Category Archives: Research Papers

Sales & Operations Planning

Period I II III IV Total
Forecast 22000 23000 36000 13000 94000
Output Total 23000 23000 23000 23000 92000
Beginnning 4000 5000 5000 0
Ending 5000 5000 0 2000
Average 4500 5000 2500 1000
Backorders: 0 0 8000 0
Plan for types of outputs
FT hires/layoffs at start of quarter 1
FT staffing starting 45 46 46 46 46
Regular output/person/qtr 500 23000 23000 23000 23000
Overtime output/person/qtr 200
Temp hires/layoffs at start of quarter 0 0
Temporary staff starting 0 0 0 0
Temp output/person/qtr 400 0 0 0 0
Sub-contr (5200/qtr max)
Check total output 23000 23000 23000 23000
Output costs for FT staff
Regular ($/unit) 5.00 115000 115000 115000 115000  $      460,000
Overtime ($/unit) 7.50 0 0 0 0  $             –
Temp ($/unit) 12.00 0 0 0 0  $             –
Sub-Contr ($/unit) 10.00 0 0 0 0  $             –
Hiring costs ($/person) 100 100 0 0 0  $            100
Layoff costs ($/FT person) 500 0 0 0 0  $             –
Inventory costs $/qtr-avg inv 4.00 18000 20000 10000 4000  $       52,000
Backorder costs $/qtr 8.00 0 0 64000 0  $       64,000
Totals  $      133,100  $      135,000  $      189,000  $    119,000  $      576,100

management question

Assignment Question(s):

Read carefully the mini case No 18 from your textbook (entitled ‘Tesla Motors Inc.) and briefly answer the following questions: (1 mark for each question)

  • What is the competitive strategy used by Tesla Motors company?
  • Use the five forces of the M. Porter matrix to describe the industry that “Tesla Motors” belongs to.
  • Describe the different functional strategies of the Tesla Motors company.
  • Describe the relationship of Tesla Motors with its primary stakeholders.
  • Describe the market position of Tesla Motors.
  • Describe the core competency of Tesla Motors.
  • Describe any strategic alliance (acquisition, outsourcing, joint venture, ….) used by Tesla Motors? Was it successful? justify.
  • What are the main challenges that Tesla Motors faced?
  • Assess the competitive advantage of Tesla Motors in its market.
  • Recommend solutions for Tesla Motors to improve its competitive advantage.


  • Mini-project

From real national/international market, choose an example of acquisition and answer the following questions: (1 mark each question)

  • Briefly introduce your chosen firms, and partners of the acquisition (industry, nationality, size, market position…). Max 100 words
  • Explain the different reasons for this acquisition.
  • What is the method used by the acquiring firm to manage its culture after acquisition? underline the pros and cons of this method.
  • Is this acquisition successful? Justify.

Give three challenges that can face a firm that uses an acquisition strateg


All labs must be submitted using the version of Packet Tracer in the online course/learning management system.  Please do NOT use other versions of Packet Tracer to assure licensing compliance and proper assessment/credit.  In addition, please do NOT add users or passwords to any device, leave all credentials blank for assessment purposes.


Project Background

Please reference Figure 1.  Friendly Care Hospital is one of the biggest hospitals in DC. You have recently bought the hospital, naming it [Your Firstname Lastname] Hospital.  For example, Jane Doe Hospital.  Jane Doe Hospital owns a 5-story building and houses many departments that span multiple floors. Its Radiology department is spread across the first and second floors, connected by a dedicated local area network (LAN). The department has recently deployed a new “Radiology Images” application as part of their initiative to digitize patient records.  However, the department staff sometimes faces long application delays during busy hours. It also experiences regular delays in Internet connectivity, FTPS services, web services, and email services.

Their original design, depicted in Figure 1, was categorized as a small network, providing services for up to 200-500 devices.  They have well surpassed this.  You, as their senior network administrator, are tasked with the job of a complete re-design.  This design must support a medium to large sized network for over 1,000 devices.  Thus, it should surpass the current capabilities.

Figure 1. Current Friendly Care Hospital Network Design


In this project, you will study performance improvements in a congested, wired LAN/WAN environment that can be solved to varying degrees by a new IT infrastructure design and fully functional implementation in Packet Tracer.  To learn more about Packet Tracer please read the Cisco Packet Tracer DS PDF. Later, in Phase II of the project, you will scale this design to a larger enterprise IT infrastructure.

