Category Archives: Research Papers
Annual Report
FY [Year] [Add a quote here from one of your company executives or use this space for a brief summary of the document content.]
Integrated Enterprise Systems
IT 402 |
Instructions: |
· You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.
· It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files. · Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g., misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation). · Email submission will not be accepted. · You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page. · You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark. · You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question. · Late submission will result in ZERO mark. · The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark. · Use Times New Roman font for all your answers. |
Case Study Objective:
This case study is an opportunity for you to practice your knowledge and to develop skills of working in teams.
- Total Marks = 14
Case Study report | Presentation |
9 marks |
5 marks |
- Group Size = 3-4 Members.
- One group member (group leader/coordinator) should submit all files: Case Study Report and Presentation Slides on blackboard. Marks will be given based on your submission and quality of the contents.
Case Study Report
- Each Case Study Report will be evaluated according to the marking criteria mentioned in each question section.
- Students (Group) need to present their Case Study (either F2F or Virtual) in week 11 or week 12.
- Presentation schedule with date and allocated timing will be shared with the students via Blackboard before the end of Week 10.
Note: the following case study is just an example, students are supposed to find a separate case study
Example Case Studies: Enterprise Software Choice Nightmares
Each example assumes steps as follows:
- Key individuals involved – most costly in any company are the active participants on the team
- The Selection Processes, Re-selection processes,
- Dropping challengers to the short-list
- Final selection procedures to make your decision.
- Purchase, finance, loan, check, or capital expenditure.
- Enterprise preparations – hardware, software, education, systems infrastructure
- Installation – infrastructure readiness and execution
- Integration – training and systems integration
- Implementation processes
- Return on investment (ROI) can now begin
- Follow on: Restoring, training, and ongoing support, re-visiting old ground.
Case # 1 –Corporation is unprepared for what is coming – but believed they were okay.
A manufacturer/distributor must upgrade their software to satisfy their business and client needs, or they will unavoidably fail. Upon examination, we find infrastructures are inadequate, and inner resources do not allow this change. Additional, because of their cash position, they cannot fund the lowest requirements for a new enterprise solution.
What are they supposed to do?
They must retrench and reconstruct quickly in as cost-effective manner. To serve their requirements, they must substitute all servers, operating systems, upgrade the network architecture, PCs, printers, improve their internet connection, rise network bandwidth, install wireless networking, protect their data backups, email SPAM control, implement security firewall,. i.e.: upgrade it all! What was believed to be a software spend of $35-$55K derived to be an enterprise spend of $160-$260K, and excluding the software.
It is avoidable with proactive budgeted enterprise management. You cannot permit your business to fail because systems are out of reach.
Case # 2 – Corporation is prepared to spend – but don’t know enough to execute properly.
When we encounter a client that has the financial capitals but not sufficient technical resources to deply today’s enterprise systems, we are prepared to contribute in hiring, raining, and support. The trick is the cost of these resources is high, and availability is inadequate. Businesses in a sound financial situation must also know they have resource necessities to consider while taking on a up-to-date solution. It is not for the reason that systems are complex it is because infrastructure and user requirements have raised.
For example:
Today is a extremely competitive and combative environment. Let’s look at some factors disturbing these pieces. Global rivalry is all the rage. China pays its employees $0.50/hour. Without the complete best systems, technologies, implementation, integration, utilization, cost-controls, security of the enterprise, accuracy in data, dedication to continuous monitoring and decision support tools, our businesses will flop and feel like they could do nothing about it.
We have, today the absolute utmost robust and reliable tools a little generation of business has ever seen. We can perform our business from a mobile phone from the inside of the Desert. If we can do this, the remaining is a matter of application.
Note: the above mentioned case study is just an example, students are supposed to find a separate case study.
4 Marks |
Learning Outcome(s): CLO1: Explain the interdisciplinary concepts, theories, and trends in ES and their role in supporting business operations.
Question One
- Your first task is to select a case study (from real-world or using internet). It can be related to enterprise systems or related to an organization/store or on any relevant topic.
- After selecting the case study describe it in your own words using following points.
- Clear headline: It should give the most important information.
- Snapshot: Provide the main points, including the client’s name/industry, the product/service used, and quick result stats.
- Client introduction: One or two sentences describing the customer and a highlight about them.
- Problem: State the problem/goal, consequences, and any hesitations the customer had. Include quotes.
