Category Archives: Research Papers

Financial management term paper; mergers and acquisitions, or are mergers and acquisitions a good or bad idea for a business.

The assignment requires that you identify an issue/concern/transaction related to the topic you choose.  Using the textbook, Library and internet sources, find and read articles on this topic.  Your paper should identify the issue you are researching, the question or transaction you are addressing, an explanation of  the issues involved, and provide your critical thinking about the issue (do you agree or disagree, is this a  good idea or not, should the firm support or not support the issue, etc.).

The grade for this assignment will be based upon the merits of the position you take in your paper as well as the grammatical correctness with which it is written.





JRN4401 Commercial Writing

For this assignment, you will be writing AND filming a commercial. This will count as TWO separate grades. Your written assignment must be a MINIMUM of 400 words. You may have to read ahead in your textbook to complete this assignment. Your assignment needs to be in PARAGRAPH form, but I also want you to submit a NUMBERED response to the following 6 commercial requirements AND underline and/or bold when you mention the following within your commercial:

  1. Name of business/organization
  2. Length of commercial
  3. USP-Unique Selling Point
  4. Target audience
  5. Location of business or contact information
  6. Type of commercial


  1. Business Name: WRXP Broadcast Network
  2. Commercial Length: 60 sec.
  3. Unique Selling Point: Our engaging morning show.
  4. Target Audience: Men and women, local, ages 34-45, etc.
  5. Business Location and Contact Information: Birmingham, Ala., 205-555-555, 1305 Westville Road 32459
  6. Type of Commercial: Sale

******Please note: Following the above example, I want you to write out your commercial “script” in PARAGRAPH form. You must have a numbered list like the one above AND the paragraph form script to receive full credit!

*******I also want you to FILM this commercial to show me how you can integrate technology into this assignment. You can film this commercial with a camera, camera phone, iPad, other tablet—whatever—just make sure it is FILMED. You do not have to appear in the commercial, but there must be audio and video within your filmed commercial. If you are unable to film your commercial, please email me IMMEDIATELY to make other arrangements. If you do not email me immediately to let me know you cannot film your commercial, you are expected to submit ALL of the above requirements (including a filmed commercial) by the designated due date.

*******The information you include in this assignment can be REAL or FAKE. It does not matter; you have carte blanche. I am more concerned with your ability to follow directions and research/use information from your textbook. This assignment does not have to be in a certain style format (AP, MLA, APA, etc.).



  1. Sale
  2. Institutional
  3. Customer testimonial
  4. Employee personal appeal
  5. Event
  6. Co-operative advertising with manufacturer

You must follow these directions for your commercial writing:

When writing commercials and PSAs you utilize related skills. You should use the name of the business or organization three times in a 30 second spot if feasible: at the beginning, in the middle and at the end. Just like a good speech, a commercial/PSA needs an introductory sentence that captures the attention of the listener. In the middle it needs something interesting to keep the listener engaged. And like a good speech, it also needs a last sentence that lingers in the mind of the listener.

Creativity is critical. Why be boring? Remember, Time is literally Money (because that’s how they are sold). Make that commercial or PSA stand out from the rest. If it gets remembered, it’s good for everyone: the advertiser, the station, and the listener.

Feel free to use additional voices and/or sound effects to create a “theater of the mind” spot. A commercial/PSA can be considered a very short, compact radio play. You can make all the elements work together. It starts with good writing. Don’t fall back on clichés, like “save like never before” (really? who believes that?). Use your imagination. Consider each word carefully, for again time is money. You don’t want to waste the advertiser’s money/time by using unnecessary verbiage. Is each word worth a dollar? If not, erase it. Don’t use detailed directions to the storefront. Phone number/website? Make ’em short and sweet. Make me interested in whatever you’re selling! And most importantly—have fun with this assignment!



How and why did Mahayana Buddhism and Hinduism become the most popular religions of salvation in classical India? What defined these two religions and how they were different from traditional Vedic religion?

