Category Archives: Research Papers

Identify one of the issues plaguing a professional sports league – one that you (your group) did not present about on Wednesday. Identify just one of these issues that is meaningful to you.

1. Identify one of the issues plaguing a professional sports league – one that you (your group) did not present about on Wednesday. Identify just one of these issues that is meaningful to you.

2. Identify more about the specifics of the issue through credible sources online.

3. Prepare an argument taking a side on the issue with 3 points. After each point you make, identify facts that support this point (include links to the sources as necessary).

4. Then take the counterpoint. Yes, this is where it gets hard. Create 3 points to argue for “the other side.” Do the same in terms of proving support for each point made.

5. Then summarize by sharing your thoughts on this exercise.



Reflection Paper: Student Involvement

Review the list of student organizations and select one of interest to you. Attend a meeting or contact a student leader from the organization to get more information. In your reflection, address the following questions:

  • Describe the student organization:

    • What do they do?

    • How often do they meet?

    • What type of a commitment does it take to join the organization?

  • Reflect on how the student organization will impact you:

    • How will you balance your school and other commitments with this extracurricular opportunity?

    • How will the organization benefit you?

  • What are you excited about after attending the meeting and/or talking with the student organization representatives?

Write a well-organized reflection, 2 pages in length (typed, double-spaced).



ACF2100 Financial Accounting

On 1 July 2019, Miguel Ltd acquired all of the shares of Antonio Ltd, on a cum-div. basis, for
$8,100,000. At this date, the equity and liability sections of Antonio Ltd’s statement of
financial position showed the following balances:
Share capital – 1 200 000 shares            $ 3,600,000
General reserve                                             1,050,000
Retained earnings                                        2,880,000
Revaluation surplus                                     180,000
Dividend payable                                          75,000

At 1 July 2019, Antonio Ltd’s assets included $138 000 of recorded goodwill. The dividend
payable at acquisition date was subsequently paid in August 2019.
At acquisition date, all the identifiable assets and liabilities of Antonio Ltd were recorded at
amounts equal to fair value except for the following:
Carrying amount                                            Fair value
Land                                           $1,500 000                                               $1,650 000
Inventory                                    135 000                                                    165 000
Plant (cost $900 000)             720 000                                                    840 000
The inventory on hand in Antonio Ltd at 1 July 2019 was sold in November 2019. The plant
was estimated to have a further 5-year life with zero residual value. The land on hand at
acquisition date was sold to Laraniva Ltd in March 2021.
On 30 June 2020, goodwill was impaired by $2 500. The tax rate is 30%.
During the period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2021, the following intragroup transactions have
occurred between Miguel Ltd and Antonio Ltd:

(T1) At 30 June 2020, Miguel Ltd approved and declared a final dividend of $45,000, and
Antonio Ltd declared and approved a final dividend of $75,000. This dividend was paid
on 25 July 2020.
(T2) At 30 June 2021, Miguel Ltd approved and declared a final dividend of $36,000, and
Antonio Ltd declared and approved a final dividend of $54,000.
(T3) On 1 January 2020, Miguel Ltd provided a $1,500,000 loan to Antonio Ltd. The interest
rate on this loan is 10%, and interest is paid each year on 30 June. At 30 June 2021, no
principal repayments have been made on the loan.
(T4) Miguel Ltd issued 2 000 5% debentures of $150 at nominal value on 1 April 2021.
Antonio Ltd acquired 1 000 of these debentures. Interest is payable on 1 July each year.



The Shining

Please screen Stanley Kubrick’s film, The Shining. Pay close attention to the music and how the music work with the film to convey the story. The score is built with quite a lot of music by Krzysztof Penderecki – the composer of Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima. It also includes some music by the Hungarian composer, Bela Bartok. Look for a module on Bartok.

Your assignment is to write an informal piece on your experience of The Shining.

Also: Please review the Adagio for Strings module, paying close attention to the article:

From Funerals To Festivals, The Curious Journey Of The Adagio For Strings

There is also some material on Penderecki in the Threnody module which should be of interest to you.



