Category Archives: Research Papers

Build a Logistics network

You are the seller of a product on This product represents your country, region, city, etc. or something you really enjoy. In order to start selling the product, you will have to design a logistics network. Now, let’s get started!

Make sure to include the following:

  1. A description of your product.

  2. Documentation of your warehouse locations and the time to customers.

  3. A justification of why your warehouse network is ideal for your product and the current economic situation.

There is no need to include any cost calculations, but if you believe there is value in that you can certainly do so to impress your fellow learners.

How to create your assignment:

Follow the instructions below to prepare your assignment:

  1. Decide how many warehouses you will need. You can only use existing Amazon warehouses. For a list of warehouse locations, please see the document below. A good reference to the implications of more or less warehouses is an annual study on the best warehouse networks in the US. Of course there are trade-offs between having more warehouses of less warehouses. It will be up to your judgement to decide.
  2. Once you decide on how many warehouses you will use and where they are located, I want you to visualize it on a map. You can use various tools, but I would use Google Maps as it would be freely accessible to most. Here is an example of how you can add multiple locations to a map. In case you are not sure how it could look, here is an example of a map I created.
  3. Now let’s look at possible customers. To get your product marketed, you will send a sample to the mayors of the ten largest metro areas. You hope that they will like it so much, that they will tell everyone they know. Please see the list of city halls addresses, where the mayors work.
  4. You must also decide from which of your warehouses to send the sample to each mayor. I want you to determine the lead time from your warehouse to each customer. You can use resources by UPS and FedEx to determine the transit time from your warehouse to each customer (in days).
  5. Please justify why your logistics network is the best you can make it for now and the forseeable future. Be sure to talk about what the expectations of your customers will be; what the current economic environment looks like; and, where you expect interest rates and fuel prices to go in the future.

Finally, please write a short memo about the following topics (ungraded):

  1. What did you find most surprising in this assignment?

  2. What was the most difficult part of this assignment?

  3. Which part of the assignment was the most fun?



ISI in Afgnahanstin

Find articles and any soures that talk about ISI in afgnahanstin. No wiki. things to look at. Then use bullet point to summerys the information

  • How much is the ISI involved in Afghanistan? How much is the ISI really propping up the Taliban?

  • What would it take to get the ISI out of Afghanistan?

  • Try to find a published paper on Pakistani foreign policy

  • ISI’s involvement in Kashmi



Write an essay of at least 500 words discussing how database auditing and monitoring fit within a SOX compliance framework.

Write an essay of at least 500 words discussing how database auditing and monitoring fit within a SOX compliance framework.

Do not copy without providing proper attribution. This paper will be evaluated through SafeAssign.

Write in essay format not in outline, bulleted, numbered or other list format.

Use the five paragraph format. Each paragraph must have at least five sentences. Include 3 quotes with quotation marks and cited in-line and in a list of references. Include an interesting meaninful title.

Include at least one quote from each of 3 different articles. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library, not Google. Place the words you copied (do not alter or paraphrase the words) in quotation marks and cite in-line (as all work copied from another should be handled). The quotes should be full sentences (no more, less) and should be incorporated in your discussion (they do not replace your discussion) to illustrate or emphasize your ideas.

Cite your sources in a clickable reference list at the end. Do not copy without providing proper attribution (quotation marks and in-line citations).

It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your submission Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software. Proof read your work or have it edited. Find something interesting and/or relevant to your work to write about.


Required Readings

Review the SQL Server STIG’s here:

Required Videos



7308ENG Advanced Geotechnical Engineering. Assignment 3: Tunnel

7308ENG Advanced Geotechnical Engineering

• Based on the information provided, using the software PLAXIS2D for numerical simulation, students
need to provide a report (around 10 pages, excluding cover page, table of contents and references).



Select a US-based publicly traded company that has been trading publicly for at least five years, and use that firm to address the following topics.

Investment Information and Securities Transactions digs into the information discovery
process and how investors learn about different investments. You are encouraged to review the
material in our text, but to also go beyond our text to find additional sources of information. For this
research assignment:

Select a US-based publicly traded company that has been trading publicly for at least five years, and
use that firm to address the following topics:

Find several sources of descriptive information, summarizing what you learn from them
Find several sources of analytic information, summarizing what you learn from them
Are you more bullish or bearish about the stock after your research? Explain why or why not.
Which type of information exerted more influence over your current opinion about the stock?
Which type of information is less trustworthy? Why?



Open Source Software

Many programmers and users are passionate about open source software and believe that all software programs (and source code) should be freely available. For this assignment, address the following items:

  • Compare and contrast the practicality for all software to be distributed in this manner.

  • Discuss the effects on commercial software and commercial developers if all software were to become open source.

  • Include your thoughts about whether or not innovation would be enhanced or restricted if there was no financial incentive to create software.




Intro to Business_Note 04

Part I: Business Communication

  1. Why does it matter if your message is accurate and specific?

  2. Why do you want to write a concise message? How will you control paragraph and sentence length?

  3. Write two sentences, one without active words and the second with active words. Have fun with the sentences, any topic you wish.


