Category Archives: Research Papers

Creating a Community Resource List

Creating a Community Resource List

In this unit, you met Tammy and her family. In the discussion board, you identified a barrier in their micro, meso, and macro level systems. For this assignment, you will be taking these barriers into consideration, as well as any developmental transitions that you feel that the family is experiencing (see page 86 of the text), as you create interventions based on resources in your community.

Assignment Directions

First, review the completed Unit 2 Sample Assignment before you begin your work. The completed form is not based on Tammy and her family. It was created to show you what a completed form should look like, using a different client.

Then, complete each section of the Unit 2 Assignment Template using all of the relevant information that you have about Tammy and her family.

  1. Summarize the barriers that you identified in the discussion board. You need to include one micro, one meso, and one macro level barrier.
  2. Explore resources in your community, either online or in person, which you think could benefit Tammy and her family. Make sure that you are considering both interventions to strengthen the person and interventions to strengthen the environment (see page 87 of the text). Create a resource list, one resource per barrierthat you identified for the family. You should find a different resource for each barrier. If you have difficulty finding resources in your community, you are welcome to look for resources in surrounding areas. In addition to the name of the resource, you will also need to include the type of service provided and the website or phone number of the agency.
  3. Explain how each of the resources that you identified will benefit Tammy and her family. State what intervention each resource would provide for the family. For example, if you selected a social services agency to provide services to Tammy’s family, the intervention could be assistance with transportation or heat for their home, etc.
  4. Provide a conclusion and personal reflection. In a paragraph, share what this Assignment has been like for you. Reflect on the resources that are available in your community. Share the most surprising thing that you learned about your community and how that will influence your future work as a case manager or other human service professional.

Assignment Guidelines

Use the Unit 2 Assignment Template document (linked in the directions above and found in Course Resources). Answers to the questions should be in sentence/paragraph format. Be sure to use correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

Creating a Community Resource List


Sample 3 PSYC3004



  1. _______________________ begins in the testes. FSH stimulates the _______________________ _______________________  and gamete production begins.
  2. The _______________________ _______________________  support the developing spermatocytes, and secrete the hormone   This hormone has an inhibitory effect on GnRH, and indirectly _______________________, thereby decreasing the rate of _______________________.
  3. As sperm cells mature, they move through the tubules and enter the
  4. Testosterone is produced by the _______________________ _______________________ of the testis.
  5. Sperm cells begin their pathway through the male reproductive tract in the _______________________ They travel to the _______________________, where maturation occurs.  Mature sperm migrate to the _______________________  _______________________.  Upon sexual stimulation, sperm journey through the _______________________ _______________________ before they enter the _______________________.
  6. The urethra is located within the _______________________ _______________________ .
  7. The _______________________ _______________________ are highly vascular tissues that, upon sexual arousal, result in an
  8. The _______________________ _______________________ contribute to about 60% of seminal fluid volume. This gland contributes a liquid used to help _______________________ the female reproductive tract. It also contains _______________________, which nourish sperm.
  9. The _______________________ _______________________ secretes a fluid that contributes approximately 30% to seminal fluid. This gland secretes a fluid that contains _______________________, which nourish sperm, as well.  Additionally, the prostatic fluid is involved in _______________________, motility, and _______________________ of sperm.
  10. The _______________________ _______________________ secrete an alkaline fluid that neutralizes both the male and female reproductive tracts. _______________________ is also produced which serves to _______________________ the urethra and protect the sperm.
  11. The _______________________ of the sperm is covered by an _______________________, which contains enzymes needed to penetrate the ovum. Numerous _______________________ are tightly packed in the   ATP from here is used to power the _______________________ for _______________________.


  1. _______________________ is the process of producing eggs for reproduction. It begins during the _______________________ period with the production of a _______________________ _______________________ in a primordial follicle within the ovary.
  2. _______________________ occurs when the secondary oocyte is expelled from the mature follicle and ovary. The ruptured follicle becomes the _______________________ _______________________, which secretes progesterone, under the direction of LH.
  3. _______________________ are finger-like projections that sweep the ovulated ovum into the _______________________ _______________________.
  4. The uterus is composed of three layers. The innermost layer is the _______________________ and served as the site of _______________________ for a fertilized ovum.  The _______________________ is composed of smooth muscle and is responsible for _______________________   The _______________________ is the outermost layer and forms an _______________________ covering around the uterus.
  5. The _______________________ encompasses all of the external female genitalia.
  6. _______________________ stimulates breast development. Breastfeeding stimulates the release of more _______________________ and   _______________________ stimulates milk letdown.
  7. _______________________ acts on the ovaries to secrete _______________________ and stimulate _______________________ LH stimulates _______________________ and acts on the ruptured follicle to stimulate _______________________ _______________________ maturation.  It also stimulates _______________________ and _______________________ secretion from this structure.
  8. Menstruation occurs on days 1-5 of the _______________________ The _______________________ _______________________ phase is characterized by high estrogen levels due to the developing follicle.  _______________________ typically occurs on day 14.  The corpus luteum _______________________ secretes _______________________ during the _______________________ _______________________ phase.

