Category Archives: Research Papers

Eng 106 Correlation is not causation.

There is common wisdom that states, “Correlation is not causation.” Explain in your own words what this phrase means. Now, read the current draft of your cause and effect essay. Consider how you might revise your essay in light of this saying. Describe what revisions you might need to make to your essay to ensure that your argument is logical, plausible, and realistic and does not present an argument that is illogical, far-reaching, or unrealistic.



HLTH 642 The need assignment

HLTH 642 The need assignment

This portion of your paper is a written discussion of the problem/condition/disease and its importance. It contains a written discussion of the target population, a description of the extent of the health issue for the selected population including trends and socio-ecological factors impacting the selected problem. This is essentially the background and significance statement, which is nearly always required for grants or contract applications. You are also required to introduce the objective of Healthy People 2020 which you will be addressing. Basically, you are answering the question—WHY is this a problem?



SOCW – 6311 Social Work Practice Research II

SOCW – 6311 Social Work Practice Research II

Respond to at least 2 of your colleagues and elaborate on their recommendations for cultural adaptation with the group they identified. For example, you might discuss a merit or limitation of the cultural adaptation that your colleague proposed. Or you might suggest an alternative application of one of Marsigilia and Booth’s cultural adaptation.


Using the following question ‘MPs primarily represent the interests of their constituents.’ To what extent do you agree with this view. Provide one paragraph that supports the idea that MPs primarily represent the interests of their constituents and another paragraph that supports the idea that MPs primarily support the interests of their party.

Write two paragraphs using the PEEL Principle (see the attached PPT for guidance around PEEL)

Using the following question ‘MPs primarily represent the interests of their constituents.’ To what extent do you agree with this view. Provide one paragraph that supports the idea that MPs primarily represent the interests of their constituents and another paragraph that supports the idea that MPs primarily support the interests of their party.


Geography question

This lab will introduce the principle of continentality, which states that inland sites will have greater annual and diurnal temperature ranges than will coastal sites. While mean temperatures in different parts of the world are mainly determined by latitude, the distribution of land and water has the greatest influence on temperature ranges. Inland sites (e.g. Phoenix) typically experience both warmer summers and cooler winters than do corresponding coastal sites at similar latitudes (e.g. San Diego). The reasons for this phenomenon lie in the differences between how land and water areas interact with incoming solar radiation, particularly with regard to absorption, reflection, transmission, and heat storage.



Describe another genre of music that you think has had as strong an influence as Motown.

In making music for “young America,” Berry Gordy and Motown created music that had influence in its own time and in the subsequent six decades. In 200 (minimum) words, describe another genre of music that you think has had as strong an influence as Motown. In your journal entry, explain your choice with some background of the genre and describe the influence of the genre you picked. Feel free to illustrate your entry with a musical example.


Develop a stakeholder management plan

– Assignment: Stakeholder management plan

– According to assignment 3 PDF there is a stakeholder list

– Based on description need to prioritize the stakeholders

– By using Stakeholder management plan techniques needs to draw the stakeholders mapping

– But map and prioritisation of stakeholder list is very important


Concurrent Process

Research the maximum amount of virtual memory that can be accommodated on at least three different computing devices. Cite the operating system for each device and list the detailed steps you would follow to adjust the amount of virtual memory the device routinely uses. Do not change the size of your virtual memory settings. This exercise is for research purposes only.



ALY6000: Executive Summary Report 2

ALY6000: Executive Summary Report 2

As a data analyst, you will need to be able to create understandable data visualizations and clearly summarize the data for executives. This assignment allows you to demonstrate your skills to process data, present the data visually, and calculate basic; all with explanatory analysis. In this assignment, you will create an executive summary based on a set of data provided by your instructor. You will write and execute an R script in order to gather the information required to complete your report.



What is the purpose of art ?

It should be 4 pages, double-spaced, in 12-pt. font, with standard margins. The paper should refer to the three authors, Tolstoy, Freeland, and Barthes. (Use the three readings provided in files )

The topic is: what is the purpose of art ?



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