Category Archives: Research Papers

Cost Estimation and Budgeting

  1. Imagine you are developing a software package for your company’s intranet. Give examples of the various types of costs (labor, materials, equipment and facilities, subcontractors, etc.) and how they would apply to your project.

  2. Think of an example of parametric estimating in your personal experience, such as the use of a cost multiplier based on a similar, past cost. Did parametric estimating work or not? Discuss the reasons why.


Film 2 Analysis on the movie Citizen Kane

Film 2 Analysis on the movie Citizen Kane

1. First, explain what is meant by mise-en-scène in film. Next, how is the mise-en-scène of this film used as a cinematic tool to help tell the narrative? Select a key scene in the film. Make note of the elements of design. Does it indicate things about the events and characters that go beyond any dialogue? Give examples from the film in which the director is trying to convey meaning through mise-en-scène. Be specific as possible. Make sure to discuss specifically the various elements of design, and how it is used in this film (setting, props, décor, lighting, costumes, makeup, hair).

2. Select a key scene in the film (Do not use the same example from #1). Make note of the composition within the frame in key shots. Where are figures placed? Does it indicate things about the events and characters that go beyond any dialogue? What is the relationship among the figures in the foreground, middle ground, and background?

3. Does the film employ lots of camera movement or very little camera movement? By camera movement, does the camera physically move during the shot (do not confuse this with changing camera position through editing). Give an example. Describe how the use of a moving or still camera complements or detracts from the development of the narrative.


PHY2001: If an object moves in a circle and the centripetal force “turns off” what happens? How are centripetal and centrifugal forces related? How do you propagate errors through an equation that has three terms? How do you compare two numbers when each has an error margin?


If an object moves in a circle and the centripetal force “turns off” what happens? How are centripetal and centrifugal forces related? How do you propagate errors through an equation that has three terms? How do you compare two numbers when each has an error margin?



Forensic Design Assessment

This task relates to a sequence of assessments that will be repeated across Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Select any example of a visualisation or infographic, maybe your own work or that of others. The task is to undertake a deep, detailed ‘forensic’ like assessment of the design choices made across each of the five layers of the chosen visualisation’s anatomy. In each case your assessment is only concerned with one design layer at a time.

For this task, take a close look at the data representation choices:

Start by identifying all the charts and their types

How suitable do you think the chart type choice(s) are to display the data? If they are not, what do you think they should have been?

Are the marks and, especially, the attributes appropriately assigned and accurately portrayed?

Go through the set of ‘Influencing factors’ from the latter section of the book’s chapter to help shape your assessment and to possibly inform how you might tackle this design layer differently

Are there any data values/statistics presented in table/raw form that maybe could have benefited from a more visual representation?


Managerial Economics W1 Technical and Application Questions

What are the differences between the microeconomic and macroeconomic perspectives on the economy?

In current business publications, find examples of firms whose strategies to increase profits focus primarily on generating more revenue. Compare these cases with firms that are trying to cut costs to increase profits

The demand curve is given by



QD=quantity demanded of good XPX=price of good XI=consumer income, in thousandsPY=price of good YPY=price of good ZQD=quantity demanded of good XPX=price of good XI=consumer income, in thousandsPY=price of good YPY=price of good Z

  1. Based on the demand curve above, is X a normal or an inferior good?

  2. Based on the demand curve above, what is the relationship between good X and good Y?

  3. Based on the demand curve above, what is the relationship between good X and good Z?

  4. What is the equation of the demand curve if consumer incomes are $30,000, the price of good Y is $10, and the price of good Z is $20?

  5. Graph the demand curve that you found in (d), showing intercepts and slope.

  6. If the price of good X is $15, what is the quantity demanded? Show this point on your demand curve.

  7. Now suppose the price of good Y rises to $15. Graph the new demand curve.


You are to write an essay explaining and evaluating what you learned in this course The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your understanding of one of the central debates in philosophy by explaining what you learned about that issue.

You are to write an essay explaining and evaluating what you learned in this course The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your understanding of one of the central debates in philosophy by explaining what you learned about that issue.

