Category Archives: Research Papers

Module 5: Writing Assignment 4 SM 20

Module 5: Writing Assignment 4 SM 20 

Paragraph 1 (150 words minimum– 30 points for this paragraph)

First Sentence:
Start by giving the author, title of document, and when the document was written in order to clearly cite your source of information.
 (3 points)

State the main point that the author is making here (consider audience, purpose–to persuade, to inform, to criticize…). Then describe the supporting points the author provides. Is the author convincing in his main point–why/why not.
 (15 points)

Select and incorporate a direct quote (word for word from the document). Remember to cite the quote by putting it in quotation marks, with the page number after it in parenthesis, like this: (page 244). Incorporate this into this paragraph–do not attach it at the end of the paragraph. Please limit this quote to a brief sentence. Discuss why you picked the quote and its meaning in relation to the document and topic as a whole. (12 points)

Paragraph 2: (125 words minimum–20 points)

First sentence:
Select and INTRODUCE  ONE of these sources that you selected to use to compare to the document: Takaki’s A Different Mirror Chapter 15, or ANY of Calderon’s lectures from Module 5 OR either the Eyes on the Prize: Fighting Back or the Chicano: Taking Back the Schools  video. Students will NOT use more than one of these. (3 points)

Describe the information that this source provides about the Civil Rights Movement, and consider the goal that the author was trying to achieve. What obstacles were these authors facing and how did they plan to meet these challenges (by the majority white community).  After describing the inequalities as addressed in the document, explain what their demands were to address these conditions? (
17 points)

Paragraph 3 (125 words minimum– 20 points)

First sentence:
Create a transition statement, such as: The document, provide the title, was similar to (name the source) because…. OR, The document was different from the (name the source) because…
(2 points)

Take one section of the source that you picked and describe how it relates to the document you selected. Compare each “point by point”, by selecting specific areas and by showing how each source discusses that issue. It is critical to be very specific–make sure the details you picked for each source make “sense” in this comparison.  
 (13 points)

What did you learn from these readings regarding  what the challenges were to achieve equality in the United States, as well as the plan/actions that the authors had to overcome them? (5 points)

Module 5: Writing Assignment 4 SM 20 



Module 3: Writing Assignment 2 SM 20

Module 3: Writing Assignment 2 SM 20

Paragraph 1 (150 words minimum– 30 points for this paragraph)

Sentence 1:
Start by giving the author, title of document, and when the document was written in order to clearly cite your source of information.
 (3 points)

State the main point that the author is making here (consider audience, purpose–to persuade, to inform, to criticize…). Then describe the supporting points the author provides. Is the author convincing in his main point–why/why not.
 (15 points)

Select and incorporate a direct quote (word for word from the document). Remember to cite the quote by putting it in quotation marks, with the page number after it in parenthesis, like this: (page 244). Incorporate this into this paragraph–do not attach it at the end of the paragraph. Please limit this quote to a brief sentence. Discuss why you picked the quote and its meaning in relation to the document and topic as a whole. (12 points)

Paragraph 2: (125 words minimum–20 points)

First sentence:
Select and INTRODUCE  ONE of these sources that you selected to use to compare to the document: Takaki’s A Different Mirror Chapter 8, or Calderon’s lecture “Strangers in a Strange Land,” or The Chinese American Experience video. Students will NOT use more than one of these. (3 points)

Describe the information that this source provides about the challenges of Chinese migration to the US, and their experiences at Angel Island. What was the motivation for coming to the US? Why were they detained at Angel Island? How were they treated their? Were they allowed to come into the US? (
17 points)

Paragraph 3 (125 words minimum– 20 points)

First sentence:
Create a transition statement, such as: “The Jann Mon Fong (or the 
Lee Puey You) document was similar to (name the source) because…. OR, The document was different from the (name the source) because….
(2 points)

Take one section of the source that you picked and describe how it relates to the Fong or You document. Compare each “point by point”, by selecting specific areas and by showing how each source discusses that issue.
 ( 13 points)

What did you learn from these readings regarding  the challenges faced by Chinese immigrants in their attempts to come to a better life in the United States? (5 points)

Module 3: Writing Assignment 2 SM 20



Module 2: Writing Assignment 1 Sm20

Module 2: Writing Assignment 1 Sm20

John Burnett “The Cherokee Removal Through the Eyes of a Private Soldier”

Paragraph 1 (150 words minimum– 30 points for this paragraph)

Sentence 1:
Start by giving the author, title of document, and when the document was written in order to clearly cite your source of information.
 (3 points)