To begin the projects, you will complete a review of related literature to identify what is appropriate to improve system feasibility, RAS (reliability, availability, serviceability), security, and disaster recovery of the existing IT infrastructure and model of your hospital.  Once this review of literature is complete, you will use the outcomes and research results to advance and improve the IT infrastructure.  Proper data analysis, comparison, and contrast will be summarized within in-text tables and figures as well as appendixes to explain the results of the IT infrastructure re-design and improvement.

Packet Tracer is limited given it is a simulator.  Be creative!  For instance, if Packet Tracer does not have a file sharing service for a file sharing server, turn on any other related and relevant services that are available.  As another example, use LAN and WAN protocols that are optimal given what the version of Packet Tracer allows.  You will be assessed based upon optimal configurations in the version of Packet Tracer used.  Thus, assure this is well studied.  Research will outline new opportunities for future IT infrastructure designs, and this should be discussed accordingly in the written paper even if not configured in Packet Tracer. Often, new technologies are not implemented in industry immediately due to limitations such as hardware architecture.

Please verify all requirements are met by reviewing the grading rubric.  Below is an outline of minimum requirements with examples and ideas.



Minimum Project Requirements

  • Submit a working Packet Tracer lab, typically this file has a .pkt file extension.
    • This will include the fully operational new IT infrastructure design
    • All devices in the lab must be named with your first name and last name
      • Example: Jane_Doe_Router_1
    • All hardware and software should be configured properly and should be able to communicate using optimized networking designs, configurations, and protocols
    • No devices should have passwords for assessment purposes
  • Minimum IT Infrastructure Design and Packet Tracer Requirements
    • You must start with a blank/new Packet Tracer file, existing labs or modified labs of existing solutions will receive a zero without exception
    • Design a medium-size hospital IT infrastructure for well over 1,000 devices, and scalable beyond the Figure 1 example
      • For example, a design that goes beyond traditional N-Tier designs
      • Design proper addressing via IPv4 and/or IPv6 that scales
      • Add appropriate routers and switches to support this new design
      • Configure at least one appropriate networking protocol, operational across the entire infrastructure
      • Use proper network address translation (NAT)
      • Implement private and public IP address spaces correctly
      • Assure network traffic is organized, efficient, and secured properly (e.g. limit broadcast domains, do not allow marketing employees to access accounting systems, etc)
    • Add an Internet Service Provider (ISP) into the design
    • Add enough modularity, resiliency, and flexibility into the design
    • Design and implement the following new services and servers
      • A Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server that automatically assigns working IP addresses to new workstations
      • A name server that manages the Domain Name System (DNS) for all servers in the hospital
      • A web server hosted on the Internet
      • Two new user workstations located at each level of the building that can use the new services properly
        • Show these services working on each workstation in your project (e.g. a website from the web server, DHCP, etc)
        • Provide a few hospital departments as examples beyond radiology
      • Minimum Written Requirements (Introduction, Literature Review, and Conclusion)
        • Submit a properly formatted APA paper in Microsoft Word
        • Here are example templates to follow:

  • If the links break, search for “APA Example Papers” to assist
  • Table of Contents that automatically adjusts page numbers of the main headings
  • Introduction
    • Introduce the primary goals and objectives of the project
    • Include more than 5 scholarly sources and 500 words in the Introduction and Conclusion combined.
  • Review of literature that supports the new system simulation, model, and design
    • Include appropriate IT frameworks and standards in which to design the new system
    • Address system feasibility, RAS (reliability, availability, serviceability), security, and disaster recovery
    • Include at least 10 scholarly journal articles focusing on relevant research on the problems being addressed
    • Recommend new design additions based upon current literature
  • Packet Tracer design explanation
    • Explain each of the additions and improvements
    • Use alternative protocols and services where necessary to emulate the best possible working infrastructure for the hospital within Packet Tracer
    • Reference the primary configurations and how these were developed
    • Include running configurations from routers/switches as appendices
  • Conclusion
    • Highlight any limitations, managerial implications, and conclusions of the project deliverables and outcomes
  • Save the file as Lastname_Firstname_ProjectPhaseI. Include your name in the assignment file itself and submit your file to Blackboard.
  • Any assignment without working Packet Tracer files or without screenshots that do not include a visible date and timestamp from the operating system and a unique desktop element to identify the student’s work will not be accepted.
  • To copy screenshots to Microsoft Word:
    • Press the “Print Screen” key on your keyboard. The key is usually located at the upper right corner of a keyboard.
    • You can also use the “snipping tool” in Windows
    • For Windows users, open application “Paint” and paste the screen shot over. “Paint” usually can be accessed this way: Start à All Programs à For users of other operating systems, use a similar application.
    • In “Paint”, select the graph or area needed and copy it. You need to click this icon in order to be able to select an area. The icon is listed on the left side of the window.
    • Paste the selected area to a word processor.
    • Save the file as Lastname_Firstname_ProjectPhaseI


philosophical ideas

In a 1-2 page outline, give your philosophy, list the philosophical themes and philosophical ideas that you have chosen. Then, write the sociological and personal implications and explain which philosophical ideas that they will be related to. Finally, consider the obstacles and practical steps that can be taken to combat these obstacles. An example is given below.

