Category Archives: Research Papers

Wk 3 – Apply: Business Plan: Consumer Needs Assessment Report

As a manager and developer of your Business Plan, it is necessary that you re-examine your current consumer base to ensure your recommended solution is aligned with consumer preferences and needs. Strategic managers determine the accuracy of target markets and make necessary adjustments.


As part of your Business Plan, develop a Consumer Needs Assessment Report.


A Needs Assessment refers to a systematic process of collecting information to help management teams make informed decisions to drive change, organizational solutions, and ultimately, improve organizational performance. The results of a Needs Assessment not only can provide managers with direction but also a justification of recommended solutions and initiatives.


Develop a Consumer Needs Assessment Report to support your Business Plan. In 525-700 words, complete the following in your report:

  • Propose relevant information to be gathered on your target market consumer.
  • Formulate how and when the information of your target market will be collected.
  • Elaborate on how the target market information to be gathered aligns with the impetus for change in your selected organization, addresses identified challenges, and aligns with strategic management principles.


Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


Week 7 Final Paper

You are to write no longer than a 5 page paper in proper APA 7th Edition format. For your paper, you will create a fictional character for a movie. The character should be in a management position. Your paper should utilize appropriate course material (and from your own research).

Ensure you address the following topics in your paper:

Describe the personality of your character (this is to help the reader understand the challenges your leader faces).

How did your character develop their management traits?

Identify three management traits that the leader possesses, and explain why they are necessary to a successful manager.

How you can develop each skill or trait in your own life? Training, education, experience, etc. – but be specific (if you create goals they should be SMART).

What are the possible disadvantages of having these traits?

How have you seen the selected traits utilized effectively in your own experiences in life?

How can you market the traits (for this I would like to see resume bullets for each of the traits)? – Put yourself in your character’s shoes, as if they were writing a resume.

How do you relate to your character? Could you be managed by him/her/it?

The paper must include (all in proper APA 7th edition format):

Cover Page


Reference Page

Two additional resources from APUS online library

Two additional resources from the internet

Wikipedia, or similar sites are NOT acceptable sources for this paper


W8: Moral Development and Intensity Factors

This week’s content discussed the stages of moral development as well as a variety of moral intensity factors. Consider and comment on the following questions:

  1. Identify one well-known person today (politician, celebrity, etc.) who appears to be a pre-conventionalmoral reasoner, and describe how they demonstrate this? Do the same thing for one person who appears to be a principled moral reasoner.
  2. Reflect on the choices made by Wells Fargo in its 2016 consumer deception scandal, and describe what an intensity analysis might have looked like for those choices, in terms of the six intensity factors discussed in your content (e.g. for “consensus”, briefly discuss how widely agreed it was that the actions taken by the banks were wrong, then do the same assessment for “probability of harm”, “imminence of harm”, etc.).


W6 Assignment: Process Control

  • Process Control
  • You are a global manager of the company you found in week 1 (or your current company).  This company has one specific process that produces a product to sell to customers.
    • What would be important to you, the global manager, relative to that one process?  Why?
    • Explain the difference and how your selected company uses either one or both of the variations.
    • Why is it important for management to know whether a variation in performance came from common causes or special causes?
    • In developing a control chart, the analyst recognizes that there are two types of variation in a system. One type of variation is produced by common causes and the other type is generated by special causes.


W5 Assignment: Team Project: Project Management

  • Team Project: Project Management

As a group, design a presentation that you could give to a team of new hires. This presentation should address both parts of the assignment at an undergraduate business student level.  Use visual aids sparingly, but as needed. Add speaker notes to your presentation to help describe any additional content.

  • Part 1: Many students are sometimes confused by the concept of critical path and want to believe that it is the shortest path through a network.
    • How would you explain to this student that this is not true?
    • Give an example of a situation in which project management is needed.
    • Name some commonly used project management software programs.
  • Part 2: It has been suggested that “quality is free.”
    • Explain how improving quality can lead to reduced costs.  Does this suggest that “quality if free?”
    • What roles do operations managers play  in addressing the major aspects of service quality?
    • Use the basics of quality management (Denim, Juran, Crosby, and Ishikawa) to explain why “quality is free”.
  • Team Project: Project Management Rubric
Team Project: Project Management Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation highlights project management at an undergraduate business level. 2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation summarizes how project management is important and explains how best to use it. 3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation critiques how improving quality can lead to reduced costs within quality management. 3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation is 10-15 slides, is formatted based on APA guidelines, and includes citations and a reference page. 2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation includes detailed speaker notes on each slide and meets basic writing standards including grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, and organization. 2 pts
Total Points: 12


W3 Assignment: Global Supply Relationships

  • Global Supply Relationships
    • Search the library or Internet for information about the mutually rewarding business relationship between Apple and Foxconn.
      • Describe the advantage and disadvantages of the Apple/Foxconn relationship?
      • Analyze the issues of Apple and Foxconn in the supplier relationships.
      • Why are Foxconn’s operational problems Apple’s problems?
      • Do you think supplier relationships and supplier development is still critical in the business process?  Why or why not?
    • Global Supply Relationships Rubric
Global Supply Relationships Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper explains advantages and disadvantages of the Apple/Foxconn relationship. 2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper evaluates the Apply’/Foxconn partnership and explains why operational problems belong to both corporations. 2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper includes why you think these relationships are critical in the business process. 2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper is 4-5 pages, is formatted based on APA guidelines, and includes in-text citations and a reference page. 2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper meets basic writing standards including grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, and organization. 2 pts
Total Points: 10


Unit 9 Assignment

Juveniles Needs

Assume you are a probation officer for your local juvenile court. The judge asked you to review a case and determine the juvenile’s overall needs and make recommendations for programming based on recidivism rates.

