Category Archives: Research Papers

Calculating cmc and Q/N

1. Transcribe your concentration and conductivity results into columns A and B of an Excel spreadsheet. Prepare a graph of conductivity (y-axis) versus surfactant concentration (xaxis). From looking at your graph, estimate the concentration at which two straight lines
would intersect: this should correspond to the critical micelle concentration, or cmc.
2. Your data should look like two straight line segments. To find the intersection between these two lines, you need to fit the data by linear regression. Trendline is the quickest way to do this, but is not the best way if you need to know uncertainty. First, fit each of the two segments using Trendline, and decide which points belong to which line. Show both equations and R2 values for now, and note them down, but don’t include them on any Figures in your final presentation.



Astronomy writing assignment 3000 characters

o How does your proposed technology fit in NASA’s planned lunar architecture?
(see NASA’s Plan for Sustained Lunar Exploration and Development)?
o Adherence to the Design Constraints and Guidelines
o Verification on Earth
§ Proposers must describe HOW their technology could be demonstrated on Earth to
provide confidence it can work in a lunar environment. If selected, teams will need to
demonstrate a working technology. It is up to each team to determine the best way to
accomplish this, and provide details on how verification testing will be conducted.
Physics-based modeling may support verification but is not a sufficient replacement
for hardware testing.
• For the testing, will you accomplish a realistic simulated environment? If so, how?
What have you considered from the DSNE?
o Path-to-flight
§ A brief discussion on the concept’s anticipated path-to-flight for a mission to the
Moon by 2026. Based on significant differences between on- and off-Earth
operations, the path-to-flight description must address the critical modifications that
would be made to the design for use on the Moon.
• Timeline
• Detailed budget
o Budget should include all relevant costs, not to exceed $180,000.



Which of the “Typical Hardball Tactics” do you think is the most effective and why?

1. Think about the five major strategies for conflict management commonly identifies in the dual concerns model:

  • 1.Contending (also called competing or dominating).

  • 2.Yielding (also called accommodating or obliging).

  • 3.Inaction (also called avoiding).

  • 4.Problem solving (also called collaborating or integrating).

  • 5.Compromising is the strategy located in the middle

2. Why is managing the other party’s impressions important? What tactics can be used to do this? Which tactic do you think is most effective and why? (If you have had any of these tactics used on you or if you have used them yourself, feel free to expand on those examples)

3. On Page 51 the book gives 5 tactics for closing the deal. Give a separate example for each of these regarding when it would be best to use each of these tactics when closing a deal( think outside the box, it does not always have to be during a sale/purchase)

4. Which of the “Typical Hardball Tactics” do you think is the most effective and why?

5. Find an article that discusses the resolution to a conflict that deals with guilt, victimhood, and/or loss in one of the following newspapers: New York Times, Miami Herald, Washington Post, or Wall Street Journal and respond by summarizing and giving your opinion (at least 300 words). Please make sure you include the entire citation for the article.



Parenthood Abortion

Research Projects Topic: Parenthood Abortion

So, you need to find 5 academic sources by yourself and cite them in MLA style.
I also uploaded a MLA_Requirement.pdf and you must refer to it and write 100% correct in-text citations and “Works Cited” Page. Failure to use correct citations will fail me in the essay since my professor was extremely picky. After receiving your paper, I will check every in-text citations and make sure they are from the right page, NOT fake citation. If you do not use correct citations, I will cancel the order. I don’t hope this to happen so please be responsible



Management Assignment

Write brief notes on the following objectives:

1. Owners

a. Your Business Name, Address, E‐Mail

2. General Business Description (300 – 400 words)

A. What business will you be in? What will you do?

•Mission Statement

•Company goals and objectives

B. Business Philosophy

a. What is important to you in your business?

• To whom will you market your product?

• Describe your Industry: Is it a growth industry? What long term or Short-term changes do you foresee in the industry? How will your company take advantage of it?