  1. Purpose of Life: Find authentic happiness and thrive
    (provide a definition of authentic happiness – eudaemonia – and thriving through use of all one’s capacities)
    Method: develop and maximize one’s intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual capacities (provide a definition of each: how does one keep his or her physical body, mind in top shape? How does one achieve emotional well-being? What is the role of family and friends? Studies? Personal reading? Meditation and reflection? Service to the world?)
    Similarities with Socrates: One of the great philosophers, Socrates, stated that the purpose of life is to achieve eudaemonia, which means to “actively exercise the soul’s powers”. (Contrast with the world’s idea of happiness – prestige & power) My idea is somewhat similar to Socrates, in the essence of seeing the importance of your inner self, but I also believe that it is important to mention that true happiness does only come from the inside, and not from external factors that are subject to change. (truest and best version of oneself through reflection and the examined life)
    Differences with Socratesrole of family and friends; service to the world

VirtuesBreaking down this virtues life, there are three core values that I believe will push one to be the best version of
Curiosity for wisdom:
Legacy: teaching (high school art history, art, english)

Philosophical Themes

A. Authentic Happiness
1. striving for excellence in all areas of one’s life (Socrate’s core teaching)
2. Plato’s Chariot Analogy (inner peace/harmony)
B. Examined Life
1. the unexamined life is not worth living (Socrate’s core teaching)
2. Bertrand Russell’s argument for the value of philosophy – choose 2 premises
C. Anti-Relativism
1. Rachel’s argument against relativism
2. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

Sociological Implications

A. Decrease in college dropouts (relate to premises in Russell’s argument)
B. Decrease in child brides (relate to Rachel’s argument against cultural relativism)
C. Decrease in teen suicide (relate to Plato’s chariot analogy)

Personal Implications
A. Greater Mental Health (relate to Plato’s chariot analogy)
B. Fulfilling Career (relate to Socrates’ core teaching that the unexamined life is not worth living)
C. Fulfilling marriage (relate to Socrates’ core teaching of striving for excellence in all areas of one’s life)

A. Procrastination (combat by studying with friends)
B. Finances (combat by budgeting and applying for financial aid)
C. Social isolation (combat by volunteering for a cause that is of interest)

Medicaid and Medicare

How have the Medicaid and Medicare insurance schemes transformed the face of USA healthcare sector

What are the possible interventions to improve the services offered by Medicaid insurance covers

What are the roles of stakeholders in ensuring above schemes remain relevant

750 words total

Supply Chain Question

Using the Weighted-Criteria Evaluation System, what is the overall performance score for this Supplier given the following parameters?

Performance Measure Rating Weight
On-Time Delivery 80 30%
Quality 95 25%
Order Accuracy 90 20%
Price 100 15%
Cost Reduction 75 5%
Innovation 80 5%


Calculate the overall performance score for the supplier, and then determine which performance category the supplier achieved.

Performance Measure Rating Weight
On-Time Delivery 73 20%
Quality 70 25%
Cost 80 15%
Accuracy 63 15%
Responsiveness 60 10%
Corporate Social Responsibility 75 10%
Innovation 80 5%
Performance Category Performance Score
Preferred 90.00 to 100.00
Acceptable 70.00 to 89.99
Developmental 00.00 to 69.99




Discussion board- LGST


The same set of facts for the “Apartment Case” is used for the three projects.  Another paralegal in the Ivy firm has conducted the initial intake interview with the client and obtained the facts that follow.

Facts:   Sherman Helmsley originally leased Apartment 1-B in the College Park Apartments to Jack Lemmonaid.  In the lease, Mr. Lemmonaid agreed, among other things, that he would not use the premises “for purposes other than that of a private residence.”  He also agreed “not to assign or sublet all or any part of the premises without the written consent of the Landlord.”

