Category Archives: Research Papers

Ernest Hemingway’s short story “Indian Camp”

In Ernest Hemingway’s short story “Indian Camp” the author creates three characters, Nick, Nick’s father (Dr. Adams) and his Uncle George. In a well developed composition discuss how Hemingway uses specific details to create all three characters. Your essay should be five paragraphs long with an introduction, a paragraph on each of the characters and a conclusion.



Accounting ACCT101

Assignment Question(s):(5 Marks)

Q1– Provide an example of each title here and then record the journal entries (2 Marks).

Following is the first given answer.

1-Purchasing Equipment for cash

Given answer:

ABC company purchased equipment for SAR20,000 cash .



2-Issuing common stocks receiving cash.

3-Providing service receiving cash.

4-Purchasing supplies on credit.

5-Borrowing money from a bank.

6-Paying employees their salaries.

Q2– What is the accrual basis of accounting? When should revenue and expense be recognized in the accrual basis? Provide an example. (1 Mark).

Q3– On your own words, explain the purpose and the importance of the income statement, and prepare the income statement for ABC company based on the following information taken from the trial balance in 2019(2 Marks)

Consulting revenue SAR70,000
Rental revenue 30,000
Supplies expense 5,000
Rent expense 20,000
Wages expense 30,000  



Calculate the number of dozens and number of moles of one collection of objects.

  1. Think of a collection of items you have in your house or you have observed around you. Write it down the name and number of the item. Try to think of a collection of 100 things or more.

For example, I would write in my post:


  1. 50,000 grains of rice
  2. 126 textbooks
  3. 2784 legos

please reply to at least one of your peer’s posts. In each reply, please do the following:

  1. Calculate the number of dozens and number of moles of one collection of objects.


Post lab questions

How to know when a reaction occurs:

* Bubbles (gas formation)

* Heat (lost or gain)

* Precipitations (solid formation)

* Light

* electron flow (batteries?)

In today’s lab you will be looking at a type of reaction called “Double Displacement”. Please use your lab manual and go to Experiment 3. do the Postlab questions in the manual

1.BaCl2 + Na2SO4 Reaction Between Sodium Sulphate and Barium Chloride Solution – MeitY OLabs

2.Precipitation experiment: Precipitation Reaction Experiment

Solution #1: Ag(NO)3 + Cu(NO3)2

Solution #2: Ag(NO)3 + Na2S

Solution #3: Ag(NO)3 + NaCl

Solution #4: Ag(NO)3 + Na2S

Solution #5: Cu(NO3)2 + NaCl

Solution #6:NaCl+ Na2S


A dated box of dates, of mass 5.00 kg, is sent sliding up a frictionless ramp at an angle of  to the horizontal. The graph gives, as a function of time t, the component vx of the box’s velocity along an x axis that extends directly up the ramp. What is the magnitude of the normal force on the box from the ramp?

1) A dated box of dates, of mass 5.00 kg, is sent sliding up a frictionless ramp at an angle of  to the horizontal.
The graph gives, as a function of time t, the component vx of the box’s velocity along an x axis that extends
directly up the ramp. What is the magnitude of the normal force on the box from the ramp?

2) Two blocks are in contact on a frictionless table. A horizontal force is applied to the larger block, as shown in
the figure. (a) If m1 = 2.30 kg, m2 = 1.20 kg, and F = 3.20 N, find the magnitude of the force between the two
blocks. (b) Show that if a force of the same magnitude F is applied to the smaller block but in the opposite
direction, the magnitude of the force between the blocks is 2.10 N, which is not the same value calculated in (a).
(c) Explain the difference.

3) The figure shows a box of dirty money (mass m1 = 3.00 kg) on a frictionless plane inclined at angle 1 =
30.0°. The box is connected via a cord of negligible mass to a box of laundered money (mass m2 = 2.00 kg) on a
frictionless plane inclined at angle 2 = 60.0°. The pulley is frictionless and has negligible mass. What is the
tension in the cord?

4) The figure shows an initially stationary block of mass m on a floor. A force of magnitude 0.500mg is then
applied at upward angle  = 20.0°. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the block across the floor if the
friction coefficients are (a) μs = 0.600 and μk = 0.500 and (b) μs = 0.400 and μk = 0.300?

5) Block B in the figure weighs 711 N. The coefficient of static friction between block and table is 0.250; angle
 is 30.0°; assume that the cord between B and the knot is horizontal. Find the maximum weight of block A for
which the system will be stationary.

6) Body A in the figure weighs 102 N, and body B weighs 32.0 N. The coefficients of friction between A and
the incline are μs = 0.560 and μk = 0.250. Angle  is 40.0°. Let the positive direction of an x axis be up the
incline. In unit-vector notation, what is the acceleration of A if A is initially (a) at rest, (b) moving up the
incline, and (c) moving down the incline?