- Solution: Share how they found you, why they chose you, what solution they chose, and how it was implemented. Include quotes.
- Results: Describe the results and the benefits, as well as any bonus benefits that came of it. Include quotes.
- Conclusion: Share additional praise from the customer and words of advice they have for other people/businesses like them.
2 Marks |
Learning Outcome(s): CLO4: Design ES architectural models for various business processes.
Question Two
Model (As-Is) process using BPMN 2.0 using any tool such as Visio. Then analyze As-Is process from atleast two perspectives. Forexample, if quality and time perspectives are taken then mention at least 1 issue related to quality and 1 issue related to time in the process.
3 Marks |
Learning Outcome(s):
CLO3: Discuss the issues and challenges associated with implementing ES and their impacts on corporate enterprises.
Question Three
Propose at least three (3) ideas for improving the process of your selected case study from any three (3) prespectives: for example a) equipments prespective, b) employees prespective, c) IT & IS technologies prespective, etc. Lastly, propose
There are many parts to this short writing prompt, but that’s because there’s just so much to talk about when we study the Wife of Bath’s story.
The prologue for the Wife of Bath is just as important as her actual tale. Take a close look at her prologue, making certain to address lines that stand out to you as important. Why do you think those lines are important, and what do they reveal about her? What, in the character’s words, gives her the authority to tell the type of story she tells? What is her concern in telling her story?
What purpose does the Wife of Bath’s prologue fulfill? When you think about it, she actually gets to tell two different stories (the prologue and the tale). Which one is more important to you and why? Why do you think she spends so much time with her prologue? Which other pilgrims take note of her story and interrupt her? Why do they do so?
While this is a question that’s purely subjective, I’m interested in which story you liked the best–the Wife of Bath or the Miller’s? In answering this question, try to go beyond the matter of taste–what elements of the story stick out as important? What makes the story so effective? And, more importantly, do you think there’s a lesson to be learned from your favorite story? If so, what is that lesson?
genre fiction
Clearly, in a General Education course on “The World of Fiction,” we are not expecting to study ONLY “high literature” (like Shakespeare or, for that matter, Henry James). So, take the time and space here to reflect a bit on what you think about the relationship between genre fiction (like YA, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Dystopian, Graphic Novels, or Detective Fiction) and the society and culture that produced it.
***Not that any of these genres need “defending,” but how MIGHT you respond if someone suggested that there was no value to reading and/or studying genre fiction? What can we possibly benefit from not only READING but actually STUDYING a field like detective fiction?
The response should be at least 150 Words before citations.
2. Respond to these two posts with 100 words each before citations;
Number 1: Books have a limitation on how they can convey messages while a play, movie or even a video game can incorporate sounds, visual elements, and even direct interaction, there are only so many ways you can write a sentence. If you need to change the tone or inlaid message of a piece, you can try and write around it which is honestly a difficult thing that not everyone can pull off 100% of the time without messing with the flow of the writing overall. A simpler way to get around this issue is formatting and structure changes. By moving away from a more uh traditional style of 3rd person narration you can drastically shift the way the words will feel and come across as. Reading off a block of exposition from a narrator can be boring and feel lazy on the author’s part. When formatted as a letter from that character to another the writing can be far more open and it also takes on a more personal note of the character writing it. It also can be used for pacing allowing the reader to pull themselves free of the little details that preceded the letterhead and let them think on the two parts separately.
Number 2: I think that, in many instances, letters do play a big role in communication. When we read Mary Shelley, we were also guided through Walton’s letters, and these letters served as a form of communication between the sender and the receiver, and they also provided us with important details. In The Turn of the Scew, we witness a similar situation as Douglas sent the first letter, although with a key in it which is what makes it a mystery in a way due to the fact that the key is undescribed for its purpose. In the beginning of the story, we are aware of how these letters are being brought up, and at some point, we even see the governess receiving a letter regarding Miles’s expulsion from school. Going back, someone wrote that letter which was the headmaster at Miles school wrote and send to governess and then someone reads it, and well in this case they cannot read which leads to the counselor as the governess shows her the letter. There is a connection between these letters that does lead to a big mystery in what they represent symbolically, it is hard to understand, but we can analyze that it is a form of communication to communicate a specific message, perhaps linking it to the key.
Personal Health Promotion & Wellness Plan
Student: ______________________________ Date: _____________
Complete your Health Promotion & Wellness Plan using the form provided. This form has 4 pages-use 1 page per topic/goal.
