Category Archives: Research Papers

Update current job description to get my CPT visa application accepted

This letter is to verify the employment of ______, who is working for _______ as a Data Analyst from April 22, 2019 as a full-time employee at ______ (California) As a Data Analyst, his duties were as follows:

Assist in development as well as maintenance of data collection plus analytic tools; including databases related systems.

Serve as subject matter expert for internal data systems.

Execute complex analytics projects that involve data collection as well as analysis for a broad array of retention issues across disciplines functional areas.

Develop strategies to improve program performance by translating quantitative findings into practical insights.

Contribute to problem solving process design efforts.

Ensure data integrity consistency is achieved across relevant data systems.

Use multivariate statistical analysis techniques to analyze data produce preliminary reports


Create a Budget analysis and a budget cost List

Create a Budget analysis and a budget cost List

For this assignment you will create a Budget analysis and a Menu budget cost List. You must use the information from the menu assignment and analysis to complete the budget anaylsis and budget list. Put the items from the menu assignnment ,and analsyis into a new budget analysis, and make a new budget list. Use the samples as a guide I attached the menu assignment and a sample budget list and sample budget analysis


Create an alternative meaning that could be misconstrued for the artwork, when viewed out of context. Be specific in your analysis of the artwork, subject matter, etc.

      1. Choose 1 artwork from the entire textbook

        • Provide: Artist, title, size, location of the artwork.

        • Make sure to include the image into the body of the document.

      2. Create an alternative meaning that could be misconstrued for the artwork, when viewed out of context. Be specific in your analysis of the artwork, subject matter, etc.

        • The idea behind this is that we will often misinterpret art work (anything, really), if we don’t know the whole story (or what the artwork is about). So, make one up, based just looking at the image.

      3. Then, provide the correct context as described in your research (make sure to cite the page number or author).

        • The correct context is the information that we know, from reading the textbook- the artists intention (typically), and the meaning of why the figure is nude.

      4. How much does context matter in interpreting an artwork’s meaning?


Use periodicals and other accounts of policy or decision making to investigate a major governmental or business decision

After reading the chapter section and the online article/mini lecture on Groupthink, use periodicals and other accounts of policy or decision making to investigate a major governmental or business decision that may have been the result of Groupthink. Post a link to the article online or attach it to your message. Try to use a different example than classmates who may have posted before you.In the body of your post, offer a summary of the decision-making process and the implications of the decision.



Create a power point to show Vital Statistics.

A recent vital statistics percentage was broadcast via the local news.  Your CEO is in shock by the number and desires to have a better understanding of what the statistic means and how this may impact your facility.


Currently, your facility has a hospital specific Cancer Registry, disease index and operations index.  What other general or disease/condition-specific indices could be created to better assist with reporting this data in the future, based on your findings?


You have been asked to create a report that will go directly to the CEO. You will determine the level of detail you feel is appropriate, but the report should contain graphs and a summary.


Create a PowerPoint presentation:



Mathematic structure Exam

1. Propositional logic:

(a) Know truth tables for ¬,∧,∨,→,↔, and be able to build truth tables for compound propositions.

(b) Negations (2.1.3).

(c) Conditional rules (2.1.3).

2. Quantifiers (2.2.2):

(a) Limiting: ∀x(W(x) → C(x)) and ∃y(W(x) ∧ C(x)).

(b) Proposition 4,5: Difference between ∀x∃yK(x, y) and ∃y∀xK(x, y).

(c) HW 3.

(d) Negation: Proposition 2,3.

(e) Express at least, at most, and exactly.

3. Proofs:

(a) Direct proofs: Propositions 8, 23∗, HW 4, 5.

(b) Contraposition: Proposition 10∗, HW 6. √

(c) Proof by contradiction: Proposition 13∗, 3 2 is irrational, Proposition 36∗, use with LEA.

(d) Proof by cases Proposition 15.

(e) Proofs of equivalence: Proposition 16.

(f) Existence proofs: Propositions 17, 18, 20, Theorem 28∗.

(g) LEA: Proposition 21, HW 7, 8; Theorem 24∗ for a ≥ 0; Lemma 27∗.

(h) Induction: Theorem 36∗; Proposition 37, HW 7, 8; Lemma 38∗; Theorem 39, 40, HW 11.



