Category Archives: Research Papers
F22 Program
To complete this assignment, review the articles below. Especially note the second article which highlights a failed project strategy in the Air Force F-22 development program. The F-22 program included many thousands of projects for over a decade. This project was probably not considered a major challenge to complete, but the project failure resulted in severe impacts on the overall program.
- DoD watchdog: Air Force failed to effectively manage F-22 modernizationLinks to an external site.from DefenseNews
- Fewer planes are ready to fly: Air Force mission-capable rates decline amid pilot crisisLinks to an external site.from DefenseNews
For this assignment, use Canvas Studio to create a PechaKucha-style presentation that describes what you believe could have been some of the contributing factors to this deficient project management strategy. Use no more than 5 slides (not including a title slide and reference slide) with only 15 seconds per slide.
Review the Media Hub and Pecha Kucha tabs in the Presentation Guide in the Course-Specific Information area for detailed information on Canvas Studio and Pecha Kucha. Review the rubric in this activity for specific grading information.
Post your presentation for all to view; you will not be able to see your classmates’ presentations until you post your own. Take time to review your classmates’ presentations to expand your knowledge on this topic. Comments on classmates’ presentations are not required.
Current Events #1 Assignment
Current Events #1 is due to be submitted in Canvas by Sun 1/23, @ 11:59 pm. Please read the Current Events explanation in the Assignments Info module labeled Current Event. There is also a sample Current Event there for you to review.
Your Current Event can be related to anything we have discussed in Weeks 1, or 2. For example, Leadership, Stock Market, SWOT analysis, Stimulus efforts of the Govt, etc.
Please research an article related to those topics and write a 1-2 page synopsis. Less than 1 full page is not acceptable! It is your choice as to where the information comes from and you have quite a bit of freedom.
Please include the source of your material and a link or URL at the bottom of your work, and put it in a Word Doc (Docx). Your work should have a Title. Please do not just copy the article word for word because Turnitin will tell you and me how much of the article you copied or plagiarised. You can resubmit your assignment if Turnitin shows a high word match %. Use your own words.
Use your own explanation of your take-a-way from the article and give me your opinions. That is most important. Give me your conclusion, your opinion and substantiate your position. I believe this way because of, here is my opinion, and why…. I agree or disagree because, this matters to me because it affects me how…Make us care about what is important to you.
It should be in 12 pt font and Times New Roman. If you have trouble submitting your work, always look to change your browser. I use Chrome and it normally works well. Firefox next. Internet Explorer and Safari not soo.
Week 2): Business Model Canvas Part 1
GOAL: Create the initial element of your Business Model Generation—your business Model Canvas.
Introduction: Using the Osterwalder and Pigneur Business Model Canvas as a resource (coupled with the other resources of the course), create a business model canvas of the business organization where you work. Since every organization has unique features, do your best to work at the application of the various components of the building blocks of the canvas. Show as much detail as you can so that it is evident that you comprehend the general business model of your organization. There must be a demonstration of synthesis of the procedure on your part. You may need to interview some of the management team to verify the business model details of your organization. You may also benefit from conducting an Internet search of the Business Model Canvas to become comfortable with how it works. There are many other YouTube-type videos on the web that demonstrate the use of the canvas. You will also find several good sources in the Lessons area of the course under the Reading and Resources tab of weeks 1 and 2.
Instructions: Your submittal this week will be considered as a “draft” that should consist of:
- A Cover page that provides a general description of your organization/business:
Name of the organization (preferably your present organization/business)
Date of origination (or incorporation)
Location (as appropriate; some entities require discretion)
Brief overview of the purpose of the organization/business
Description of your relationship and role in the organization/business
Other details that enable fuller explanation (if applicable)
- Business Model Canvas with Post-It notes (as seen in the examples). You have three options for the submission of your canvas:
- You may download and use the blankPowerPoint canvas with electronic Post-Its to create your canvas, or
- You may create a Word.doc that lists the nine building blocks (clearly identify each one) and uses bulleted points in the same manner as Post-Its.
