Category Archives: Research Papers

AP biology, Organelle Virtual

  1. Refer to the illustration above. In eukaryotic cells, mitochondria are found in structure

  2. 1 2                  c. 3                  d. 5

  1. Refer to the illustration. Structure 5 is

  2. The endoplasmic reticulum

  3. A Golgi apparatus

  4. A mitochondrion

  5. The nucleus

  1. The plasma membrane (or cell membrane)

  1. Is rigid.

  2. Allows all materials to pass through.

  3. Has proteins that move around.

  4. Is made of phospholipids, DNA and carbohydrates.

  1. Cyanide binds to at least one molecule involved in producing ATP. If a cell is exposed to cyanide, most of the cyanide will be found within the

  2. Mitochondria Ribosomes               c. Golgi apparatus                    d. Lysosomes

  1. Which structure modifies, stores and sends various molecules off to other cells?

  2. Endoplasmic reticulum

  3. Golgi apparatus

  4. Ribosomes

  5. Vesicles

  6. Nucleolus

  1. The subcellular component that is surrounded by a double membrane is _______.

  2. Chloroplast Ribosome                c. Lysosome                d. Nucleus

  1. The main difference between the smooth ER and the rough ER is

  2. The smooth ER is connected to the nucleus while the rough isn’t.

  3. The smooth ER lacks ribosomes while the rough ER has them.

  4. The smooth ER works alone and the rough ER works with the Golgi.

  5. There is no difference really, its just a matter of where they are located in the cell.

  1. Which of the following makes ribosomal RNA and subunits of ribosomes?

  1. Nucleolus                    b. Nuclear envelope                 c. Golgi apparatus                    d. ER

  1. A cell has been busy and has produced lots of waste and carbon dioxide. Which organelle would these byproducts be found in?

  1. Lysosomes                   b. Golgi apparatus                    c. Smooth ER                           d. Vacuoles

  1. Complete the analogy  mitochondria:power plant, vesicles: _________?

  1. digestion          b. Long term storage                c. transport                               d. Lipid synthesis

  1. If a prokaryotic cell needed to be mobile it would probably have at least one

  1. A certain kind of bacteria takes the sun’s light and converts it into sugar and oxygen. This bacterial cell would have many

  1. cilia                  b. chloroplasts             c. matrices                   d. Nuclear pores

  1. What is the most likely pathway taken by a newly synthesized protein that will be secreted by a cell?

  1. ER→Golgi→nucleus

  2. nucleus→ER→Golgi

  3. ER→Golgi→vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane

ER→lysosomes→vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane



Describe project management Dilemma? Provide one example for each of the PM dilemma. Provide a proposed or recommended solution(s)

Please view the article below and tie the topics with your readings as you see fit (Goodpasture and Highsmith).

Article title: Multi-level agile project management challenges: A self-organizing team perspective


Afterwards, please answer the following questions:

  1. Describe project management Dilemma?

  2. Provide one example for each of the PM dilemma.

  3. Provide a proposed or recommended solution(s)


Using your molecular modeling kit, construct trans-1,4-dimethylcyclohexane. In the space below, draw one of the chair conformations. Label the methyl groups as either axial (a) or equatorial (e). Number the carbons of the cyclohexane ring, perform a chair flip and draw the new chair conformation.

Using your molecular modeling kit, construct trans-1,4-dimethylcyclohexane. In the space below, draw one of the chair conformations. Label the methyl groups as either axial (a) or equatorial (e). Number the carbons of the cyclohexane ring, perform a chair flip and draw the new chair conformation.


Portfolio project in cloud computing

For this project, select an organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage. Research the organization to understand the challenges that they faced and how they intended to use Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges. The paper should include the following sections each called out with a header.

  • Company Overview: The section should include the company name, the industry they are in and a general overview of the organization.

  • Challenges: Discuss the challenges the organization had that limited their profitability and/or competitiveness and how they planned to leverage Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges.

  • Solution: Describe the organization’s Cloud Computing implementation and the benefits they realized from the implementation. What was the result of implementing Cloud Computing? Did they meet their objectives for fall short?

  • Conclusion: Summarize the most important ideas from the paper and also make recommendations or how they might have achieved even greater success.