Your essay must be 2-3 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point font.

I will be evaluating your essay based on the following criteria.

Regarding your content development, you will be graded based on the quality of your writing. I expect you to start with an introduction that motivates the project and plainly states what you learned and finish with a conclusion that both summarizes your evaluation of the position clearly and explores implications or limitations of your assessment. In addition, your essay must have a clear and logical organizational plan as well, with ideas, sentences, and paragraphs building naturally in support of your thesis. To accomplish this, you must make sure your organizational plan would be obvious to the reader, and you must use transitional words, phrases, and sentences to show how your sentences and paragraphs relate to each other and to your thesis.

To demonstrate your mastery of the relevant conventions of philosophical writing, you will need to provide a clear and complete explanation of the position you are discussing. In addition, you will also need to provide a clear and complete explanation of the relevant alternative views discussed in the lesson and draw a clear contrast between all of these views.

To demonstrate your understanding of the context and purpose of this assignment, you should provide a clear example that illustrates to the reader the relevance of this debate to your life. Your example needs to be realistic, and you need to come up with it on your own. You will also need to explain how the example illustrates the position under discussion.

Concerning the appropriate use of sources and evidence, I expect you to explain and evaluate the relevant arguments or considerations from the lessons both for and against the position under discussion, in detail and with clarity. In your evaluation of each argument, you will need to explain whether the premises are true, whether the reasoning is valid, and why you think so. Further, you will need to consider and assess at least one possible objection to each argument and then provide a sufficiently compelling overall evaluation of the argument in light of this objection.

Finally, to demonstrate your control of syntax and mechanics, I expect you to skillfully communicate your meaning to the reader with clarity and virtually no grammatical mistakes. Overall, your essay must be clear, with well-developed paragraphs, complete and grammatical sentences, and words chosen for their precise meanings.


HCM 102 Organizational Behavior

HCM 102 Organizational Behavior

Please read carefully the “Discussion” section of the given below research study and identify which factors are significantly related and which were not related to organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) by summarizing the discussion section.

HCM 102 Organizational Behavior

Also, summarize “Table 1” in your own words based on the diversity of the respondents.

  • Rasheed, A., Jehanzeb, K., & Rasheed, M. F. (2013). An investigation of the antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviour: Case of Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 5(1), 128.



Create an SPSS data file from the provided Excel data set by importing the data into SPSS. Paste a screen shot of the variable view of the data file to show the following:

Q1. Data Preparation: (2 points total)

Create an SPSS data file from the provided Excel data set by importing the data into SPSS. Paste a screen shot of the variable view of the data file to show the following:

– All variables are present in the “Data View”

– Each variable is correctly configured in “Measure” under the “Variable View”

– All nominal/ordinal variables have the “Values” specified.

(2 points total: Deduct .5 for each missing/incorrect element up to 2 points total)


Q1. Manually Perform and Interpret a one-sample t Test (13 points total)

The average MMSE score is around 27 in the general population aged 75 and up. The participants in this project have no neurological disorders and are well-educated so the researchers hypothesized that the individuals aged 75 or older in their research population would score significantly higher than the general population in the same age range. So the research question here is:

Do people aged 75 or older in the research population (population 1) have significantly higher MMSE sores compared to those aged 75 or older in the general population (population 2)?

Select the participants who are 75 or older from the data set, and then enter their scores on MMSE into a separate Excel worksheet for this question set. There should be 10 data points. Follow the steps below to conduct a one-sample t test MANUALLY, with a = .05.

Hint: We know that the mean MMSE score for population 2 (that is, the comparison population) is µ2 = 27.

  1. Create directional alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis from the research question listed above. Type the hypotheses out both in words and in symbol notations.

(2 points total: 1 for each hypothesis. If symbol notation or written format is missing or incorrect for a hypothesis, deduct .5)

  1. For the one-tailed hypothesis test with α = .05:

What is the degree of freedom? (1 point, must show manual calculation process to earn the point)

Identify the critical t value from the t table. (1 point, must explain how the value is obtained to earn the point)

Be sure to explain how you figure out each of the answers. No point is earned if there is no explanation or calculation process.


