Category Archives: Research Papers

Complete the table by researching payrolls in different provinces of Canada

The assignment will provide students with an opportunity to research employment standards in a chosen territory or province and provide a comparison to the standards under the Canada Labour Code and the Ontario Employment Standards Act.

After selecting a province or territory each student will do independent research and complete a comparison of standards similar to the following based on the employment standards listed in the Microsoft Word template below.

This is intended to be a summary comparison and therefore it is not expected that there be any significant of detail for each standard. Expected length is about 1-2 pages including



ECON1056 Price Theory; Industry Analysis

ECON1056 Price Theory; Industry Analysis

Your task
The Minister for Transport has instructed you to recommend an appropriate licence fee for the airfreight market. The minister has three objectives:
1. Maximise government revenues from the licence fee;
2. Minimise the cost of airfreight services to consumers, and;
3. Increase the number of packages transported per year to at least 250,000,000.

Note that competition policy prevents the government from imposing any other form of
market regulation, including price controls or quotas.

• Type all equations using the ‘Insert Equation’ function (or equivalent).
• Show all of your working.
• Include sufficient written description for the reader to follow your process.
• Use appropriate notation and economic terminology



Study pitch, intervals and dynamics, describe sound regarding naming pitches, notating pitches and dynamics.

Study pitch, intervals and dynamics, describe sound regarding naming pitches, notating pitches and dynamics. In your initial post, elaborate on the mechanisms (instruments, recordings etc.) used to illustrate your understanding of each point by giving three or more examples.


Insights Into Cultural Differences

Insights Into Cultural Differences

Flannery O’Connor.”A Good Man Is Hard to Find.”Ernest Hemingway,”Hills Like White Elephants,”William Faulkner, “A Rose for Emily,”Eudora Welty, “Why I Live at the P.O.”

The stories assigned this week provides insights into cultural differences. Write a substantive post of at least 750 words,in which you compare the southern culture reflected in the three traditional southern writers- Faulkner, Welty and O’Conner-with the mid-western culture reflected by the mid-western writer Hemingway. Illustrate your conclusions with specific references to the assigned short stories.



Creative advertising assignment

Assignment 2:

  1. “LEARN” Investigate into a topic that you know nothing (or close to nothing) about.  It can be a religion, a historical event, how something is made, a geographic phenomenon, etc.  Study it.  Use the web, books, magazines, or any other source you have access to to learn more about the subject.  After you feel that you’ve exhausted your research, write a one-page, single-spaced summary of the topic that you now know about.

  2. “DO” Actually put your hands (and brain) to work, and try something new!  Try a recipe with ingredients or techniques that you’ve never used, build something, take a fitness class you’ve never tried before (zumba, jiu jitsu, spinning, tae kwon doe, etc), learn how to make icing flowers and decorate a cake…physically try to do something you’ve never done before.  After you’ve tried (and succeeded!), write a one-page, single-spaced summary of the new skill you’ve acquired.  Also, include a picture of your finished product, or you in action.

    Assignment 3:

    For this assignment, you have 2 tasks:

    1. listen to 10-15 minutes of a genre of music that you DON’T like.  really listen.  identify how it makes you feel, what it makes you think of and reasons why you don’t prefer the music.  write a 1/2 paged single-spaced reflection on the music.  don’t forget to tell me what music it is!
    2. listen to 10-15 of one of the types of music listed in the wikipedia link below.  just looking at the list of genres and sub genres is amazing!  who knew there were SO many?!  just as before write a 1/2 paged single-spaced reflection on the music, detailing how it makes you feel, what it makes you think of and whether or not you like it!  don’t forget to tell me what music it is!