You, the buyer, contend that you received non-conforming goods as a result of an ambiguity in the contract. You ordered goods thinking you would get a particular product. You wanted Razor scooters

The following question is based on the Sales Contract found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Sales Contract by clause number as you answer the questions. Remember, this is a contract under the UCC.
You, the buyer, contend that you received non-conforming goods as a result of an ambiguity in the contract. You ordered goods thinking you would get a particular product. You wanted Razor scooters. That was the original oral communication when you first contacted the selling merchant. You both talked about and agreed on Razor scooters. Thereafter, in phone conversations, you and the seller just used the phrase scooters. The seller prepared a written contract. The contract was signed by both parties. The selling merchant then shipped scooters that are in perfect condition but they are not Razor scooters. The selling merchant believes the goods are conforming. Upon receipt and inspection of the goods, what are all your merchant options under the contract and at law?

You will be given a contract with questions to be answered for the contract. I am looking for the ability to read and comprehend the contract so the appropriate contract clause can be applied to the questions connected with the contract. In order to answer the contract fact scenario, you will also need to be able to identify the legal concept that is applicable to the situation described. This is an analysis so please treat it as such. Your personal opinion is not appropriate.


Advanced corporate finance; What is the Valuation of Hybrid Golf (NPV)? Should the shareholders of Birdie agree to this deal? What is the highest share price Birdie can pay per share of Hybrid?

1.What is the Valuation of Hybrid Golf (NPV)? Should the shareholders of Birdie agree to this deal? (70% of Grade)

2.What is the highest share price Birdie can pay per share of Hybrid? (5%)

3. Suppose Birdie decides to trade its shares in exchange for Hybrid stock. What exchange ratio would make the merger terms equivalent to a cash offer? (5%)

4) What is the highest exchange ratio Birdie should be willing to pay and still undertake the merger? (5%)

5)Discuss how a merger will impact all of the Cash Flows of a M & A deal, in particular; the change in Taxes and how can NOL’s be utilized. Is it difficult to utilize NOL’s? (5%)

6)Are Mergers beneficial to society based on academic literature? Wwho are often the winners?(5%)


CS370 Computer Architecture

CS370 Computer Architecture

1. Create a 4-1 MUX using ONLY tri-state buffers and inverters (i.e. NOT gates) in
LogicWorks. This circuit will select one output from four inputs based on two addition switches. Please read textbook Page 140 Section 3-7 (Selecting) Multiplexers before implementing this lab assignment. You can test out your circuit using binary switches and a Hex keyboard (use Ctrl-F to show signal values). Please read Page 140 for detailed information about MUX (Multiplexer).
(a) This MUX should have two selector lines S0 and S1 and four input lines A-D.
(b) The output should match the following table:
0 0 A
0 1 B
1 0 C
1 1 D
In other words, when S0 and S1 are both zero the MUX will select input A for use
as the output.
2. Use the created circuit from Step 1 to create a part in LogicWorks. This can be
accomplished using a LogicWorks part called “port in”.

(a) You will need a port in for each of the six inputs. Label each port in using the
text tool (Ctrl-E). Make sure you click the port in part and name them with their
appropriate name such as S0, S1, A, … and so on. Note that the text labels should become
(b) There will be one output line which will require the use of a “port out” part in
LogicWorks. Name it as you like. Use the same method above to label the port out part.
(c) Save your LogicWorks file and leave it as an open circuit.
3. With the circuit from Step 2, create a part and save it into a library file.
(a) Open a new device symbol. (File –> New –> Device Symbol)
(b) Select the Options menu, and then “Subcircuit and Parts Type”. This opens
another window. Select “Create a sub-circuit symbol and select an open circuit to attach
to it”. Click the subcircuit that you have created in Step 2.
(c) Auto-create a device symbol if desired. (Under Options menu)
(d) Layout the part graphic as desired. If you want, you can create almost any
shape in LogicWorks since it is only a logical representation and not an actual part. Ensure
pins are in the correct location.
(e) Save the part to a new library (File –> Save). The name of the library file should
be the first initial of your first name and your last name. For example, student Andrew
Jordan’s library file would be ajordan.clf.



Émile Jaques-Dalcroze Carl Orff Zoltán Kodály Edwin E. Gordon Shinichi Suzuki

You must use correct spelling, grammar, use the APA Style and have bibliography for your paper.

Undertake a library research and write half a page report on each of the following scholars of music education:

Émile Jaques-Dalcroze

Carl Orff

Zoltán Kodály

Edwin E. Gordon

Shinichi Suzuki

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