Category Archives: Research Papers
W1 Assignment 3: Create a Personal Ethical Framework
Personal Ethical Framework: In a 3-4 page paper, describe your own personal ethical framework. Include a discussion of how your upbringing and social location affect your ethics and values. You may want to make use of the helpful resources (Links to an external site.) available from the Markkula Center at Santa Clara University in describing your framework (if used, you must cite properly).
Consider also the following questions in describing your framework:
- Are there any categorical imperatives that you practice?
- When making business decisions that carry ethical weight (and most decisions do!), do you typically analyze your ethical duties (a deontological approach) or the consequences of your actions (a consequentialist approach)?
- Identify the habits you routinely practice that support your ethical values, and note also a few things you do that are inconsistent with what you believe to be ethical.
- Highlight a time when were faced with a business dilemma and you consciously reflected on your ethical framework to make a business decision. Include in your response a discussion of how a different ethical frame might have yielded a different outcome to the dilemma.
Click the “Submit Assignment” link in the upper right corner to upload your assignment.
Assignment Rubric – Create a Personal Ethical Framework
Assignment Rubric – Create a Personal Ethical Framework | ||
Criteria | Ratings | Pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe paper describes a coherent ethical framework that makes references to major ethical schools of thought. | 2 pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe paper includes a discussion of the student’s social location and background. | 1 pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe paper includes at least one example of how the student’s personal ethical framework helped them make a business decision. | 3 pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper is 3-4 pages in length (double spaced), is formatted based on APA guidelines, uses correct grammar and is written at the collegiate level, and includes in-text citations and a reference page. | 1 pts | |
Total Points: 7 |
Unit 14 Signature Written Assignment: Ethical Research Design and Follow-Up
Review the following case study:
A team of psychologists were doing research on the levels of stress due to chronic traumatic exposure. The subjects of the research were individuals who were living in areas where civil war and torture were commonplace.
The team received approval for the research study from the Institutional Review Boards at the hospital and university where they were faculty. To get this approval, they had to place many safeguards in the research to protect the participants, including: careful screening of potential participants to exclude those who were more likely to be psychologically harmed by participating; screening the emotional state of participants during the study; following up with each participant one week after the study; and providing each participant with a list of culturally sensitive and trauma-competent agencies and that the participants could call to get free counseling.
Subjects were told that all of their responses and their personal information would be kept private and confidential (except in cases where there was a danger of participants being a danger to self or others), and if they chose to avail themselves of the counseling offered, the counseling agency would not identify them to the researchers.
One participant, a former political prisoner, began to exhibit general nervousness, lack of sleep, night sweats, nightmares, and irritability. She contacted one of the agencies on the list given to her at the study. Her case was given to a third-year counseling student who was at the agency on her internship year.
Assignment Details
Using the ACA and APA Codes of Ethics (and identifying the specific provisions/standards), discuss the following questions:
- To what degree does the research study design adhere to standards for research confidentiality in how it set up the free counseling sessions?
- What ACA/APA provisions/standards did the research team and the study seek to adhere to by offering the option of free post-participation counseling?
- Discuss the possible issues around competence regarding the intern/counselor in terms of knowledge, skills, judgment to use efficacious interventions and especially cultural competency.
Paper Details
- 5- 8 pages, APA Style, not including title page and separate reference page
- Use 3-5 sources, of which 3 must be peer-reviewed articles
Unit 12 Written Assignment: Grant Application Procedures for Funding Trauma and Crisis Interventions
Based on the grant writing training modules that you have viewed, determine and describe specific grant application procedures to solicit funding for utilizing the empirically supported, effective, and ethical trauma or crisis intervention for a current domestic or international disaster that you have been working on in Units 10 & 11.
Additional Details
- Three (3) pages of main text.
- APA 7th format.
Juveniles Needs
Assume you are a probation officer for your local juvenile court. The judge asked you to review a case and determine the juvenile’s overall needs and make recommendations for programming based on recidivism rates.