The Nursing Program has a zero tolerance for late assignments; therefore, no late assignments will be accepted in any course. Any assignment not submitted before the stated deadline will receive a zero.
Google Chrome is the browser for use with the D2L Learning Management system. Submitted assignments must be completed as a Microsoft word (.doc or docx) file. Please double check your attachments and formatting when submitting. NO CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN FOR INCORRECTLY FORMATTED ASSIGNMENTS.
- You must have at least 4 holistic topics/categories which must include a Financial topic (they CANNOT be duplicated like weight loss, diet, exercise!). Each one must be unique with appropriate terminology for these topics. Holistic equals physiologic, psychosocial, spiritual, educational, etc. (examples: physiological-weight loss, exercise, control blood pressure; financial-save money, pay off credit card, educational-complete ADN program, complete BSN; spiritual-church visits weekly, daily devotions, meditation; psychosocial-mindfulness, stress management, personal relationships)
- Each topic must have at least 1 specific and measurable short term OR long-term goal. Mention if each goal is short term or long term in brackets. For long term goals must mention, how often you would evaluate status of the goal (i.e., at the end of the semester, once per month, etc.).
- You must list a minimum of 3 actions that you will perform to help you meet each of your goal. Be detailed and specific with your actions and they must be appropriate for your stated goal( example: set alarm Sunday morning to get to church on time, transfer $30 each week to savings account, limit eating out to once a week…)
- Under resources list all items you will use in your actions to help you meet the goal; i.e., jogging trail, gym, textbooks, church, family, grocery store, app, etc. Minimum of three resources for each goal.
- Must mention time to initiate each action and evaluate the goal When will you start? First of next month? Evaluate end of semester-May 15, 22….)
- All goals must be For example, financial goal must be:
- Specific: state exactly what you wish to buy/accomplish with the money you save.
- Measurable: indicate the exact dollar amount you need to accomplish your goal.
- Attainable: identify the steps necessary to reach your goal.
- Relevant: the goal must be meaningful, or you may lose motivation to stick with your plan.
- Time-bound: by when do you want to meet your goal?
Grading Criteria
CRITERIA | Possible Points | Earned Points |
Minimum of 4 holistic topics clearly stated with appropriate terminology, not duplicated (1 *4) | 4 | |
Minimum of 1 short or long-term goal for each holistic topic. Mention in brackets either it is short term or long term (1*4) | 4 | |
At least 3 actions identified for each goal (1*4) | 4 | |
Goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, realistic, and time bound
(Each goal takes 6 points *4) |
24 | |
Actions are specific & appropriate for each goal, descriptive with details of the activity and not duplicated.
(Each action takes 3 points * 12) |
36 | |
Time frame to initiate action and evaluate/ accomplish each goal (3points* 4) | 12 | |
Appropriate resources identified (at least 3 resources for each goal)
(Each goal takes 3 points* 4) |
12 | |
Grading criteria form submitted | 4 | |
Total | 100 |
Name: ___________________________________________
Student Health Promotion and Wellness Plan
Holistic Category | Goal | Actions Required (Time duration, Frequency etc) | Date Actions to be Initiated | Date Goal to be Evaluated/ Accomplished | Available Resources |
Holistic Category | Goal | Actions Required
Date Actions to be Initiated | Date Goal to
be Evaluated /Accomplished |
Available Resources |
Holistic Category | Goal | Actions Required with details
Date Actions to be Initiated | Date Goal to be Accomplished/ Evaluated | Available Resources |
Holistic Category | Goal | Actions Required with details | Date Actions to be Initiated | Date Goal to be Evaluated or Accomplished | Available Resources |
case study
: Using the following scenario, complete the case study.
During Spring Break, Angela, Bridgette, and Laura went to a small Mexican town near the Gulf of Mexico. On Friday night, the girls went to a restaurant. Angela and Bridgette shared a pizza with ground beef, refried beans, cheese, and some vegetable toppings. Laura ate a large portion of chicken fajitas. After dinner, Laura brought her leftover chicken fajitas back to the hotel and stored them in the room’s refrigerator. Saturday morning, the girls ate bagels and fresh fruit. For lunch, the girls stopped at a deli. Angela had a spinach salad with fresh strawberries, blueberries, and poppy seed dressing. Bridgette had a shrimp salad sandwich on a toasted multigrain roll. Laura had a bowl of seafood gumbo soup. The young women were having so much fun that evening, they didn’t have time for a sit-down dinner, so they each ate a hot dog from a street vendor. When they returned to the hotel later that evening, they were a little bit hungry, so they shared Laura’s chicken fajita leftovers after reheating them in a microwave. Between 3:00 and 5:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, Angela and Bridgette each woke up feeling nauseous and bloated. They spent most of Sunday sick with vomiting and diarrhea. Angela also had a very bad headache and chills. Laura felt fine, but she was stuck in the hotel room taking care of her sick friends all day.