7) Suppose the coefficient of static friction between the road and the tires on a car is 0.600 and the car has no
negative lift. What speed will put the car on the verge of sliding as it rounds a level curve of 30.5 m radius?
8) A student of weight 667 N rides a steadily rotating Ferris wheel (the student sits upright). At the highest
point, the magnitude of the normal force
on the student from the seat is 556 N. (a) Does the student feel
“light” or “heavy” there? (b) What is the magnitude of
at the lowest point? If the wheel’s speed is doubled,
what is the magnitude FN at the (c) highest and (d) lowest point?
9) An old streetcar rounds a flat corner of radius 9.10 m, at 16.0 km/h. What angle with the vertical will be
made by the loosely hanging hand straps?



MATH 312

∗1. (10 points) Let A and B be subgroups of a group G. Recall from Assignment 1 that
A ∩ B is a subgroup of G, and hence of A.
(a) Show that
f : A/(A ∩ B) → G/B, a(A ∩ B) 7→ aB
is a well-defined map, i.e., is independent of any choice of coset representatives.
(b) Show that f is injective.
(c) Deduce that (A : A ∩ B) ≤ (G : B) in the case where (G : B) is finite.
(d) Suppose now that G = Sn for some integer n ≥ 2. Show that if A contains an odd
permutation, then exactly half the elements of A are odd
Hint: Use (c)
∗2. (7 points) Let G and H be groups.
(a) Show that if A is a subgroup of G, and B is a subgroup of H, then A × B is a
subgroup of G × H.
(b) Is is possible for G × H to have subgroups that are not of the kind described in
part (a)? Justify your answer with a suitable example or proof.
3. What are the possible orders of the elements of Z6 × Z9? How many elements achieve
the largest possible order?
4. (4 points) For a fixed positive integer m ≥ 2, consider the following subsets of D2m:
A = {id, r2
, r4
, · · · , r2m−2
, s, sr2
, sr4
, . . . , sr2m−2
}; B = {id, rm}.
(a) Show that A and B are subgroups of D2m.
(b) Show that A ∼= Dm and B ∼= Z2.
∗(c) Show that if m is odd, then D2m is the internal direct product of A and B (and
hence that D2m
∼= Dm × Z2).
∗5. (8 points) Show that if n ≥ 3 is odd, then Dn is not the internal direct product of
two non-trivial subgroups.
∗6. (7 points) Let H and N be subgroups of a group G.
(a) Show that if N is normal, then HN is a subgroup of G.
(b) Show that if both N and H are normal, then HN is also normal



What is British National Strategic Fund (BNSF)? How should BNSF design its investment strategy and asset allocation framework to support the UK’s long-term economic development objectives?

Purpose of this case : To devise an optimal investment strategy and asset allocation framework to best serve the UK’s economic interests following withdrawal from the EU.

While BNSF is fictional, real data from the UK is used to frame the discussion surrounding current socio-economic and political conditions. To separate fact from fiction in this case, sources and notes are all provided in the final section highlighting fictional and factual components. Monetary amounts in this case are denominated in Pound Sterling (£).

What is British National Strategic Fund (BNSF)?

A fictional sovereign wealth fund (SWF) responsible for managing £50 billion of assets of

the United Kingdom (UK). As part of its exit from the European Union (EU) or “Brexit” in January 2020,the UK is currently in a transition period ending on December 31, 2020 to negotiate a trade deal with the EU.To address potential economic shortcomings and decreased levels of foreign direct investments, the government has approved the creation of the country’s first SWF

Objective of this case: BNSF has a mandate to promote British economic independence and the long-term well-being of the British population. However, fund managers are concerned that a lack of geographical diversification and focus on supporting low-income business segments may negatively impact investment returns in the long run.

Given the unprecedented nature of the task before them, the BNSF board decided to hire your investment consulting firm to advise them on the following:

How should BNSF design its investment strategy and asset allocation framework to support the UK’s long-term economic development objectives?

You are expected to present a long-term asset allocation strategy for the first £20 billion issuance in the first quarter of 2021, while fulfilling BNSF’s triple mandate.

Triple Mandate

1)Promote Economic Independence of UK

2)Promote Long Term Well Being of British Population

3)Maximize risk adjusted returns

The following sections provide information that illustrates the complexity of this task. BNSF is actively monitoring the UK’s economic change surrounding Brexit, as well as the growing trend of non- commodity SWFs around the world. The fund mandate is further complicated by existing trade-offs and uncertainties around the UK industries. Finally, the seven BNSF board members all have varying perspectives on BNSF’s triple mandate. These members will jointly evaluate and vote on your proposal at the upcoming meeting in November 2020

  • How to combine profits with social equalities?

