Category Archives: Research Papers

Discuss risks and biases for a chosen organization. How can they affect analysis? How could you minimize resistance to the use of analytics-based decision-making?

Within an environment where change is needed, you must recognize the obstacles that can make changes difficult to implement. Two of these obstacles are risk, which can be observed by others, and biases, which tend to be personal and internalized.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Discuss risks and biases for a chosen organization. How can they affect analysis?

  • How could you minimize resistance to the use of analytics-based decision-making?



Locating an Empirical Research Article

Locating an Empirical Research Article

Empirical research articles document a study that is either quantitative, qualitative or a mixed methods research design. When authors write an empirical research article they typically follow a format that looks like this: Introduction/Background, Literature Review, Methodology, Findings, and Discussion. The authors recount literature on their specific research topic and describe in a systematic manner how the data was collected and then analyzed in order to answer the research question(s). Once the data is analyzed, they present the findings. Finally, they interpret the findings using past literature to help understand the findings.

What we broadly describe as a “quantitative study” includes numerical summaries that involve descriptive statistics (averages, standard deviations), correlations, and inferential statistics (such as T-tests, Chi Squares and other kinds of analyses). These kinds of studies can include certain elements such as per- and post-tests or survey results looking at correlations between variables.

Qualitative articles, on the other hand, use interviews, focus groups, observations, and written answers to questions. Rather than using statistics to summarize the study, these studies look at themes and present the material using words, phrases and often paragraphs to illustrate what they are representing.


Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

Research the ways to treat Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

Find at least 2 supporting research articles to support your treatment options.

1. Provide a summary of your condition

2. Provide the treatment(s) for your condition and use at least 2 references to support your treatment (Don’t forget to cite these properly in APA format).


se the eight phases of the communication process to analyze a miscommunication you’ve recently had with a co-worker, supervisor, classmate, teacher, friend, or family member. What idea were you trying to share? How did you encode and transmit it? Did the receiver get the message? Did the receiver correctly decode the message? How do you know? Based on your analysis, identify and explain the barriers that prevented your successful communication in this instance. 

Use the eight phases of the communication process to analyze a miscommunication you’ve recently had with a co-worker, supervisor, classmate, teacher, friend, or family member. What idea were you trying to share? How did you encode and transmit it? Did the receiver get the message? Did the receiver correctly decode the message? How do you know? Based on your analysis, identify and explain the barriers that prevented your successful communication in this instance.


Psychology 213W; What is construct validity?  List two methods that can help establishing a study/instrument’s construct validity.  Briefly describe how each method works, and how it helps to establish a study and/or an instrument’s construct validity. 

  1. A recent study reports that decreased vitamin D level results in higher depression scores on a clinical scale.  For this study, the independent variable is:

    1. The depression scale

    2. The mood of the patients

    3. The dosage that vitamin D were given to the participants

    4. The individuals who participated in the study.

  1. A recent study reports that infant rats fed a special protein-enriched diet reached an adult weight 10% greater than litter-mates raised on a regular diet.  For this study, what is the dependent variable?

    1. The rats given the protein enriched diet

    2. The rats given the regular diet

    3. the adult weight of the rats

    4. the type of diet given to the rats

  1. What type of problems in research is double-blinding technique trying to eliminate?

  1. Sampling error

  2. Sampling bias

  3. Social desirability

  4. Demand characteristics and experimenter effect

  1. One study suggests that being in the bad mood may cause a person to smoke more.  Another study found that cigarette leads to increased blood pressure.  Which of the following might be the mediating variable for this increased risk of high blood pressure?

  1. The study itself

  2. Cigarette smoking

  3. The bad mood

  4. Increased blood pressure

  1. In a trend-analysis of a study, you see 3 turns of direction in the independent variable’s functional relationship, you can then make a safe assumption that there are at least how many levels of independent variable in this study?

  1. 3

  2. 4

  3. 5

  4. 6

  1. If you see a straight line functional relationship in IV-DV plot, this is most likely a _______ relationship

  1. Linear

  2. Quadratic

  3. Cubic

  4. Quartic


Question #1:   Name two of the necessary steps that would make a study ethical, and describe these two processes and how they contribute to the ethical aspects of the study. (5pts)

Question #2:  What is construct validity?  List two methods that can help establishing a study/instrument’s construct validity.  Briefly describe how each method works, and how it helps to establish a study and/or an instrument’s construct validity.  (5pts)



Write the THREATS PART OF THE SWOT for the best approach to handle missing and incorrect information given the context of the problem and be sure to support your argument with scholarly research

1. Write the THREATS PART OF THE SWOT for the best approach to handle missing and incorrect information given the context of the problem and be sure to support your argument with scholarly research

Each of us contributes at least one approach to handle missing and incorrect information given iD Fresh Food’s problem. Please write as clearly as possible and add your reference following your writing.

