Category Archives: Research Papers

Choosing High Quality Child Care

Choosing High Quality Child Care

Pretend that you are a parent looking for a facility to provide care and education for your child while you are at work. List the top five things the center must have before you consider enrolling your child. Discuss how each of these things may or may not be related to quality care. Be descriptive and detailed in your essay. Remember, this is an essay, not a list of responses to questions.


Analyze a historical event from the perspective of the operational art & design concepts

Analyze a historical event from the perspective of the operational art & design concepts and terms from chapter IV, JP 5-0, Joint Planning and/or from other appropriate joint doctrinal publications. You can analyze the entire campaign/operation, a single battle, or a group of battles from the campaign/operation.

How did country X’s military leaders apply operational art during the campaign/operation? How did country X’s military leaders design the campaign/operation? How did country X’s military leaders understand the operational environment? What problems did country X’s military have to solve? What approaches did country X’s military use to solve the problem and achieve the termination criteria or military end state? What were the termination criteria and/or military end state? What were the military objectives? What effects were established to obtain the military objectives? What was the adversary/friendly center of gravity and the associated critical factors? How did country X’s military attack/defend the adversary/friendly center of gravity, directly or indirectly? What decisive points were established? What lines of operation/effort were established? What defeat/stability mechanisms were used? How did country X’s military apply the concepts of anticipation, operational reach, or culmination? How were operations arranged? Did country X’s military consider the arranging factors – simultaneity, depth, timing, or tempo? Did country X’s military use the arranging tools – phases, branches and sequels, or operational pauses? Was the campaign/operation design focused on defeating either adversary forces, functions, or a combination of both? Was the campaign/operation phased? Did country X’s military consider numbers, sequence, overlap, or transitions? What phases of the joint operation model were used?


Foundations of Computer Science

1. Given the wff W = ∃x p(x) → ∀x p(x). Find all possible interpretations of W over the domain D = {a, b}.
Also give the truth value of W over each of the interpretations.
2. Find a model for each of the following wffs.
a. ∃x (p(x) → q(x)) ^ ∀x ¬ p(x)
b. ∃x ∀y p(x, y) ^ ∃x ∀y ¬ p(x, y)
c. ∃x p(x) ^ ∃x q(x) → ∃x (p(x) ^ q(x))
3. Find a countermodel for each of the following wffs.
a. ∃x p(x) ^ ∃x q(x) → ∃x (p(x) ^ q(x))
b. ∃x ∃y p(x, y) → ∃x ∀y p(x, y)
c. ∀x p(x, x) → ∃x ∀y p(x, y)
4. Given the wff W = ∀x ∀y (p(x) → p(y)). Find all possible interpretations of W over the domain D = {a,
b}. Also give the truth value of W over each of the interpretations.


Matlab,Signals and Systems

1. Draw a free-body diagram showing all the forces acting on the mass m shown in Figure 2.
2. From the earlier description, diagrams and the laws of Physics, show that the motion of the system in Figure 2 can be described by the LCCDE (linear constant-coefficient differential equation) below:

3. Using the Laplace transform of the equation above, find an expression for  , the system transfer function.
The mass-spring-damper system is a damped second order system. It is common to express the homogenous second order DE for such a damped system as

4. From equations (1) and (2), determine expressions for  (the damping ratio) and  (the natural frequency) in terms of the parameters m, k and C 5. Determine the characteristic equation and eigenvalues (characteristic values) for this system based on equation (2) above (in terms of  and  ).
6. From the answer to part 5, determine the full mathematical expression (in terms of  and  ) for the natural response of the system for the following cases:

a.  = 0
b. 0 <  < 1
c.  = 1
d.  > 1

Consider a suspension system with the following parameters:  = 380 kg  = 15,000 N/m
7. Determine  (in rad/s) for this suspension system and the corresponding value for  (in Hz).
8. Calculate the required value of  in order to achieve  = 1

9. Plot the impulse response and step response of the system (for 2 seconds duration and time ‘step size’ of 1 millisecond) using the impulse and step functions. Include all plots (properly labelled) in your submission.
10. Determine the frequency response from 0 to 200 rad/s using the freqs command. Plot the magnitude and phase response over this frequency range. Hint: Use frequency ‘step size’ of 0.1 rad/s.
Hint 1: You can plot all 4 graphs in one go using a 2 x 2 matrix of plots using subplot(22n), where n determines which of the 4 subplots gets used.
Hint 2: In order to clearly see variations over a range of frequencies, it is best to use a log scale for the frequency and magnitude (phase would still be displayed using linear scale). The functions loglog (for magnitude) and semilogx (for phase) can be used instead of plot.
11. Determine the magnitude response at . Determine the frequency of the -3dB point (magnitude = 1⁄√2 of passband). Hint: Use the ‘data cursor’ tool on the plot of the magnitude response. It shows the x and y values of the plot as you move along the curve.
12. Discuss the response of the system. Why do the impulse and step responses have that particular shape? How well will this system fulfil its purpose of a vehicle suspension?