• Describe your most important company strengths and core competencies: What factors will make the company succeed? What do you think your major competitive strengths will be? What background experience, skills, and strengths do you personally bring to this new venture?



INSA443 Network Analysis & Design

-Choose “One of The Protocols” that used in the Application Layer. “Introduction”
– define the chosen protocol and provide short description.
– Describe each layer performance of the data travel through the chosen Protocol.
– Perform Analytical thinking on How the chosen Protocol Pass through the network.
– Build the network through a simulation Program such “Cisco Packet tracer or Riverbed” and perform the
chosen Protocol between Sender and Receiver.
– Catch the Traffic Flow and Performance Statistics through the simulation Program “Conclusion”
– Made a report including the information Table above, addition with your Name, Academic ID, and Course



What is the bargaining power of buyers in the industry?

  1. What is the bargaining power of buyers in the industry?

  2. What are the barriers to entry in this industry?

  3. What is the bargaining power of suppliers in the industry?

  4. What is the competitive landscape like in the industry?

  5. What are some recent events or trends that have affected the industry?

  6. What is the future outlook of this industry?

Using your research from questions 1 to 6, please discuss the following:

  1. Summarize the major entrepreneurial opportunities in this industry.

  2. Summarize the major threats to entrepreneurial activities in this industry.



A Macroeconomic assignment

Q1: Zainab has a weekly budget of $48, which she likes to spend on magazines and pies. [1 Mark]

  1. If the price of a magazine is $8 each, what is the maximum number of magazines she could buy in a week?

  2. If the price of a pie is $24, what is the maximum number of pies she could buy in a week?

  3. Draw Zainab’s budget constraint with pies on the horizontal axis and magazines on the vertical axis. What is the slope of the budget constraint?

  4. What is Zainab’s opportunity cost of purchasing a pie?

Q2: Many of the goods that China’s Citizens enjoy are produced abroad, and many of the goods produced in the China are sold abroad. When goods are produced abroad and sold domestically, the process is called import and when goods are produced domestically and sold abroad, that process is called export. Suppose an average worker in China can produce one kg of soybeans in 40 minutes and one Kg of coffee in 120 minutes, while an average worker in Paraguay can produce one kg of soybeans in 100 minutes and one kg of coffee in 150 minutes. Answer the following questions.      [2 Marks]

  1. Which country has the absolute advantage in coffee? Explain.

  2. Which country should produce coffee? Explain.

  3. If the two countries specialize and trade with each other, which country will import coffee? Explain.

  4. Assume that the two countries trade with each other and the country importing coffee trades 2 Kgs of soybeans for 1 Kg of coffee. Explain why both countries will benefit from this trade.

Q3: Illustrates the interaction (equilibrium point) of demand and supply in the market for petrol based on the table below. And explain following conditions.                                                        [2 Marks]



What positioning do you recommend Yue Sai have in China? What are the pros and cons of a lifestyle positioning compared to a more concrete positioning on functional benefits? Who should be Yue Sai’s targeted customers?

Prepare a marketing plan to turn around Yue Sai. In your marketing plan, please answer the following questions:

1.What positioning do you recommend Yue Sai have in China? What are the pros and cons of a lifestyle positioning compared to a more concrete positioning on functional benefits? Who should be Yue Sai’s targeted customers?

2.Should Yue Sai be an independent brand, or should it be linked in any way to Loreal brand? Why?

3.How will you choose the price, promotion (objectives, message, mix of promotion methods), product (formulation and packaging), and distribution that will allow Yue Sai to reach both short-term and long-term goals?



Inversion Theory

1. Linear dependence
Prove that any 4 vectors (a,b,c,d) in three-dimensional Euclidean space are linearly dependent.
2. Normed linear spaces
A normed linear space can be made a metric space if we introduce a metric by
the formula:
 (f; g) = kf gk
where  (f; g) is the distance between f and g.
Prove: Expression  (f; g) has all properties of the metric, according to the de finition of the metric space



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