Behavior Change Paper & Power Point Presentation

Behavior Change Paper & Power Point Presentation 

Select a measurable activity that you find very difficult to control or that you would like to change that can be related to the course. (This activity must be pre-approved by the instructor and a mandatory contract must be signed.)  You must agree to stop or start this activity for at least two weeks, but preferably for a month.

Some examples of activities you might select to stop are excessive use of sugar in your diet; eating fast food; drinking alcohol; smoking or using tobacco; drinking caffeinated beverages/foods such as coke, coffee, or chocolate; or any other behavior that you know is harmful to your health. Some examples of activities you might start are exercising, cooking healthy meals, drinking water regularly, increasing the number of fresh vegetables/fruit you eat each day, eating a low-fat diet, etc. Keep a log of your behavior and write a five-page analytical paper about your success or failure to change your behavior and how it relates to our course. Please see grading rubric for grading details.

In addition to the paper, create a professional 5-7 slide PowerPoint presentation highlighting the key points of your paper. Additional details will be covered in class and the contract, see rubric for further details.

PHIL202 Summary Assignment

PHIL202 Summary Assignment

Write a summary of at least 300 words in which you cover the following areas:

  1. Summary of Learning – Include major areas of content found in the lectures, reading materials, assignments, and discussion for the week.

  2. Personal Learning – Cover items that personally impacted your thinking.

  3. Application to Career and Professional Goals – Include information relevant to your current and/or future career.

Summaries should be detailed and thorough and refer to class discussion, course readings, and other course content. They should be in your own words and demonstrate an engagement with the content of the course. Include your own personal reflections on the material as well as summary of contents.



Searching Data From Single and Multiple Tables

Searching Data From Single and Multiple Tables


In this Assignment, you will use SQL DML commands to find information about employees and departments of a company.

To create the data you need, first run the script schema.sql by following these steps:

  1. Click the following link to download and save the script on your computer.
  2. When you download the file SCHEMA.SQL make sure it is saved as a .SQL file using Notepad, if you save it as a .TXT file, it will not work.  You may also choose to rename the file (E.g. schemaweek3.sql).
  3. The very last statement in the SCHEMA.SQL file is “EXIT”.  This causes the Oracle SQL command editor to close.  If you delete the command “EXIT” from the file prior to executing it, then you will not have to re-run the Oracle SQL plus command editor after loading the data.
  4. You must include the path when you execute the @schema.sql command in the Oracle Command line editor.  In the example shown below, the file is stored as schemaweek3.sql in the C:/ directory.  To execute the file at the oracle command line type in @C:/schemaweek3.sql.  If you don’t understand the concept of path in windows, you need to Google it.  The screen shot below shows the Oracle response if you do not include the path.  When the path is included and the file renamed schemaweek3.sql, Oracle will respond with “demonstration table build is complete”.

Normalized Entities and Class Diagram

Normalized Entities and Class Diagram

In this unit, you will work with your group to determine a normalized list of attributes and primary keys for each entity. You will represent this list in a UML class diagram.

To prepare for this assignment, review the scenario, the group’s comprehensive entity list, and the list of functional requirements. For each entity, suggest an appropriate list of attributes that describe aspects important to the organization (for example, each EMPLOYEE has a EmpLastName, EmpFirstName, Address, HireDate, and HourlySalary,). Determine whether any of these attributes constitute a natural unique identifier or whether the entity requires an arbitrary (surrogate – e.g. EmployeeID) key.

Note: In this assignment, we start by creating entities, then we switch to a UML class diagram. Although we could just as easily develop a crows-foot, entity-relationship diagram, the UML class diagram and associated notation is more widely used and accepted in most organizations.

individually complete the following tasks:

  • Identify and post to the group discussion forum a list of attributes for each entity the group agreed to in Unit 1.  The attributes should be sufficient to address all of the information items specified in the requirements list as well as any others you think are important based on your review of the project scenario.

  • Suggest a primary key (unique identifier) and when required, a foreign key for each entity.  Note: A foreign key is included in the MANYside of all entities in one-to-many relationships.  The foreign key can be identified in the entity with the FK symbol and will be identical in name and data type to the primary key (PK) on the one side of the one-to-many relationship.

  • Create and post a UML class diagram based on your list of entities and attributes. Include all one-to-many relationships in the diagram with matching primary and foreign keys in the attribute list of the entities linked by each relationship.

