Category Archives: Research Papers

Models of Abnormality

Models of Abnormality

As evidenced in Chapter 2 of the textbook, contemporary thinking about psychological disorders includes a broad variety of models or paradigms. The list of models used in framing psychological disorders includes the following: biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic-existential, and sociocultural. Each model highlights different factors in the development of abnormal behavior and suggests different avenues for the treatment of psychological disorders. In this week’s Assignment, you will closely examine these models and compare and contrast two of your own choosing.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Examine the textbook chapter on models of abnormality and identify twomodels you find most intriguing.
  • Review the personal experience or encounter with abnormal behavior you explored in this week’s Discussion (you may instead choose an experience shared by a classmate if you wish).

The Assignment:

In a 2- to 3-page paper, provide a brief description in your own words of each of the two models you chose and discuss why these two models appeal to you.

Using the personal experience or encounter with abnormal behavior you (or a classmate) explored in this week’s Discussion, compare and contrast the two models (describe similarities and differences) in terms of how each might explain the development of the abnormal behavior described.

Compare and contrast the approaches to treatment that each model might suggest.


Models of Abnormality



Group Case Study Project: Analyzing Innovation


Group Case Study Project: Analyzing Innovation

Each group will produce a case study analysis report. Please refer to the Case Preparation document, which is located under the Doc Sharing tab, for information and guidance in developing this assignment. The report should be 1,000–1,200 words in length (3–4 pages) and double-spaced. The report should follow APA style.

In addition to answering the case study questions, the analysis should provide a brief background for the reader, identify what the group believes are the key issues, describe the elements of critical thinking and decision making involved, and, if necessary, include the group’s assessment of what could have been done to change the situation to a positive outcome.

In your paper, write a thorough analysis of the key issues in the assignment. Make sure to use the key concepts studied in the text and the lectures in the case study analysis.

You may consider these questions in the discussion before writing the analysis:

  • What happened?
  • What were the causes?
  • What was the impact?
  • What was the outcome?
  • What concepts and theories did you notice in your examination that worked? Why did they work?
  • What concepts and theories did not work, or were ineffective? Why?

Group Case Study Project: Analyzing Innovation


Sample 4

HDAF HDBM Assignment – Marketing

HDAF HDBM Assignment – Marketing

HDAF HDBM Assignment – Marketing

You have been hired as the Marketing Manager of [a hotel in Singapore of your choice].
Your Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has directed you to conduct a training workshop for
your staff to provide them employees with the knowledge and skills relating to the key
concepts and functions of marketing in the hospitality industry. Prior to the training
workshop, your task is to prepare and submit a report to your CEO that covers the
following areas:

Task 1 (Learning outcome 1)

1 Explain the term “marketing” and discuss the pros and cons of adopting a
marketing orientation for your hotel.

Task 2 (Learning outcome 2)

2.1 Elaborate on the key macro and micro environment factors that could affect
marketing decisions at your hotel. [10 marks]

2.2 Explain the concept of market segmentation and its benefits for your hotel.[5 marks]



Task 3 (Learning outcome 3)

3.1 Cost plus pricing and perceived value pricing are two common pricing strategies.
Describe these two pricing strategies. Which one would you recommend to the
management of your hotel and why? [10 marks]
3.2 Illustrate how promotional activities for your hotel can be integrated to achieve its
marketing objectives. [10 marks]
3.3 Analyse the importance of the following in the marketing of your hotel:
a. Process
b. People
c. Physical evidence


Task 4 (Learning outcome 4)
4 It has been said that the marketing mix is segment-specific and each market
segment would need its own marketing. Explain how the marketing mix can be adapted
for two different customer segments for your hotel. [10 marks]


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Coping With Mood

Coping With Mood

Consider a time when you or a friend may have struggled with one or several symptoms of either depression or anxiety. Review the Learning Resources regarding these disorders, focusing on distinguishing characteristics of clinical depression or anxiety and how it differs from feelings of sadness or worry.

The Assignment (2- to 3-page paper):

Describe the symptoms experienced by either you or a friend and how they did or did not meet the criteria for a diagnosis of clinical depression or anxiety.

Offer a paragraph clearly differentiating between feelings of sadness and clinical depression, or feelings of worry and clinical anxiety.

Regardless of whether the symptoms met the criteria for a diagnosis of clinical depression or anxiety, research at least two strategies for combating symptoms of depression or anxiety. Utilize only peer-reviewed journals for your research.

Share how your chosen strategies could also be utilized as preventative or protective strategies to implement the next time you encounter worry or sadness.

Be sure to share at least one of these ideas in the Spark for next week. In sharing your idea, please take care to protect your or your friend’s personal privacy.



Sample 3 PSYC3004

Strategic Business Outsourcing: Pros and Cons

Strategic Business Outsourcing: Pros and Cons

As a step toward implementing a strategic business policy, the senior management of your organization decides to outsource some important business processes.