Step 2: In a 1-2 page paper, discuss the following:
- Determine what food(s) you think could have potentially been the source of Angela and Bridgette’s food-borne illness. Explain your reasoning.
- Identify potential sources of food-borne illness for each of the meals the girls ate over the weekend.
- Based on their symptoms, a suspected food source(s), and the time of onset, analyze which microorganism(s) were most likely to have been responsible for their illness. Use references to support your claims.
- Discuss any precautions that Bridgette and Angela could have done differently to prevent developing a food-borne illness. Explain your answer.
Assignment Expectations for Grading:
1. Demonstration of critical thinking, scholarship, and ability to connect and apply the material
2. Comprehensiveness and completeness of your responses
3. Adherence to the written instructions
4. Spelling and grammar
5. Provide 3-5 APA Style References to support your paper.
goes here
The first section of the annotated bibliography is a descriptive abstract. In other words, you should use this section to summarize the article’s content. The abstract must convey the core concepts, facts, or ideas presented in the article. One way to approach this section is to read the article and then write the abstract as if you were telling someone about its content. This section is worth 50 points and must be at least five full lines to receive all 50 points. Spelling, grammar, and factual errors will reduce the score on this section also.
The second section of the annotated bibliography consists of an evaluative comment on the article’s content. Explain your thoughts about the article. You might consider including: How the article applies to what we have learned in class. Do you see any future potential for the material or process you read about, other than that discussed by the author? Did you enjoy the writers writing style? Does the article relate to your personal experience in some other aspect of your life? This section is your opinion so there are many options for what could be included. This section is also worth 50 points and must be at least five lines to receive full credit. Spelling, grammar, and factual errors will reduce your score on this section.
personal wellness plan
For this project, you will create a personal wellness plan for healthy eating, exercise, and physical activity, personal hygiene, and proper sleep. Your plan will include actions you feel are best suited to help you achieve personal goals that you set
In previous lessons, you learned about your muscles, hearts, and lungs. You know that it takes a healthy diet and the right amount of physical activity to keep your muscles strong and limber, your heart powerful, and your lungs efficient. In future lessons, you will examine the importance of personal hygiene and proper sleep.
As you work through the remaining lessons in this unit, use what you learn to develop your own personal wellness plan based on your own goals. Your plan must include action steps based on the current guidelines you will learn about in each of these categories:
- Healthy diet, based on personal goals about calorie intake and expenditure, and obtaining proper nutrients.
- Exercise and physical activity, based on personal fitness goals and the standards for fitness for one of your age and gender.
- Personal hygiene, in relation to practicing good personal hygiene habits.
- Sleep, based on guidelines for someone your age.
- Do you want to maintain your current body weight? If so, consume the recommended daily allowance of calories for someone your age and gender.
- Do you want to lose weight? If so, consume fewer than the recommended daily allowance of calories.
- Do you want to gain weight? If so, consumer more calories.
- How many total calories should I consume each day?
- How much of my diet should be protein, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber. What foods are the healthiest options for obtaining those nutrients?
- What vitamins and minerals do I need each day? What foods are the healthiest ways of getting them?
- How much water should I drink each day?
- Do you want to improve your aerobic fitness?
- Is core strength where you need the most improvement?
- Would you like to increase your upper-body strength?
- Do you hope to become more flexible?
- How many minutes should I exercise each day?
- How quickly should I be able to run, or walk, a mile?
- How many abdominal curls should I be able to do in one minute?
- How many pull-ups or improvised pull-ups should I be able to do?
- Maybe you were too busy after lunch and you forgot to brush your teeth.
- Maybe you were too tired after a long day and decided not to shower even though you really needed a shower.
- Maybe you forgot to do the laundry.
- Maybe you woke up too late and didn’t have time to wash your hair.
- Maybe you simply don’t like flossing.
