Category Archives: Research Papers

NACLA Report on the Americas

NACLA Report on the Americas



Journal Entry

Your journal will be a compilation of your thoughts and experiences from each course module. You will record what you learned in the module, your feelings on the class to that point, the module topics, and any other pertinent information you wish to include. You will use your journal throughout the term and, more importantly, at the end of the term to help gain a better understanding of key concepts and important theories in customer experience management.

Journals are worth 20 points. Your journal entries are to be submitted via Canvas and are due prior to your completion of the module. Those entries that are submitted late will not be awarded credit.

An appropriate journal will include:

  1. What stood out as most important to me in the module?

  2. What did I learn from it?

  3. How will I use this in the future?


Corporate Finance: Does the statement, “mutual fund X has had superior performance for each of the last 10 years” contradict the efficient market hypothesis?

Question 1:

Taxes are costs, and, therefore, changes in tax rates can affect consumer prices, project lives, and the value of existing firms. Evaluate the change in taxation on the valuation of the following project:





1.Initial Investment


2. Revenues




3. Cash operating costs




4. Tax depreciation




5. Income pretax




6. Tax at 40%




7. Net income




8. After-tax salvage


9. Cash flow (7+8+4-1)





NPV at 20%=0

Assumptions: Tax depreciation is straight-line over three years. Pre-tax salvage value is 25 in year 3 and 50 if the asset is scrapped in year 2. Tax on salvage value is 40% of the difference between salvage value and book value of the investment. The cost of capital is 20%.

a. Please verify that the information given above yields NPV = 0.

b. If you decide to terminate the project in year two (2) what would be the NPV of the project?

c. Suppose that the government now changes tax depreciation to allow a 100% write-off in year one (1). How does this affect your answers to parts a and b above?

d. Would it now make sense to terminate the project after two rather than three years?

e. How would your answers change if the corporate income tax were abolished entirely?

Question 2:

Please answer the following parts in detail, provide examples whenever applicable, provide in-text citations.

  1. State if each of the following statements is true or false. Justify your answers.

The efficient-market hypothesis assumes that

a. There are no taxes.

b. There is perfect foresight.

c. Successive price changes are independent.

d. Investors are irrational.

e. There are no transaction costs.

f. Forecasts are unbiased.

2. Evaluate each of the following statements:

a. “The random-walk theory, with its implication that investing in stocks is like playing roulette, is a powerful indictment of our capital markets.”

b. “If everyone believes you can make money by charting stock prices, then price changes won’t be random.”

c. “The random-walk theory implies that events are random, but many events are not random. If it rains today, there’s a fair bet that it will rain again tomorrow.”

3. Does the statement, “mutual fund X has had superior performance for each of the last 10 years” contradict the efficient market hypothesis?

a. If fund X is the only fund, calculate the probability that only by chance it would have achieved superior performance for each of the past 10 years.

b. Now recognize that there are nearly 10,000 mutual funds in the United States. What is the probability that by chance there is at least 1 out of 10,000 funds that obtained 10 successive years of superior performance?

4. Financial markets and intermediaries channel savings from investors to corporate investment. The savings make this journey by many different routes. Give a specific example for each of the following routes:

a. Investor to financial intermediary, to financial markets, and to the corporation.

b. Investor to financial markets, to a financial intermediary, and to the corporation.

c. Investor to financial markets, to a financial intermediary, back to financial markets, and to the corporation.


ISOL632 Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery Planning

ISOL632 Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery Planning

Pick an industry/company to focus on for this assignment. Based upon the given information you can find on the company and any past issues/breaches the company has gone through, create Crisis Management Plan

Document Format

  1. Title Page: Title/Name/School/Class/Professor/Date
  2. TOC-Generated by MS Word modified to APA 7 (see video)
  3. Introduction (not a Heading) – brief background of company and any issues the company has had in the past such as data breaches.
  4. Heading 1-Strategies and Management – business activities, risk factor activities, reactive risk mitigation strategy, risk management, financial performance (more or less depending upon company)
  5. H1-Risk Analysis – political analysis, environmental analysis (more or less depending upon company)
  6. H1-Crisis Management Plan:

ISOL632 Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery Planning

  1. Heading 2-Purpose
  2. H2-Committee for crisis management planning
  3. H2-Crisis types
  4. H2-Structure of the Crisis Management Team
  5. H2-Responsibility and control
  6. H2-Implementation Plan
  7. H2-Crisis Management Protocols
  8. H2-Crisis Management Plan Priorities
  1. H1-Conclusion

CMIT 391 UMUC Linux Implementation Proposal: Training Guide

CMIT 391 UMUC Linux Implementation Proposal: Training Guide

You’ve won the business! Faster Computing has agreed to the project. As the final stage of pre-implementation, you have been asked to produce a training guide that will demonstrate how to install Linux and provide an overview of several common commands, as follows:

(11.1.3: Install the software.)