Assess the reasons for and against developing strategic outsourcing partnerships in your organization. Would you choose to outsource? Why or why not?

With these thoughts in mind:


Strategic Business Outsourcing: Pros and Cons


Sample 4

Security of Organizational Information

Security of Organizational Information

Organizational information is an important commodity and needs to be managed carefully. Such information also needs to be protected from hackers. Organizations take various measures to secure their information. However, despite their best efforts, they continue to lose the information of millions of people across the world.

For this Application, read a case from Chapter 7 in your textbook.

Based on your reading:

  • Analyze the information while considering the organization information topics covered in Chapter 7.
  • Complete the questions at the end of the case.

With these thoughts in mind:

Security of Organizational Information

What is negotiation? (cite references from your books on negotiation and mediation.

  1. What is negotiation? (cite references from your books on negotiation and mediation. Provide an example from your personal or professional when you wish you or someone else had used it?

  2. What is mediation?(cite references from your books on negotiation and mediation) Provide an example from your personal or professional when you wish you or someone else had used it?

  3. What is facilitation? Cite 3 or 4 of the definitions provided in the IAF Handbook. (use APA style references, including page numbers) Provide an example from your personal or professional when you wish you or someone else had used it?



Creating and Manipulating Tables

Creating and Manipulating Tables

After you install Oracle, run the SQL Command Line utility as follows:

  1. On the Start menu, select Programs> Oracle Database Express Edition> Run SQL Command Line.

  2. You will see a Login screen and the SQL> prompt.

  3. Type ” connect”.

  4. Enter ” System” as the user name when presented with the “Enter user-name” prompt.

  5. Enter the password that you selected in the setup program when presented with the “Enter password” prompt.

  6. You should see the SQL> prompt.

Now create, run, and test SQL queries to accomplish the tasks listed below. Note: Be careful to add a semicolon at the end of each statement before you press the Enter key.
Include a screen shot to verify the successful completion of each SQL command.  Each Screen shot must be preceded by a comment that includes the student’s name, the instructor’s name, and the date the command was executed.

E.g.  SQL>/* Student: John Doe  Instructor: Sally Smith  Date: 4/4/2021 */

Note:  Don’t forget the /* and */ at the start and end of the command to make it into a comment!!

In addition, the screen shot must include the SQL command and the output from the command.
See example below:

Labour Relations Team Project – Learning Team Agreement page in Unit 2.

Labour Relations Team Project – Learning Team Agreement page in Unit 2.


  1. Sign up for a team.
  2. Meet with your team and identify one or more team members to represent each of the three groups from the project scenario: public sector union, management (e.g., public safety director and mayor), or arbitrator. Complete a Learning Team Agreement. Submit your Learning Team Agreement through the Labour Relations Team Project – Learning Team Agreement page in Unit 2.

  3. Conduct research to gather information to address the following questions in preparation for your role-play:

  4. What is your role in the negotiation?

  5. What steps of the collective bargaining process are assumed to have been completed up to this point in the scenario?

  6. For union and management groups: What is your bargaining position? What are your arguments for negotiation?

  7. For arbitrators: How will you manage the live negotiation? How will you make your decision?


  1. You will participate in a live role-play that will be facilitated by the assigned arbitrator(s) on your team. Each side will present their position, and negotiations will happen until the arbitrator reaches a final decision.


  1. After the role-play, you are to gather the information and write a reflection report which documents the final decision, rationale for the group’s position/decision, and feelings about the outcome. It should consider the original assumptions made by each contributor to the negotiation (union, management, and arbitrator), and reflect on what tactics worked best, which ones were less effective, and what each side would do differently if given the chance.
    1. Your report must be concise (not more than 2000 words double-spaced, 12-point font, excluding cover page and references page).
    2. It must be well-written, but in lay terms. A proper introduction that clearly outlines the purpose and flow of the essay, as well as a strong conclusion are important elements.
    3. You must also provide a properly cited reference page at the end of the report to support any of your conclusions.



Group Case Study Project: Analyzing Innovation

Group Case Study Project: Analyzing Innovation

Each group will produce a case study analysis report. Please refer to the Case Preparation document, which is located under the Doc Sharing tab, for information and guidance in developing this assignment. The report should be 1,000–1,200 words in length (3–4 pages) and double-spaced. The report should follow APA style.

In addition to answering the case study questions, the analysis should provide a brief background for the reader, identify what the group believes are the key issues, describe the elements of critical thinking and decision making involved, and, if necessary, include the group’s assessment of what could have been done to change the situation to a positive outcome.

In your paper, write a thorough analysis of the key issues in the assignment. Make sure to use the key concepts studied in the text and the lectures in the case study analysis.

You may consider these questions in the discussion before writing the analysis:

  • What happened?
  • What were the causes?
  • What was the impact?
  • What was the outcome?
  • What concepts and theories did you notice in your examination that worked? Why did they work?
  • What concepts and theories did not work, or were ineffective? Why?


Group Case Study Project: Analyzing Innovation


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