Category Archives: Research Papers

MIT lab assignment

Creating and editing charts in Excel involve 4 major elements: Chart Type, Chart Data,
Chart Options, and Chart Location. We will use a double-doughnut chart to compare the
periodical investment amount and the return across the three banks.

1. Select the cell range D10:E12, which covers the investments and their returns from
the three banks.
2. Select “Doughnut” as the chart type in the menu bar by clicking Insert  Charts 
Other Charts.
3. Go Chart Tools  Design  Chart Layouts. Select layout 6.
4. Right click the chart and select “Select Data” from the menu. In the “Horizontal
(Category) Axis Labels”, select A10:A12. Click “OK”. Now you can clearly see which
color represents what bank.
5. Right click the chart and select “Select Data” again. In the “Legend Entries (Series)”,
select “Series 1” and click “Edit”. Select D9 (Amount per period) as the Series name.
In a similar way, select E9 for “Series 2”. Click “OK”.
6. Right click on one of the circles; select “Format Data Labels”. Here you can customize
various properties of the chart. Check “Series Name” and “Value” and uncheck
 You may also change the chart font, color, label, and layout, etc. to suit your own
7. You can move the chart to a separate chart sheet or another existing sheet. To do
this, right click on the chart and click on “move chart”. To create a chart sheet, check
“New Sheet” and type a title for it. You can also move the chart as an object to other
existing worksheets in the file.
You can change the chart type even after it is created by right clicking it. As an exercise,
try to create some other types of charts and think about the following questions:

 What are the most common types of chart you are likely to see in a business
 How do they differ from each other in terms of presenting and emphasizing
 What business situation is each type most suitable for?



Over letter

Assume that you are the manager of a large company. Prepare a professional cover letter that would be suitable for a large company. You may choose the topic of the letter.

The cover letter should include at least 3 paragraphs. Sentences in each paragraph should be cohesive

The over letter should use a business type of style and tone (you can read about style and tone in chapter 4).

The cover letter should be a minimum of 200 words in length.

Note: Textbook uses in this class-Lehman, Carol, Debbie DuFrene, and Robyn Walker. BCOM10. Cengage Learning, 2019. ISBN: 9780357026595




  1. Play with this simulation

How the capacitance changes if you change distance between two parallel plates? How the capacitance changes, if you change the areas of the plates? Explain? (2 pts)

  1. What is the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor of plate area A = 115 cm2 and plate separation is d = 1.24 cm? (2 pts)

  1. A cylindrical capacitor having a length of 8 cm is made of two concentric rings with an inner radius as 3 cm and outer radius as 6 cm. Find the capacitance of the capacitor? (2 pts)

  1. A spherical capacitor is made of two concentric spheres with an inner radius as 3 cm and outer radius as 5 cm. Find the capacitance of the capacitor? (2 pts)

  1. Given C1 = 8 µF, C2 = 6 µF, and C3 = 8 µF connected to a 12 V battery. When switch S is closed so as to connect uncharged capacitor C4 = 6 µF. How much charge passes through point P from the battery and how much charge shows up on capacitor 4? (2 pts)

  1. Four capacitors C1 = 10 µF and C2 = C3 = C4 =20 µF. The charge on capacitor one is 30 µC.

What is the magnitude of the potential difference VA – VB? (2 pts)

  1. Three capacitors C1 = 1 µF, C2 = 2 µF, C3 = 4 µF are in series. They are parallel with other group C4 = 1 µF, C5 = 3 µF, C6 = 5 µF in series (See the circuit on the left of the simulation in question 8 ). Find the equivalent capacitance? Compute total energy stored in 6 capacitors, in case of V = 9 V? (2 pts)

  1. Using this simulation: to verify your answer in question 7 (the equivalent capacitance). What is percent error? Insert your screenshot here. (1 pt)

  2. Compute the equivalent capacitance of the network on the right side of the above simulation (show your works). Compare your answer with the answer from the simulation. What is percent error? Insert your screenshot here. (5 pts)



A network engineer issues a show running-config command and sees only one line of output that mentions the enable secret command, as follows: enable secret 5 $1$ZGMA$e8cmvkz4UjiJhVp7.maLE1.Which of the following is true about users of this router?

