Category Archives: Research Papers

User Stories CS-250-Q1507 Software Development Lifecycle

  • Identify at least five user requests or requirements based on the user interactions in the animation. These should be written in the following format: As a <type of user> I want to <perform some task> so that I can <achieve some goal>.

  • Next, identify the user requests or requirements as large, medium, or small and prioritize them according to your perceived user needs. Then place these requirements into the Product Backlog, which is the first sheet in the CS 250 Module Three User Stories Assignment Template. Put your requirements in order so that the highest priority item is first on the list and the lowest priority item is at the end.

  • Review the User Story Details Example, which is the second sheet in the template. Then select one large requirement, one medium requirement, and one small requirement from your Product Backlog. Write a detailed user story for each requirement using the User Story Details sheets in the template.



Building Trust in a Diverse Community Case Analysis and Rationale

A principal will undoubtedly encounter issues concerning employees’ legal rights. Several of those issues could include sexual harassment, collective bargaining, contracts, freedom of expression, social media, incompetence, and termination. While dealing with those issues and the law, the principal must also safeguard the values of democracy, equity, and diversity within the school. It is imperative that the principal build a cooperative school culture within the framework of these dynamics. For this benchmark assignment, you will evaluate the potential moral and legal consequences of decision-making in a school. Use the “Benchmark – Building Trust in a Diverse Community Case Analysis and Rationale Template,” to address each step of the decision-making model to render a decision for Case 16, provide a rationale for the solution, an outline for a community meeting agenda, and the rationale for the agenda. Support your decisions citing the case where appropriate and a total of 3-5 scholarly articles.



The Stroop Effect Experiment

Using CogLab, complete the Stroop effect experiment and create a report on the experiment.

In your report, write a brief introduction explaining the Stroop effect. Next, in the Methods section, describe the process that you followed to complete the experiment. Make sure to include enough information so that others can also perform the same experiment successfully.

Finally, describe the experimental results. Summarize your report, including answers to the following questions:

  • Were the results in accordance with your expectations? Provide a rationale to support your answer.

  • Did anything about the experiment surprise you? If yes, what?

  • What factors would influence the results of the Stroop effect experiment?



Computer Organization IT110

Suppose you would like to buy a computer for your own needs. What are the major considerations and factors that would be important in your decision? What technical factors would influence your decision? Now try to lay out a specification for your machine. Consider and justify the features and options that you would like your machine to have.



To assess your understanding of what counts as a technical document and what makes one effective or ineffective.

Action Items

1-Find a good or bad technical document (e.g. manual, instructions on a website etc.) (1 point)

2-create a forum about it in the blackboard discussion section  (1 point)

3-specify what features make it good or bad  (2 points)



Insights Into Cultural Differences

Flannery O’Connor.”A Good Man Is Hard to Find.”Ernest Hemingway,”Hills Like White Elephants,”William Faulkner, “A Rose for Emily,”Eudora Welty, “Why I Live at the P.O.”

The stories assigned this week provides insights into cultural differences. Write a substantive post of at least 750 words,in which you compare the southern culture reflected in the three traditional southern writers- Faulkner, Welty and O’Conner-with the mid-western culture reflected by the mid-western writer Hemingway. Illustrate your conclusions with specific references to the assigned short stories.



How can managers become better communicators in this new era of the diverse and ever-changing organization?

Visit the the link below and take the “How Good are your Communication Skills” Assessment.

How Good Are Your Communication Skills?

Review your results and continue reading the article that follows the assessment and answer the following:

  • How can managers become better communicators in this new era of the diverse and ever-changing organization?



Advanced Foodservice Operations Management

Section I – Concept and Target Market

Section II – The Menu

Section III – Beverage Pairings and Final Menu

Section I – Concept and Target Market

For Section I of the project you will be imagining a food and beverage operation that will form the basis of the remaining sections of the project.  Please provide the name of your establishment and the city in which it is located.  Additionally, please provide a concise description of your establishment’s concept (like high-end wine bar or Irish Pub) and the strategy by which you mean to compete (price, quality, etc.).


Also, describe the demographic and psychographic characteristics of the market you will be targeting.



List three design goals for a firewall.

  • 12.1 List three design goals for a firewall.

  • 12.2 List four techniques used by firewalls to control access and enforce a security policy.

  • 12.3 What information is used by a typical packet filtering firewall?

  • 12.4 What are some weaknesses of a packet filtering firewall?

  • 12.5 What is the difference between a packet filtering firewall and a stateful inspection firewall?

  • 12.6 What is an application-level gateway?

  • 12.7 What is a circuit-level gateway?

  • 12.9 What are the common characteristics of a bastion host?

  • 12.10 Why is it useful to have host-based firewalls?

  • 12.11 What is a DMZ network and what types of systems would you expect to find on such networks?

  • 12.12 What is the difference between an internal and an external firewall?



Research on Educational Psychology the topic of research is Poverty and Education

Research on Educational Psychology the topic of research is Poverty and Education

The article research should have

1) Example (journal article)

Hypericum Depression Trial Study Group. (2002). Effect of Hypericum perforatum (St John’s Wort) in major depressive disorder: A randomized controlled trial. JAMA, 287, 1807-1814.

Or Example (electronic journal)

Kortepeter, M. G., & Parker, G. W. (1999). Potential biological weapons threats. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 5(4). Retrieved January 20, 2014, from ncidod/EID/vol5no4/kortepeter.htm

2) Summary:

Briefly summarize the most important points of the article. Organize your thoughts carefully since you need to express yourself concisely. This section should be NO more than one-third of the total length of the reaction.

3) Personal Reaction:

What is your personal reaction to the issue or topic presented? Tell what you thought about what you read. Be specific about what you liked or didn’t like, and why. This section should be no more than a third of the total paper.




Step Instructions Points Possible


Prepare Robin Sporting Goods Company’s single-step income statement for the year ended July 31, 2018.

a. Check your spelling carefully and do not abbreviate.
b. Enter all amounts as positive values. Do not use a minus sign or parentheses for any values to be subtracted.
c. Enter amounts in thousands, as provided to you in the data.

(Always use cell references and formulas where appropriate to receive full credit. If you copy/paste from the Instructions tab you will be marked wrong.)

2 Prepare Robin Sporting Goods Company’s statement of retained earnings for the year ended July 31, 2018.

a. Check your spelling carefully and do not abbreviate.
b. Enter all amounts as positive values. Do not use a minus sign or parentheses for any values to be subtracted.
c. Enter amounts in thousands, as provided to you in the data.

(Always use cell references and formulas where appropriate to receive full credit. If you copy/paste from the Instructions tab you will be marked wrong.)

3 Prepare Robin Sporting Goods Company’s classified balance sheet at July 31, 2018.

a. Check your spelling carefully and do not abbreviate.
b. Use the report format for the balance sheet.
c. Enter all amounts as positive values. Do not use a minus sign or parentheses for any values to be subtracted.
d. Enter amounts in thousands, as provided to you in the data.

(Always use cell references and formulas where appropriate to receive full credit. If you copy/paste from the Instructions tab you will be marked wrong.)



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