Category Archives: Research Papers

AFIN3052 Project Assignment

AFIN3052 Project Assignment

The senior management of Invest ‘Em All has agreed to implement the long-short strategy that you developed in the group report (i.e. Portfolio a). The senior would like to provide custom made investment solutions to the clients. This investment solution will be a portfolio of the risk-free asset and the optimal risky portfolio. Write a proposal to the senior management to address the following tasks.

AFIN3052 Project Assignment

1. Provide details related to investor utility.
2. Suggest how one’s utility can be optimised under the mean-variance portfolio framework.
3. Uses the average of the digits in your student ID as your risk aversion coefficient to find your optimal portfolio. Comment on this portfolio and list out the assumption that you have made in the calculation. (E.g if your student ID is 45678901, your risk aversion coefficient is A=5)
4. Other comments or discussions you find relevant.



Write essay

Erich Fried: ExilesYouTube video ‪59 minutes‬

Explain how this documentary is still relevant in today’s world. Use quotes from the documentary and the poems he speaks about to support your reasoning and relate it to life in general. I already have a lot of the quotes and key points from the documentary written down so it will be easier to put it all together.


Data Structure – Use Master Theorem to solve the following recurrence relations or indicate “not applicable” if Master Theorem does not apply. Explain why.

1) (2 pts ea.) Use Master Theorem to solve the following recurrence relations or indicate “not applicable” if Master Theorem does not apply. Explain why.

  1. T(n) = T(n/4) + 6 (n2) + n

  1. T(n) = 1/6 T(n/4) + sqrt(n) + O(1)

  1. T(n) = 5T(n/2) + 4n + 1

2) (4 pts) A function Max-Heapify(A, i) ensures that element i is in its correct location in a max heap.  Show the array after a call to Max-Heapify(Array, 3).

Input Array = [ 27, 17, 3, 16, 13, 10, 1, 5, 7, 12, 4, 8, 9, 0 ]

3) (4 pts) In the following array representation of a heap, which of the following values are contained in leaf nodes?

A = [ 5, 3, 17, 10, 84, 19, 6, 22, 9 ]

4) (2 pts) In an undirected graph, the sum of the degrees of all vertices is equal to?

5) (4 pts) The post-order traversal of a binary tree is D,E,B,F,C,A.  What is the pre-order traversal?

6) (4 pts) True or false – In a max-heap, the smallest element must be in a leaf node. Justify your answer.

7) (2 pt ea.) Indicate the space complexity (i.e. the extra space required, in big-O terms) for each of the following algorithms:

  1. A) Insertion sort

  1. B) Merge sort

  1. C) Quicksort

8) (4 pts) The height of a binary search tree with n nodes is on the order of?



Is access to health care a moral right? Why or why not?

This week’s discussion board post is even more timely than usual. We are in the middle of a pandemic. Many with communities of poverty, which is often correlated with communities of color, have little to no access to medical care. Access consists of available medical care places, such as urgent care, private medical doctor offices, hospitals, trauma units near their communities. It is also about having the resources to pay for this care, such as, medical insurance, low deductibles copays, willingness of the medical care institution accepting the insurance that the person has, having enough coverage to get the care that is needed, and so much more.

When we define the term “moral”, then we need to apply this to access to health care. is it a moral right? or not? The typical argument is: Yes, since all people deserve the right to access health care, all people deserve the right to be healthy. No, the government should not be in the business of subsidizing or providing insurance to allow for medical care in the same way that the government does not provide money for car insurance coverage, they do not have an obligation to provide medical care. This is just one example of the typical debate of the opposing sides.

Be sure to explain your position and provide citations for the sources as your evidence of the position that you are taking.


What is the most important or most interesting difference between Odysseus and Beowulf in terms of their character—who they are as individuals?

Option Two—Comparative Essay: This option asks you to compare elements of The Odyssey and Beowulf. Both are classed as epics, with much in common, yet there are key differences. The choices below ask you to choose one specific element of the epic to focus on.

The Hero: What is the most important or most interesting difference between Odysseus and Beowulf in terms of their character—who they are as individuals?


