Category Archives: Research Papers
A Contingency is the relationship between Stimuli and Behaviors.
A Contingency is Not CAUSE – but Association. What you learn is not the same as WHY you learn.. Contingency connects the two..
We talked in class (on the recordings) about “implicit learning.”
Can you tell the class about a time that you have learned a contingency that you were not aware of until someone pointed it out?
Okay here are a few TED talks about Intelligence!
1) Is Intelligence Real?Links to an external site.
2) Animal Intelligence Links to an external site.
3) What does it mean to be Smart?Links to an external site.
4) How to measure IQLinks to an external site.
5) Finally – the Flynn Hypothesis! Links to an external site.
Is there a common theme that goes through these 5 videos?
Can you FIND SOMETHING in each video that relates to the chapter – I don’t need a long paragraph or a long description of the video… BUT just a bulleted list of how EACH relates to the chapter.
Intra Personal Communication
Define a form of communication model that is finally led to “Intra-Personal Communication”. Draw the diagram of this model too and accordingly please explain where communication really starts and how we can adjust and comply for that point?
communication technique
write the reason that a Marketing professor chooses to lecture “Communication Techniques”. Please define my point of view on marketing and correspond that to “importance of business communication”.
Persuasion in Advertisements
Design an advertisement for russian people and tell them how joining the world community would benefit them and what their current regime is doing shall be harmful for their country and harmful for the whole world.
music theory
This description is for individuals not in a group: Given the following types of prayer: • confession (atonement) • intersession (the needs of others) • praise & thanksgiving • adoration (the most noble form of prayer) • mystical union (or ecstasy) • salvation • release
1. Select one type of prayer and define it in your own terms (not a citation).
2. Provide an example of this type of prayer. (with a peer-reviewed cited source)
3. Locate a song that exemplifies your selected prayer type. Acknowledge the composer and performer of the song.
4. Describe (in writing) why this song is of significance to you and could be used to accompany or support an existing ritual or life challenge (sacred or secular). Note: ritual occurs in the three phases: separation (leaving the familiar), transition (a time of testing, learning, growth & transformation) return (incorporation and reintegration).
5. Submit your paper (450-500 words) in the FD 2 Individual portal. Indicate “Individual” in your heading.
midterm election
think about how the midterm election that will be coming in the Fall 2022. What issues do you think would influence the current election?
How are you feeling about what is happening in the country currently?
You should research about the possible issues that are happening. Please evaluate credible resources, such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, The LA Times, etc. Please do not use a non-credible source from social media that has no citations/sources.
Affordable Care Act
what are the potential effects of having the option for insurance coverage in both the private and public sectors? How will this impact the discussion about population-based nursing? Provide examples and relevant literature to support your response.
NA MDN – Software Quality Assurance
Please answer the below questions as per guidelines
- (15 pts.) Explain the principle of inheritance. Give an example of class inheritance (from a computer program selected for your project).
- (15 pts.) Explain the principle of polymorphism. Give an example of polymorphism (from a computer program selected for your project).
- (15 pts.) Explain the principle of data encapsulation. Give an example of data encapsulation (from a computer program selected for your project).
- (15 pts.) Briefly describe the coupling types in object-oriented programming. Give a few examples of different coupling types (from a computer program selected for your project).
- (15 pts.) Briefly describe the cohesion types in object-oriented programming. Give a few examples of different cohesion types (from a computer program selected for your project).
- 1. (15 pts.) Name at least 12 object-oriented metrics and their relationship to polymorphism, encapsulation, and inheritance:
- 1. (10 pts.) What object-oriented metrics are critical for re-using a program module/class?