  • The fund can promote economic independence of UK, long term well-being of British population and maximize risk adjusted returns

  • Propose an investment strategy for the first instalment of 20 pounds

  • New type of sovereign wealth fund

  • Difficult to manage triple mandate

  • Make long term positions decisions in a changing world

  • Think about how finance can have positive impact on society

  • quality of report, analytical rigorous of the proposal and ability of the proposal to solve the problem

  • Be clear about the assumptions you make

Look for win-wins

  • triple mandate involves tough trade offs

  • How can you find win-win solutions that make all stakeholders better off?

  • They care about feasibility of the proposal

  • Does BNSF have what it takes to implement the proposal?



Fluid Friction Mechanical Engineering Class Lab Report

Fluid Friction Mechanical Engineering Class Lab Report

The table of data
• Discussion of the data
• For the straight pipe, plot calculated friction factor (????????.
) vs Re
for all flowrates; in the same plot, also plot function ?? =
• Discuss the plot you created.
• On the second data analysis table, there is a huge difference
between the Experimental and Empirical values of Loss
Coefficient (kb). What is the main reason for this error?
• Do instrumental error analysis for one data point of your choice.



Liberty and Justice for All or Just Some? Felon Voting Rights

Liberty and Justice for All or Just Some? Felon Voting Rights

1) “6 Million Americans without a Voice.” New York Times, 12 Feb. 2014, p. A26, Accessed 29 Sep. 2016.

2) Feser, Edward. “Should Felons Vote?” City Journal, vol. 15, no. 2, 2005, pp. 80–30, Accessed 29 Sep. 2016.

In developing both your critical reading of the articles on the issue you chose, and also for thinking about your own argument, it can be useful to consider what ethical aspects there may be to the issue.

Traditionally, ethical reasoning tends to take two forms, which may be separate kinds of ethical argument or may be combined in some fashion. One pattern of ethical reasoning is principle-based argument: you determine what ethical values and principles are either directly stated or may be only implied that are relevant to the issue (another term for this might be determining what the ethical “criteria” are). You then analyze how these values or principles would apply to the situation or issue (another term for this might be determining how the criteria “match” the course of action, ethical judgment, etc.). So we could call this a two-step process of criteria-match: first, determine what the relevant ethical principles are; then, figure out how these principles would apply to a particular course of action, or whether you judge a position or course of action to be consistent with the ethical principles, etc. Present evidence that the course of action would (or would not) match the relevant ethical principles or criteria.

A second approach to ethical reasoning is “utilitarian” analysis: you assess how a particular course of action would benefit and/or harm individuals, and you calculate whether it would result in greater good, or benefit to individuals, or whether it would do more harm than good. In particular, you measure the costs (in ethical terms) or benefits of any particular course of action, and make an ethical judgment based on this calculation of “the greatest good for the greatest number” (John Stuart Mill).

For this assignment, think about your issue from the ethical perspective. What are the ethical principles that are either directly stated by any of the articles you chose, or are at least implied by them? How would you evaluate various positions both others and you may take on the issue in terms of either implied or directly stated ethical values or principles? Alternately, or perhaps in some combination with this type of analysis, what would be the potential benefit, or harm, of adopting any particular course of action on the issue?

To further develop the detail of this kind of ethical reasoning about your issue, you might consider the attached handout from James Madison University about The Eight Key Questions (8KQ) that most commonly come up in thinking about issues from an ethical perspective:

8KQ Ethical Reasoning

In one or two paragraphs (about 250 total words), describe what you see as some of the ethical aspects of your own position and positions of others about the issue you have chosen. You might consider a They Say/I Say structure to the extent that your argument about the issue can be contrasted with arguments by others you have been reading.

You may consider whether any of this assignment could be incorporated into your paper for this class. It may turn out that the argument you want to make about the issue could be entirely focused on ethical reasoning (in other words, an ethical argument), or it may be that only part of your final paper may consist of ethical argument. But either way, at least thinking about the ethical aspects of your topic/issue may enrich your paper for this class.

Write a Summary

Choose one article from the readings to summarize. Try to choose the article with which you are conversing the most. Keep your claim in mind. When you use summary in your papers, you will only want to focus on what is relevant to your claim. Think, “What part of the conversation do I need to recreate for my audience so they will understand my claim?”



What changes would you do to the cash flow analysis in Exhibit 2 to estimate the NPV of the project?

  1. What changes would you do to the cash flow analysis in Exhibit 2 to estimate the NPV of the project? Specifically discuss the following:

    1. How would you deal with the issue of tank car capacity?

    2. How would you deal with potential cannibalization?

    3. How would you deal with the issue of inflation?

    4. Discuss any other changes you would like to make to the cashflow analysis?

  2. How would you respond to the individual concerns raised about the project? Please respond to each of the concerns of the transportation division, the director of sales, the assistant plant manager and the treasury staff.

  3. Is the project attractive and under what criteria?

  4. Would you fund the project?



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