How and why did Mahayana Buddhism and Hinduism become the most popular religions of salvation in classical India? What defined these two religions and how they were different from traditional Vedic religion?



Health Promotion: Literature Review (Food desert).

Health Promotion: Literature Review (Food desert).

Look at food deserts within Brazos County and look at affected populations ( elderly, minority groups etc).




A) Determine whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F):
(a) The output of an XNOR gate is LOW when its inputs are LOW.
(b) The output of a 3-input NAND gate is LOW when all its input are LOW.
(c) If the inputs of a NOR gate are tied together, then the output waveform
will be the complement of the input signal.
(d) The largest decimal number that can be represented using 12 bits is 4096.
(e) The minimum number of bits that are needed to represent the decimal
number 1023 is 10



Setting up a proposal in Word and your Key Statements

You have your research proposal worksheet. Now we will begin your research proposal, remember, we’ll build it all semester. I give you fairly specific guidelines here, I want you to get off to a good start.

This is a critical and useful assignment. You will be using this document ALL semester. It has two parts:

1) I want you to use the attached charts, which we have seen in class to set up your final research proposal. Save this document in a safe place!! As we go through the course, you will be ‘building’ your proposal pieces, step by step. So, take the outline provided in the charts, and create pages and headings for each topic on the outline.

The Research Proposal Outline.pptx

Now don’t over think this! I am simply asking you to take those items in bold, using page breaks as suggested, and ‘build’ a proposal. All headings and subheadings as instructed. We will be filling in the “guts” of the proposal, building block by building block, all semester until we have …a proposal! So you end up with a lot of blank space, but a lot of headings and subheadings, and page breaks – your paper is already about about 5-6 pages long.

2) Now in the introduction, please write 1-2 paragraphs discussing your key statements. The key statements should be written in this order and in the format required:

  • Your purpose statement
  • Name and define your variable(s)
  • Your research question (this ends in a ?)
  • Your hypothesis (It is hypothesized)
  • Purpose statement: this statement combines the variables, identifies the type of research and the population involved. (The purpose of this (kind of research) is ….
  • Variables: variables must be named and clearly defined. (Variable 1 is xx and is defined as…. Variable 2….)
  • Research question: this is the question our research seeks to answer (The research question is….)
  • Hypothesis: this is the researcher’s best guess how the research will turn out. (It is hypothesized…)

So, when I open up your document the first page I should see is a title page. Set up a place holder for the words, or enter a title for your proposal. Your research question makes a good title, stated as a statement.

The next page I should see would be a page labeled “Abstract” centered, at the top. You do not write the abstract, just the heading!

The next page I should see is a Table of Contents – with all the headings and sub-headings listed.

The next page would be Introduction, with the various paragraphs labeled: Introduction paragraph, discussion of the problem, appetizer of literature review. And, your key statements paragraph written.

And so on, all the way through to the Appendix.

Now, keep in mind these RULES about your proposal:

1. it must be a quantitative proposal

2. It must be related to public administration, government in general or an aspect of nonprofits. (Emergency Mgt., Urban Planning are all part of PA)

3. You will have to develop an original survey and propose to survey a group.


If you haven’t settled on a topic, here are some thoughts to help.

To get a sense of the types of proposals students write, here are a few titles from previously completed student proposals:

  • Public Perception of and Satisfaction with the Police in America

  • Effects Of Education On Economic Levels

  • Is the American Dream Still Alive?

  • Housing Developers and Zoning: A study within the City of Orlando

  • Early Learning Effects on College Graduation

  • Donor Recognition and Donor Retention: Determining The Relationship

  • Age and Its Effect on Emergency Preparedness

  • Student Satisfaction on Inclusion within UCF Outdoor Adventure

  • Partisanship and the Federal Minimum Wage: How Political Party Affiliation Effects Attitudes

  • Racial Diversity and Inclusiveness in U.S. Private Sector Organizations

Now, those sound official don’t they! Don’t worry yours will too

Here are some examples of research questions:

  1. Which kind of vehicle do students prefer: bicycles or scooters?

  2. How do students feel about the downtown campus?

  3. Do Orange county citizens feel their voting mechanisms are safe?

  4. Is there a relationship between length of time in Florida and appreciation of Florida’s environment?

  5. How do cities handle the homeless?

Where might you find ideas?