The lease contained a similar provision concerning additional tenants moving into the unit after the start of the lease term, i.e., such an arrangement required the prior written consent of the landlord.  Several months into his lease, Mr. Lemmonaid was fired from his job as a drink vendor at the University of Maryland sports arena; he was concerned he would not be able to make the next month’s rent payment.

On his last day on the job, the Maryland Terrapins won the national basketball championship and mayhem ensued at the arena.  Bitter at his employer for firing him, Mr. Lemmonaid took advantage of the commotion around him and took some equipment and supplies from his workplace.

Mr. Lemmonaid returned home with a plan to sell drinks out of his apartment to raise his rent money.  Convinced he would make a lot of money with all the college students in the area, he decided to do some market research in a local pub. There, he struck up a conversation with the bartender, Emily Folly.  Ms. Folly works at the pub part-time to earn extra money for her tuition as a part-time student at University of Maryland University College. She also works full-time at the local library.  Mr. Lemmonaid was surprised to learn from Ms. Folly that the State of Maryland required a liquor license to sell alcoholic beverages.  In appreciation for her advice, Mr. Lemmonaid volunteered to ask whether any apartments in his building were available for rent.  Ms. Folly was looking for a place to live with her two children.  Her house recently burned down, and she and her eight-year-old twins have been moving around among different friends’ houses as Folly could not find a suitable, affordable place to live.

Mr. Lemmonaid took a walk before returning home, racking his brain about the type of drinks he could sell with his ill-gotten equipment and supplies.  He passed a lemonade stand operated by neighborhood children.  Suddenly, he turned and exclaimed to the children, “That’s it! I will sell iced tea from my apartment! That’s perfect for a first-floor apartment! Thirsty people can walk right onto my patio for a refreshing drink!”  He ran the rest of the way home to the apartment complex.  He was so excited that he shared his idea with the front desk clerk and manager, Betsy Evans.

The next day, Mr. Helmsley delivered a memo on College Park Apartments letterhead reminding Mr. Lemmonaid that he was not to use his apartment for commercial purposes.  The letter further stated that if he attempted to open an iced tea stand as reported, management would turn off his water supply.

Mr. Lemmonaid was in a bind as he could not afford to pay his rent. He decided to skip town but before he did, he stopped by the pub and told Ms. Folly she could have his apartment. He said that the landlord was very nice and would have no problem with her moving in as long as the rent was paid on time.  Ms. Folly was elated.  The apartment was affordable, large enough for her and her two children, and within walking distance to the twins’ elementary school.

Ms. Folly paid $250 to Lemmonaid for his security deposit under the lease and Lemmonaid gave her a copy of the lease. She and her twins moved in that same day.  Ms. Folly took over Mr. Lemmonaid’s rent payments, sending them directly to College Park Apartments, and enjoyed her new apartment for the next six months. Neither Mr. Helmsley nor the apartment manager, Betsy Evans, noticed that Mr. Lemmonaid no longer lived at the apartment complex until one day when Mr. Helmsley smelled smoke coming from Apartment 1-B.

Mr. Helmsley found Ms. Folly frantically running around the kitchen; she was baking pies for a church fundraiser and one of the pies had burned in the electric oven.  The following morning Mr. Helmsley delivered a letter to Ms. Folly written on College Park Apartments letterhead declaring that the lease was “null and void and cancelled” because it had been assigned to her without written consent.  Additionally, Mr. Helmsley wrote that “The past, present and/or continued acceptance of checks that we receive as payment of rent shall not be construed as approval of assignment of the lease by Mr. Lemmonaid…”

Despite this letter, Mr. Helmsley continued to accept rent from Ms. Folly for several months, until Betsy Evans noticed Ms. Folly occasionally carrying pies out to her car. One morning, Betsy greeted Ms. Folly as she entered the building and asked about the pies. Ms. Folly told Ms. Evans that she was now selling pies to church members for their family dinners and special occasions. Through the church fundraiser, she had stumbled upon an untapped market for her pies, and the orders had begun to pour in. She bakes about ten pies per week and sells them to church members at a price that is just enough to cover her cost for ingredients. She delivers all the pies baked in her apartment kitchen to church members. Sometimes, the church lets her bake pies in the church kitchen oven.  Mr. Helmsley, believing this to be a violation of the lease, has sent Ms. Folly a note stating that, even if she had a lease with him, he intends to repossess the apartment by evicting her for carrying on a commercial activity in the apartment that is to be used only for a residence.

More than 60 days have passed since Mr. Helmsley’s letter. Since the date of the letter, College Park Apartments has continued to accept Ms. Folly’s rent payments.