  1. Calculate the t statistic by following the steps below.

3a. Calculate the sample mean, M.

(1 point, must show manual calculation process to earn the point)

3b. Calculate the estimated population standard deviation s.

(1 point, must show manual calculation process to earn the point)

3c. Calculate the standard error of the comparison distribution, sM.

(1 point, must show manual calculation process to earn the point)

3d. Calculate the t statistic using the results from 3a, 3b, and 3c.

(1 point, must show manual calculation process to earn the point)

  1. Compare the t statistic with the critical t value to make a decision on the hypothesis test.

-Is the t statistic more extreme than the critical t value?

-Do you reject (or fail to reject) the null hypothesis?

(2 points total: 1 for each question)

  1. Answer the research question based on the hypothesis test result.

(1 point)

  1. Calculate the raw effect size and standardized effect size of this hypothesis test.

(2 points total: 1 for each effect size, must show manual calculation process to earn the point)

Q2. Use SPSS to Perform and Interpret a one-sample t Test (10 points total)

Use the whole data set (50 participants) for this question set.

For examining cognitive functions of older adults, there is a national norm on a cognitive test that has been obtained from a sample with an average age of 70. The researchers would like to compare their participants against that national norm, but they need to know if their the average age in their research population is significantly different from the national norm population or not. If so, the national norm would not be an appropriate norm for this research project. So the research question here is:

Do the research population (population 1) and the national norm population (population 2) differ significantly in average age?



Import data into SPSS and configure the variables

Q1. Import data into SPSS and configure the variables (5 points)

Import the data into SPSS, configure the variables in the Variable View, and paste a screen shot of the variable view of the data file. (No point can be earned if the screen shot is not pasted)

-Make sure the Measure column is correct for all variables

(2 points total: Deduct .5 for each error up to 2 max)

-Make sure the Values column is specified for nominal and ordinal variables.

(3 points total: Deduct 1 point for each variable that is not specified or not specified correctly, up to 3)

Q2. Create frequency tables for nominal/ordinal variables (6 points)


  1. Select one nominal or ordinal variable and use SPSS to create a frequency table.

Enter the variable name: _____________

(1 point)

Paste the frequency table from the SPSS output below:

(2 points. Deduct 1 for each error, up to 2)

  1. Select another nominal or ordinal variable and use SPSS to create a frequency table.

Enter the variable name: _____________

(1 point)

Paste the frequency table from the SPSS output below:

(2 points. Deduct 1 for each error, up to 2)

Q3. Create grouped frequency tables for scale variables (8 points)

  1. Select a scale variable and create a grouped frequency table with at least 8 bins. You may use Excel or SPSS to help you organize the data and then manually create a table in Word (in this document) to fill in the score ranges (bins), frequencies, and percentages.

Enter the variable name: _____________

(1 point)

Create the grouped frequency table below and make sure it meets the following criteria:

– at least 8 bins

– equal score range for the bins

– the bins should not overlap in score range

– the bins collectively cover the whole range of scores

 (3 points total: Deduct 1 for failing to meet any of the criteria above, up to 3)

  1. Select a scale variable and create a grouped frequency table with at least 8 bins. You may use Excel or SPSS to help you organize the data and then manually create a table in Word (in this document) to fill in the score ranges (bins), frequencies, and percentages.