2.What is the greatest challenge your group has experienced and how was it addressed or is being addressed?

3.How is the work you are doing on this case connected to the course materials? Give a specific example.


Social Media or College Education.

  1. Choose a topic } Social Media or College Education.
  2. Write a Thesis Statement that establishes a cause/effect relationship and uses qualifiers as needed to ensure that no absolute claims are made.
  3. Offer clear, fully-developed body paragraphs, making sure that the reader can see the relationship between the causes(s) and effect(s).
  4. Remember that the purpose of the analysis is to answer the questions of “What?” and “Why?” (sometimes, it can also answer“How?”).
  5. Make use of transitions.
  6. Ensure that all borrowed material, quotes and summaries, from the source essays is parenthetically cited to avoid plagiarism.
  7. Offer bibliographic citations for any essays you choose to use (it is not required that you use any) in the Works Cited at the end of the paper.
  8. Write 800+ words.

Listening Exercise — Can you give someone your attention for 5 minutes?

Listening Exercise — Can you give someone your attention for 5 minutes?

Begin this assignment by practicing your listening skills. I want you to take an opportunity to listen to someone and try to give them your full attention. You can do this over the phone, via zoom or skype, but it is best to do it in person, if that is possible. Next time you are engaged in a conversation with someone, take a quick look at a clock or your phone to see what time it is. See if you can listen for 5 whole minutes without interrupting or taking over the conversation. It is ok to respond with things like “Uh huh” or “Really?” but don’t interrupt the person with your own observations until the 5 minutes is up. I realize that some people will stop talking or ask you a question before it has been 5 minutes. If that happens, try again. Don’t let the person you are listening to know what you are doing until after your experiment is over. Before you try this, read through the tips for better listening from this week’s module and keep them in mind as you listen. Listening for 5 minutes without interrupting is a beautiful gift to give someone you care about.

After your listening experience, think about how it felt. Then write a one page reflection paper. You are not required to do any research for this assignment. You are meant to think about the experience and reflect on it. Your paper should be one page (with 12 point type and reasonable spaces and margins). I expect college level writing in your paper. Please be thoughtful and honest in your reflection paper. You should answer the following questions in your paper.

Who did you listen to and what was the general topic of the conversation? You don’t need to give any details here, just the general idea.

When and where was it?

Were you able to make it for 5 whole minutes without interrupting or taking over the conversation? Or did you find yourself interrupting or taking over before the 5 minutes was up?

If so, what did it feel like to listen for 5 whole minutes? Is this type of listening normal for you? Some of you may find that you have never listened to someone for 5 whole minutes before.

If not, what kept you from being able to complete the exercise?

Did you try any of the tips for better listening? Which one(s)? Did it help in any way?

Read over the list of Types of Nonlistening in this week’s module. Which of those have you found yourself guilty of? Is there one you engage in more than any others?

Moving forward, what can you do to improve your listening?


Assignment of MIS201- Management Information System

Assignment of MIS201- Management Information System

The project involves studying the IT infrastructure of a relevant information system (IS)/ information technology (IT) used by selecting any organization of your choice locally or internationally

The idea is to investigate the selected organization using the main components of IT (Hardware, software, services, data management and networking). Infrastructure Investigation, which is in a selected industry, should be carried out by using articles, websites, books and journal papers and /or interviews. In the report, you are expected to discuss:



Distribution and Inventory Management

Period t Year Quarter Demand
1 1 I 46
2 II 43
3 III 56
4 IV 62
5 2 I 65
6 II 69
7 III 83
8 IV 79
9 3 I 83
10 II 75
11 III 92
12 IV 92

a. four-period moving average (start with forecast for period 5)
b. exponential smoothing with alpha=0.1
c. exponential smoothing with alpha=0.6
d. Holt’s model with alpha=0.2 and beta=0.4, and
e. a regression line through the data (as we did in static forecasting, use the functions =INTERCEPT() and =SLOPE()).

3. For a-e as given in problem 2, calculate for MAD, MSE, bias, and TS, for periods 5-12, and comment on the following:

  • The difference between moving average and exponential smoothing.

  • The difference between level-only models (a, b, c) and level+trend models (d and e).

  • The difference between Holt’s model and the basic regression line. Why do you think most ‘real-world’ forecasters prefer a model like Holt’s to a regression? Think about what is desired in forecasting.

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