A systematic identification of consistency rules for UML diagrams

A systematic identification of consistency rules for UML diagrams

  1. The problem (s) specifically addressed by the paper / Research Questions

There are no Uniform UML consistency rules

RQ1) What are the existing UML consistency rules?

RQ2) Which types of consistency problems are tackled in the existing rules?

RQ3) What types of UML diagrams are involved in UML consistency rules?

RQ4) For what software engineering activities are UML consistency rules used?

RQ5) Which UML diagram elements are involved in UML consistency rules?

RQ6) What software development phases are involved with UML consistency rules?


  1. Approach, Techniques, Models, Methodology used to tackle the problem (s)

They used a systematic procedure for a wide range of consistency rules and ultimately selected 119 rules to be studied extensively.

  1. Results Obtained / Evaluation

RQ1) What are the existing UML consistency rules?

Table 6 clarifies the existing rules as well as shows the type of coverage of consistency for you, whether it be Horizontal, Vertical, Evolution, Invocation, or Observation.

RQ2) Which types of consistency problems are tackled in the existing rules?

The results showed that most of the consistency rules were of the type: Horizontal and Syntactic. The problem is that syntactic rules are easier to specify than semantic rules.

RQ3) What types of UML diagrams are involved in UML consistency rules?



Geology 105

Geology 105

1)Know and be able to identify different relative rock relationships at an outcrop scale.

2)What are index fossils? Why are they important and how do we use them in geologic dating?

3)What’s the difference between a relative and absolute age? What are some techniques we use to determine absolute ages? What is a half-life? Be able to describe the process of radioactive decay using terms like parent and daughter isotopes. Is a half-life constant through time


What do you think the big agricultural corporation and institutions such as USDA, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, American Farm Bureau Foundation, etc. should do to lower the cases of farmers getting poisoned from these chemical they’re being in contact with on a consistent basis? Do you think the farming companies the farmers work for are aware of these problems and “chose” not put any actions for better safety? What do you see is ethical for the protection of the companies and employees and consumers involved?

1) “One of the most sinister features of DDT and related chemicals is the way they are passed on from one organism to another through all the links of the food chains.” (Carson, 1962)

Since we know that many of these harmful chemicals are passed down through food chains, how might future exposures to these harmful chemicals be limited? Do you think that certain dietary lifestyles are linked to more chemical exposure than others?

2) Carson wrote, “In Riverside, California, eleven out of thirty men picking oranges became violently ill and all but one had to be hospitalized. Their symptoms were typical of parathion poisoning. “ (Carson, 1962)

What do you think the big agricultural corporation and institutions such as USDA, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, American Farm Bureau Foundation, etc. should do to lower the cases of farmers getting poisoned from these chemical they’re being in contact with on a consistent basis? Do you think the farming companies the farmers work for are aware of these problems and “chose” not put any actions for better safety? What do you see is ethical for the protection of the companies and employees and consumers involved?


CE/AREN 4365 Timber Design

CE/AREN 4365 Timber Design

Design the structure for single family residence shown in the preliminary architectural drawings for the project VIM190.

Perform the following tasks for Module 1

CE/AREN 4365 Timber Design

  • Conceptualize the structural system (floor beams, main girders, and walls) and mark/highlight a pdf or dwg file of the drawings with each of the components. Color code and provide a legend with labels

  • Design the secondary beams and main girders for all three levels of the structure. Determine the live loads from ASCE 7-16 Chapter 4 and determine the Dead Loads and Superimposed Dead Loads based on the architectural drawings or by asking me

  • Be sure to design for bending, shear, bearing, and serviceability (deflection)



  • Locate an EMPIRICAL RESEARCH ARTICLE that is either a quantitative or qualitative study from a peer reviewed social work journal for the final assignment. Download the PDF copy of the article.

    • Do not select an empirical research article that describes a mixed methods study. The reason is a mixed method study involves both a quantitative and qualitative component. You would have to do two reviews – one for the quantitative component and one for the qualitative component — for the final assignment.

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