State the main point that the author is making here (consider audience, purpose–to persuade, to inform, to criticize…). Then describe the supporting points the author provides. Is the author convincing in his main point–why/why not.
 (15 points)

Select and incorporate a direct quote (word for word from the document). Remember to cite the quote by putting it in quotation marks, with the page number after it in parenthesis, like this: (page 244). Incorporate this into this paragraph–do not attach it at the end of the paragraph. Please limit this quote to a brief sentence. Discuss why you picked the quote and its meaning in relation to the document and topic as a whole. (12 points)

Paragraph 2: (125 words minimum–20 points)

First sentence:
Select and INTRODUCE  ONE of these sources that you selected to use to compare to the Burnett document: Takaki’s A Different Mirror Chapter 4, or Calderon’s lecture “What I Hate Andy,” or We Shall Remain (episode 3) video. Students will NOT use more than one of these. (3 points)

Describe the information that this source provides about the Indian Removal and the Trail of Tears. What was the motivation for the state of Georgia and Pres. Jackson to remove the Cherokee? How did the Cherokee respond? What were their arguments to be able to stay on their land? What happened in the Trail of Tears? (
17 points)

Paragraph 3 (125 words minimum– 20 points)

First sentence:
Create a transition statement, such as: “The John Burnett document was similar to (name the source) because…. OR, The Burnett document was different from the (name the source) because…
(2 points)

Take one section of the source that you picked and describe how it relates to the Burnett document. Compare each “point by point”, by selecting specific areas and by showing how each source discusses that issue.
 ( 13 points)

What did you learn from these readings regarding  the attitudes towards Native Americans during the early 19th century? (5 points)

Module 2: Writing Assignment 1 Sm20



MBA_4.2 – The Ethics of Managing Change


Consider the following scenario: The Ethics of Managing Change

Robert Tamarin stares at a questionnaire and considers his options.

He’s just completed a meeting with Wendy Preston, the consultant who has been hired to evaluate company productivity and procedure in order to streamline processes and aim for efficiency at Wiffendorf Corp. Wendy is looking at duplicated efforts that exist in the present hierarchy, and she’s meeting with managers such as Robert to evaluate where changes can be made.

Robert’s meeting with Wendy was pretty straightforward: She took some notes about who reported to him directly and to whom he reported.

Now he has been instructed to complete a form regarding some procedural issues at the company.

Robert knows there is a lot of wasted time due to repetitive procedures at Wiffendorf, and he thinks that, in general, hiring a consultant was the right thing to do. Money and time are being wasted, and an outsider could have a clear perspective of what changes need to be made to improve the processes. Wiffendorf Corp. has an opportunity right now to take a significant position in the market, but it’s got to be able to grow efficiently. To do that, Robert’s certain that significant changes will need to be made, and almost certainly, positions will be cut.

As he starts to write down his thoughts, he thinks about how he wants to word his recommendations and impressions. Robert knows that if he omitted some details and rephrased certain procedures, he might be able to structure the change to ensure that he and his team feel the least impact. Robert wants to make sure that neither he nor anyone else in his department loses their jobs. He can see how his job and another manager’s job could be combined; however, he can also show how restructuring some of the teams could make his department more important than it is now. Although these changes that favored him, and his department would definitely improve Wifferdorf’s productivity, it would probably not improve it as much as a restructure done on complete disclosure could.

Evaluate Robert’s options using consequential, rule-based, and character theories. What should Robert do? Why?



MBA_2.2 – CarMax, the Used Car Superstore

Read Car Max, the Used Car Superstore

Respond to the following questions:

  1. What is the key to improving performance? Learning seems to be the unequivocal answer for CarMax. Is this also a viable answer for other businesses?
  2. How is continuous improvement linked to organizational change?
  3. What external forces for change are likely to influence CarMax’s commitment to continuous improvement?
  4. What internal forces for change are likely to influence CarMax’s commitment to continuous improvement?
  5. Explain CarMax’s use of (a) talent management for continuous learning and (b) learning loops from the perspectives of incremental change, strategic change, and transformational change.
  6. What are the primary organizational development interventions embedded in CarMax’s fostering of learning for continuous improvement?

Post your responses to these items in the discussion forum at the bottom of this page.




MBA_1.3 – The Political Agenda

MBA_1.3 – The Political Agenda

In this assignment, you will work in a group to write a 500-word paper on one of two current topics. In this paper, half of your group will develop the arguments for the use of political agendas in the workplace, and the other half will develop arguments against the use of political agendas. You will use The Political Agenda group discussion forum to coordinate with your group to complete this assignment.