- Creation of your post-its via the following web-help site, and then submission of the resulting URL for the finished canvas. (Canvanizer)
- Create a memo (no particular format, but neatly presented) that describes what you learned about your organization/business as a result of creating the business model canvas.
UPLOAD your finished assignment into the Assignment page. You may consolidate the cover page and memo into one document if you use the PowerPoint method of the canvas. If you do all of the assignment as a Word.doc, then you may consolidate the entire assignment into one document; it is your call. However, Each file OF YOUR WORK should be named in the following manner: Last name–truncated Week Number-Assignment name (abbreviated if necessary)
For example: Smith-Wk02-Model Part 1
GRADING: The Powerpoint Rubric will be used to grade this assignment (and the professor will adjust the use of the rubric to apply to the options pertaining to the delivery of this assignment).
(Week 5): Business Model Canvas Part 2: Pattern, Design, and Strategy
GOAL: Build on your work with your business model canvas by discussing the patterns, the design, and the overall business strategy that it illustrates.
Introduction: Using the week 5 Learning Material in the Content area (coupled with the other resources of the course), examine and discuss the observable patterns, designs, and strategies seen in your business model. You should also integrate metaphors (Morgan’s) and framing (Bolman & Deal) into the discussion of your organization/business. This paper will serve as an investigative tool to inform you further about your business model so that you will be prepared to comprehensively diagnose/assess your model and propose recommendations in your final project for the course. You could say that this week’s work lays the groundwork for moving into the substantive diagnosis and assessment expected in your final paper. You may also benefit from conducting an Internet search of the Business Model Canvas to become comfortable with how it works, particularly in the investigation of patterns, design, and strategy. There are also various YouTube-type videos on the web that demonstrate the use of the canvas for this phase of your work with your canvas.
Instructions: Write a 600-750 word paper that presents your conclusions about the pattern(s), design(s), and overall business strategy depicted by your canvas. Metaphoric and framing applications should also be discussed. The paper should be written in third person and is not reflective (first person not acceptable). A title page and references page with a minimum of three sources is required (no abstract needed).
IMPORTANT NOTE: One of the common errors that students make in the writing of this paper is to limit the discussion of the “frames” (Bolman & Deal) and “metaphors (Morgan). Do not merely mention these items, but discuss the implications of them. What “frame” best depicts your organization and why? What does it tell you about the effectiveness of the context/perspective of the interactivity within of your model? Make the same sort of consideration in relation to the most appropriate metaphor that describes the functionality of your organization/business. Look for the “so what” in your consideration of pattern, design, and strategy. This is where the consideration and reflection based on your model—with added insight via the frames and metaphors—provides you a substantive understanding of the implications of the pattern, design, and strategy. Consideration of change, or confirmation of direction—will be revealed in this process.
Upload your paper (.doc) in the assignment section for grading. Follow the Submissions Guidelines as listed in the Syllabus: The various assignments for this course should be submitted as Word.doc attachments in the Assignment section. Do not use macros or automatic referencing in your papers for this course. The auto features usually cause unforeseen problems in format. Plus, part of the evaluation of this paper involves your proficiency in the essentials of the APA style format. Each file OF YOUR WORK should be named in the following manner: Last name–truncated Week Number-Assignment name (abbreviated if necessary)
For example: Smith-Wk05-Model Part 2
BEFORE YOU WRITE/SUBMIT YOUR PAPER Be sure to open and utilize the attached template.
(Week 4): Case Study Analysis Using Metaphors
Goal: Create a case study analysis based on two scholarly studies that utilize metaphors (Morgan’s, or similar) to describe the functionality of organizations. After a concise, but thorough, analyses of the cases, summarize the benefits of using metaphorical devices in management practice.
