Category Archives: Research Papers

Create a chronology and also a time line

Create a chronology and also a time line

Chronologies are simple but useful tools that help order events sequentially; display information graphically; and identify possible gaps, anomalies, and correlations. The technique pulls the analyst out of the evidentiary weeds to view a data set from a more strategic vantage point. A Chronology places events or actions in the order in which they occurred. A Timeline is a visual depictions of those events showing both the time of events and the time between events. Chronologies can be paired with a Timeline and mapping software to create geospatial products that display multiple layers of information such as time, location, and multiple parallel events. The geographic scope and many details of this case make a Chronology, Timeline, and Map particularly useful in understanding how the case unfolded both temporally and spatially.

Deliverable 1:

Create a Chronology of the anthrax attacks and investigation

Step 1: Identify the relevant information from the case narrative with the date and order in which it occurred.

Step 2: Review the Chronology by asking the following questions:

  • What does the timing of the appearance of symptoms tell me about when the letters were mailed?

  • Could there be any other letters than the four in the government’s possession?

  • What additional information should we seek?

  • Are there any anomalies in the timing of events?

Deliverable 2:

Create a Timeline of the attacks based on geographic location.

Step 1: Identify the relevant information about the victims from the Chronology with the date and order in which the events occurred. Consider how best to arrange the data along the Timeline. Can any of the information be categorized?

Step 2: Review the Timeline by asking the following questions:

  • Do any of the events appear to occur too rapidly or too slowly to have reasonably occurred in the order or timing suggested by the data? (e.g. the letters and their postmarks).

  • Are there any underlying assumptions about the evidence that merit attention?

  • Does the case study contain any anomalous data or information that could be viewed as an outlier? What should be done about it?



Project Charter

1       Executive Summary

[Provide an executive summary of the project, its objectives, and outcomes.]


2       Project Background and Description

[Describe the project in enough detail to establish the context and scope of the effort.]


3       Project Objectives

[List and describe the objectives of the project. These should be items that can be measured and achieved. Each objective should contain these four parts:  CONDITION, AUDIENCE, BEHAVIOR, and DEGREE

Condition: State specifically as possible what will be utilized and/or provided. Example: paper; presentation; quadratic equation; map

Audience: Who is the population that will be responsible for executing the objective to achieve the condition.

Behavior: Describes capability that are observable and measurable (you will define the measurement elsewhere in the goal). Example: should be able to write a report; should be able to describe the steps.

Degree: States the standard for acceptable performance (time, accuracy, proportion, quality, etc). Example: without error; 9 out of 10 times; within 60 seconds.]



Pedophile neutralization techniques used on adult/child sex advocacy websites.

Chapter 7 talks about various pedophile neutralization techniques used on adult/child sex advocacy websites. Do other Cyber Criminals use some of these? Or what techniques do they use to neutralize or rationalize their own criminal behavior?


Mobile Device Forensic

– The introduction is the classic set of concepts about Mobile Forensics that you can find in almost all the books and papers on this topic.

– The Mobile Forensic Techniques section tris to describe more in details techniques in use to extract data from a Smartphone. References are out of date, as the article mentions the iPhone 5s with Touch ID…

– The file system section is short and it is just a list of some of the possibile filesystem on smartphones

– The data acquisition techniques refers to the Mobile Device Forensics Guidelines written by NIST and doesn’t add any useful reference


MGT 311 Which HR Practices do you believe are the most critical for the Marriott to maintain and grow its competitive advantage? Explain why?

  1. Which HR Practices do you believe are the most critical for the Marriott to maintain and grow its competitive advantage? Explain why?

  2. Would Marriott have been successful without its current HR Practices? Explain.

  3. Can companies in other industries such as health care, manufacturing, or research and development adopt Marriott’s value and practices and have similar success? Explain why or why not.

  4. What other types of HR Practices should Marriott consider adopting that would appeal to its growing number of Millennial Employees?



