Category Archives: Research Papers

English essay

Write a review paper in any of the restaurants that you have been in the city before the quarantine happened. Make sure to describe the food and the restaurant, as well as the dining experience, which include the service of the restaurant and the kind of dishes served to your friends or family that you have been with. If possible, include the history of the restaurant and what they are known for. By the end of the review, conclude by either recommending or not recommending the restaurant, and why. Discuss who you think would enjoy the restaurant the most, considering one’s budget, lifestyle, and taste in food. Include a few good photographs to showcase the restaurant and their dishes.



Project For Introduction to Information System (IS101)

(Draw a Design Diagram of system components and interactions)
Master pages, forms and navigation:
Design and Create a Website pages-forms that contains the following topics covered in the lab:
1.Master page: Create a master page of the chosen Information System.
2. Forms:
Create a page which contains form(s) and use the controls listed below:
a. Standard Controls in the forms:
i. TextBox ii. Checkbox iii. CheckboxList iv. Radio Button v. Button vi. Drop Down List vii. Calendar viii.
b. Validation Controls: i. Compare validator ii. Range validator iii. Regular Expression Validator iv.
Required field validator v. Validation Summary.
3. Navigation: add a navigation solution to your master page and use the following navigation controls:
a. Menu
b. Sitemap Path
1. The logic of the system flow. (10 Marks)
2. The validation of the fields. (10 Marks)
3. The synchronization of the system with the proposal. (10 Marks)




Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal Template.docx to develop and present an Investment Analysis for your new business startup. You will be graded on correct analysis, proper use of spreadsheet technology, and business-like presentation of the information.



ENG 203: Short Response 2

ENG 203: Short Response 2

1. Read the article on the next pages (3 – 4).
2. Then write a short response paper.
a. Your short response paper should be between 300 and 400 words. If you are an
honors student, you must write 450- 500 words.
b. It has to include your response/reaction to two key points from the original article.
c. It has to have (a) an introduction, and (b) two body paragraphs. The conclusion is
d. The response should be justified with specific examples and logical analysis.



Electrostatic Generator

Electrostatic Generator

Well here we are, trying to do a lab that I was never able to make function. What I wanted to help you build was a device that could generate charge continuously. Otto von Guericke built the first one of these in 1663. He made a sphere out of cast sulfur. (You can melt it like plastic, but it stinks.) He mounted this ball on a shaft with a crank handle, and what you did was turn the crank while keeping one hand rubbing against the sphere. On cool, dry days, this would charge you (and the sphere) with static electricity.

Newton improved on it. Winter improved on that. Pretty soon everyone and their dog was making an electrostatic generator. The most advanced is probably the Van de Graaff Generator of 1929, where a belt scuffs against rollers, carrying high charge up to a spherical ball on top. You’ve probably seen one of these at least once on TV.

There are obvious ones and there are not-so-obvious ones. Perhaps one of the most difficult to understand is the Wimshurst Machine. Two counter-rotating plates have conductive patches on them with cross-spanning wires that lure the patches into polarizing while connected, then spin them into position where like charge is pushing against itself so hard that it jumps off the patches entirely. There is a vaguely similar device called a “dirod,” too.

Or just as peculiar is the Kelvin Water Dropper, where water falling out of two holes in a bucket is polarized by the presence of two wires connected to charged metal cans beneath, but tricked into falling into the wrong bucket, adding to their charges instead of reducing them. This is not exactly how thunderclouds charge up, but we don’t know for certain exactly how they charge themselves.

Your mission is to find an ELECTROSTATIC GENERATOR described online, in a book, in a video, or wherever, tell me in Canvas which one you picked, and why you like it (or hate it, if applicable). That’s all I want. Type it in as a Text Entry.

Now even I am not so dense that if you all pick the same exact one from the same exact source, my eyebrow won’t be raised. I’m not asking you to build anything. Just read about one of these devices or watch a video on it. There are so very many, and countless variants of each one. There are people who build these as a hobby and post their work on YouTube. There are collectors and museums and on and on and on.



Psychology (PSYC 4505)


To determine the effects of a personal health record (PHR)-linked medications module on medication accuracy and safety.

Problem Formulated:

Revolved around the fact that medication-related morbidity and mortality is estimated to result in $76 billion dollars in total costs annually.  One major contributor to such problem is adverse drug events (ADE).  Further, there are problems in the area of communication between patients and doctors as per appropriate medication regimens.


A Personal Health Record (PHR) module (linked to an ambulatory electronic health record-EHR) would reduce discrepancies between patient-reported and EHR-documented medication regimens and reduce potential and preventable/ameliorable ADEs.



Three good match internships

The goal of a Merchandising intern is to gain insight into how a merchandise strategy is built. The Merchandising intern will develop a skillset that allows for accurate execution and optimization of available systems to ensure that we have the best merchandise at the right price to meet our customers’ needs.

