Category Archives: Research Papers

Biostatistics assignment


    1. Click on the tab “Random Selection SBP” at the bottom of the screen.

    2. For this problem, we are going to find the probability of selecting a value of SBP (x) or less if our population is normally distributed with a population mean (µ) of 118 and a standard deviation (σ) of 12.


  1. The first value of x (132) for SBP is in Row 2. Go to Column B, which is titled Probability of Randomly Selecting value of x or Less for SBP on Normal Distribution.


  1. In cell B2, enter the following formula “ =NORMDIST(A2,118,12,TRUE)”. We are asking Excel to tell us the probability of selecting a subject with a SBP of 132 or less from a normally distributed population with a mean SBP of 118 and a standard deviation of 12. By indicating “TRUE”, we also told Excel we want the probability of not just randomly selecting a subject with the SBP score of 132 but also of randomly selecting subjects with SBP scores less than 132.


  1. To calculate this same formula for all values of x, place your cursor at the lower right-hand corner of cell B2 and click. When you put your cursor in the lower right-hand corner of the cell B2 and click, the appearance of your cursor will change from ”       “   to     “ + ”.  When it changes to “ + ”, drag the cursor all the way down to cell B21. At this point, you should notice the probability of selecting the specific value of x or less is automatically calculated for all values of x.


20200924124151assignment_instructions 20200924124151biostat_assignment

Customer service

  1. How has technology changed the company/customer relationship? Discuss from the viewpoint of the company and the customer. Include an example from the case.

  2. In what ways did JetBlue show current customers it was listening and responding to issues?

  3. The use of social media carries risks for both the consumer and the company. What should consumers and companies consider when interacting?



MGT401 Strategic management

  • Question 1: How does strategic management typically evolve in a corporation? (1Mark)

  • Question 2: Discuss the influence of globalization, social responsibility and environmental sustainability on strategic management of a corporation.(2 Marks)

  • Question 3: In what ways can a corporation’s structure and culture be internal strengths or weaknesses? Justify your answer by examples from real market. (1Mark)

  • Question 4: When does a corporation need a board of directors? Justify your answer by an example from Saudi market. (1 Mark)



ECON 201-2 Calculate the world equilibrium price, p. What are the quantities demanded in each market, QA* and QB*, and A’s imports?

1. Steel is produced in 2 countries, A and B. Their inverse demands and supplies
are given in the table below:
Country Inverse demand Inverse supply
A p = 150 – QA
p = 10 + 0.5QA
B p = 80 – QB
p = QB
(a) (5 points) Calculate the world equilibrium price, p. What are the quantities
demanded in each market, QA* and QB*, and A’s imports? Show your work!

(b) (10 points) Country A imposes a tariff of $10 per unit on the exports of B and
gives a $5 per-unit subsidy to A’s producers. Calculate the prices pA* and pB*
after the tariff, and the tariff revenue. Show your work and reasoning!

(c) (5 points) What is the combined incidence of the tax and subsidy on buyers
and sellers in the two countries? Write a number (positive, negative or zero) in
the 4 cells below to indicate the incidence per ton on each party. Show your work
and reasoning!

2. Pat and Tim are brothers who live in the little town of Boondock. Each earns a
weekly income of $24 which they can spend on beer (x) and food (y). The price of
food is $1 per unit. The price of beer is $1 per mug in Boondock but one can only
drink up to 12 mugs. In the city of Maxopolis, beer is 50 cents a mug and there is
no drinking restriction. However, traveling to and from Maxopolis takes time
and costs $9. Therefore, Pat and Tim can only spend their weekly income either
in Boondock or in Maxopolis; they cannot do both!
(a) Draw Pat’s (or Tim’s) budget constraint (they are identical)



Do Canadians really care about Climate Change? Not what you or even your cohort of friends and family feel, but Canadians in general? Are they willing to make real changes in their behaviors to help mitigate this issue?

Do Canadians really care about Climate Change? Not what you or even your cohort of friends and family feel, but Canadians in general? Are they willing to make real changes in their behaviors to help mitigate this issue?



Make presentation (ppt) and assignment (docx) on topic (Quantitative PCR)

Make a presentation as powerpoint and write the assignment as document (using word) of the ‘current issues in food science’ course.

the topic about (Quantitative PCR) (using articles)

make a presentation easy and simple to understand with adding pictures (please add note to help me understand and ability to present it)

make a assignment on same topic ((Quantitative PCR)) using the same information in ppt but with more details and information.



MGT-312: Decision Making and Problem

  1. Identify the problem. [and other sub problems]

  2. Main problem: ……………………………………..

  3. Other problems:

  4. What could be the causes of problem?

  5. Cause of the problem- 5 Why Technique

    1. Why-1

    2. Why-2

    3. Why-3

    4. Why-4

    5. Why-5

  6. Develop a Cause and Effect Diagram

  1. Gather information: What information should you gather that would be helpful to know before making a decision?

  1. Consider the various choices of solution?

  1. Make the decision. What should you do?

  1. Evaluate the decision. Why do you think this is the best decision possible?



What is the impact of resource endowments on comparative advantage?

In a critical essay, you will select a country of your choice and will compare your chosen country to KSA in relation to the factor endowment theory. For each country, discuss:

  1. What is the impact of resource endowments on comparative advantage?

  2. Is the factor-endowment theory a good predictor of trade patterns?

  3. What additional trade theories can be applied? Explain their main insights and challenges. As one of the trade initiatives in KSA, assess the aims of Saudi Vision 2030 in relation to factor endowment theory.



Popular Culture (intercultural communication)

Which popular culture texts do you like, not like and watch, not watch/buy. In 1 page response discuss why we like certain products and not others. Explain how certain products reinforce or support our world views and how they create or reinforce cultural identities or stereotypes.



Analyze PMS Software Avazar and Jira – PMS Software Research Assignment

1. Must be under 4500 words, well-structed and easy to navigate.
2. Must be supported by related sourced from trusted public domain resources and academic journals (APA citation).
3. Describe and compare at least one key feature/functionality across each of the process groups of Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring/Controlling and Closing project.
4. Provide comparison with Microsoft Project 2016 where suited is recommended.
5. Graph and chart images are strongly recommended



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