- Bathing or showering once a day, and after strenuous exercise.
- Brushing your teeth at least twice a day and preferably after every meal.
- Flossing your teeth at least twice a day and preferably after every meal.
- Washing your hair with soap or shampoo at least every other day.
- Washing your hands with soap regularly throughout the day, and always after using the bathroom.
- Wearing clean, laundered clothing that is well maintained.
- Covering your mouth when you sneeze or cough.
- Maintain a regular sleep schedule. You should try to go to bed and wake up at about the same time each day. This will help you fall asleep faster and rise feeling refreshed.
- Get enough sleep each night. Most teenagers need about nine hours of sleep per night. According to sleep experts, only about 15 percent of young people get the amount of sleep their bodies need.
- Avoid oversleeping on weekends. It may feel beneficial to “catch up” on sleep over the weekend, but sleeping in until noon on a Saturday can interrupt your sleep schedule, making it harder to fall asleep during the week.
- Take short naps in the afternoon. An afternoon nap of 15–20 minutes can help you recharge and may actually help you fall asleep faster at night.
- Turn off all electronic devices, especially your phone. Electronic interruptions prevent you from getting the deep, sustained sleep that you need to be healthy.
After creating your plan, you will then objectively record your results and practices concerning each category for a specific period. As the unit progresses, you will learn the ideal targets and guidelines for each category. As you learn about each topic, develop your personal wellness plan as a way to bridge the gap between your results in each category and the recommended guidelines.
You will submit your plan and your results by using the Graded Assignment document at the end of this unit.
Before moving forward to develop your personal wellness plan, decide on some personal goals in each category of your plan.
To inform the goals you set to maintain a healthy diet, use the information provided online by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). These two government organizations use the latest scientific findings to establish daily nutrition allowances for everything from total calories to individual vitamins and minerals. The recommendations change based on age, gender, and level of physical activity.
First, decide how many calories you need each day.
As you know, a healthy diet is about far more than simply the number of calories one consumes. The FDA and USDA also include guidelines regarding the types of food one should eat, and the number of nutrients one needs each day.
Use the USDA’s “Choose My Plate” online feature to determine what healthy eating means for you. To determine the actions you should take in your personal wellness plan, consider these questions:
Use the answers to these questions along with the goals you have set for yourself to devise your personal wellness plan. As the unit progresses, keep track of how well you do and note your results. Record how well you do at achieving the recommended levels.
As you know, there are many types of physical activities to help you stay strong and healthy. Maybe you like a game of pickup basketball, which is great for aerobic fitness and all-around strength. Or perhaps you prefer gymnastics and tumbling, which focus on muscular strength, especially in the core. Maybe you are into a traditional workout routine that includes pushups, pull-ups, and other exercises that strengthen the upper body. Perhaps yoga is your thing because you like to improve your flexibility, balance, and muscle tone.
Consider the goals you want to set for yourself when it comes to your daily exercise routine.
Go online to find the standards for physical strength and fitness as set for young adults of your age and gender by the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition (PCSFN) or the Presidential Youth Fitness Program (PYFP). To determine the actions you should take in your personal wellness plan, consider these questions:
Use the answers to these questions along with the goals you have set for yourself to devise your personal wellness plan. As the unit progresses, keep track of how well you do and note your results. Record how well you do at achieving the recommended levels.
Unlike diet and exercise, everybody should have the same personal hygiene goals. That does not mean that those goals are always easy to keep.
Whatever the excuse, missing the basics of personal hygiene can lead to problems, from awkward social encounters to actual disease.
As you learn about personal hygiene during this unit, develop your own personal wellness plan to ensure that you are practicing good hygiene habits.
Consider these good personal hygiene habits as you create your wellness plan:
Include these good personal hygiene habits in your personal wellness plan. As the unit progresses, keep track of how well you do in practicing them and record your results.
Sleep is so important to personal wellness, especially for teenagers and young adults. Yet very few young people get the sleep they need. Not only do teens not sleep enough, but texts, tweets, alerts, and social media updates often interrupt the sleep they do get.
In future lessons you will learn about the benefits of getting enough good sleep and the consequences of not getting enough.
What sleep goals should you set for yourself?
Include good sleep habits in your personal wellness plan. As the unit progresses, keep track of how well you do in practicing them and record your results
Complete the following assignment.
(Maximum Score:30 points)
- Use the space below to insert the personal wellness plan you created, along with your results.