The PEW Research Center has all kinds of studies on policies and citizen’s ideas that might generate ideas: (Links to an external site.)

Just straight away Google: “Five issues in (insert your subject area – emergency management)

If you like to use journals, search the Public Administration Review for all kinds of ideas

For nonprofits, this public policy cite contains a list of policy issues:…

Professional organizations and Agencies in your subject matter identify issues (Google):

  • International City/County Managers Association
  • American Society of Public Administration
  • National council of Nonprofits
  • National Education Association
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency




The English Language by Logan Pearsall Smith

The English Language by Logan Pearsall Smith

For the passage below do the following:

  1. Write a one-sentence summary using good form by introducing the author and the title.

  2. Write a paraphrase of the boldfaced passage, being sure to use good form by introducing the author and the title.

  3. Write  a two- to three-sentence response to the passage incorporating two quotes, one with either a 3- or 4-dot ellipsis. Use good manners and be sure to introduce the author and the title at the beginning of your response.



ACC 211 Determine the level of sales needed to achieve a desired target profit.

Determine the level of sales needed to achieve a desired target profit.

Determine the break-even point. Compute the margin of safety and explain its significance. Compute the degree of operating leverage at a particular level of sales and explain how it can be used to predict changes in net operating income. Compute the breakeven point for a multiproduct company and explain the effects of shifts in the sales mix on contribution margin and the break-even point.



Fractions quiz


A baker mixes a batch of dough that weighs 150 pounds. The dough consists of 115¼ pounds of flour, 2 pounds of salt, 3¾ pounds of sugar, 1 1/3 pounds of malt, 3 1/3 pounds of shortening, and water. How many pounds of water are contained in the batch?

24 1/3 lbs

23 2/3 lbs

24 2/3 lbs

23 1/6 lbs


Item at position 2

A nurse practitioner gave a patient ½ tablet of morphine for pain. If one morphine tablet contains ¼ grain (gr) of morphine, how much morphine does the patient receive?

1/4 grain

3/4 grain

1/6 grain

1/8 grain

Item at position 3

Solve for x: x/4 = 6/24





Item at position 4

A Family Large Pizza has 16 pieces. John eats 1/4 of it. His three teenage kids want to split the rest of the pizza evenly. How many pieces does each teenager get?





Item at position 5

Clayton has a 2×4 that is 94 1/4 inches long. He cuts off 36 5/8. When the blade cuts through the wood, it removes 1/8 of an inch. How long is the Clayton’s 2×4 now?

58 3/4 inches

57 1/2 inches

56 3/4 inches

58 1/4 inches



Campbell Soup Case

Campbell Soup Case 4-4 In this Assignment, you will explore the asset structure of Campbell Soup and how it measures their use effectively. This will prepare you to view any company with the same scrutiny. Locate the Campbell Soup Case 4-4 on page 272 of your text. Be sure to submit thoughtful and substantial answers to the questions following each case. This is a challenging activity. You should prepare to spend substantial time working on your response. Directions for Submitting Your Assignment Compose your Assignment in a Microsoft Word document and save it as Username- MT482 Assignment-Unit 4.docx (Example: TAllen- MT482 Assignment Unit 4.docx). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 4 Assignment Dropbox by the end of the unit. Unit 4 Assignment: Campbell Soup Case 4-4 Points Possible Points Earned Content, Analysis, and Effective Writing Skills The response successfully answers Assignment questions for this case. Working capital, inventory analysis, and fixed assets. 13 LIFO and FIFO comparison. 12 The response to the questions exhibits strong critical thinking and appropriate analysis. Inventory policy, and tax impact. 6 Reported transactions impacting intangible assets. 6 Sentences are clear, concise, and direct; tone is appropriate. Grammatical skills are strong with almost no errors per page. 8 Total Points 45



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