  • Leverage corporate and ad-hoc reporting to review and react to store inventory concerns, trends, and opportunities

  • Utilize analytical skills to make data driven decisions to correctly manage and allocate inventory

  • Provide critical input into determining how to most effectively utilize our inventory to support merchandise plans, advertising, regional, and competitive initiatives

  • Maintain proper inventory levels by store location to support sales, margin and turn goals

  • Understand the role of Supply Chain to balance and adjust levels of inventory flow to stores

  • Discuss the business by utilizing various reporting tools to gain and interpret data

  • Participate in internal meetings with other merchandising teams and vendor meetings by sharing information and opinions as appropriate

  • Assist the category managers in the in-depth development of merchandise assortments by category

  • Research economic, financial, market, competitive and industry data to explain current business trends and anticipate new trends or big ideas



Lab Leyden Jar

Lab 10 Leyden Jar:PurposeStudents will build and experiment with a simple capacitor.TheoryThe Leyden Jar(“LIEden”) was the first effective capacitor. Itholdscharge via polarization of atoms in the nonconductive jar walls onceitsinduced there by a voltage difference between the inner and outer conductive layers. The chargingterminalconnectedtothe jar’s internal conductor mustbe very smoothbecause pointy surfaces leak charge rapidly via coronal discharge.Figure 10:A classic Leyden Jar in cutaway.This activity usesthe electrophorus and pithball pendulum from before.Procedure1.Find a bottle or jar made of glass or plastic and fill it with tap water,as this is a decent interior conductive body.2.Wrap the lid very smoothly in foil, and drape some around inside the lid and down so that whenthe lid is lightly threaded on, foiltouchesthe water. If foil is unavailable, a nail can be driven through the lidfrom the top so that the point sticks down intothe water.3.If available, wrap the whole jar infoil up to about 2cm of the lid. It is very important that the exterior foil does not touch the lid. If foil is unavailable, the bottle mustbe held inone hand when charge is applied to the lid metal to act as the exterior conductor.4.Using an electrophorus, charge up the Leyden Jar by touching the charged electrophorus plate to the lid’s metal (meaning the foil on it or the nail).5.Without accidentally touching the lid metal and discharging the jar, try to use the lid metal to power a pithball pendulum: Lid metal on one side of it, finger on the other, very close but not touching. Oscillation of the pendulum between the two means it works.6.Assuming success up to this point, try to charge the jar, wait five minutes, and test it. Then try an hour. A welldesigned Leyden Jar (much better than this one) can hold charge for months!AnalysisAnswer thefollowingon Canvas viacomplete, grammaticalsentences:1.Why is the outer conductive layer helpful when charging the jar? It isn’t even in contact with the lid and water!2.The simplest general equation for the capacitance(effectiveness holdingacharge) of a capacitor isC=εA/z. The three variables are: ε, the permittivity or polarizability of the insulating layer (in this case the glass or plastic); A, the total area ofeither conductive layerincontact withthe insulator; and z, the thickness of the insulating layer:What arethethree ways to improve a Leyden Jar, in theory, based on this equation?



Charge Carriers

Charge Carriers:PurposeStudents will attempt to determine the sign of electric charge carriers.TheoryThere was a time when it was not clear whether charge carriers were all positive, all negative, or a mix of both. It was known that they had to be somehow universal to all matter, but there seemed to be two kinds. Chemistry was revealing that acids could break down substances, so using electricity to put them back together yields an answer.Preferred Procedure1.Find a tiny medicine cup or jar thais just big enough to fit a 9volt battery.2.Put a shiny penny inside it. Modern pennies (post1982) havezinccoresbut that won’t be a problem here.3.Add 1 teaspoon (5ml) of vinegar and ½ teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide.4.Wait 5 hours forthe liquid to turn a deepblue due to dissolved copperionsWaiting longer mayreplace it with a clear color of zinc, which won’t help.5.Remove the penny and stick a 9 volt battery into the fluid, electrodesdown.6.Count to 100, remove the battery, and look forbluish copper compoundson one terminal.Notewhich oneit is.7.Dry the battery with tissue, dump the fluid down the sink, and wash it.Alterative Procedure (Fewer Resources)1.Get a shiny penny and nickel.Again, the penny’s year does not matter.2.Put a drop of vinegar or lemon juice on the nickel and set the pennyon top.3.Wait 5 hours.4.Separate the coins and look for anoffcoloreddeposit on one due to the other. Note which coin got the deposit.AnalysisAcid tries to dissolve any metal, but some are easier to break down. Charge is the missing piece of the metal, so the sign of the charges in electricity is the same as that of the terminalwhere the coating formsdo to being rebuilt.If the alternative procedure was the one performed, the penny/nickelstack wasa weak battery. The nickelis themore reactive metal;it isthe negative terminal. Ironically, the same acid that makes the battery run is a medium to plate out materialon one terminal.Please answer the following using a complete sentenceor twoin a textonly reply in Canvas for this lab:1.What is sign on electrical charges based on the observed results? Please be honest here. Yes, it’s the 21stcentury and everyone has heard of electrons, but herdbehavior in the sciences ishuge problem and far more commonthan anyone likes to admit. Answer by what was observed, not by whatwas expected.Labs seldom work perfectly.Figure 9:Dry off the terminals when done.



Please describe the services your agency provides and how you will be involved during the COVID19 pandemic. How has the COVID pandemic affected the way your agency delivers its services?

The assignment is for field experience with an agency that offers support to senior citizens that are on hospice. Please keep that in mind when you answer both questions

1 Please read the file attach label smart objectives then answer the question on the file BSHS_415_r5_Student_Learning_Objectives

. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: the agency is something up base on what you would do as a human service student, most of the staff is working from home and I will be doing mostly intake)

2 Please describe the services your agency provides and how you will be involved during the COVID19 pandemic. How has the COVID pandemic affected the way your agency delivers its services?.


20200923060916smart_objectives 20200923060927bshs_415_r5_student_learning_objectives__1_

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