Data Model

Data Model

You are working on the database design that will support PPI’s new order entry system. PPI has many thousands of customers around the world who place and pay for orders. One customer can place an order for many products at a time. Many different customers may order any particular product. Workers at the warehouse keep track of orders while they fulfill and ship them. Customer service representatives should be able to review all of a customer’s orders, whether they are being filled, in transit, or historical. To simplify this analysis, assume that PPI has only one warehouse, that merchandise is always in stock, that every order ships in a single package, and that customers never cancel orders or return products. PPI uses different systems to process customer payments and to manage its inventory.

Create a UML class diagram that models the data for this situation.
To create the class diagram, do the following with pencil and paper:

  1. Identify up to 10 classes. Justify your choices.

  2. Identify what relationships exist between classes. Elaborate on the nature of each relationship that you identified.

  3. Identify the cardinalities of each relationship—whether the relationship is one to one, one to many, or many to many. Explain your reasoning.

  4. Identify the modality of the relationship—whether the relationship always exists between the two entities or is optional, existing only in specific conditions. Justify your thinking behind the modality of each relationship.

Data Model



Assignment: Controlled Drug Use: Is Addiction a Disease?

Assignment: Controlled Drug Use: Is Addiction a Disease?

One of the more controversial issues related to the substance-related disorders is whether or not someone with a substance-related disorder can ever learn to keep his or her drug or alcohol use under control. A related issue is whether or not an individual with a substance-related disorder has a disease, which is the position of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). In this week’s Assignment, you will address each of these controversial issues.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the Learning Resources on substance-related disorders, including the articles by Bujarski, O’Malley, Lunny, & Ray (2013) and Koerkel (2006).
  • Consider your thoughts on twocontroversial issues introduced in the Learning Resources: (1) whether or not someone with a substance-related disorder can engage in controlled drug use, and (2) whether or not someone with a substance-related disorder has a disease.

The Assignment (2–3 pages):

  • Analyze these controversial issues, based on your own experiences as well as your review of this week’s required Learning Resources. In your Assignment, do the following:

    • Present an argument for your stance with respect to the first controversial issue regarding substance-related disorders: Is it possible for individuals with substance-related disorders, such as those who abuse alcohol, to moderate their use instead of taking the abstinence approach to treatment? Support your argument with evidence from this week’s required Learning Resources.

    • Present an argument for your stance with respect to the second controversial issue—namely, is a substance-related disorder a disease? Again, support your argument with evidence from this week’s required Learning Resources.



Assignment: Controlled Drug Use: Is Addiction a Disease?


Sample 3 PSYC3004

ENG1101, Essay 2: Compare & Contrast

ENG1101, Essay 2: Compare & Contrast

Write a 700 word essay that critically weighs two or more things (subject, ideas, items, etc). You will consider how your choice of items are similar (compare), and how they are different (contrast). You will then use these writing processes to fuse them to each other (thus, compare & contrast).

Narrow your point of view to facts and personal experiences in life, like your professional interests or academic major and related intellectual/critical thinking subjects, or even personal hobbies.



Assignment: Coping With Mood

Assignment: Coping With Mood

As you have dug into reading about psychological disorders this week, you may have found yourself reviewing the symptoms and noting, “Hey! I think I have depression…no, wait, I have PTSD…no, I have GAD…wait, I think I have them all!!” It is likely each of us can relate to struggling with a symptom or two of a disorder, yet most will not reach the criteria for a mental health diagnosis. For example, many of us can relate to struggling with feelings of worry and having “the blues.” More importantly, the coping strategies we develop play a major role in the impact of these symptoms on daily living. Despite the severity of symptoms, whether experiencing sadness or clinical depression, there are a variety of strategies that can be used to improve mood.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Consider a time when you or a friend may have struggled with one or several symptoms of either depression or anxiety. Review the Learning Resources regarding these disorders, focusing on distinguishing characteristics of clinical depression or anxiety and how it differs from feelings of sadness or worry.

The Assignment (2- to 3-page paper):

Describe the symptoms experienced by either you or a friend and how they did or did not meet the criteria for a diagnosis of clinical depression or anxiety.

Offer a paragraph clearly differentiating between feelings of sadness and clinical depression, or feelings of worry and clinical anxiety.

Regardless of whether the symptoms met the criteria for a diagnosis of clinical depression or anxiety, research at least two strategies for combating symptoms of depression or anxiety. Utilize only peer-reviewed journals for your research.

Share how your chosen strategies could also be utilized as preventative or protective strategies to implement the next time you encounter worry or sadness.

Be sure to share at least one of these ideas in the Spark for next week. In sharing your idea, please take care to protect your or your friend’s personal privacy.


Assignment: Coping With Mood



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