Write a 500-word paper on 1 of the following topics:

  • Topic 1:
    • The television show Survivorprovides numerous demonstrations of the potential payoff for people who are willing to use political behavior for personal gain. After watching Season 1 of the series in which the winner, Richard Hatch, demonstrated his tremendous political skills, a friend of mine made the following assertion, “I don’t think they should make all those alliances. I think each person should just play as an individual.”
    • In your paper, address this man’s assertion from both a practical, career-advancement perspective and from a Christian perspective. Decide which half of the group will support the assertion, and which half will argue against it. Each half of the group should argue for their selected position on the use of political skills in the workplace, and provide clear direction on when and if political behavior is a legitimate part of Christ-like living.
  • Topic 2
    • CEOs love to stand in front of the media and tout their firms’ efforts to encourage ethical behavior. However, in some cases it appears that firms’ actions actually reward behavior of which they claim to disapprove. Some observers have concluded that, “Organizations get the behavior they reward, not the behavior they say they want.”
    • Using either a personal experience or a media account of an actual organizational situation, assign half of your group to take a position in support of this statement. The other half of the group will develop a rebuttal against the statement. Describe the situation, but don’t spend more than 20% of your paper telling the story. The remainder of your paper should focus on analyzing the situation and providing recommendations to correct the problem.
    • Note:Use the theories of reinforcement and learning.

Develop your arguments fully and avoid making unsupported contentions.

Paper Specs

  • Write a 500-word paper
  • Putyour name in the upper-left corner of the paper, and indicate the number of words you wrote.
  • UseAPA style for formatting.
  • Cite at least two supporting references.

Click the Submit Assignment link in the upper-right corner to upload your assignment.

MBA_1.3 – The Political Agenda





Working as part of a team, students will complete a Market Entry Strategy Project. Each team will:

  • Select a country as a possible new market for a new video game system, the M-Box by MES- Sim Corporation.
  • Research and analyze that
  • Recommend whether the market should be developed, or not, by MES-Sim

This project has four distinct parts. Teams will work one section at a time in the sequence and according to the schedule outlined below. Draft Versions of each Part will be submitted to the professor as a ‘Check-in’; the professor will not mark the Check-Ins but will provide feedback. Teams can therefore improve the Draft before submitting the Final Version of the Report at the end of the course for marking.




  • Include an Executive Summary, introduction, and conclusion, as well as results of the four project components (outlined below).
  • Be a maximum of 25 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt
  • Be formatted to be consistent with APA style


Before we proceed with the description of the work for the Project, it is necessary to discuss how each team, and the work for the Project, will be managed.




It is critical that all each team makes meaningful progress towards completing the Capstone Project on a unit-by-unit basis. Therefore, each team member is expected to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner and submit work that meets the standards of the program and University.

  • Each team will be managed according to the Learning Team Agreement (LTA). Each team member will be required to agree to and abide by the LTA. LTA must be submitted for approval by professor by 11:00 p.m. on Sunday of Unit


  • This work will be managed by each Team but the Project Deliverables (refer to the LTA) must be approved by the professor, and the actual work done each unit will be reviewed by the professor. Students can assign the work in whatever manner the Team Members believe is most appropriate for them; for example, students can divide each section according to the issues listed below or they can share the work
  • Each team will write a brief work plan as outlined in the Project Deliverables section of the LTA and submit it to the professor for approval by the end of the third day of the
  • Each team will also submit a brief unit report to the professor based on the Project Deliverables, which will indicate what work was done and by whom. This approach gives the professor the ability to assess not only the team’s progress but also the contribution of each team member. Unit reports will be submitted to the professor at the end of each
  • Team members must advise the professor of any issues relating to peers as soon as they occur so that they can be handled in a proactive and respectful manner. Again, each team member is expected to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner; and on a unit basis, submit work that meets the standards of the program and



The Capstone Project has four distinct parts which are material to the development of your team’s Recommendation. When formatting the Project, it must be remembered that written submissions are professionally presented, including an Executive Summary and Conclusion. Each Part should be done in the order described above as Parts 2, 3, and 4 build on previous work. Draft Versions of each Part will be submitted to the Professor as a “Check-in;” the professor will not mark the Check-Ins but will provide feedback. Teams can therefore improve the Draft before submitting the Final Version of the Report at the end of the course for marking. Each part should be 3-4 pages in length.

1.         Marketing Intelligence Report (MIR) – The Check-in for this section is 11:00 p.m. on Sunday of Unit 4 (3-4 pages).

The MIR requires teams to gather current, or the most recently available, data on the market’s people, economy, government, and technological status from online sources.


2.         Business Environment Analysis Report (BEAR) – The Check-in for this section is 11:00 p.m. on Sunday of Unit 6 (3-4 pages).