Instructions: Students will write a 600-750 word case study analysis based on two case studies that involve the use of Morgan’s metaphors (or similar) as a tool to understand organizations. Review the Case Study Analysis procedure attached to this assignment. Obtain your case study articles from scholarly peer-reviewed journals in the APUS online library. Use case studies that were published within the last ten years. After a concise, but thorough and clear delineation and analysis of the cases, complete the paper with a summary of what you gleaned from using metaphors to understand management practice within organizations.
Write using the APA style format, including a title page and references page (no abstract is required). When you upload your paper, also upload pdfs of BOTH case studies, so the professor can check your analysis.
Use the following outline in your summary (in APA format with a Title page and References page):
- Identify the business problems of each of the cases; describe the metaphor(s) used.
- Rank-order the critical issues stated in the cases
- Evaluate the proposed solutions. Are the solutions valid? Why or why not? How/why did the use of metaphor(s) assist in the solution?
- Submit recommendations you propose beyond what is already stated in the cases.
- State how the solutions will be communicated in each case. Do you agree? Why or why not?
- At the end of the paper, write a paragraph expressing the takeaways/benefits of using metaphors in management practice.
NOTE: Do not use macros or automatic referencing in your papers for this course. The auto features usually cause unforeseen problems in format.
Follow the Submissions Guidelines as listed in the Syllabus: This assignment should be submitted as Word.doc attachment in the Assignment section of our virtual classroom. The file name of your paper should be named in the following manner: Last name–truncated Week Number-Assignment name (abbreviated if necessary).
For example: Smith-Wk04-Metaphors Case Study Analysis
The accompanying articles upon which your work is based should be saved to your computer as a pdf files and then uploaded along with your assignment, named as suits you, EXCEPT put your last name first in the following manner: Last name–the name of the respective article (abbreviate as needed).
For example: Smith-YadaYada Research
Please note that this week you should upload three items into the same assignment area: your paper (.doc) plus the two case studies (each as a .pdf) upon which your paper is based.
PST Project Link
The purpose of the assignment is to provide students the opportunity to design a Psychological Skills Training (PST) program meant to improve performance of an athletic team (or any group that fits personal career aspirations). The student can choose to carry out the project with the designated team or group but doing so is not mandatory since we are in a limited time frame.
- This is not a research paper… it is development of PST program and your presentation of the program
- Students originate and design a PST program, and develop a 12-minute narrated video presentation
- The presentation must include a narrated slide show
- The presentation video submission must have a URL link… this is all you will submit
- Students complete the project independently (this is not a group project)
- The project should focus on an aspect of sport or exercise psychology of personal interest
- Use the text and course materials to help you decide on a focus
- The project should be designed to enhance sport or exercise performance for a sports team, athletic team, or any formal group of your choosing
- Due to our limited time frame, you do not have to carry out the project, only design it
Examples of Potential Topics
- Using imagery to improve basketball foul shooting for a college or high school team
- Implementing relaxation techniques to reduce pre-competition anxiety
- Improving sportsmanship in a youth sport through role play
- Improving exercise adherence through a video motivational series
- Developing a program to improve mental toughness for wrestlers (or sport of choice)
- These are just a few… please be creative and explore an area of interest to you personally; this is not meant to be a prescriptive assignment; instead I want you to enjoy the chance to devise a potential project of personal interest and usefulness
Scholarly Foundation
- The PST program must be based on a sound scholarly foundation; it cannot simply be your opinion
- Include a Resources slide indicating at least 5 scholarly sources that informed your program
Slide Show Guidelines
- Develop a minimum of 10 slides as follows
- Introductory Slide: Your name, course, date; instructor name; the PST program name
- Abstract Slide: brief summary of your PST program
- Content Slides
- Resources Slide
- Every slide must contain at least one image and some text
- Avoid excessive text on the slides; you are to present the material not make us read a paper
Review the details of your assessment including the rubric. You will have the ability to submit the assessment once you submit your required self-assessments and engage with your Faculty Subject Matter Expert (SME) in a substantive way about the competency.
