Category Archives: Research Papers

Research Paper

    1. How did you feel reading through the articles and watching the videos? Were they easy or hard to read/watch? What did you like/dislike about them? What, if any, connections can you make between the experiences of the authors and speakers and your own experiences? (This answer should cover all sources for the week.)

    2. Share at least two points that stood out to you from the materials we’ve covered in Week 8 and 9?

    3. What was your favorite reading that we read during Weeks 8 and 9? Why did you connect with it so much?

    4. What was your favorite video that we watched during Weeks 8 and 9? Why did you connect with it so much?

    5. What was your biggest A-HA moment or takeaway? (This can be from any of the sources or involve all of them.)

    6. This question is optional, and thus you do not have to answer it to receive full points. Do you have any questions for me or your fellow classmates about any of the materials we have covered this week? (If you have questions from your Annotation Worksheets, you can post them here.)


Strategic Management Research Project

Review the Strategic Management Project Background document and your Strategic Management Research Paper/ Journal entries from Weeks 1‑4.Create a 12- to 14-slide presentation, complete with speaker notes for Caterpillar Inc.’s leadership team, in which you summarize your key findings, propose recommendations, and provide rationale for your recommendations.Address the following topics and prompts in your presentation:Topic: Caterpillar Inc.’s Vision

  • Summarize your evaluation of the alignment between what Caterpillar Inc. is currently doing and their mission, vision, or values statement.

  • Recommend any changes you would make to Caterpillar Inc.’s mission, vision, or values statements to improve organizational goals.

Topic: Caterpillar Inc.’s Competitive Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Summarize your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Caterpillar Inc.’s competitive advantages and disadvantages.

  • Recommend operational changes to improve Caterpillar Inc.’s competitive advantages and business performance.

  • Propose a plan to measure and monitor the effectiveness of your recommended operational changes in Caterpillar Inc.’s competitive advantages to achieve organizational goals.

Topic: Caterpillar’s Global Strategy

  • Summarize your assessment of Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy.

  • Recommend operational changes to improve Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy and business performance.

  • Propose a plan to measure and monitor the effectiveness of your recommended operational changes to Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy to achieve organizational goals.


CSCI/MATH2308 Numerical analysis assignment program


1 Consider the two mathematically equivalent expressions
?(?) = ?(√? + 1 − √?), and ?(?) =
a) Prove that the two expressions are mathematically equivalent.
b) Which of the two expressions can be evaluated more accurately in floating point
arithmetic? Why?
c) Using 4-digit precision, at ? = 500, ?(500) = 10, and ?(500) = 11.17. Which of
these two evaluations is correct? Explain the discrepancy by performing the
computation and analyzing the interim steps. Use an arbitrary precision calculator
such as

2 Assume that you are solving the quadratic equation ??
2 + ?? + ? = 0, with ? = 1.22,
? = 3.34, and ? = 2.28, using the standard quadratic formula, and using 3-digit
arithmetic with rounding. Use an arbitrary precision calculator such as
a. What is the computed value for ?
2 − 4???
b. What is the exact value for ?
2 − 4???



Unemployment is a big concern due to people being laid off due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It is estimated that 20% of all households have been directly affected. Suppose we randomly sample 25 households and determine the number of households that have been directly affected.

  • Unemployment is a big concern due to people being laid off due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It is estimated that 20% of all households have been directly affected. Suppose we randomly sample 25 households and determine the number of households that have been directly affected.

  • Identify the type of distribution that can be used to analyze this data. Make sure to identify any parameters that would be needed in this identification (ex. N, p, µ, s).

  • What is the probability that at least 6 of these 25 sampled households has been directly affected? Show work to get full credit.

  • What is the probability that at least 4 but less than 9 of the sampled household has been directly affected? Show work to get full credit.



“The adequacy of a product must be considered in relation to the general environment within which it will be operated rather than solely on the basis of technical efficiency.” Discuss the implications of this statement (from standardization/adaptation perspective).


“The adequacy of a product must be considered in relation to the general environment within which it will be operated rather than solely on the basis of technical efficiency.” Discuss the implications of this statement (from standardization/adaptation perspective). (250 words needed)


Discuss the importance of international business services to total U.S. export trade. How do most U.S. service companies become international? Give some examples. (250 words needed)


The SANS Ethical Hacking

Write a white paper based on the SANS Ethical Hacking White Paper below.

The final paper will run from 6 pages long, double spaced with appropriate citations. The paper is to be written in either the APA or MLA format and will include a cover page and a works cited page. The cover page and the references page do not count toward the minimum page requirement.

Adoption of the Critical Security Controls is a hot topic in today’s organizations. Review the SANS Ethical Hacking White Paper and provide at least three recommendations (based on industry trends and recommendations) for companies who want to introduce ethical hacking into their environment to increase their security posture. Feel free to make assumptions as needed as this is designed to measure your real-world applicability of the course content.


“Defining American” | Jose Antonio Vargas


  1. What were a least two A-HA moments or takeaways you had from this video?
  2. How does this video change, impact or expand your knowledge of cultural borders?

“Defining American” | Jose Antonio Vargas



(a) Use Desmos to create a table with 3 columns and enter the values for x, A and ln(A) using the data from the table above. Plot the (x, A) and (x, ln(A)) coordinates on the same Desmos graph.
(b) Use Desmos to find and a line of best fit1 for the (x, ln(A)) coordinates and plot using Desmos for x ≥ 0.

(c) Write down the values of m and c found in part (b) to 6 decimal places.
(d) Use the values of m and c to find the approximate values of a and k for the exponential model y = aekx to 6 decimal places. Show your working and plot this equation using Desmos for x ≥ 0.
(e) Using the exponential model found in part (d), predict the number of active facebook users 10 years after the initial launch of Facebook.
(f) Comment (in one or two sentences) on whether this is a reliable model to use to predict the number of Facebook users in the year 2019.



HOST 1192 Assignment

HOST 1192 – Group Assignment

“Your group is the newest private operator in the Retirement Community field.You are just about to open the newest property in your company’s portfolio.It is in the location of your choice (in Toronto or around the world) and it offers the range of services that you wish to offer (within the realm of what a typical Retirement Community should offer). You will be launching your new marketing campaign for this property.You will present either a 2-page flyer/advertisement or a short video presentation that would entice your targeted seniors and their families to choose your community.”


Write a short statement How do communication and networking technologies affect the operational and strategic directions of an organization?

Write a short statement How do communication and networking technologies affect the operational and strategic directions of an organization? How can they act as competitive differentiators? Can they inhibit growth and scalability if not done right.

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