Category Archives: Research Papers

Describe how Nash’s symptoms of schizophrenia are presented in the film

Describe how Nash’s symptoms of schizophrenia are presented in the film

  • Watch the movie A Beautiful Mind.
  • Find a peer-reviewed journal article in support of effective treatment options for schizophrenia.

he Assignment (2–3 pages):

  • Describe how Nash’s symptoms of schizophrenia are presented in the film, including behavioral descriptions of his positive, negative, and/or psychomotor symptoms as appropriate.

  • Review the ways theorists explain schizophrenia using psychological and sociocultural factors (not biological), and offer your conceptualization of Nash’s development of schizophrenia from these two

  • Based on your conceptualization above, what treatment options would you recommend? (Be sure to include at least onejournal article in support of your chosen treatment options.) What type(s) of treatment(s) did Nash experience?

  • Is the success Nash experienced in managing his disorder common or uncommon for individuals who face symptoms of schizophrenia or a diagnosis of schizophrenia?

If using alternate articles:

  • Describe Frese’s symptoms of schizophrenia presented in the articles, including behavioral descriptions of his positive, negative, and/or psychomotor symptoms as appropriate.
  • Review the ways theorists explain schizophrenia using psychological and sociocultural factors (not biological), and offer your conceptualization of Frese’s development of schizophrenia from these two perspectives.
  • Based on your conceptualization above, what treatment options would you recommend? (Be sure to include at least onejournal article in support of your chosen treatment options.) What type(s) of treatment(s) did Frese experience?
  • Is the success Frese experienced in managing his disorder common or uncommon for individuals who face symptoms of schizophrenia or a diagnosis of schizophrenia?

Describe how Nash’s symptoms of schizophrenia are presented in the film


Sample 3 PSYC3004

HN330 – Unit 2 Assignment

HN330 – Unit 2 Assignment

HN330 – Unit 2 Assignment. In this unit, you met Tammy and her family. In the discussion board, you identified a barrier in their micro, meso, and macro level systems. For this assignment, you will be taking these barriers into consideration, as well as any developmental transitions that you feel that the family is experiencing (see page 86 of the text), as you create interventions based on resources in your community.

Assignment Directions

First, review the completed Unit 2 Sample Assignment before you begin your work. The completed form is not based on Tammy and her family. It was created to show you what a completed form should look like, using a different client.

Then, complete each section of the Unit 2 Assignment Template using all of the relevant information that you have about Tammy and her family.

  1. Summarize the barriers that you identified in the discussion board. You need to include one micro, one meso, and one macro level barrier.
  2. Explore resources in your community, either online or in person, which you think could benefit Tammy and her family. Make sure that you are considering both interventions to strengthen the person and interventions to strengthen the environment (see page 87 of the text). Create a resource list, one resource per barrierthat you identified for the family. You should find a different resource for each barrier. If you have difficulty finding resources in your community, you are welcome to look for resources in surrounding areas. In addition to the name of the resource, you will also need to include the type of service provided and the website or phone number of the agency.
  3. Explain how each of the resources that you identified will benefit Tammy and her family. State what intervention each resource would provide for the family. For example, if you selected a social services agency to provide services to Tammy’s family, the intervention could be assistance with transportation or heat for their home, etc.
  4. Provide a conclusion and personal reflection. In a paragraph, share what this Assignment has been like for you. Reflect on the resources that are available in your community. Share the most surprising thing that you learned about your community and how that will influence your future work as a case manager or other human service professional.

Assignment Guidelines

Use the Unit 2 Assignment Template document (linked in the directions above and found in Course Resources). Answers to the questions should be in sentence/paragraph format. Be sure to use correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

Submitting your Assignment




HN330 – Unit 2 Assignment





Write a report on the disease/specimen allocated to you (see attached list). Use the headings included in the marking rubric below.


For submission date and time, please refer to course outline. Submissions are to be done via turnitin. Early submission can be made no more than a week before due date.

Recommend submitting file as document format and not pdf format.


The assignment will be governed and guided by the Assignment guide available on the College website, handbook and the library.


Please submit an Assignment Cover Sheet duly filled out to the reception immediately after submission on turnitin.

Please note the clause about the various late submissions.


The body of the text must be referenced – this is called In-Text Citation. The references list must be provided at the end.


The reference list must contain a minimum of 3 textbooks and 3 current journals.

Too much material from one source in a single paragraph, passage, page should be avoided – gives the impression of cut and paste.


Group assignment is NOT accepted and any similarity between 2 assignments will be treated as plagiarism and appropriate action may be taken.

Working together is acceptable and a notation must be made of the name of your co-workers, but your assignment must be your own work.

Cutting and pasting from the websites will NOT be accepted.


Length of assignment: not more than 1200 words (+/- 10%). Please include word count.

Lengthy submissions may have not more than 5% marks deducted.

Analytical Peer Reviewed Journal Article

Analytical Peer Reviewed Journal Article 

A three-page analysis of a peer reviewed, sociology journal article (Specifically, from the Journal of Drug Issues) that supports or refutes what you have learned in the text. These articles should be current (since 2001). The instructor must approve the peer reviewed journal article.  The email you send for approval should include the name of the journal, title of the article, author, and very brief summary.  It must also include the entire article as an attachment for the instructor to review.   After your article is approved, there is then a mandatory contract to be electronically signed.  The instructor will keep everyone informed, and we will go over more specifics during the course.