Part II: Intro to Business

Topic 1:

Please watch the video and answer the question:

  1. What are the 9 steps in the Accounting Cycle?

Topic 2:

Please read the article and answer the question:

  1. Name and describe three of the 20 Foundational Financial Principles as discussed in the in the article that you can live by (this is subjective)

Topic 3:

Please watch the video and then answer the questions.

  1. Distinguish between debt securities and equity securities. Include an example of each.

  2. As a potential investor, what type of securities interest you? Explain.


Topic 4:

Please watch the video and then answer the questions.

  1. What is the Fiscal Policy?

  2. What is the State Fiscal Policy response to Coranavirus (COVID-19) in your favorite state?

    Hint link:


Sample-2 20200914074902note_4

Individual Written Assignment– Question

Select any two MNEs (Multinational Enterprises) and evaluate their approach to any one aspect of their International HRM Cycle as listed below:

  1. International Resourcing – Recruitment, Selection and Talent and Succession Management OR

  2. International Learning and Development OR

  3. International Performance Management OR

  4. International Reward Management

6 Steps to Completing this Individual Assignment:

  1. Choose one of the above areas and research the topic of IHRM using academic and business resources and sources
  2. Write up the Assignment using the Suggested
  3. Double check the LT assignment against the marking and assessment
  4. Complete and sign the Academic Integrity Declaration Form
  5. Put assignment through Turnitin with a Similarity Score of 20% Or
  6. Submit the final assignment online via the Student Portal (Moodle) by the stipulated deadline.


Step 1.        Choose one of the areas below and research the topic of IHRM using academic and business resources and sources

Select any two MNEs (Multinational Enterprises) and evaluate their approach to any

one aspect of their International HRM Cycle as listed below:


  1. International Resourcing – Recruitment, Selection and Talent and Succession Management OR                                                    2. International Learning and Development                                                      OR
  2. International Performance  Management      OR 4. International Reward Management


Step 2.        Write up the Assignment using the Suggested Format.


Writing Up the Assignment: Style and Substance:


Substance and Body of Assignment:


This is not rigid and is only a suggested layout, but the assignment should include the following:


Section 1: Introduction (a short introduction about the aim and purpose of the assignment and what you hope to achieve. Signpost what you are going to do in the assignment and so lead the reader


Section 2: The Nature and Context of IHRM


Section 3: The International HRM Cycle and your Chosen Area (e.g. Reward Mang) Section 4: The Two Chosen Multinational Enterprise (MNEs) and The Industry Section 5: The IHRM Policies, Practices and Systems of the 2 Chosen MNEs.

Section 6: Discussion and Analysis Section 7: Conclusion and Reflections

References/Bibliography (at least 6 references)



Analysis Paper II: Media Analysis:Media Analysis: Choose a movie or series that deals with questions of gender.

Analysis Paper II: Media Analysis:Media Analysis: Choose a movie or series that deals with questions of gender. This 10-page paper should briefly describe the story and provide an analysis of the gender representations. Integrate at least 5 gender communication concepts we have learned in class and show how they can be applied to the movie/series. Follow the guidelines below:

  1. Describe and analyze the text. Consider the language, conversation and nonverbal messages present in the gender representations in the movie/series.

  2. Compare and contrast how people of different genders are represented in your movie/series.

  3. Compare and contrast the discursive and non-discursive (verbal and non-verbal) gender representations in your movie/series.

  4. Use at least five of the concepts/theories learned in class to analyze the gender representations in the movie/series. Describe each concept or theory and provide examples from your movie/series.

  5. Evaluate of the role of the media in framing and prioritizing private and public issues as a consequence of how gender is represented in your movie/series.Explain how/why these images matter, and if necessary, what change do you recommend?

Grading: The papers will be evaluated based on the ability to use the terms correctly (giving both an accurate definition of each term and a correct application), provide an insightful analysis, as well as based on good and correct writing style. (10 pages)




Complete the Developing Intimacy with your Data Exercise located at the following link:

Working With Data (Click chapter 4 and then exercises)

Submit a brief paper discussing:

  • Why you selected your data set?

  • What are the physical properties of the data set?

  • What could you do/would you need to do to clean or modify the existing data to create new values to work with?

  • What other data could you imagine would be valuable to consolidate the existing data?

Include a screenshot showing your using R, SQL, or Python to perform a manipulation of your data.



This exercise involves you working with a dataset of your choosing. Visit the Kaggle website, browse through the options and find a dataset of interest, then follow the simple instructions to download it. With acquisition completed, work through the remaining key steps of examining, transforming and exploring your data to develop a robust familiarisation with its potential offering:

Examination: Thoroughly examine the physical properties (type, size, condition) of your dataset, noting down useful observations or descriptions where relevant.

Transformation: What could you do/would you need to do to clean or modify the existing data to create new values to work with? What other data could you imagine would be valuable to consolidate the existing data?

Exploration: Using a tool of your choice (such as Excel, Tableau, R) to visually explore the dataset in order to deepen your appreciation of the physical properties and their discoverable qualities (insights) to help you cement your understanding of their respective value. If you don’t have scope or time to use a tool, use your imagination to consider what angles of analysis you might explore if you had the opportunity? What piques your interest about this subject?

(You can, of course, repeat this exercise on any subject and any dataset of your choice, not just those on Kaggle.)



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