In this Performance Task Assessment, you will consider healthcare quality issues that you observe in practice. You will also locate evidence that relates to the issue from scholarly sources.
Looking Ahead
Over the course of Competencies LC4002A – LC4005A, you will be going through the steps of your Quality Improvement Project which will be submitted in LC4005A. During each Competency, you will complete one or more parts of the final project, and in LC4005A, you will use these parts to create the final project.
This practice experience project has six parts:
- Analyze available evidence and identify a quality improvement practice problem;
- Conduct a literature search finding data and evidence-based solutions/interventions to support the importance of the quality improvement practice problem;
- Identify the quality improvement tools (Fishbone diagram, Pareto Chart, Process Flow Chart, etc.) that will display the data supporting the need for the Quality Improvement Project;
- Apply the PDSA process to the development of the Quality Improvement Project;
- Develop an evidence-based plan to address the quality improvement practice problem; and
- Present the final Quality Improvement Project as a comprehensive paper and quality improvement storyboard.
The practice experience is an active learning process that provides you with the opportunity to apply your nursing knowledge by addressing a quality improvement practice problem. The practice experience is comprised of selected onsite experiences and completion of a Quality Improvement Project with guidance from your subject matter expert. For additional information on the practice experience, follow this link:
The practice experience guide can also be found here:
To complete this Assessment, do the following:
- Be sure to adhere to the indicated assignment length.
- Download the Academic Writing Expectations Checklistto review prior to submitting your Assessment.
Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the SME will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.
All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate. Submissions that do not meet these expectations will be returned without scoring.
This Assessment requires submission of one (1) document, a 3–4-page paper. Save this file as: LC4002A_firstinitial_lastname (for example, LC4002A_J_Smith)
When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.
Important Note: As a student taking this Competency, you agree that you may be required to submit your Assessment for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted Assessment materials will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such materials. Use of the service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on the site.
Addressing Quality Issues in Healthcare
As a practicing nurse, you probably see falls, CLABSI, CAUTI, MRSA infections, and other such issues arise from time to time. No facility is immune to safety issues, and, as a nurse leader, it is your job to identify these issues and work to address them using evidence.
In this Performance Task Assessment, you will discuss healthcare quality and the pioneers that shaped current practices. You will also consider a practice problem that might be present in your practicum facility and locate evidence surrounding the problem.
In a 3- to 4-page paper, address the following:
- Define healthcare quality in your own words and apply it to the work of one major quality pioneer as listed in the Spath (2018) textbook (Shewhart, Deming, Juran, Ishikawa, Crosby, Feigenbaum, etc.).
- Describe a healthcare practice problem that you have had some experience with as a consumer or as a practitioner in healthcare. The practice problem you identify must be supported by data that is available to you in your practice setting and justifies that a problem exists. This problem will be the basis for your quality improvement practicum project you will complete in the upcoming competencies (LC4003, LC4004 and LC4005). Explain how your definition of healthcare quality might apply to your selected practice problem and your experiences with it.
- Locate 5 sources of scholarly evidence published within the last five years that describe potential solutions or interventions that you can implement as part of your practicum quality improvement plan. A scholarly piece of evidence could be a journal, government agency, white paper, or professional organization. Synthesize the information in the 5 articles. Note that a synthesis of information is not a summary of each source. A synthesis involves critical reading to make connections between sources, compare the similarities and differences, highlight important information, and present new ideas based on your interpretation of the information.
Note: You will use this practice problem in your practicum project that you will work on throughout this area of expertise. Your faculty SME will provide approval for your practicum project topic in the feedback for this Assessment. Be sure to review it and address any comments in subsequent assessments.
Week 1 – Introduction to NIMS and the Incident Commany System
Everything changed for our country on 9-11-2001. From this tragic day, a more effective and efficient incident management system has been developed across our country. The National Incident Management System is the model of preparedness, response and recovery we are now using to manage all types of incidents regardless of size and complexity.
The following video introduces NIMS & ICS and explains the origin of the national plan to respond to emergencies and terrorist events due to the attacks of September 11th.