Sample 4

MN 553 Asignment

MN 553 Asignment 


Assignment Directions

Mr. Smith brings his 4-year-old son to your primary care office. He states the boy has been ill for three days. Mr. Smith indicates that he would like antibiotics so he can send his son back to pre-school the next day.

History – Child began with sneezing, mild cough, and low grade fever of 100 degrees three days ago. All immunizations UTD. Father reports that the child has had only two incidents of URI and no other illnesses.

Social – non-smoking household. Child attends preschool four mornings a week and is insured through his father’s employment. No other siblings in the household.

PE/ROS -T 99, R 20, P 100. Alert, cooperative, in good spirits, well-hydrated. Mildly erythemic throat, no exudate, tonsils +2. Both ears mild pink tympanic membrane with good movement. Lungs clear bilaterally. All other systems WNL.

For the assignment, do the following:

  1. Diagnose the child and describe how you arrived at the diagnosis (i.e. how you ruled out other diagnoses).

  2. Provide a specific treatment plan for this patient, pharmacologic and/or nonpharmacologic.

  3. Provide a communication plan for how the family will be involved in the treatment plan.

  4. Provide resources that Mr. Smith could access which would provide information concerning your treatment decisions.

  5. Utilize national standards, your pharm and/or patho book and medical or advanced practice professional sources. Do not use patient-facing sources or general nursing texts to support your diagnosis and treatment.

  6. Use references to support your concepts. Utilize correct APA formatting and mechanics of professional communication.

Assignment Requirements:

Present this Assignment as a narrative document, with a minimum of 4, and maximum of 5 pages not counting the cover page or reference page. It is not necessary to repeat the facts of the case in your narrative.

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • Read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • Consult the Grading Rubric (under Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • Utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.



Biosc131 Bacteria antibiotic effectiveness graph

Biosc131 Bacteria antibiotic effectiveness graph

Please use the data in the Excel spreadsheet below to make a graph that illustrates the effectiveness of the antibiotics used on E. coli and Staphylococcus in the videos. Remember that with pooled data, you are graphing averages of the measurements, which have already been calculated for you for each antibiotic in the lower part of the table. The standard deviations have also been calculated. It is best to download the file, as Excel spreadsheets are not complete in the Canvas environment. Upload your graph to the file dropbox.

Biosc131 Bacteria antibiotic effectiveness graph

MIS-330 Research Paper

MIS-330 Research Paper

This paper is focused on the role of new technologies and how they impact business operations
and decisions. This is a research paper, so you need to have references in APA style. Your paper
should be at least 3500 words, and at a minimum discuss the following topics:
• Three different and new/emerging technologies
o Introduce the technologies
o How are they being used (or how they will be used)
o What are their potential for users and businesses
• Impacts on business operations, decisions, sales, etc.
o Positive & Negative
• Impact on executives, employees, customers, humans, etc.
o Positive & Negative



Sample 4

Paper – How New Technologies are Making an Impact on Businesses

Paper – How New Technologies are Making an Impact on Businesses

This paper is focused on the role of new technologies and how they impact business operations
and decisions. This is a research paper, so you need to have references in APA style. Your paper
should be at least 3500 words, and at a minimum discuss the following topics:
• Three different and new/emerging technologies
o Introduce the technologies
o How are they being used (or how they will be used)
o What are their potential for users and businesses
• Impacts on business operations, decisions, sales, etc.
o Positive & Negative
• Impact on executives, employ



Sorting, Grouping, and Nesting Data

Sorting, Grouping, and Nesting Data

In this assignment, you will use SQL DML statements that aggregate, sort, and nest data about employees and departments of a company.
You will use the Employee and Department tables you created previously. Create, run, and test SQL queries to display each set of information. Save a copy of your queries in a Microsoft Word document.

Include a screen shot to verify the successful completion of each SQL command.  Each Screen shot must be preceded by a comment that includes the student’s name, the instructor’s name, and the date the command was executed.

E.g.  SQL>/* Student: John Doe  Instructor: Sally Smith  Date: 4/4/2021 */

Note:  Don’t forget the /* and */ at the start and end of the command to make it into a comment!!

The screen shot must include the SQL command and the output from the command. Include one screen shot per item.  The screen shots must be well formatted and the output easily readable.  Points may be subtracted from the total score for poor presentation of the assignment material.

See examples below:

ANSI SQL vs. Oracle’s SQL

ANSI SQL vs. Oracle’s SQL

Prior to the adoption of SQL as a standard by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), each database management system (DBMS) had its own unique command language and syntax. SQL was adopted as an ANSI standard in 1986. The International Standards Organization (ISO) adopted it in 1987. This standard enables database portability.

Most commercial database vendors support the ANSI standard. However, most of these vendors also extend the standard with the addition of proprietary features. The Oracle version of SQL has differences from the ANSI standard version. For example, Oracle does not support either the full OUTER JOIN or the NATURAL JOIN of ANSI SQL.

When you have a choice, the vendor specific proprietary solution may offer better performance or convenience. On the other hand, the proprietary feature also limits or eliminates portability.

Think about the strengths and weaknesses of both the standard ANSI and proprietary Oracle approach to SQL. In particular, think about the different ways ANSI and Oracle support joins.

With these thoughts in mind:

Consider a situation where you would use a join to retrieve data from two tables in an Oracle database, such as the stock_count for an oil filter from the product table and the vendor for that oil filter from the vendor table. Would you prefer to use ANSI standard SQL or the proprietary Oracle SQL? What factors influenced your decision? Describe a situation where you would consider using the other option.

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