Assignment Presentation

Each group will use the CDC campaigns accessed via these links: & along with a few others (See assignment links below). Students will be assigned a campaign to research (e.g. no groups will present on the same program or campaign) and then develop a group presentation that categorizes the health promotion methods used/directed/created for individual, group, organizational, community, and societal (mass media) audience levels. A group platform will be provided within BB to work on the presentation collaboratively.


Financial resources

Financial resources are the running blood of the organization.

1)Are you willing to give up some amount of ownership of your company?

2)Are you willing to have debt that you must repay?

3)Are you willing to risk property or other assets?

4)How much control of the direction and operation of yout company are you willing to relinquish?

5)What other help do you want from a founder beside money?

6)How fast do you want to grow your business?


When you first start to look for financing, you may take any money you can find, but you should exercise care. The various sources of money require different types of return on their investments, have varying level of sofistication and comfort with risk, and provide you with significantly different auxiliary benefits and disadvantages.


ECON 570 Problem Set 2

ECON 570 Problem Set 2

1 Decision Trees
A. Load the Boston house prices dataset with the load_boston method from the module sklearn.datasets. What is the target variable and what are the features?
B. Import the class DecisionTreeRegressor from the module sklearn.tree. Using 5- fold cross-validation, plot the training error and test error as you vary the parameter max_depth from 1 to 8 in predicting the target variable from the features. Use mean squared error as the evaluation metric.
C. What is the optimal max_depth?

2 Ensemble Estimators
Throughout the following exercises, continue using mean squared error as the evaluation metric. Furthermore, continue to do 5-fold cross-validation and make sure that folds used in each part below are the same.
A. Construct a bagging estimator from the base estimator DecisionTreeRegressor. Consider two possible values for max_depth: 2 and 6. Let B be the number of trees aggregated. Plot the test error as B increases from 1 to 200, for both possible values of max_depth.
B. Use the class RandomForestRegressor from the module sklearn.ensemble and set the number of features to consider when looking for the best split to be the square root of the number of features. Consider again two possible values for the parameter max_depth: 2 and 6, and let B be the number of trees aggregated. Plot the test error
as B increases from 1 to 200, for both possible values of max_depth.

C. Install the Python package xgboost and use the class XGBRegressor to again plot the test error as the number of trees aggregated increase from 1 to 200, for max_depth equal to 2 and 6


Entry into the International Market

Every multinational business has somewhere started as a local business and over time has adopted different modes of entry into the international business. When businesses grow successfully within their domestic markets, they attempt to expand their businesses into international markets, in an attempt to replicate its success in overseas markets (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2006). Some of the modes of entry into international business you can opt for include direct export, licensing, international agents and distributors, joint ventures, strategic alliance, and foreign direct investment (Peng, 2009).

Direct exporting involves you directly exporting your goods and products to another overseas market. For some businesses, it is the fastest mode of entry into the international business. In case you foresee a potential demand for your goods and products in an overseas market, you can opt to supply your goods to an importer instead of establishing your own retail presence in the overseas market.

Companies which want to establish a retail presence in an overseas market with minimal risk, the licensing and franchising strategy allows another person or business assume the risk on behalf of the company.

joint venture is one of the preferred modes of entry into international business for businesses who do not mind sharing their brand, knowledge, and expertise.

Strategic acquisition implies that your company acquires a controlling interest in an existing company in the overseas market.

Foreign Direct Investment involves a company entering an overseas market by making a substantial investment in the country. Some of the modes of entry into international business using the foreign direct investment strategy includes mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and greenfield investments.

Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2006). Human resource management. China People’s University Press.

Peng, M. (2009). Global business. Boston: Cengage Learning.

Prompt: What are the distribution options that a direct exporter can use, and what are the primary strengths and weaknesses of each type?

Supplementary Resources

Market entry in International Business:

Mode of Entry Options for International Marketing

What global trade deals are really about (hint: it’s not trade)


How millennials are perceived in the workplace and the consequences of such generalizations, especially how they affect advancement chances.

How millennials are perceived in the workplace and the consequences of such generalizations, especially how they affect advancement chances.



Thinking of your own major and future career path, how might people with disabilities be included in that industry?

Thinking of your own major and future career path, how might people with disabilities be included in that industry?

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