NIMS is the national model for an incident management system that is applicable across jurisdictions and disciplines and is functional for all hazards. NIMS was developed after reviewing lessons learned from major incident responses, especially those related to the events of September 11, 2001. Homeland Security Presidential Directive/HSPD–5, issued on February 28, 2003, is the basis for the development of NIMS, and it establishes the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as the agency responsible for domestic incident management.
NIMS consists of five components:
- Preparedness
- Communication and information management
- Resource management
- Command and management
- Ongoing management and maintenance
As we proceed through the course, we will come to see that the most familiar component of NIMS is the Incident Command System (ICS). It is a system for domestic incident management that has a flexible structure and uses common terminology, positions, and incident facilities. NIMS incorporates the previously established components of the Incident Command System (ICS), making them a cornerstone of domestic incident management. The components of the ICS have not been substantially altered by NIMS. Instead, a focus on integrated incident management (illustrated by the Unified Command [UC] concept) has been added.
ICS is based on specific, well-defined management characteristics. These characteristics include such things as common terminology, a modular organization structure, management by objectives, integrated communications, and unity of command. Most incidents are managed locally and are handled by local communications within a single jurisdiction. ICS has a flexible core methodology for coordinated and collaborative incident management. ICS is used to organize on-scene operations for emergencies from small to complex incidents, both natural and manmade.
For an overview of the organizational chart in the ICS system watch this video. It explains how ICS is able to expand or contract depending upon the size and scale of the event.
Incident Management versus Emergency Management
As you can see, the term incident management refers to how incidents are managed across all homeland security activities. The term emergency management differs a bit and refers to the coordination and integration of all activities necessary to build, sustain, and improve the capability to prepare for natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other man-made disasters.
Week 2 – The Incident Command Planning System Process
This week we will focus on the planning process and specifically the Planning Section Chief. While not as well know as the Operations Section or the Incident Commander, the Planning Section is a vital part of the incident management system and that is why we focus on this section first. Planning is often overlooked on local responses and is frequently the flaw in complicated emergency response situations. The Planning Section is comprised of intelligence analysts, technical experts and others who are skilled and experienced in the specific type of response at hand.
The Planning Process
The Planning Section consists of four primary units: the Resources Unit, the Situation Unit, the Documentation Unit, and the Demobilization Unit. Technical specialists may play a critical role in effective incident management. They may be assigned to any component of the ICS structure. Consider forming a Technical Unit if long-term expertise is expected or if the expertise is needed by multiple components of the ICS structure. An effective planning process is critical to domestic incident management.
The Five Phases of the Planning Process
The NIMS-approved planning process consists of five phases:
- Understand the situation
- Establish incident objectives and strategy.
- Develop the plan.
- Prepare and disseminate the plan.
- Evaluate and revise the plan.
Week 3 – The Incident Commander (IC)
The Incident Commander, also referred to as “IC” is the central and most important position in the Incident Command System. Incident Command is either single or unified in structure. Single command is a structure in which a single individual is responsible for all of the strategic objectives of the incident. This is typically used when an incident is within a single jurisdiction and is managed by a single discipline. Unified Command is utilized when we have multiple organizations and/or jurisdictions involved in a response and we will cover it in more detail later in the course. Please watch the following video of an Incident Commander during a briefing of his Command Staff.
This video shows an Incident Commander during a morning briefing of command staff for the transitional to a new operational period.
The following graphic helps to show the structure of the Incident Commander and General Staff:
Unified Command
We will go into more detailed discussion of Unified Command later in the course, but for introductory purposes, the Unified Command (UC) is a structure in which multiple individuals are cooperatively responsible for all the strategic objectives of the incident. UC is used in incidents that involve multiple jurisdictions or multiple agencies with overlapping responsibilities and authorities.
