Category Archives: Research Papers

ARC281 Assignment 04 Sturctures Building systems and Environments.

ARC281 Assignment 04 Sturctures Building systems and Environments.

Looking at the following truss, what is the value for Reaction R2x (kN)? The Free Body Diagram has been drawn for you with the direction of the reactions assumed (Calculations may determine this to NOT be correct). Provide your answer to 0 decimal places. Do not write the Units. This is a multiple step calculation and depends on your previous answer.



Software Engineering: Problem&Solution Analysis


We are a software development startup whose market has been to provide logistics for restaurants (ordering, table reservation, user reviews, order-ahead etc.)

That was all pre-covid.

Now with only 25% max capacity at restaurants, more ordering of remote services, the lack of a social dining/shopping experience for the most part, we need to adapt a solution to this area. Most of our customers (restaurants and food services) cannot sustain themselves or need help. We clearly are not a critically needed service with the “new normal” of food businesses.


You are going to develop a system that satisfies this problem domain. You will develop and architect a system to support the features of a system that can exist in a post-covid business environment.

This system must support these actions:

  • You define a list of services for this app based on what YOU think will work in a post-covid world.
  • + three features you come up with during your brainstorm/design thinking/requirements gathering


  • Identify and flesh out the problem domain for what is needed.

  • From the problem domain above, use any types of requirements engineering techniques to take the problem domain and engineer it into requirements. Use established requirements engineering practices (cite the process/practices you’re using)

  • Include at least two requirements models attached to define two separate requirements.

  • Identify a way to implement a solution by evaluating three different architectural patterns/styles, cite each pattern/style.

  • List pros and cons of each pattern/style, choose one for your architecture and justify your answer.


Research the business problem and describe your understanding of it. Perform a thorough research investigation of how it works, impact on business (or society), and metrics or financial indicators (how you will benchmark the effectiveness of your solution) and any other research you can find.

Research the business problem and describe your understanding of it. Perform a thorough research investigation of how it works, impact on business (or society), and metrics or financial indicators (how you will benchmark the effectiveness of your solution) and any other research you can find. Be sure to give a thorough background of the problem and cite to appropriate articles and papers to prove the validity of your research. Also include existing solutions in the market that address this problem. How impactful is the problem? Whom does this affect, how and to what extent How is it currently addressed? Why these methods are inefficient or ineffective An “as-ls” process maps illustrating the current process/solution with some explanations.


Research paper : Block chain, Big data and government policies.

The final portfolio project is a three-part activity. You will respond to three separate prompts but prepare your paper as one research paper. in addition to your textbook (which means you’ll have at least 4 sources cited).

Start your paper with an introductory paragraph.

Prompt 1 “Blockchain” (2-3 pages): Explain the major components of blockchain. Be sure to include how blockchain is affecting a global economy and how you see it growing in the future.

Prompt 2 “Big Data” (1-2 pages): Describe your understanding of big data and give an example of how you’ve seen big data used either personally or professionally. In your view, what demands is big data placing on organizations and data management technology? How does big data affect a global economy.

Prompt 3 “Government and Policies” (1-2 pages): Discuss the role government plays in a global economy. Also, look at what policies are currently in place and then discussion what policies should be put in place..


Identify if the landform is a barrier to migration or makes migration easier.

Identify if the landform is a barrier to migration or makes migration easier. Mountains Ocean Valleys Forest Desert Rivers Plains


Differential equation

1) Verify that the given functions form a fundamental set of solutions of the
differential equation on the indicated interval. Form the general solution.

2) The given family of functions is the general solution of the differential
equation on the indicated interval. Find a member of the family that is a
solution of the initial value problem.



What key assumptions are we making in this process? Among several, consider summary versus detailed forecasting, the chosen horizon, and implicit financing assumptions.

Please read the coca cola case

1. Utilizing information from the case and the steps below, complete the attached Residual Value Valuation Excel Model. Only input data in the bright yellow cells. All other cells are formula driven.

  • Forecast sales based on the sales growth forecast assumption.

  • Derive the “Net Operating Asset” side of the balance sheet.

  • Assign the value for the net total assets to net capital, and then partition net capital to net debt and equity.

  • Derive forecasted net income.

  • Derive residual income.

  • Discount the forecasted residual income or terminal value.

  • Repeat the first 6 steps for all forecast years and terminal year calculation.

  • Aggregate the forecast components to derive the value of the firm.

2. Examine the model and answer the following question: What key assumptions are we making in this process? Among several, consider summary versus detailed forecasting, the chosen horizon, and implicit financing assumptions.


Why do you think investors would back a product that had not been proven? Do you think investors—such as millionaires Rupert Mudoch, Betsy DeVos, and the Walton family—were also susceptible to overconfidence bias in their ability to pick and ride a winning start-up? Why or why not?

  • What went wrong at Theranos?

  • How did Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos demonstrate overconfidence bias? What were the consequences of overconfidence bias for Holmes and Theranos?

  • Why do you think investors would back a product that had not been proven? Do you think investors—such as millionaires Rupert Mudoch, Betsy DeVos, and the Walton family—were also susceptible to overconfidence bias in their ability to pick and ride a winning start-up? Why or why not?

  • Behavioral economist Hersh Shefrin has suggested that Theranos investors’ overconfidence caused them to let themselves be conned. Is that plausible to you? How might that have worked?

  • What harms were caused by Theranos and Holmes making false and misleading statements? How can hype transform into overconfidence or over-optimism?

  • Why do you think Holmes would continue to push the same narrative of personal and company success when faced with increased scrutiny?

  • Can you think of an example of another company leader who demonstrated overconfidence bias? How did this leader’s approach affect the company?


A Financial Statement Analysis – A Comparative Analysis of Apple, Inc. and Alphabet, Inc.

A Financial Statement Analysis – A Comparative Analysis of Apple, Inc. and Alphabet, Inc.


This course contains a Course Project, where you will be required to submit one draft of the project at the end of Week 6, and the final completed project at the end of Week 8. Using the financial statements for Apple Inc. and Alphabet Inc., respectively, you will calculate and compare the financial ratios listed further down this document and prepare your comments about the two companies’ performances based on your ratio calculations.


Discuss how data collected by the authors has supported the conclusion. Discuss how the data collected from the authors of selected literature contributes to your PICOT question.

Using feedback from the instructor on your PICOT question and annotated bibliographies, revise your PICOT question and annotations.

Using your annotations, write a paper in which you evaluate the literature, including the study conclusions, merits, and shortcomings. Your evaluation should address the following, and your conclusions should be supported with appropriate citations:

  • Summarize the evaluation (outcomes) of each literature selection.

  • Is this the only empirical research the authors of chosen articles have done on the same subject matter? If so, do you think this is a gap? If not, discuss the other research.

  • Discuss how data collected by the authors has supported the conclusion.

  • Discuss how the data collected from the authors of selected literature contributes to your PICOT question.

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