Jenna is a 14-year-old girl who lives with her mother. She has not seen her father since the age of two. Jenna has recently become truant at school and was referred to the juvenile court. When interviewed she admitted to committing domestic violence against her mother, smoking marijuana daily, and abusing alcohol.
Include the following in your 2–3-page report not including the title or reference pages:
Provide an overview of needs you identified. Conduct library research to locate one or two types of programs that you believe address these needs. You will need to evaluate how effective the programs are by reviewing recidivism and relapse rates. Finally, you will locate a local program for referral.
NOTE: This Assignment will require outside research. You may consult the Library, the internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations and references in APA style.
Creating a Case Plan
For this assignment, you will complete your initial case plan for your client. Based on the information you have already gathered and written about your client’s situation and the resources available in your community, you are going to identify appropriate intervention strategies to help your client meet their stated goals.
Assignment Directions
Please write a paper based on the client scenario you have created, ensuring your responses reflect professional standards and expectations in the field.
Please addresses each of the following:
- Briefly summarize your client’s demographics, problem, needs, and goals.
- Identify at least one theory of human services aligned with your client’s situation.
- Apply that theory to identify and prioritize your client’s needs. Which issues would you work on first and why?
- Use research to identify appropriate intervention strategies for your client.
- Support your intervention strategies with a discussion of best practices and historical/current trends being used for the issues your client faces.
- Describe how you would implement this intervention plan and discuss how you would measure client progress.
- Remember to discuss how you would work with your client to overcome the barriers you identified in the Unit 6 project.
Assignment Guidelines
Your paper should be a maximum of 3 pages, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements:
- Title Page: Provide your name, assignment title, course and section number, and date.
- Body: Include an introductory and a concluding paragraph. Answer all the questions, reflecting appropriate personal and professional insights.
- The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and purpose that is clearly established and sustained. The communication of your thoughts must be highly ordered, logical, and unified, displaying exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics (including the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure).
- Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct and accurate, and reflect knowledge of human services in youth and family services and administration.
- Reference Page: Sources listed in APA format.
- Include a minimum of two sources to support your responses and conclusions. One can be from a previous text in your program. The other should be from a peer-reviewed journal or article found in the Purdue Global Library.
- Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left-aligned.
- Use standard 1″ margins on all sides.
environment, reinforcement and social-cognitive theory
It will be important to get into the habit of first completing the readings for the week and then complete the learning activities before focusing on your graded Assignment. Learning activities are non-graded and will be aligned to content you will address in your assignment.
Introductory paragraph: In your readings you learned about the effect of the environment, reinforcement, and the social-cognitive theory on actions and behavior. In this assignment you will have the opportunity to apply these theories and concepts to a current debate about the impact of media on behavior and personality.
Unit 8 Assignment: This week you will complete a 2–3-page expository paper exploring how the environment, reinforcement and social-cognitive theory can work together to influence behavior. Then you will apply that knowledge to the impact of media on behavior and actions in personality development.
- Discuss how the environment, reinforcement, and social-cognitive theory can work together to change behavior.
- Use information about reinforcement and the social cognitive theory to determine if there should be concern about the content of television programs and movies. (Can it impact behavior?)
- Provide reliable research to support your view.
Observational learning and self-regulation take center stage in this unit’s reading. The social-cognitive theory will look at how your environment and thinking come together to help determine actions taken. The internal motivations give a form of self-reinforcement when pleasure is derived from accomplishments that gain attention or feel right. Look carefully at the roles of freedom and determinism in these theories as this can give insight into how much you play a part in the choices you make and the person you become.
Read Chapter 11: Albert Bandura and Walter Mischel
Unit 4 Written Assignment: Background Statement
Background Statement
Follow the steps below to compose the background statement.
The background statement should address the following questions:
Why did you become interested in this topic?
In what specific setting does your project take place?
What is the context of the project?
What are primary issues resulting from the problem?