The three major projects are closed, meaning that you are required to use only the Legal Resources provided below to complete all the projects. Other rules, statutes, or cases may not be used in projects; do not do independent research.

When citing cases, cite only the cases included in these Legal Research Resources. Do not cite to any cases discussed in the cases provided.

The following sources are to be used for Projects 1, 2, and 3.

Cases. Note: These partial citations do not follow Bluebook format. Use the information given to retrieve the opinions using Westlaw. Follow assignment directions concerning citation format.

Jack O. Chertkof, Trustee  v. The Southland Corporation et al., 280 Md. 1

Wilson Lyon Grubb v. Guilford Association, Inc., 228 Md. 135

La Belle Epoque, LLC, et al. v. Old Europe Antique Manor, LLC, et al. 406 Md. 194

Saundra Brown v. Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County, 350 Md. 570


West’s Annotated Code of Maryland, Real Property § 8-402.1 Proceedings upon breach of lease


Md. Rule 3-311:  Motions


Programming Assignment: PCA

Note: This assignment is for each individual student to complete on his or her own.

In this assignment, you will implement PCA to compress images. To get started, you will need to download the starter code and unzip its contents to the directory where you wish to complete the assignment.


The problem considered in this assignment is to compress the image downloaded from

You are required the complete the following steps:

  1. Implement the PCA to reduce the dimension of the data.
  2. Construct the compressed image.

To get started, open the main script assignmentPCA.m. You are required to modify this script as well as all the other three scripts, including

  • m – Function to find the principle components
  • m – Function to transform data into the PC space
  • m – Function to transform data back to the original space








What to submit?

A zip file that includes the following items:

  • All codes (70 points)
  • A report that includes (30 points):
    1. (20 points) Compressed images when K = 5, 30, 100
    2. (5 points) Explain the impact of K
    3. (5 points) Describe how your current implementation can be potentially improved to achieve better performance.


MGT672 Module 09: Making Decisions to Manage Risk, Government, and Alliances


In this section, you need to introduce your readers to details about your paper. As you have read, in the Critical Thinking Assignment directions, Salam utilized the transformational leadership approach to make decisions regarding Organization XYZ’s COVID-19 protocol. Therefore, for this introductory paragraph/section, you should provide information about the transformational leadership approach and how this approach guided Salam’s decision making. You should also introduce your readers to the content discussed in your paper (specifically focusing on the four assignment requirements). For example, you could write, “Throughout this paper, the following topics will be explored: _______.” Use in-text citations to support your points, please. Additionally, please ensure that you include a well-written and well-developed thesis statement.

Use of the Transformational Leadership Approach

In this section, you need to provide details about the scenario. Specifically, you need to explain if you believe that the transformational leadership approach was the best approach to use based upon the information in the scenario. Consider the benefits and drawbacks of using this approach in situations in which a rapid decision needs to be made. Explain if you agree or disagree with the approach taken and utilize research to justify your rationale. Note: We are not debating COVID-19 protocol decisions, but instead are determining if the appropriate leadership style was used. The bulk of this paragraph should be focused on Salam’s leadership approach and its applicability.

Use of Another Approach?

In this section, you need to explain what leadership style you would use if you were in Salam’s position. Specifically, you should provide details about why the transactional, transformational, or charismatic leadership approach would be best to use. Ensure you include in-text citations to justify your rationale.

Example of wording:

Based upon the scenario presented, I believe that Salam used the wrong approach. As noted by Author (Year), the transformational leadership approach is beneficial in _______ types of situations. Author (Year) stated that the ______ approach is beneficial in ______ types of situations. Given the information in the scenario, I would have used the ____ approach because _______ (CITE).

Transactional Versus Transformational Leadership Approach

In this section, you need to provide details about the benefits and drawbacks of using the transactional leadership approach versus the transformational leadership approach. Specifically, ensure that you include various in-text citations to justify the advantages/disadvantages of each of the approaches. There is a plethora of literature about both approaches, so you need to include scholarly sources to justify your rationale.

What I Would Do Differently

In this paragraph, please explain what tactics, approaches, strategies, etc. you would utilize. Explain what you believe Salam did well/poorly and how you would do things differently. Ensure you use in-text citations to justify your rationale.


In your conclusion paragraph, you should summarize what was explored throughout your paper. This conclusion paragraph should offer a recap of the major sections/headings explored in your paper. For more information about how to create a strong conclusion paragraph, please click on the Track Change comment (to your right).