3) A Cisco Catalyst switch connects to what should be individual user PCs. Each port has the same port security configuration, configured as follows:

Which of the following answers describe the result of the port security configuration created with these commands? (Choose two answers.)

4) In the following excerpt from a command on a Mac, which of the following parts of the output represent information learned from a DHCP server? (Choose two answers.)

6) DHCP Snooping has already been configured in the network shown in the figure, and you plan to add DAI configuration that relies on the DHCP Snooping Binding Table. Which answer shows the best configuration for switch SW2, specifically for VLAN 20?

7) Your organization requires all traffic to be encrypted and communications to be secure. From the different protocols listed, which protocol meets these requirements and supports AAA?

8) Which options are true about TACACS+? (Select three answers.)

9) Which one of the following is the goal of a brute-force attack?

10) A network engineer issues a show running-config command and sees only one line of output that mentions the enable secret command, as follows: enable secret 5 $1$ZGMA$e8cmvkz4UjiJhVp7.maLE1.Which of the following is true about users of this router?



Zainab has a weekly budget of $48, which she likes to spend on magazines and pies.

Q1: Zainab has a weekly budget of $48, which she likes to spend on magazines and pies. [1 Mark]

  1. If the price of a magazine is $8 each, what is the maximum number of magazines she could buy in a week?

  2. If the price of a pie is $24, what is the maximum number of pies she could buy in a week?

  3. Draw Zainab’s budget constraint with pies on the horizontal axis and magazines on the vertical axis. What is the slope of the budget constraint?

  4. What is Zainab’s opportunity cost of purchasing a pie?

Q2: Many of the goods that China’s Citizens enjoy are produced abroad, and many of the goods produced in the China are sold abroad. When goods are produced abroad and sold domestically, the process is called import and when goods are produced domestically and sold abroad, that process is called export. Suppose an average worker in China can produce one kg of soybeans in 40 minutes and one Kg of coffee in 120 minutes, while an average worker in Paraguay can produce one kg of soybeans in 100 minutes and one kg of coffee in 150 minutes. Answer the following questions.      [2 Marks]

  1. Which country has the absolute advantage in coffee? Explain.

  2. Which country should produce coffee? Explain.

  3. If the two countries specialize and trade with each other, which country will import coffee? Explain.

  4. Assume that the two countries trade with each other and the country importing coffee trades 2 Kgs of soybeans for 1 Kg of coffee. Explain why both countries will benefit from this trade.

Q3: Illustrates the interaction (equilibrium point) of demand and supply in the market for petrol based on the table below. And explain following conditions.                                                        [2 Marks]

  1. Show excess supply (surplus of petrol) and excess in Demand (shortage of petrol) in the same graph and explain.

  2. Suppose the government decided that, since petrol is a necessity, its price should be legally capped at $1.30 per gallon. What do you anticipate would be the outcome in the petrol market if at this price quantity supplied in the market is 575 Millions of gallons?



Write a program to calculate the sales tax (7.5%).

Write a program to calculate the sales tax (7.5%). The program should read up to 5 items with their prices and quantities (quantity per item). The program should stop reading data when Item name entered is NONE. Then print the items, their cost, the total cost and the tax. In other words, a complete receipt.



Create a class diagram to support the above case study and Systems Use Case Specifications

  1. Create a class diagram to support the above case study and Systems Use Case Specifications

  2. Create sequence diagrams for the above specifications

  3. A supplier has the following information:

    1. Business Name

    2. Contact Name

    3. Telephone number

    4. Email address

    5. Address

    6. Identifier

Using the examples, try writing a User Story and a scenario for Create Supplier.  Create a class diagram and sequence diagram to support your work.