Jenna is a 14-year-old girl who lives with her mother. She has not seen her father since the age of two. Jenna has recently become truant at school and was referred to the juvenile court. When interviewed she admitted to committing domestic violence against her mother, smoking marijuana daily, and abusing alcohol.

Include the following in your 2–3-page report not including the title or reference pages:

Provide an overview of needs you identified. Conduct library research to locate one or two types of programs that you believe address these needs. You will need to evaluate how effective the programs are by reviewing recidivism and relapse rates. Finally, you will locate a local program for referral.

NOTE: This Assignment will require outside research. You may consult the Library, the internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations and references in APA style.




The purpose of this Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Assignment is to practice presenting research on a contemporary topic in Developmental Psychology through a Narrated PowerPoint. In this Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Assignment you will present the current state of the research on a chosen topic in developmental psychology. In your Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Assignment, you are expected to present a clear overview of the current research on your topic, a discussion of gaps and limitations to the research, a biblical view of the topic, and a proposed study to further this research area.



This Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Assignment is expected to be completed in PowerPoint and be narrated (your voice describing the content). Your narration should not be read from a script, but rather you are expected to narrate it as if you were giving a presentation live at a conference or in the classroom setting.


Please include the following slides in your Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Assignment:


  • Introductory slide that tells the audience the purpose of the presentation and the topic that will be explored.



The Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Assignment should be clear and include information on the slides that helps the audience follow the argument made in your narration. Also, transitions between slides should be made in a way that helps guide the audience along the argument you are making for your research area. As you are preparing this Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Assignment, imagine you have been asked to give a talk on the current state of the research topic and how to further the research area. Your presentation is expected to be 30-45 minutes in length.


Be sure to review the criteria on the Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Grading Rubric before beginning this Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Assignment.


Week 10 Assignment – Professional Cover Letter

Completing this assignment will help you identify the skills and abilities that will move your career forward by developing a job application cover letter. If necessary, you may present yourself as a recent graduate if needed.


Using the Internet, find a specific job opening posted online within the last nine months that requires the same degree level you are completing: for example, an associate’s or bachelor’s degree. You may use one of these sites or other similar job search sites to complete your search:

Once you find a posting, write a cover letter as though you are applying for the position. Use your own information in your cover letter including your work history, academic accomplishments, and volunteer activities. Highlight and emphasize why you are the most suitable candidate for the position. Remember to tailor the letter to the specific job description for the job.

Follow the general writing guidelines in Chapter 13 of the BCOM text for structural and content guidance for a business letter.

  • Note: An example can be found in Figure 13E.


  • Content:
    • Highlight relevant background and job history information specific to the opening.
    • Describe 3–5 significant qualifications, including skills and education, with an explanation of why you would be an asset for the role.
  • Format:
    • Your cover letter should follow the example found in Figure 13E of your BCOM
      • Follow proper block business letter formatting techniques per business letter format.
      • Use appropriate professional language, greeting, and closing.
      • Develop main paragraphs with six or seven sentences.
      • The cover letter should be on page 1 of the submission. Include a working hyperlink to the job posting on page 2.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Review your work with the rubric/scoring guide before submitting your assignment to check that your work meets all of the grading requirements.

Remember to run a spelling and grammar check before submitting your assignment. Check with your professor if you have any additional questions.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Persuade audience of qualifications in the form of a cover letter.


Week 7 Assignment – Case Study Analysis

Goal: Conduct a case study analysis based on two scholarly studies that are related to your research topic. After a concise, but thorough, analyses of the cases, summarize the benefits of cross-cultural management in business.

Instructions: Students will write a 600-750 word case study analysis based on two case studies that involve cross-cultural management. Review the Case Study Analysis procedure as presented in a document located in this week’s reading resources (see Content). Obtain your case study articles from scholarly peer-reviewed journals in the APUS online library. Use case studies that were published within the last ten years. After a concise, but thorough and clear delineation and analysis of the cases, complete the paper with a summary of what you gleaned from using the cases to understand management practice within organizations.

Write using the APA style format, including a title page and references page (no abstract is required). When you upload your paper, also upload pdfs of BOTH case studies, so the professor can check your analysis.

This assignment should be submitted as Word.doc attachment in the Assignment section of our virtual classroom. The file name of your paper should be named in the following manner: Last name–truncated Week Number-Assignment name (abbreviated if necessary)

For example: Smith-Wk07 – Case Study Analysis

The accompanying articles upon which your work is based should be saved to your computer as a pdf file and then uploaded along with your assignment, named as suits you, EXCEPT put your last name first in the following manner: Last name–the name of the respective article (abbreviate as needed)

For example Smith-YadaYada Research

Please note that this week you should upload three items into the same assignment area: your paper (.doc) plus the two case studies (each as a .pdf) upon which your paper is based.

The grading rubric is found in the Resources section of the classroom.

A document “Five steps case study analysis” is found in the Content>Readings & Resources as well as in the Resources


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