Descriptive Data and Hypothesis Generation

Questions 1: Provide the correct answer

  • Which of the following provide information on the ultimate effect of a disease? (a. Natality data, b. Morbidity data, c. Mortality data, d. Incidence data)

  • In Chapter 5 of the textbook, which of the following along with state and local surveillance programs serve as the primary data sources on the descriptive epidemiology of elevated blood lead levels among U.S. children? (a. National Survey of Family Growth, b. National Health Interview Survey, c. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, d. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System)

  • True or False? If the rate of disease among migrants approaches that of the host country, epidemiologists hypothesize that environmental factors may cause the disease. (a. True, b. False)

  • Which of the following are descriptive accounts of clinical presentation and demographic characteristics of individual patients of a previously unknown disease or an unusual presentation of a known disease? (a. Descriptive reports, b. Disease reports, c. Disease presentations, d. Case reports)

  • Which of the following is a visual expression of the distribution of the number of cases of a disease over time? (a. Disease plot, b. Epidemic curve, c. Disease progression curve, d. Disease distribution chart)

  • Which of the following are limitations of cross-sectional surveys? Select all that apply. (a. Self-selection of participants, b. Length of time required to complete, c. Poor recall, d. Difficult to analyze)

Question 2: Descriptive Data and Hypothesis Generation

National Survey of Family Growth 1982-2010

The National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) provides nationally representative estimates and trends for infertility, surgical sterilization, and fertility among U.S. women and men aged 15-44. The NSFG survey has been administered since 1973, and its latest round in 2006-2010 consisted of 22,682 interviews. Infertility was defined as a lack of pregnancy in the 12 months prior to the survey despite having had unprotected sexual intercourse in each of those months with the same husband or partner. Women were classified as surgically sterile if they had an unreversed sterilizing operation, for example, a tubal sterilization or hysterectomy. Presumed fertile women were based on the residual category of those who did not meet the definitions for surgically sterile or infertile.

  • Review these tables (Attached under Module 4) and discuss:

    • The trends you observe (Identify any 2 trends)

    • Any 2 possible limitations of the data.

  • Using these data and your knowledge as a springboard, come up with a testable hypothesis about some aspect of infertility, fertility, or surgical sterilization: clearly define exposure group(s), a specific outcome and a stated direction between the exposure and outcome (See section on generating a hypothesis on page 177 of the textbook). For example, women with a history of chlamydia infection are twice as likely to experience infertility compared to women without a history of chlamydia infection.

Question 3: Cross Sectional Study review

Read article Flegal, K. M., Carroll, M. D., Ogden, C. L., & Curtin, L. R. (2010). Prevalence and trends in obesity among US adults, 1999-2008. JAMA303(3), 235-241. Available at:

  • Summarize (in no more than a paragraph or two) the differences in the prevalence of obesity by age group and race/ ethnicity for both men and women



Introduction to Design

Create 5 different design ideas for each of the following:

    1. A way to fasten together loose sheets of paper

    2. A device to keep water off a mountain-bike rider

    3. A way to convert human energy to power a boat

    4. A way to keep leaves out of a swimming pool



Explain what social norms are, and what their function is. Describe the norm that violated in the clip you chose. Describe and how this behavior violates the expectations of society.

Pick one of the videos (it doesn’t matter which one) and then answer the two following questions. It should be one page long double spaced and I attached the rubric just for reference.


  1. Choose a norm breaking experiment from the list below, or you can find one on the internet that interests you.

  2. Write a one-page description and analysis of the norm-breaking experience.

One-Page Analysis:

Please respond to the following an a one-page analysis. The submissions should be double-spaced, in 12-point font, and readable.

Q1: In a paragraph, explain what social norms are, and what their function is. Describe the norm that violated in the clip you chose. Describe and how this behavior violates the expectations of society.

Q2: In another paragraph, describe the responses or sanctions that the norm violator got from others. What did people say or do in response to the violation? Explain why you think that people responded the way they did. Finally, how did this clip make you feel when you watched it? Were you uncomfortable?

List of Norm Violations to choose from:



To assess your understanding of what counts as a technical document and what makes one effective or ineffective.

1-Find a good or bad technical document (e.g. manual, instructions on a website etc.) (1 point)

2-create a forum about it in the blackboard discussion section (1 point)

3-specify what features make it good or bad (2 points)



DNSC 6403-10 Assignment 1

In one page, please share your *stand-out* reflections, observations, and/or opinions about the required textbook chapters and video. I’m looking for what surprised you, caught your attention, or triggered an idea or memory from your experiences at companies…please do not simply repeat what we read and watched – I’m looking for something unique in your responses, and reflects that you read and grasped the assigned material. Do your best to think it through as you share your thoughts.

Required Reading Instructions:How Charts Lie

Required Video Instructions: Tableau Conference 2019 – Breakout Session – Dashboard Success: Five Steps for Beginners (Anna Lee, Consultant, Tableau) video link:…



FIN4437 Discussion

1. The results of the Fed buying treasury securities from the public on the financial balance sheets of the parties.

2. relationship between risk and coupon rates and maturity. Duration must be in your answer.

3.Required rate of return.

4. Effect on market interest rate changes on money market maturities vs. capital market securities.



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