In the BEAR, students will analyze the business environment in the market. Students should remember that this is about developing a market in the selected country, not going there to have fun as a

tourist. Therefore, your work should not include data which is not directly relevant to the goal of deciding whether the market should be developed or not. Data that would be relevant could include, but may not necessarily be limited to, the following items:


  • Political and regulatory stability – Students will need to describe and discuss the political and regulatory system with reference to their stability and receptivity to international business, including foreign
  • Legal system – Students will need to describe and discuss the kind of legal system that exists there. The following questions are typically important in such a discussion – Is the legal system transparent and independent? Is it fair and objective? Does it protect intellectual property, foreign investments, ?
  • Business customs and practice – Students will need to describe and discuss the business customs and practices that exist there. The following questions are typically important in such a discussion – What role do ethics, corruption, and respect of law play? How are environmental concerns and human rights issues addressed?
  • Religion and culture – Students will need to describe and discuss the cultures that play a significant role in the country, specifically how these cultures might impact international business.
  • Economic analysis of key indicators –
    • Demographics
    • GNP/GDP
    • Major sectors and industries
    • Currency, interest, and inflation rates
    • International Trade patterns
    • Labour Force

3. Report on Opportunities for Market Entry (ROME) – The Check-in for this section is 11:00 p.m. on Sunday of Unit 8 (3-4 pages).

The ROME builds upon the BEAR and asks students to assess the import and export prospects for MES- Sim regarding the target market. The critical issue here is whether MES-Sim can effectively conduct international trade activities with the target market as a new base of operations? Therefore, the ROME builds on the BEAR and requires a significant amount of analysis to develop recommendations.

4. Market Entry Strategy Assignment (MESA) – The Check-in for this section is 11:00 p.m. on Sunday of Unit 10 (3-4 pages).

Teams will be required to develop a market entry strategy for the M-Box and MES-Sim in the selected market. This could include, but may not necessarily be limited to, the following items:

  • Transportation and telecommunications infrastructure
  • Methods of distribution within the country
  • Points of sale issues

The MESA builds upon the ROME and BEAR and requires a significant amount of analysis to develop recommendations.

CRJU 3352 Juvenile Justice

CRJU 3352 Juvenile Justice

This assignment is a research paper. Pick a country (below) and explore this topic in your paper with a review of the scientific literature on that country. This paper is, essentially, a literature review, which is a summary of the research pertaining to a specific topic. You will provide a discussion of findings from past scholarly research regarding the topic of your assigned position. The literature review should address your topic in detail and only discuss information relevant to your assigned position. This paper should begin with an introduction (2-3 paragraphs. This is where you present your assigned position and provide a brief discussion of your topic. Your paper will then give a discussion of the research in greater detail in the “body” of the paper (5-6 pages). Here, you will talk more specifically about the research and the researcher’s findings. Finally, you should provide a conclusion (1-2 paragraphs) that provides a summary of the research.

Choice of Country:

You are to pick a country and put your selection in the assignment section, under “choice of country”. You must list ONLY the chosen country in the heading or the body of the assignment section. There are about 50 countries listed at the bottom of this page and only one student can explore one country. This is to let the class know that this country has been selected and no other person can select this country. Y

The country outline should consist of ample information of what you will discuss within the paper. Below is an example of how you can design your country selection outline. I have added notes/suggestions/information to guide you on your design of chosen country.


  1. Country selection (about ½ page)

  1. Country juvenile justice system.

1. You present information about the country’s juvenile justice system.

2. Compare and contrast with US juvenile justice systems.


1. What ideas will you present in your comparison?

2. What ideas will you present in your contrast?

Be sure to adequately address your country’s pros and cons in the introduction.

What has worked and what has not worked.


  1. Review of the literature (about 3 pages)

  1. You must use AT LEAST 8 academic/peer-reviewed journal articles. Go into greater detail of what is known about your country selection. In doing so, you should point out what is not known to give credence to what are the differences between the US juvenile justice system and your country selection, uniqueness, difference and/or importance.

  2. What is known in the literature on your topic? Generally, there are two sections to the literature review:

  1. Historical, Legal and/or Theoretical Context–this is where you include the contextual basis for your research. To what extent does your topic have a history, legal past and/or theoretical context? This section relates to the “past” of your topic. What have people said about this country and how it governs its juveniles?

  2. Review of Programs and/or Policies and/or Legislation–this is where you review what types of programs, policies and/or legislation exist regarding your topic. In essence, what have other people done and what have these studies found? HOW and what methods did people use in studying your country? Here you need to outline the results of previous empirical research. Discuss gaps in existing research.

