (b)

For Local Moving requests, is there an effect of the move distance on the number of quotes generated? Describe any patterns that you observe.

4 (c)

For House Cleaning requests, is there an effect of the number of bedrooms or number of bathrooms on the number of quotes generated? Describe any patterns that you observe.

4 (d)

Provide a recommendation to Thumbtack for at least one way that they might increase the number of quotes sent by pros to requests, with a focus on those requests that received only zero or one quote. Be sure to justify your recommendation using the data and what you found in your analyses!

4 (e)

Finally, create or select at least one chart from your analyses to support your recommendation in the previous part and copy / paste it below. If you want to select two or more charts, place one in the box below, then put any additional supporting charts to the right.




  • The purpose of the case analysis is to present you with a typical scenario you will encounter in business at some point in your early career and to let you apply the concepts you’ve learned in class and/or from the book to analyze the issues facing a specific company (or person). For a good case analysis, you must closely examine the issues with which the company is confronted. A case analysis is not an essay or a report:

  • Case = A statement of facts and reasons (figures, charts and graphs as well as data) used to support an argument.

    Analysis = A careful and methodical investigation of the component parts of a whole and their relationships in making up the whole. Requires critical thinking.

    You will probably need to read the case several times – once to grasp the overall picture of what is happening with the company and then several more times to discover and grasp the specific problem(s) that need to be addressed.

    Generally, “textbook driven” cases provide clear hints as to what to consider – typically in the form of questions to be answered. The questions may also provide the high-level background that offers both the direction your answer should take and potential sources of additional information. In the case of questions posed by a senior manager in the work environment, such as this case, the questions to be answered may be less clear and will require you to develop/consider additional questions – i.e. you must apply a significant degree of research and critical thinking to explore and articulate alternatives.


Write a summary of the organization and why you think their work is important. If you were to take further action with this organization what might you do?

Review this American Bar Association webpage( on election protection and voting

Select one of the 11 organizations linked on the webpage you want to learn more about. You can also consider Rock the Vote ( or the Sentencing Project(

Once you select an organization review their website, reading their About Us section to learn more about their specific voting advocacy

Write a summary of the organization and why you think their work is important. If you were to take further action with this organization what might you do?

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