Enter the variable name: _____________

(1 point)

Paste/create the grouped frequency table below and make sure it meets the following criteria:

– at least 8 bins

– equal score range for the bins

– the bins should not overlap in score range

– the bins collectively cover the whole range of scores

 (3 points: Deduct 1 for failing to meet any of the criteria above, up to 3)

Q4. Create graphs for frequency distributions (8 points)


  1. Select a nominal or ordinal variable and use SPSS to create a bar graph to show the frequency distribution. If the variable is not nominal or ordinal, no credit is earned for this graph. Paste the graph below and make sure it meets the following criteria:

– the graph has a title indicating what is presented

– the graph has labels for X and Y axes

– the graph is a bar graph

– the data plotted are correct

(4 points. Deduct 1 for failing to meet any of the criteria above, up to 3)



  1. Select a scale variable and use SPSS to create a histogram to show the frequency distribution. If the variable is not a scale variable, no credit is earned for this graph. Paste the graph below and make sure it meets the following criteria:

– the graph has a title indicating what is presented

– the graph has labels for X and Y axes

– the graph is a histogram

– the data plotted are correct

(4 points. Deduct 1 for failing to meet any of the criteria above, up to 3)

Q5. Descriptive statistics: Central tendency and variability (4 points)

  1. Request descriptive statistics for CellTime, including mean, median, max, min, standard deviation, and range. Paste the SPSS output table showing these statistics.

(2 points total: deduct 1 for each missing statistic up to 2)

  1. Request descriptive statistics for Sleep, including mean, median, max, min, standard deviation, and range. Paste the SPSS output table showing these statistics.

(2 points total: deduct 1 for each missing statistic up to 2)

Q6. Descriptive statistics: Central tendency and variability (4 points)


Get the last 10 (subject ID #51-#60) subjects’ data points on variable “AGE” to be our “sample” for all the questions in Q6. Then manually calculate the descriptive statistics using the formulas introduced in the lectures. No credit is earned if the answer is not accompanied by the typed calculation process or explanation of how you got the answer.

  1. Manually calculate the mean and the median of the sample data (N=10).

-No credit is earned if the answer is not accompanied by the calculation process or explanation of how you got the answer.

-No credit is earned if the answer is simply taken from SPSS output.

(2 points total: Each statistic =1, deduct .5 if process is correct but the result is incorrect.)



Investigate and summarize the benefits and potential problems of home births, birthing centers, water births, using a doula, and hospital births. What options are supported in Yuma? Locate a toy that would stimulate or encourage the child’s mastery of each skill listed:

Option 1

The director of the company you work for is in the process of choosing a new health care plan. She is trying to decide what kind of coverage she would like to provide for pregnancy and birth. She has asked for your help in researching this topic; she knows very little on the subject and needs a comprehensive report, so you are going to need to explore many of the options available when giving birth. She would also like your opinion on the what type of birth you would recommend after reviewing the research.

1. Investigate and summarize the benefits and potential problems of home births, birthing centers, water births, using a doula, and hospital births. What options are supported in Yuma?

2. Investigate and explain the pros and cons of medicated births, C-sections, and natural births.

3. Based on your research, what type of birth would you recommend? Make sure you explain your response and provide evidence to justify your advice, remembering to cite your sources!

If you are utilizing YRMC’s website or calling them for information, make sure include that in your citations!


Option 2

You are the in charge of the budget for a new preschool and there have been a lot of requests for toys. Your job is to become aware of the diversity and function of toys available and recommended for 2-6 year olds. Although toys are tested for safety, not all toys available for purchase are actually safe when placed in the hands of a curious and determined preschooler, so you will also look for potential safety hazards in toys on the market. In order to complete this activity, you will need to go to a store that offers a large selection of toys. For each of the six categories listed below, locate a toy that would stimulate or encourage the child’s mastery of each skill listed:

1. Sensory gross motor skills 4. Numbers, counting, and matching

2. Sensory fine motor skills 5. Time, duration

3. Sorting, classifying 6. Language, vocabulary, labels, letters

Select at least one toy in each category for a 2-4 year old and at least one toy for a 4-6 year old. Read the description of the toy supplied by the manufacturer to help you in your selection. Then assess the possible safety hazard of each toy. Consider the use and abuse the toy will receive when used by a young child.

IMPORTANT! You must present your findings to the director of the new preschool:

1. Compile your observations and share your discoveries in your paper. Make sure each of the six categories includes: the toy, the age group, and how it would stimulate growth for that particular skill.

2. How would you apply this information in a preschool-education setting?

3. Are toys necessary for learning?

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