Biology Lab Report

The lab report should be 1 page single spaced (~500 words). Use 12 pt. and Times New Roman font. It must include all 4 sections (introduction, methods, results, and discussion). Type these headings in bold in the report. You must report the summary statistic (mean ± SD) and the p value.

The graph should have a caption underneath it. The axis should be properly labeled. The graph should have error bars and you must explain the error bars in the caption of the graph (ex. “error bars indicate standard deviation”).

Please see the phenotypic plasticity lab handout for a detailed description of what to include in each section (pages 7 and 8). Refer back to these pages (and the rubric!) while writing the lab report.



COMM 120 Observation PaperAssignment Description

COMM 120 Observation PaperAssignment Description

Studying communication and the various theories that apply to human interaction can be a valuable asset in your personal and professional lives. If used properly you can improve your relationships, your ability to persuade others, your chances at career advancement, and a host of other benefits that becoming a better communicator provides. In order for you to gain a deeper understanding of these concepts, it will be important for you to begin applying them. Theory without application will not allow you to use what you’ve learned and thus, you are less likely to benefit from it. Therefore, this assignment is designed to give you a hands-on experience with watching communication in action and using some of what you have learned in class to analyze what you observe.

To aid you in this process you will be required to choose a setting in which others are communicating with one another. The form of communication you choose to observe depends on your own preference. You can observe people interacting directly through conversation, playing sports, working together, etc. or you can observe examples of indirect communication such as strangers in public, intimate partners spending time with each other without actually speaking to one another, or someone reacting to something they have witnessed. You can also conduct your observation by watching footage online or virtually of people communicating. You should try to avoid movies or fictional television programs and focus instead on documentaries, interviews, or live television broadcasts like the news.

You will observe the people interacting in whichever setting you choose, and provide your analysis regarding what you thought to be significant about the communication that took place, in the form of an observation paper. To aid you in your writing you will need to choose three (3) specific course conceptsor theories that relate to your observations. You will find these concepts in the Chapter Outlines outline located on Canvas in the Modules Section. You can choose any concept you want from any of the chapters, whether or not we have covered yet.

Some examples of concepts from the Chapter Outlines that you can choose include:Selection – this is defined as the various factors that determine what a person will pay attention to when communicating. If you chose this concept you could write about what forms of stimuli were present in the situation and how did the communicators respond or negotiate those stimuli during their interaction? Another concept you might choose is Social Roles – which is defined as the various behaviors we adopt depending on the social context we find ourselves in. If you choose this concept you may address what social roles you picked up on and what was it about the interaction that communicated those roles? Finally, another example comes from the chapter on Nonverbal Communication and is called Repeating – which is defined as nonverbal gestures that reinforce what the communicator is saying verbally. This includes pointing to a sign while talking or waving your hand while saying “Hello”. If you decided to use this concept you could discuss whether or not you noticed any particular gestures that the communicators used to reinforce what they were saying verbally?

These are just a few examples of concepts you can choose from, but please, do not feel that you have to choose just these three concepts! You can choose whatever three concepts you want from any of the chapter outlines on Canvas, so be creative!

Once you have selected (3) three concepts to work with and explained how they functioned in the situation you observed, you will then need to provide an analysis of what you learned from this experience. For example: what are your thoughts about what you witnessed? Did it confirm or disconfirm any of your assumptions about communication? Was there anything that surprised you? If so, what was it and why did it surprise you?

Since you will be choosing textbook concepts for this assignment,you will need to provide in-text references that include the definition of each of your concepts as well as a reference page including citations in APA style.Please refer to the APA Template on Canvas as well as the Sample Observation Paper for examples of in-text citations and reference page citations. Both are found in the “Modules” section under “Observation Paper”.



Summarize the importance of evaluation to social work practice, agencies providing social work services, and the profession.

· Summarize the importance of evaluation to social work practice, agencies providing social work services, and the profession.

· Identify at least two specific skills or competencies you have learned through this course.

· Identify two types of evaluations that you feel would be beneficial in your most recent field placemen or current/former work setting.



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