  • Use a hypervisor of your choice to install Linux. Many hypervisors are available, such as Oracle’s VirtualBox, which is a free download. In addition, as part of UMGC’s agreement with VMware, you can download VMware Workstation for free. See below for specific screenshot requirements. You should include at least 3 screenshots (e.g., disk partitioning, timezone selection, creating the default account). Each screenshot should be accompanied by a brief explanation of what you did.NOTE: It is not necessary to include screenshots of installing the hypervisor software.

CMIT 391 UMUC Linux Implementation Proposal: Training Guide

(1.2.3: Explain specialized terms or concepts to facilitate audience comprehension.)

  • Demonstrate command-line operations that will provide the following information:

    • A listing of files in a directory and common file attributes

    • The current directory (hint: also known as the present working directory)

    • Create a file, then copy it to a different directory

    • Create a second file and move it to a different directory

    • Remove the first file, as well as the copy you created

    • The manual page for a given command

    • Create a text file, then use an editor to modify the content. Then display the content of the modified file


What is the effect of illicit trafficking networks on a source, transit, or user state? (RESULTS) Provide examples.

What is the effect of illicit trafficking networks on a source, transit, or user state? (RESULTS) Provide examples.

What is the effect of illicit trafficking networks on a source, transit, or user state? (RESULTS) Provide examples.

What is the effect of illicit trafficking networks on a source, transit, or user state? (RESULTS) Provide examples.


Population genetics assignment – “What is science” Evolution as a science”

Questions to consider for “What is science” Evolution as a science” readings
1. What is science? (see definitions in article #1). Why do we consider astronomy a science?
2. Give an example of a fact, a scientific hypothesis (you can make one up if you like), and a scientific theory (see article #1).
3. Is science the only way to get to the truth? (note articles #2 & #3). Is a scientific hypothesis the only sort of hypothesis? What do folks in the humanities do?
4. Was evolution by natural selection a scientific hypothesis when introduced by Darwin and Wallace? Reasons? Is the idea now a theory? Note the argument in article #3, but Darwin himself had concerns about variation and time – how were they resolved?
5. Is creationism and/or its antecedent, Intelligent Design, a science? Reasons, yes or no?(see articles #4 and #5)
6. What do you think the Gallup poll, taken last year, tells us about the difference between belief and science.?


Budget Assignment

  1. An important piece of information to know as community health professionals is US federal poverty guidelines, which can change from year to year. Health and Human Services updated these guidelines for 2020, and they can be found here:

(1 point)

  1. What is the guideline for a single person household?

  2. What is the guideline for a household of four?

  1. Your text lays out three common types of budgets used by funding agencies. List and define them.

(1 point)

  1. Define in-kind donation. Give one example of an in-kind donation.

(1 point)

  1. Define indirect costs. What are they used for?

(1 point)

  1. Your text lays out four types of cost analyses. List and define them.

(1 point)

  1. You have been hired by a local non-profit organization to write a grant proposal for one of their existing programs. This program provides after-school activities for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). The organization’s executive director would like to add an art component to this program and is seeking a $5,000 grant to fund this program expansion. Part of your role as the grant writer is to include an initial budget. Below is the proposed budget with missing pieces of information (indicated with XXX). (Note: Because this is an already established program staffed with employees and volunteers, there are no salaries in this budget.) Complete the table and include a bulleted budget justification (see Box 12-1 for a sample budget justification). Keep in mind that your budget justification is much simpler than you may be thinking. Likely a total of a few bullet points.

(5 points)


Business communication ( Persuasive Claim Assignment )

  1. Identify a time when you received an inferior product or service.

  2. Write a one-page letter to the company or service provider that

    1. Create a To: From: and Subject: section (see Figure 8.3 Persuasive Claim (Complaint) E-Mail in your digital book)

    2. Outlines your complaint

    3. Provides relevant data to support your claim

    4. Explains the claim’s validity and suggest the recipient of the information is responsible for correcting the issues

    5. Expresses disappointment and appeals to the receiver’s reputation and customer service

    6. Tells what action(s) the company should take

    7. Provides contact information



To help you become better exposed to health psychology, the research topic is WORK STRESS AND HEALTH. You are to complete an annotated bibliography for each of the three peer-reviewed journal articles given. You should not include any direct quotes in your annotated bibliography. Read and analyze the articles to put information into your own words.



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