NOTE: This is what an Introduction must include-

Academic essays should begin with an introduction, but do not begin your paper with an “Introduction” heading. The introduction will provide readers with the context necessary for understanding your argument and the body of your paper. When composing the introduction, think about what context or background information the reader would benefit from knowing. Once your context is established, transition from that context into your thesis statement. The thesis statement generally comes at the end of your introduction and usually consists of a few sentences that sum up the argument for your paper overall. Thesis statements should also provide a roadmap for the reader so that they can navigate through the ideas present in the rest of your paper.


Note: Headers are useful for organizing your paper. Level 1 headers are used with broad or general topics in your paper. Depending on the topic, length, and genre of your assignment, you might use only Level 1 headers. Level 1 headers should be bolded and centered. The longer and more complex your argument is, the more you might benefit from using Level 2 and Level 3 headers. Level 2 headers should be bolded and aligned with the left margin. Level 3 headers should be bolded, italicized, and aligned with the left margin. Level 4 and Level 5 headers exist, but they should only be used in manuscripts with many topics and subtopics. If you choose to use headers in your paper, you should have at least two sections for each level of header. For more information on how to use headings in your paper, see the APA Style website.


[VC4]Note: The last section or paragraph of your paper should be the conclusion. If you are using headers in your paper, use a “Conclusion” heading. A conclusion should reiterate the major points of your argument. To do this, think about developing your thesis by adding more detail or by retracing the steps of your argument. You can recap major sections for the reader. You can also summarize the primary supporting points or evidence you discussed in the paper. The conclusion should not introduce any new information in order to avoid confusing the reader. To end the paper, think about what you want your reader to do with all the information you just presented. Explain what logical next steps might be taken in order to learn more about this topic. Use the conclusion to establish the significance and importance of your work, motivate others to build on what you have done in this paper, and encourage the reader to explore new ideas or reach other conclusions.

Principles of Catholic Health Care Ethics

Choose FOUR of the following cases. For EACH of the FOUR cases that you have chosen, answer the following questions (a and b):

a) Which of the Principles of Catholic Health Care Ethics (as listed on the class handout and posted on Blackboard) would apply to each of the four cases that you have chosen? List the three main principles that you see as applying to each individual case and briefly explain why each of these principles would apply. In your answers, be sure to place in bold print the names of the principles you are applying to each individual case as you explain them. [Do not copy the entire case in your response. Simply list the case number.]

b) Briefly, answer the question at the end of each case and briefly explain why you have answered the way you have.

1. Tony Doe is a 28-year-old patient at a rehabilitation facility. He has been diagnosed as being in a persistent vegetative state after injuries sustained in an accident seven years ago starved his brain of oxygen. He is tended to on a daily basis by his family. Tony receives hydration and nutrition through a nasogastric (through his nose to his stomach) tube. His medical team believes that Tony is in overall reasonable physical health. Tony’s parents have requested that the nasogastric tube should be removed and they believe that their son died on the day of the accident. However, Tony’s siblings are objecting to the request of their parents, believing that removing the feeding tube is tantamount to murder. As a bioethicist, the rehabilitation facility seeks your advice on the issue. What will you say?

2. Mary, an elderly close friend of yours, is experiencing pain due to a chronic illness she has had for the past 10 years. Given the pain she is in, she says she would rather die than to live another 10 years. She asks you to go to an internet website to research a possible concoction of drugs she could take herself to commit suicide. What do you do?

3. Cathy has wanted breast implants since the time she was fourteen-years-old. She has always just felt her chest was smaller than most girls her age. She has pleaded with her parents to allow her to have the procedure done. On Cathy’s sixteenth birthday, her parents finally cave in and decide to give Cathy breast implants as a birthday present. You are the plastic surgeon to whom Cathy has come. What would you do? If you were Cathy’s friend, what would you tell her?

4. The federal government is proposing a program that would insure health care for every citizen in the United States. Such a program, however, would mean an increase in taxes. The issue is up for a vote in a nationwide referendum. Would you support the proposal to create a program to provide health care for every citizen?

5. Bob and Tina, a married couple, have been trying to conceive naturally for years. They have decided to go to a fertility specialist, who has recommended they try in vitro fertilization. Through this process, several embryos would be created. A number of these would be placed in Tina’s uterus with the hope that one would implant. If more than one embryo were to implant, Tina plans to have a selective abortion to reduce the multiple pregnancies to one. Once they have conceived a child, Bob and Tina plan to have any remaining embryos destroyed. What would you say to Bob and Tina if they argued that, because the science is there to do this procedure, they should use it?

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