Category Archives: Research Papers

Create a confusion matrix and report the results of your model for the train set. Interpret and discuss the confusion matrix. Which misclassifications are more damaging for the analysis, False Positives or False Negatives?

Use the College dataset from the ISLR library to build a logistic regression model to predict
whether a university is private or public.
1. Import the dataset and perform Exploratory Data Analysis by using descriptive statistics
and plots to describe the dataset.
2. Split the data into a train and test set – refer to the Feature_Selection_R.pdf document for
information on how to split a dataset.
3. Use the glm() function in the ‘stats’ package to fit a logistic regression model to the
training set using at least two predictors.
4. Create a confusion matrix and report the results of your model for the train set. Interpret and discuss the confusion matrix. Which misclassifications are more damaging for the analysis, False Positives or False Negatives?
5. Report and interpret metrics for Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and Specificity.
6. Create a confusion matrix and report the results of your model for the test set.
7. Plot and interpret the ROC curve.
8. Calculate and interpret the AUC



Hank Kellner’s Write What You See

There will be an “assigned” prompt each week; sometimes that will come from Hank Kellner’s Write What You See folder on Canvas Journaling Information Page that contains 30+ prompts where I encourage you to respond in writing to the photograph, the quote, OR one of the stated prompts – you should follow your inspiration, not try to answer every question. Sometimes I will ask a question that might connect to a relevant reading or viewing, or encourage you to respond to a philosophical concept. You may also diverge from this task and truly journal by writing what is on your mind – you do not need to stick to the prompt every week.



Critical Use of Accounting Information ACC/ACF5903

Critical Use of Accounting Information ACC/ACF5903

This assignment aims for allowing you to demonstrate that you can (1) download and analyze
the annual report for listed companies, 2) how to use accounting information when making a
judgment related to company performance, (3) identify limitations of accounting information,
(4) beyond the disclosed public financial information, identify and understand the fundamental
antecedents of financial reporting quality (e.g., from macro events to tone at the top), and (5)
organize your thoughts in a coherent and presentable way.



MHA500 SLP The Future of Health Care Delivery

  • Detailed statistics on the shortage of health care personnel in your selected geographical area.

  • Comparative statistics to the national shortage of health care personnel.

  • Explain how health care personnel shortage is affecting health care delivery currently and within the next 10 years.



Create two user-defined functions.

You will need to create two user-defined functions. The first function requires two parameters and should return the calculated percentage. The second function requires the calculated percentage along with the assigned weight. This function should return the weighted percentage

Your .php file should calculate and output the following values:

  1. Percentage earned (for each grade component)
  2. Weighted value earned towards the total grade (for each grade component)
  3. Final grade percentage and letter grade


For the final letter grade, you should use the breakdown listed below. As the determination of the letter grade is simple, you can use advanced operators to determine the letter grade. Decision structures should not be used




7) Suppose we conduct an experiment by flipping a fair coin four times.
a) Are the outcomes “heads” and “tails” values of a categorical variable or a
quantitative variable? Explain.
b) Would you say that the outcome “the number of heads in four tosses” is a value of a
categorical variable or a quantitative variable? Explain.
8) A random variable is a numerical measure of the outcome of an experiment, i.e. a
quantitative variable. Random variables are typically denoted with capital letters near
the end of the alphabet such as X or Y. We often refer to random variables as
quantitative variables.
a) Suppose we randomly select a person and test their blood type. Is the variable
blood type a random variable? Explain.
b) Suppose we toss a coin four times. Is the variable number of heads a random
variable? Explain.



Identify how mindfulness is applied within cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) Analyze mindfulness in common experiences Summarize the theoretical foundation and major techniques/interventions of cognitive behavioral therapy approaches*

Explore the continuing evolution of CBT/REBT into what is considered the third wave. Third-wave cognitive behavioral approaches are concerned with mindfulness and seek to incorporate the mind-body connection into treatment. Like CBT/REBT, they are concerned with the effects of cognitive activity on well-being, but posit that you should acknowledge and accept your thoughts but not necessarily change them (though sometimes you may).

You will discover through your readings that there are multiple approaches within the third wave, including mindfulness, mindfulness-based stress reduction, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and dialectical behavior therapy, among others. There is debate even among prominent practitioners among the field as to whether mindfulness approaches are a distinct “wave” from CBT/REBT, or whether they are simply techniques that may be incorporated within CBT/REBT.

This week, you begin to explore the basic concept of mindfulness through a simple experiment called the Mindfulness Raisin Exercise. You also complete Part 1 of your Course Project.


Students will:

  • Identify how mindfulness is applied within cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

  • Analyze mindfulness in common experiences

  • Summarize the theoretical foundation and major techniques/interventions of cognitive behavioral therapy approaches*


UK Law consumer law

Subject : Consumer Law

Level of Study : PhD, DPhil

Target Grade : Publishable

Length: 250 Words


What does Patricia Hill Collins mean by a “matrix of domination”?

  1. What does Patricia Hill Collins mean by a “matrix of domination”?
    a. Multiple forces combine to keep women confined to their current roles.
    b. Second-wave feminism did more harm than good by lumping all women together into one oppressed class.
    c. Race is more important than gender in the understanding of oppression.
    d. The nature and extent of a person’s oppression is a function of multiple factors, not just one.

1 points 


  1. Match each term to the correct definition.
    a. the perceived biological differences thought to distinguish men from women
    b. a social position that is often treated as if it were associated with biological differences
    c. a set of preferences for romantic and sexual partners

1 points 


  1. How does social constructionism, championed by Candace West and Don H. Zimmerman, differ from structural functionalism, psychoanalytic theory, and conflict theory when it comes to gender roles?
    a. Social constructionism supports the idea that gender roles are grounded in biological components.
    b. Social constructionism focuses on the essentialist nature of sex.
    c. Social constructionism focuses more on the macro level than the other theories.
    d. Social constructionism is less deterministic.

1 points 


  1. Advocates for children and adults with intersex conditions want to change the way intersex infants are treated. Identify the major goals of this movement (select ALL that apply).
    a. To remove the stigma of intersex conditions.
    b. To promote tolerance of people who have had, or want, sex reassignment surgery.
    c. To encourage acceptance of behavior that crosses traditional gender boundaries.
    d. To discourage surgery on infants with ambiguous genitalia.

1 points 


  1. How do we socially construct biological sex? Based on the sex assigned to a child at birth, how do we socially construct gender to appear natural? How are some modern parents challenging this? (Make sure to respond to ALL parts of this question).



What are some of the major observations you made in regard to your interview; were you satisfied with the information gained during the interview?

  • Conduct the Interview. Share with the class a document summary of the interview content in the Week 5 discussion (you can upload a file attachment or place a description in the discussion and converse with your classmates about the interview.)

  • What are some of the major observations you made in regard to your interview; were you satisfied with the information gained during the interview?

  • What are some of your own personal strengths and weaknesses related to the interview process?



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