EC295 – Economic assignment

EC295 – Economic assignment

1) Imagine you are interested in learning about the education level of teachers in schools that  serve kids from different backgrounds.
a. Using the tabulate command, generate a table with the joint probability distribution between “teacher has a masters degree” and “student lives in suburb”. Describe the results [hint: you will need to add an option to this command to produce the joint probability distribution].
b. Use the tabulate command to produce the probability distribution for “teacher has a masters degree”. Then use the tabulate command again to produce the probability distribution for “teacher has a masters degree” conditional on the student living in a suburb. How does the probability that a teacher has a masters degree change when you use only students who live in a suburb? Based on this, is teacher education independent of students living in the suburbs?
2) Suppose you are interested in learning about the math scores of kindergarteners, and testing some hypotheses about the population average test score.
a. Using the summarize command, compute the mean, standard deviation, and median spring math score. Interpret each value.
b. Manually compute the t-statistic for testing the null hypothesis that the spring math score equals 51.8 against the alternative that it does not equal 51.8. Interpret the value of this statistic.

a. Using the correlate command, compute the covariance between spring math scores and class size. Next, use the generate command to create a new variable called xmathtc2 that equals spring math scores divided by 10. Compute the covariance between this new variable and class size. Compare the two covariances and explain any differences.
b. Use the correlate command to compute the correlation between spring math scores and class size. Next use the same command to compute the correlation between xmathtc2 and class size. Compare the two correlations and explain any differences.
c. Find the average spring math score at each class size by typing egen meanmath = mean(mathtc2), by(classsize). Using the twoway scatter command, draw a scatterplot between average spring math scores and class size. Based on this graph, do math scores and class size appear independent?



Fashion and textile design


This research project is an opportunity for students to undertake a research project led by their own interests. During the project you will research and analyse THREE related design artefacts. This

research will be presented as a research report (1800 – 2000 words) discussing the formal qualities

and social context of your chosen design artefacts. The written submission will be accompanied by a

concept map visualising the ideas you have researched and developed. This visualisation of

research will be presented to the class in Week 12. The concept mapping exercise will give students the opportunity to draw on their design skills to share their research with their peers.



Basic Programming Concepts

2 Flipping a Fair Coin (aka: Basic Random Numbers) [Applied]
• Use R to simulate a single fair coin toss. Your code should simply print “Heads” or “Tails” to the screen once every time you run it, each time with a probability p = 1/2 for a head or a tail.
• Using a for loop, simulate 100 tosses of a fair coin and count how many heads you get in a variable called total which you print out after the loop.
• Optional/advanced Now repeat without resorting to a for loop. Can you do it in just two lines of code?

3 Simulating Random Numbers [Applied]
A test is graded from 0 to 50, with an average score of 35 and a standard deviation of 10.
• Simulate data for a class of 25 students who took the test in R. Assume scores are drawn from a normal distribution. Use the rnorm() function to create random numbers drawn from a normal distribution – but make sure to adjust the mean and standard deviation accordingly.
Use ?rnorm to find out how.
• Do you note any issues with the approach using rnorm to generate the numbers?
• Bonus: Tests are not usually graded as full precision floting point numbers. Can you figure out how to simulate test scores that are rounded to the nearest .5?



Review print materials for the CDC’s Tips From Former Smokers Campaign.

For the discussion board this week you will review print materials for the CDC’s Tips From Former Smokers Campaign:

  • First, research smoking behavior and report measures of prevalence specific to two populations (e.g. 28% of American Indians smoke) and three health challenges (disease/disability) that result from this behavior. Include relative statistics.
  • Next, students will discuss determining readability and addressing diversity of print materials (see Chapter 9).
    • Determining readability: Discuss two of what you feel are the most important aspects to create a document that is easier to read
    • Addressing diversity: Why is ensuring materials are culturally conducive important? Then, describe one strategy health educators can use to create accurate materials.
  • Then, review the CDC Matte Articles used in the Tips From Former Smokers Campaign. Using the attached SMOG readability index below, choose a matte article to apply the SMOG tool to.
    • Report the outcome of the SMOG assessment to the matte article. What grade level did the assessment reveal?
    • Health material should be written at a 6th to 8th grade level, does the article comply with this?
    • Did the article seem to address diversity in connection to the group it was created for? Why or why not?

Marketing paper



MAIN IDEA: What’s the main idea? (Not a summary, but your main takeaway from the article)

INSIGHTS: I want you to engage with the ideas, the concepts, not critique the articles/videos, per se. Look for what’s of value, for that which could be useful, in some way. However, don’t hold back where you disagree. Back up assertions with substance.


How would you apply the concepts in your personal life and career? (pick one or more for application)

How would the concepts be useful in Global Marketing decisions, strategy, and communication? (pick one or more for application)

Bring in your personal experience, education or learning from this course, as relevant.

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