  3. This section should end with a summation of what you have just reviewed which leads nicely into the next section.

  1. Critical/creative analysis/any policy implications (about 3 pages)

  1. This is where your voice and critical/creative analysis/reasoning based on your literature review needs to come to life; if you found, for example, problems of prosecuting juveniles for a specific major crime such as one of the Part I crimes (defined by FBI/UCR on crime), what are the implications from this taking a social justice, criminal justice, public policy or legal perspective?

  2. You also need to be realistic. If you suggest awareness programs, how might these be implemented? If you suggest changing laws or policies, how would you go about doing this? How would you get people interested? How would you get policymakers or neighborhoods to buy into the proposed programs or changes and actually participate or have a stake in them?

  3. For this section, you might identify and summarize the key problems and issues. You can use other people’s assessments or your interviewee’s remarks of what the key issues are (be sure to cite them) and/or you can think of your own. Also, what other problems are present because of or in relation to your topic? You should identify and discuss the constraints and opportunities presenting by the problems you have outlined.

  4. Which problems are susceptible to change, treatment, intervention or prevention? What constraints are in place that would make any solution impossible or improbable? Second, identify competing policy/program/legal choices. What are the various options you have in dealing with the problems you have identified? What problems might be presented by adopting a particular solution? What benefits might be realized? What might the “future” of your topic look like? What needs to be done (realistically) to tackle the problem? What can you/we do? How or should the US implement any positive implications can be used from progressive in other countries.

  5. SINCE EVERYTHING IS ABOUT (lack of) MONEY and resources, please do not include this as part of your analysis. Be creative, realistic and logical.


  1. Summary

  1. Discussion summary (about ½ page)

  1. Sum it all up. Also include significance and limitations. Wrap up your literature review, arguments, perspectives and country evaluation from what you have just found in your research.

  2. You essentially need to state once again what you compared and contrast between the company and why it was significant. In short, give a very short thumbnail sketch of what was just written.

  3. You should also state which policy/program/legal option(s) you would pursue to help solve the US juvenile problems you have outlined and why. Whereas the introduction moves from broad to narrow, the conclusion moves from narrow to broad.



ANTH115 Assignment.1

ANTH115 Assignment.1


Assignment 1: Issue Statement and Annotated Bibliography

Begin your bibliography with a one paragraph Topic Statement for your paper. Simply put, a topic statement is what you are going to write about.

After you have chosen a topic, identify any possible problems in the commodity chain. Problems are consumer health, the environment, or social inequality. Problems could be at the point of production, distribution or consumption. Explore the commodity online to see where social activism and global citizenship is being mobilized.

As you conduct research you should assemble an annotated bibliography with FIVE to TEN references regarding the process that goes into the production of your commodity. This might include websites, journal articles, books, materials from organizations etc. These resources might include such information such as:

(a) detailed presentation of the commodity chain;

(b) labor conditions under which the commodity is produced;

(c) environmental consequences of the production process;

(d) effects of the production process on people (health, status, etc) in relevant regions;

(e) health effects associated with the consumption of the product;

You should include the sources from which your information was collected. Wikipedia should be a starting place for research only, not a final bibliographic item. Make sure that you have a mixture of media, not only web-based materials.




HDBM Assignment – Economics

HDBM Assignment – Economics


You are a senior economist with a top commercial bank in Singapore. Your bank’ chief economist has directed you to conduct a training workshop for your staff to provide the employees with the knowledge and skills relating to the key concepts and functions of economics in the industry. Before the training workshop, your task is to prepare and submit a report to your chief economist that covers the following areas:
The report must be 2000 words-length and follow the guidelines stipulated above. Your report must contain the answers for the following tasks.
Task 1 (Learning outcome 1)

(a) Discuss the differences between microeconomics and macroeconomics
with relevant examples. (10 marks)
(b) Discuss the long-run average cost curve and the influences upon it. (10 marks)
(c) Explain why firms cannot make supernormal/abnormal profits in the
long-run in a perfectly competitive market.

Task 2 (Learning outcome 2)

(a) Analyse “fundamental (central) economic problem”. (5 marks)
(b) Discuss about ‘opportunity cost’. (5 marks)
(c) Explain the concept of ‘price elasticity of demand and income elasticity of
demand’. (10 marks)

Task 3 (Learning outcome 3)

Analyse how the circular flow of income operates referring the injections and withdrawals and physical and monetary flows.


(10 marks)
Task 4 (Learning outcome 4)
Critically explain the impact of unemployment on both individuals and businesses.
(10 marks)


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