- Who are the primary stakeholders?
- What is the theoretical framework you have selected to evaluate the problem and to arrive at a solution for the problem?
- Ensure that you have a logical transition from your topic to your background statement.
Paper Requirements
- The background statement is a Level 2 heading.
- Utilize two (2) paragraphs to write your background statement.
- Length: 1 page.
Unit 2 – Written Assignment: Topic & Preliminary Annotated Bibliography
Topic & Preliminary Annotated Bibliography
Your topic should:
Identify a specific issue or problem in a specific situation and localized setting (workplace or community).
Seek to improve professional and community practices.
Generate new knowledge to address a specific problem to improve practice.
Improve the well-being of the people involved.
Interest you personally and professionally.
This will be the first section of your proposal.
Once you identify your topic, you will:
- Conduct a review of the recent academic literature on your topic. Use both The Chicago School Library(Links to an external site.) database, and Google Scholar (Links to an external site.) to conduct your search of the most recent literature on your topic.
- Identify and read three peer-reviewed journal articles published within the past five years to support your topic.
- Write a description of the journal articles in annotated bibliography format following APA guidelines.
- Write a single paragraph up to seven sentences for each article.
- Include the main point of the article.
- State how the findings of the article relate to the other sources in your bibliography.
- Avoid opinion without support from the literature.
- Include both positive and negative comments about the article. You can generally find limitations presented by the authors near the end of the article.
- Always review the resource section of an article or dissertation for additional sources. Use the work of others to help build your literature review.
You will use your topic of interest to begin the process of developing a research proposal. Through an iterative process, you will develop and refine your research proposal across the course, culminating in the Signature Assignment.
Paper Requirements
- The topic is a Level 1 heading.
- In one paragraph, state your topic and how it aligns with your program concentration and/or professional interests in psychology. Develop an annotated bibliography following the guidelines presented above.
- Length: approximately two pages (double spaced).
Note: Your Annotated Bibliography will be expanded to five peer-reviewed journal articles and submitted again in Module 2.
Research Paper: Instructions and Expectations
This assignment requires you to conduct independent research and study of a project management topic of your choice with the objective of responding to a research question. Below are the major milestones of the project:
- Module 3: Submission of topic for approval and feedback – 5 Research Paper: Topic Submission
- Module 5: Submission of outline for instructor feedback – 3 Research Paper: Outline Submission
- Module 9: Final submission of paper – 4 Research Paper: Final Submission (PLG1)
The paper must be based on a topic relative to the course subject matter with the focus on investigating a specific research question. This effort should require approximately five to seven pages of written text. The following content structure is recommended:
- Cover Page (not included in page count)
- Introduction (approximately 1 page ending with a focused research question statement)
- Review of Relevant Literature – Literature should be current within five years. (length as needed)
- Analysis – Critical Thinking (length as needed)
- Conclusions and Response to the Research Question (approximately 1 page)
- Reference Page (not included in page count)
Some research questions for consideration are:
- How can a project manager minimize the project life cycle impacts of engineering design changes issued during the execution phase?
- How do project management ethics influence success or failure of a project?
- What are the major challenges associated with organizing and managing a project team?
Suggested Resources for Topic Selection and Research Materials:
- Academic Resources, including the Hunt Library, in the Start Here area
- Google™ ScholarLinks to an external site.
- PMI®– Published ResearchLinks to an external site.
- other databases for industry and government-related documents
9.4 Research Paper: Final Submission (PLG1)
By now you have had a chance to brainstorm about your research question and to provide an outline of your paper. It is now time to submit your paper. Before doing so, use the instructions in 1.5 Research Paper: Instructions and Expectations to ensure you have met the criteria for the paper. Also, review the rubric before uploading your submission.
Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.
Your paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin when you submit your assignment in this activity. Turnitin is a service that checks your work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against a database of web pages, student papers, and articles from academic books and publications. Ensure that your work is entirely your own and that you have not plagiarized any material!