UC involves the following:
- Colocated Command at the IC post
- One Operations Section Chief to direct tactical efforts
- Coordinated process for resource ordering
- Shared Planning, Logistics, and Finance/Administration functions
- Coordinated approval of information releases
Effective UC depends on a collaborative approach to incident management and requests a single Incident Action Plan (IAP) and a single command post. UC also depends on effective relationships and mutual respect among members of the UC group.
Command Staff
The Command Staff consists of Command, the Public Information Officer (PIO), the Safety Officer (SO) and the Liaison Officer (LNO). Additionally, assistants and special advisors may be appointed based on the type of incident and its complexity.
The General Staff consists of Section Chiefs for Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/Administration. NIMS has added Intelligence/Investigations as a new, optional member of the general staff.
The Incident Operational Period is a key factor in the overall response to an emergency incident with implications for almost every aspect of the ICS including planning, operations, resources, etc
Week 4 – Unified Command
Last week we discussed the position of the Incident Commander and also studied Incident Operational Periods. As we learned last week, the Incident Commander is the central figure in any incident response. However, what happens when we have a large or complex incident with more than one organization or jurisdiction involved? Typically what we will see is a Unified Command rather than a single IC. The implementation of a Unified Command helps to make sure that we have common goals and one set of incident objectives. While there may be many different organizations on scene, we need to make sure we are all playing from the same sheet of music. Please watch the following video that gives a basic understanding of a Unified Command structure.
Week 5 – Command Staff and the Public Information Officer
This week we will look at the role of the Public Information Officer (PIO) as well as other Command Staff. The PIO is the face and the voice of the incident response effort. The PIO reports the situation status to the media and can play a large role in the safety of the local community being impacted. With the modern technology of social media available to every citizen today, the role of the PIO is an ever-evolving and complicated position to hold. The PIO can have a big impact on the overall success or failure of an emergency response. Please watch the following video of a PIO in action.
Week 6 – Operations Section Chief
As we have discussed previously in the course, the Operations Section Chief is one of the key positions in the ICS system. The Operations Section is responsible for managing all tactical operations at an incident. Usually these priorities include restoring order, removing immediate hazards, establishing situational control, and saving lives and property. Please watch the following video of an Operations Section Chief during a wildfire incident.
Logistics Section
Disasters and high-impact events result in a logistics-scarce environment. The Logistics Section in a fully activated Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has a Support Branch with a Supply Unit, a Facilities Unit, and a Ground Support Unit, as well as a Service Branch with a Communications Unit, a Food Unit, and a Medical Unit. It supports all activities needed for efficient incident management. Mass sheltering places high demands on the Logistics Section. Logistics functions are based on a push or pull system. A communications failure protocol is a critical element in logistics planning. Volunteers and donations present management challenges that must be coordinated by the Logistics Section and the Planning Section.
Finance Section
The Finance/Administration Section is established when agencies involved in incident management activities require financial and administrative support services. Not all incidents will require a Finance/Administration Section. Do not assume that one must be established for every incident.
The Finance/Administration Section may create units to support compensation and claims, cost management and analysis, procurement operations, and personnel time recording. The Finance/Administration Section should have preestablished agreements, contracts, and procedural processes with local vendors, suppliers, and contractors on equipment and/or supplies that may be required during a disaster.
Wk 4 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Part B
Please use the template and only include Part B. (remove the instructions and examples)
Under each area include 3-6 elements:
Internal Data
Secondary Data
Primary Data
Customer Relationship Management
There is a correction on the worksheet but I am not able to correct it. Under Secondary Data the example is incorrect. The example uses Retail Store Analytics as an example. A better example of Secondary Data is the U.S. Census. Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks.
Submit your assignment.
Wk 2 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Part A: Strategic Marketing Plan [due Day 7]
Complete Part A of the Strategic Marketing Plan. Please select a public company. By selecting a public company you will have access to the appropriate materials needed to complete the assignment. This company will be used for assignments in weeks 2, 4, and 6. Please complete the form Part A. Delete the instructions and the examples before submitting.
Submit your assignment.