Discrete Mathematics

Consider the situation that some chemicals are to be shipped together. The cost of shipping one

container is Rs. 1000/-. Not all chemicals can be packed into a single container as there is a fear of

reaction due to interaction between chemicals. Provide a graph theoretic way for modeling the

above problem. What will be the minimum cost to ship following set of 8 chemicals labeled from

C1 to C8 which are given along with their interactions that should be avoided with other


C1 : C2,C3,C5,C8

C2 : C5,C6,C8

C3 : C5,C7

C4 : C6,C7,C8

C5 : C6,C7,C8

C6 : C8


Pick a business and answer the following questions.

As managers, we need to look at the four functions on management, planning, leading, organizing and controlling.� First, find a publicly owned company that you would be interested into research. This project will have several parts due throughout the semester. Each part will count as an individual assignment. Each assignment will need a title page, information with in-text citation, and a reference page.

  1. What are the company�s mission and vision statements? (use in-text citation)

  2. Do the organizational goals clearly support these statements?� State the goals and explain �how� the goals support the mission and vision.

  3. Why is it important for an organization to establish a mission statement, vision statement, and associated goals?� Use a journal article to answer this question.



“Rhetorical Reflections” should focus on the rhetorical choices you made in your recently completed authentic argument text. The terminology in this section reflects language used in the “Rhetorical Situation” chapter. You are not required to answer all of the questions; doing so may lead you into repetition, but you should aim to answer them as thoroughly as possible. Although this assignment does not call for a traditional essay format, you should use clear and complete sentences and elaborate on your ideas.

  1. What was the purpose of your text?

  2. Who is the primary audience you want to reach and why? [Remember that you are asked to choose an audience who is relevant to the issue in some way. In the initial stages of your process – were there other audiences you considered and rejected? Why?]

  3. What can you say, generally, about your primary audience – what relevant interests, values, beliefs, experiences, etc, did you consider when composing your text? How is your awareness of your audience reflected in the text you created?

  4. To what extent is your text likely to be encountered by multiple audiences? Did your awareness of multiple audiences present writing/composing dilemmas you had to negotiate?

  5. What is your relationship with your audience, and how does that relationship impact your composing choices?

  6. What response are you hoping to evoke in your audience? What aspects of your text, in your view, specifically aim to evoke that response?

  7. What genre/medium did you choose? Did the genre affect what content you can or should include? How?

  8. Explain why your genre and medium choices are well-suited for the audience and topic you have chosen.

  9. What are some general conventions of the genre you choose? Explain how you applied those conventions (and note places where you may have chosen to veer from them).

  10. Did the choice of medium (print vs electronic) shape your composing choices in any significant way? How?

  11. Does your text openly convey your stance, or it is more indirect? Why did you make that choice?

  12. To what extent does your text offer direct support for your message, and why?

  13. How do your design choices serve to reinforce your message?

  14. Overall, are you satisfied with what you produced? Why or why not? If you had the chance to revise (you don’t :), what would you change?


Create an economic development plan for Coffee County,Alabama.

Create an economic development plan for Coffee County,Alabama.

Essentially, if you were to market an area within Coffee County, Alabama region to a potential business firm (domestic or international) what key features would you highlight and why? And if a devil’s advocate approach of “what is this area missing, what does it need to improve upon to attract more business opportunities?” This is also a viable approach in the area of study. What is missing from an area to attract more investment? Skilled Labor, Resources, Logistics, Infrastructure? Cultural Items?


The Home Improvement Project.

Please read the Case-4.2 “The Home Improvement Project.”

  • What factors and forces contributed to scope creep in this case?

  • Is this an example of good or bad scope creep? Explain.

  • How could scope creep have been better managed by the Nelsons?



PHY232-LAB Title: Ohm’s Law using PhET Simulation

PHY232-LAB Title: Ohm’s Law using PhET Simulation

  1. Start up your internet browser. Start up the PhET Simulation at
  2. Click on download and the screen above in figure 1 appear. Minimize your browser.
  3. Get Excel Spreadsheet ready.
  4. With the Resistance slider set at its default value, move the potential slider, observing what happens to the current.

If the voltage doubles, what happens to the current?

What type of relationship do you believe exists between voltage and current?

  1. With the Voltage slider set at 4.5 V, move the resistance slider, observing what happens to the current.

      If the resistance doubles, what happens to the current?

What type of relationship do you believe exists between current and resistance?

      What type of relationship do you believe exists between current and resistance?



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