BMPJ 6204 Managerial Accounting Assignment

BMPJ 6204 Managerial Accounting Assignment

You are asked to prepare a report to address the following matters/concerns that have been raised by
the Managing Director of the company.
a) As a going concern, he wishes to evaluate the six divisions in light of growing competition as the
economy continues to grow. He has asked you to identify and assess:
• the product divisions that are producing low value-added items and require huge
working capital investments, and
• the implications of low value-added items for financial returns and profitability.
b) He wishes to make a strategic decision about the long-term viability of both the bathroom
accessories division and the pipes division due to the very competitive environment both divisions
are competing in. As both divisions would require considerable capital expenditure to improve
efficiency and to make them more competitive, he has decided to sell them. Critically evaluate the arguments for selling the two divisions, even though both are profitable.
c) The company needs to reduce its financial gearing, which is too high. However, the company also
needs to spend large sums of capital for equipment replacement and modernisation programmes,
investments in new projects and new product developments. All capital investment projects should
have a target payback period.
(i) Identify and analyse the factors which should influence how long the payback period
should be for equipment replacement programmes and new development projects.
(ii) Critically analyse the relative importance of the strategic aim of reducing gearing and
the aim to continue to invest in modernisation programmes.
d) The company is about to introduce a decentralisation programme in which decision making is
pushed down the line and head office staff is cut from 48 in number to just 20. The Managing
Director believes that control can be exercised from head office by having a regular reporting
system using financial ratios and budgets.
(i) Advise the managing director on the reliance of using financial ratios analysis and budgetary
controls for co-ordination and control of the group and the possible risks that Triton may face.
(ii) Critically analyse how you would expect the management accounting function and ethical
issues to be re-organised if the company expands its operations to a number of different lowcost countries.


MGT301 Case: Google

  1. Do you agree with Bock that star performers should get a lot more—not just a little more—than average performers? If someone earning a 3 on Google’s evaluation system gets a 2 percent raise, what should employees earning 4’s and 5’s get? (1.25 Marks )

  2. Given the budget issues created by giving star performers more, should someone earning a 3 get a 2 percent raise—or should they get less? What are the arguments for and against a 2 percent raise level for average performers? (1.25 Marks )

  3. Consider all the things Google’s People Operations group does to motivate its employees. Which motivation theories do they seem to be leveraging, and how? (1.25 Marks )



SRT257 Assignment 3 – Construction and Materiality Report

SRT257 Assignment 3 – Construction and Materiality Report

Optional Task : Materiality analysis
You will analyse what materials are used for the building envelope of your House, and calculate the
embodied energy and emissions based on calculated material quantities and embodied factors
from inventories. Detailed tasks include:
1) Analysing the materiality of the external envelope for each element, such as the exterior wall,
roof, window, and floor. You may use graphics to illustrate the material layers and material
2) Quantifying the primary materials: you need to calculate the material volume and then convert
to weight (kg) for each type of materials;
3) Calculating embodied energy and CO2: you need to look up embodied factors listed in the
inventory, and then calculate the embodied energy and emissions using material weight and
embodied factors;
4) Analysing recyclability of the relevant materials.
x Whether it was made from a renewable source;
x How recyclable it is and/or whether it could be substituted by recycled material.
5) Discussing the implications of your findings for the redesign of your House.


Concurrent Process

Research the maximum amount of virtual memory that can be accommodated on at least three different computing devices. Cite the operating system for each device and list the detailed steps you would follow to adjust the amount of virtual memory the device routinely uses. Do not change the size of your virtual memory settings. This exercise is for research purposes only.



Mapping entity into relation

Question 2: Mapping ER diagram into relational schema.

a) Map the ER diagram below into a relational schema.

b) Explain how you did the mapping in the previous question based on the
mapping rules stated in the material.

c) Map the ER diagram below into a relational schema.

d) Explain how you did the mapping in the previous question based on the
mapping rules stated in the material.

e) Map the ER diagram below into a relational schema.

f) Explain how you did the mapping in the previous question based on the
mapping rules stated in the material.

g) Map the ER diagram below into a relational schema.

h) Explain how you did the mapping in the previous question based on the
mapping rules stated in the material.



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